Thursday April 11, 1929. J 2l exiixxxxxxxxixxxxxxxxij C1TAL tinm By Mnask Stadlemife off . MRS. H. F. BOTHWELL smpm Hi ' Sella! ' . AuadlatoifEiiiiM .' April 21, 1929 8:00 o'clock p. m. FltEE ADMISSION M iiliiiinnHiHnmtmnHmHmimTHTw D.'f. TTn About 1 -ft;V 7Vwn Z' Personalities 7 Geo Stout of Witmlc wh In Mau pin on business Tueduy morning. Ben Fralcy end J. M. Miller made business trip to The Dalles on fcat urdr met. , Kd. Driver, prominent at'Wamir, u transacting business in Maupin on Tuesday. ' Mm. Mary Crabrec, mother of Mm Arthur Crt Ightnn, lit vl itor at h?r daughter' home in Maupin. Zen Watkis came over from Tygh Valley on Monday and did buslnea with our merchants. John Conroy and Wallace Con. ley from White river were in Mau pin on bualncai last Saturday. Wllnon the painter came over from Smock and U engaged with "Shorty" Miller In painting Maupin rceldcnrw. Harold Walter and wife were among thoie from Juiper Flat who were trading In Maupin this morning. p , Dewey lofton, brother of Mr. Gui Derthlek, is one of the survey. Ing crew on the new toll Mrephnnc line. f Superintendent (irnnewidd, In company with Stat Superintendent Howard, visited the Maupin rhoh on Monday. a gust of her lister, Mr. Arthur Crelghton, a short time thi week. o W. H. Kentticr and wife, rela tives of the Schilling family, visited their Maupin relative the first few dayu of the week, they being on their w.iy noine to Klamath from Vancou ver, V.'a. hington. , s GETS PREDATORY . A.NIMAL3 Trppr Fulkcraon Take la Bobcat ad Two Coyotes Dr. W. A. Short went to Madras Monday and will take care 6f those who need dental work for the balance of this week. . It. C. Fulkcrson, government trap per stationed here, killed a sheep ruing bobrat Tuesday, catching the auhnnl across from the mouth of White river. The cat was given cred it for killing seven of the Connolly Iambi oft Monday night and was a very large specimen of feline. Fulkcrson- also killed a large female coyote on Salt Spring canyon last week, it having eight pup , He succeeded In killing a sheep killing coyote in Devil's canyon, get ting the animal the latter part of last week. That coyote had been working among the sheep along the river. , We have had occasion to remark about the skill of Bill Schilling In welding and bia knowledge of the auto repair game. We still Intk t that Bill is all to the candy when it comes to the auto gam. Nevertheless he had a peculair experience on day last week, happening thusly: BUI went to Dufur to tow a car in, driv ing a Ford. On the way the car buerator became loosened and sep arated from the J.Inie. Uncon scious o( the fact Bill kept, on and when he reached Maupin dscorered the foes. In that respect a Ford is like an old-time Campbell cylinder press take everything off but the cylinder and the blamed thing will atlll do fair printing. x Wilson the painter has returned from his winter's sojourn at his home at Silverton. He called at this print shop Tuesday and bemoaned the weather, raying that at Silverton he experienced some warm days but in this section he ran into a young win ter. Now that he is here, however, he propones to stick and father in a few jobs of painting. John Mannion has resigned a.: clerk at Hotel Kelly au J hn gene back to his original love working with sheep. John bus been employed by Fanthera and is as busy as the proverbial ant in helping take care of the little woollies aa they make their advent into thi. world, to them, of grass and mountain climbs. F.rnext Doty had a peculiar ex perience one day this week. He had sold a number of sheep pelts to a dealer of The Dalles, who, while on his way home lost a couple of the hides. One of them was picked up by a traveling man who old it to Ernest Our worthy warehouse man, Wini-r Killed Quell While petting out jiolaon in Butler canyon Trnpper Fulkcraon noticed many dend mountain quail. He says that wlnre there were large flocks before the extreme cold weather of Irtnt winter, hut one of two are seen. He ill told Uii that he found many 1 dend porcupines, they having perish- I ed thru lack of food. realizing that the pelt had been lot and aurmUiiig who lost it, was not willing he should lose it altogether, so purchased it from the find-r. Mr Hide Dealer was thus compelled to repurchase his hide,, learning the lesion therefrom to tie his load more securely when preparing to make a drive with it. x Fresaie Martin is employed at the new Shell oil plant All he has to do la to keep the earth loosened so a scraper can gather up a load to be dumped in another place, pick rockg out of the loosened earth and wear a pick handle out in so doing. Of course Fressi doesn't think that is work, but to us we know of rtveral, yes, a whole lot of things, we'd rather do. x Le ter Crofoot -works on the new bridge, and keeps bury at all times. We were there Tuesday and observed Lester yielying a hand saw, making little sticks out of long ones. Letter says directing a hand raw is all right providing it is Hnrp, but when he is given a etraight edge and drc'ed to separate fir stirki with it, well, he'd prefer a flat file as a too!. Cjl sMaM iaawMMeaMM aiy m fVyw I The. Hand That Stabs m In the Dark . . . . They Say Lightning: Never Strickes Twice in the Same Place. Once is Enough Avoid the possibility of a loss without insurance protection. A Fire Insurance Policy in The Home Insurance Company of New York guards you financially against the first destructive flash or against the many other sources of fire loss which may destroy your property. . Your Home agent can determine for you just how much insurance you need to adequately protect your property. .... i i Stuart & McDonald ELEVEN YEARS AGO From The Times April 12, 1918 An even 100 subscribers to .the Third Liberty Loan bondn wan re ported early this week. Tin amounU subcribed were: Maupin,' $11,000; Wupirtia $12,000; Wamic $300. Roy Batty has purchased the J. I. Powell farm on the lower end of the Hat. Forty-nine men have signed up as home guard. Only a few more will be neccjrary to organize. Mrs. Mary Pecftette of Wapinitia, who ha: been at Seattle during the winter, vi. itinjr with a brother, Insurance Agent3 jsyMeeVwesjrV Maupin, Oregon MACK'S CAFE fr- V Where Manpinites reeeiva Service coapled with Courtesy and Eats the Beit oa the Market. Try thia Cafe whea ia The Dalles again. is now in Alaska and reports five feet of snow at the place she is at J. P. Abbott reports about 1400 little lambs as this year's increase to his flock of sheep. Maupin will receive the state flag as having gone over the top in the. last Liberty Loan, having made a. record OJM55.5. This place; Mau pin in the forefront of the honor towns of the state and the Federal Reserve bank at San Ftancisco has been notified to send the flag to this city. 1 ' Takes Martin Residence Bobby Davidson has rented the AI vis Mxrtin residence and as soon" as the Martins go to The Dalles will move into it. Bobby will thus live i on the main stem and be more nc , ces Ible to those who desire his ser- Mrs. Ef f le Jackson, proprietress of the Tourist hotel, The Dalles, waA '.vires ns a truckman Greater Beauty, Greater Comfort, Greater Value, Little Cost! Your old stucco or wooden houses, no matter how large or small, can bo given u new dress by a cover ing of shingles, or attractive lumber siding , , . shady porches can be added . . . a new wing to the house ... gleaming floors of pine or oak . . . beamed ceilings and paneled walls . . a home of lasting beauty, comfort and increased value. You will'be surprised at the little cost, to make these and many other improvements . . . possible on any old house . . . hy the U3e of, improved . 'modern lumber. The value of your property can be greatly enhanced and your outlay will be sur prisingly low. . : Call, or ask lis to call and talk over the possibili ties of modernizing your home. Our lumjicr yard is stocked to meet every need if or modernizing your, .old house , . , inside and out. . 1 ' "Materially Yours," ; ! TUM-WUM -LUMBER COMPANY reasons why it will pay you to choose a General Motors car CHEVROLET. 7 models. I515 $715. A six in the price rtnge of the four. Smooth, powerful -cylinder rjlvt-in-hcad ' engine. Beautiful new Fisher Bodies. Alt -Light delivery chatsiv Sedan de livery model. i)j too chauij and tH ton cha?is with cab, both with four upetoi forward. rONTIAC.7model $745-95-Now offers "big ix" motoring luxury st low cost. Larger L-head engine; larger Bodies br Fuher New attractive colon and stylish line. OLDSMOBILE,7models. $?7j $jp5. The Fine Car st Low Price. New tuodrls offer further rtie tner.M, mechanically and in the Tuher Bodies ret at reduced pricei. AIko new Special De Luxe models. - OAKLAND. I modeli. $n $1)75. New Oakland All Ameri- . M Six. Disrinctivelv original appearance. Splendid performance. Luxurious appointments. Attrac- tire colors. Bodies by Fisher. BUlCK-ipreoiels. $1135 Siuy The Silver Anniversary Buick. , Three wheclbascs from it; to 118 inchn. Manerpiecs Bcnlies hy Fuller. More powerful, vibration leas motor. Comfort and luxury in every mile. LAf-ALLB. 14 models. $itj $1,875. Companion car to Cadillac. Continental lines, Distinctive ap pearance. 90-dejrrce V-trpt S-cyl-Inder ergir.e. Striting color com binitions in beautiful Bodies by Fisher. t . CADILLAC 1 J model. $i9J -$-'..o.' Thf Standard of the worlj. Famrm ffneient 8-cyiinder 9 drgrre V-n-pe engire Luwri-ut , Bodin by l ishrr and rteetwood. Eirrmivc rargc of color and up hol'tfity toml.inations, t'MI ri!te(, ,l. rietotin) . also ; FTvIGIDATRI'.A'.trominifJf.fria; . eratnt. New silent models with roM-c jrrol dfvi.-e. Tu-wnc eabi- -n-'t Pi cend model range to suit tv.i-v w f.tily. . D"rO,tTT Electti! rianti 5 W tet SareHH. Provide all elm... I c-..ui'nientca and lbor ssvSog c cv-iui lot lbs frta. t Engineering Excellence All General Motors products embody the tested idqas of open-minded scientists of the Engineering .Departments, Research Laboratories, and Proving Ground. ") , , 2. Fair rrice Policy General Mo tors products offer maximum value in each price class, whetheryou pay cash or buy on time, or use your present car as part payment. J (general Motors Acceptance Cor poration The largest time financing company, offering low rates, making it easy to-buy out of income. (GMAC Plan). , , ; A, Resah Value A large num ber of miles of transportation are built into each General Motors car and truck. That mileage gives jhc product a definite cash value, which is main tained in the used car or truck market. 5. Finest Body Work -Fisher Body is a part of General Motors. That assures yon the most sturdy, safe and beautiful bodies. All General Motors . cars have "Body by Fisher." (jt Volume Production By produc ing around x,oco,coo cars and trucks a year, together with many other products, General Motors can effect large cconomicsin manufacturewhich are passed on to you in the quality and price of your General Motors car. "7 Combined Purchasing Power of Many Companies Assuring the use of the best materials atvthe lowest prices. 8. orU-wUe Service .There are 33,000 salesrooms and service stations in more than 100 countries to serve General Motors' customers. C). PemwHCHce General Motors is " in business to stay. Its resources, strength, and stability assure you that the quality, service, and value of its products will be maintained. a G E N E.RAL M OTO RS c-i,.' COUPON Genfril Motors (Dept. A), Detroit, Mich. Q CHEVROLET OAKLAND rieasufndmr, nillioutfbl!gtj"n, information PONTIAC." Q BUICK checked -oariherrith yJ new illumed D OLJPSMOBILE LaSALLB bcok"rfeP- MM.n CADILLAC t'nidattl iftemfitic Rtfriertter Mti-lJt Elttlt'x Tram tnd Liht FU-tUi Q 5 IFtttr SjUtm Name, ...... ........... ,. , . A'ifiress. '. TUNE 1N-Qenral Mown rrlly rirtv,Fiy MendiT.j t- r.M.(SiMcra SuUitl Tlaw) VAF Mi )7 uwcUMii rl r.Wlcoi O. F. RENICK, Local Manager SaOi