The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, April 11, 1929, Page Page Two, Image 2

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thuriday April U, l2i.
The Haapia Times
aj ixrPExruxT newspaper
C. W. ScaiTBTC, Editor
C V i-iw't d R. Secames
?i .very Tuurviay at
.vliupio, Oregon
c-wotf.;-c;..a: On year, $1.50; six
cr:onu, $1.00; three months, eOcts.
Entered m second clasg mail mat
ter September 8, 1914, at the post
ttice at Maupin, Oreon, undr the
Act of March 8, 1876.
-V..' ", ' , ,
l'tloa Pacific Acqairee Lin of
Bis Mountain Company
i .
The Union Pacific stages have
bougni the lines and busses of the
Blue Mountain Transportation com
pany and will begin operation of
same under its name.
The newly acquired lines operate
bcteween Pendleton and Lewiston
via "Walla Walla, and also between
Pendleton and Colfax, Washington.
With the -tange ine goes the valuable
privilege t0 do interestate business
in the state of Washington. At pres
etit the Union Pacific stages can dc
interstate business between Waiting
tea and Oregon and between Wash
ington and Idaho but cannot tak
ticket passengers from one Washing
ton town to another town in that
Nw Painting Jobs
"Shorty" Miller continues to con
vince home owners of the necessity
of keeping their premises looking
just right. This week he took jobs
which mean that L. C. Henneglum,
Wm. Woodcock and J. F. Krr.mir
will have their residence; spruced np.
Last week he completed painting the
Geo. McDonald home and George
aays the job was one of the best ever
done n Maupin.
Flcah Grafting Dne ,
Marcus Shearer, who is in a
Dalles hospital suffering from
barns sustained during the Fischer
rage fire, underwent a flesh
grafting operation last week. The
flesh was taken from one leg and
transplanted . to the other. It is
expected the grafting will prove
successful, as the grafts seem to be
taking hold in fine shape. Marcus
may be able to come home iri an
other month.
The Tygh Valley Hi -School
aturday Evening
April 27, 1929
Professor Montgomery Walton Absent minded and afflicted
with theories , Walter McGreer
Mrs. Walton Sour on the male sex Naomi Magill
Margaret Walton What could you expect?..... Celia Hood
Jim Cameron A regular young American Arthur McGreer
Curt Blair An old schoolmate of Jim's.. Harvey Rhoads
Alaska A detective of mixed ancestry Forrest Urban
Sam Hedges Works hard to earn easy money
v Harold Crawford
Dorothy Burke Hedge's Confederate ..Mary Gesh,
Sylvia Maid in the Walton home .....Nadine Harvey
Admission to Play .
Curtain at 8 o'clock sharp.
VUiUi Our School
State Superinlendtit Howard, in
company with Supt- Gronewald, vis
;ted Xi;vpin ..chools on Monda;.
Mr. Howard complimented I'.nin
va the condition cf the .ruol,
raying they sized up much belter
,iu.n a majority of such he has., vis
aed. Mr. Howard said is was easy
to determine ju. t what kind of a
head our schools had, as everything
seemed to go along smimmingly and
with an ease that made lus visit
Building Phono Lin .
Billy Heckman is superintending
a pick and shovel while excavating
for telephone poles. Manager Bays
haa employed Billy to dig the holes
for new poles to be set in improving
the local line and those poles will
be set pust right, for Billy knowv;
just how to set them so they wil
stand up. .
Back on Rod Work
Charley Kramer came in from
Lakeview yesterday morning and in
the afternoon took the 0. W. train
for Crater Lka, where ht will have
charge of a rock crushing cvv. Char
ley has worked for the Milne Con
traction company the pM !!'tv
nd will soon begin tiii riii yc.r
for that firm.
Back From Idh
Frank Linn has returned from
Lowell, Idaho, where he spent the
winter with his father. Frank says
Idaho is a grand state but for real
enjoyment and health he comes to
Oregon. He will be employed at
the Linn mill on the upper Flat dur
ing the coming season.
Martin' New Addre
Afvis Martin and wife will move
to The Dalles this week. They have
purchased a re idence on the hill
in the east part of the county seat
town, the number being 1010 Clark
street, near Jackson, where they
will be at home to their many
Shrimp a Trout Food
A third large shipment of fresh
water shrimp has been received by
the hatchery department of the
state game commission, according to
Matt Ryckman, superintendent
These came from Utah and will be
used as food for trout in lakes and
treams of Oregon where there is
a limited supply of food. The shrimp
propagate rapidly and once started
in a lake of stream will provide food
Cast of Characters:
for thousands of trout
Improving Horn
Dr. StovaU contimc-i to make im
provements at his rtsiclnce, the lat
ent to be made tluuv u being the in
stallation of bath room fixtures.
Billy' Heckman has completed dig
ging for a septic tank and also, the
excavation under the house for a
furnace, which the doctor will cut
b Jn tim, t0 tht- CtflJ next
Home From Portland
Mr:. Julius Shepflin arrived home
from" Portland Sunday afternoon
and expects to remain here indefi
nitely. Mrs. Shepflin has been at
tending the sister of K. G. Hedin
for the past three months, the lady
being very ill with some undeter
mined malady.
Salaaian a Town
Jay Salzman, traffic officer in
charge of this dktrict, was in Mau
pin Tuesday looking into the matter
of wrong license plates on wrong
ears. He straightened the mixup
out and now all interested are eat
Getting Horse Ready-
Wallace Conley, the Tygh Valley
rodeo rider, b getting hia string
of horses in shape for the coming
season. Wallace has acquired some
fast horses and expects to win a
majority of the relay races in which .
he will enter.
Pine Grove News
The Ladies Aid sale of pies and
Makes and baskets at Wapinitia
brought in a total of $22.00 la?t
Saturday. N. G. Hedin acted as
auctioneer and L. A. Hartman as
The implement and animal sale
at the Tapp ranch on Saturday at
the Bink Tapp ranch was not as
largely attended as it might have
been had it not been for the incle
ment weather. At that the mules
and implement", went at good prices.
W. A. Bullock, 'district manager
of the Northern Life Ins. company,
visited Pine Grove, Wapinitia and
Maupin last Saturday.
Earl Bonner is at work for Wal
ter Woodside these days.
Andy Booth and Carl Powell have
moved to the McFarlane mill. 1
Ar.dy Booth took a mare to The
Dalles in his truck rn ?,Ionday for
50 cents, 25 cents
Dance in Gym after show
The Maupin State Bank
Loan and discounts .. 5 185,544.81
Overdrafts 63.8?
Bands, securities, etc. - 19,050.00
Bunking house $5000.00, furniture and fixtures $1900.00 ... 6,900.00
Heal Wite owned other than banking bouse.... ' 5,473.61
Cash, due from banks and cash items "25.952.20
Total 242,983.99
Capital stock paid In... S 25,000.00
Surplus .'. .'. 5,000.00
Undivided profits net - - 5,922.03
Demand deposita - 134,854.81
Time certificates
Bills payabe and rediscounts
STATE OF OKLliON, County of Wasco as,
I, F. D. Stuart, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that
iha above statement ia true to the bent of my knowledge and belief.
F. D, STUART, Caahicr.
CORRECT Attest: . . .
Subscribed and (worn to before me this 30th day of March, 1929.
(Seal) GEO. MCDONALD, HoUry Public.
My commission expires January 10, 19 i2.
Mr. Wise, and when
he returned
brought Andy Ander on with him.
Andy Anderson has arrived here
and will work for Alt in the tim-
Lillian Washburn and Ruth Wal
ters sang and acted out the old
song, "N. Sir," at the Ladies Aid
social at Wapinitia Saturday night.
Dr. L. S. Stovall visited hia tim
ber line ranch on Sunday, where
he met Walter Sharp on business.
Jack Howard, teacher at the
Batty schuol, visited at Pine Grove
on Sunday.
Dorothy and Alice Davis, ) t
tending school at Maupin, spent
the week end at their parents'
home. .
Joe A. Graham expects to place
a road crew at Bear Springs as
soon aj the snow will permit.
The continued snow and auqally
weather stopped the snow from
melting on the upper regions, con
sequently there la no water flowing
down McCubbina gulch.
McFarlane's mill will start up
a. soon as water is available. N
W. A. Dane, Walter Sharp and
N. G. Hedin are running ditch
lines on the upper Flat.
Wm. Sttlwell of Tyith Valley
came up for the sale and tok nev.
eral head' of mules heme with .him.
Bill is always an active figure al
farm sales in this part of Wasco
county. .
Harry Lpwis of Smock called on
Pine Grove friends Saturday laBt.
Sam Brown, Roy Batty, George
Claymier and-Frank Batty pur
chased fresnoes at the Tapp anle.
More land leveling in sight.
Timothy Linn and family at
tended the social Saturday ' night.
The way Tim bid on fancy pies and
cakes indicates that he hns not lost
hfo sweet tooth.
Melvin Walters is out after the
shot put victory at the Tygh Val
ley track meet. He won that event
with a safe margin in 1828.
Hazel Laughlin, speedy, sprinter
of Tine Grove-, expects to hustle all
other entrants in the 50 and 75
yard sprints at the coming track
Lewi-, Walters has rented con
siderable land from Ishom Went and
has three plow outfits turning over
the soil. His niece, Lucile Walter.,
's keeping house for the smaller
children during her uncle' abtence.
Ed. . Mathews has rented a strip
of pasture on the McKcttrick ranch.
Ted Endersby will farm ,W. A.
Dane's iarms. Fred McLaughlin
will farm the Webber place, now
owned by Mr. Dane.
I. C. Sanford of Portland is t
temptmg to arouse interest in
grt beans on a commercial
scale, as ia being done in Idaho.
Ernest Confer has planted a new
patch of alfalfa on the John Confer
place. ,
Roy Batty Is planting more , al
fadfa. Wants more cow and speed
George Claymier sajrs his hogs
are expert, survey peg puller:. A
ditch survey job had to be 4 done
twice because George's , educated
hogs pulled up half of the first sur
vey pegs.
. Mrs. George Burnside is painting
the house internally. Mrs. Mott Is
helping her.
It is rumored that none of the
school teachert employed In the
Wapinitia schools wjll be' returned
for another year.
"Sid" Johnson and Manager
Young of the Mutual Life of New
York were scouting for business in
this rection (recently.
At the residence of Rev. Hartman,
at The Dalles, on Saturday, April
6, Mr. Elria Burlinghame of Tygh
...... - ' 52,207.15
- 20,000.00
.. $ 212,983.99
. Valley end Ciytnl
Wrei'H of
luur lage.
r.a irlond
bmock were uniU.t m
Only Immediate relative
of the contracting couple
present at the ceremony.
The young couple will reside at
Two Springs, where the groom ia
employed. They carry with them the
best wishes of a host of m friend;,
whose only wish ia that they may en
joy a life of happiness and prosperity.
condition. Good rubber and one
spare tire. Call on or write Clif
ford Cunningham, Maupin, Ore
gon. 23-tf
Jersey Giant chickens ofr talc;
not related. Hen and rooster.
See Carl Prott. 22-12
FOR SALE Shetland pony and
trotting nisre, both registered
animals. May be bought reason
able. Inquiro at Re&h's ttore.
FOR SALE Three acres of sandy
loam adjoining The Dalle.; city
limits. 200 fruit trees (160 ot
thew cherries.) modern 7-room
house; city water piped for irrga
tion; cheap rate; good barn; wood
shed, ror Information write 0.
call on Dr. R. J3. McVickcr, Tin
Dnllca. 2H4
Two high grade pion-a in forage
near Maupin. Will i-ncnfi'-e fo
' quick sale at 12 tud ilDt.
Ternp to suit. Your phonograph
or organ taken on down payment,
Free delivery. Both of the,
pianos are fully guaranteed and
the piano at $106 ia and looks like
new. Tq see, write Tallman piano
atore, Salem, Oregon. 21-t3
WORK WANTED Woman with
girl 15 wants work cooking on
ranch for the summer. Address
Care of Maupin Times. 18-tf
Land Sale. Department
The Interior
U. 3. Land office at The Dalles,
Oregon, March 27, 1D29.
Notice is hereby given that, as di
rected by the Comml sloner of the
General Land Office, under pro
visions of Sec. 2165, R. 8., pursuant
to the application of Claude Wilson,
serial No. 026800, wo will offer at
public sale, to the highest bidder,
but at no less than 4.00 .per acre,
at 10.20 o'clock a. m.. on the 28th
dav of May, next, ot this office, the
following tract of land: NW'i NE
Vi, Sec. 24, T. 7 S., It. 14 E., W. M.
The sale will not be kept open,
but will be declared clo. ed when
those preacnt at the hour named
have ceased bidding. . The person
making the highest bid will be re
quired to immediately pay the
amount thereof.
Any persons claiming adversely
the above described land are advis
ed to file their claims, orobjectlons,
on or before the time designated for
A4-M2 Register.
In the Circuit Court of
of Oregon for
the State
M. Alice Webb,
, Plaintiff
Minnie E. Bargenholt, Che;tcr
Bargenholt and Cora Bargenholt
By virture of an execution, de
cree and order of salo, duly inBucd
out of and under the seal of the
Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the county of Wasco, to
me directed and dated the 16th day
or March, 1929, upon a decree for
the foreclosure of a certain
mortgage, md judgment rendered
and entered In said court on the
25th day of January. 1929, in the
above entitled cause, in favor of the
plaintiff and against the defen-
ant, Minnie E. Iturdjriiliult, Chciter
UttUiiiiuit ami Cura uuigvnnun-
juiivi. at judgment Uutiioi, in me
. um of tlv nuiiaivu UiiiiMi, with
interest thereon irom the lBn uay
of October, 1K7, at ttie rate ot
per cent, per annum, and the fur
ther sum ot Stvemy-r ive uounra,
as attorney's te-a, and the turtner
sum of iwenty-vun and Xu-lV;0
dollars, costs and the costs of and
upon this writ, and commanding me
to make tale ol the real property
embraced in such decree of lore
closure and hereinatier tivacrtund,
will, on the ZJiU day of April,
Vili. at the hour ot 10 o'clock, in
the forenoon of said day and at Uie .
iront door of the county court house
in Uallea Uty. Waaco county, ure
goq, sell at public auction to the
itignest bidder tor cash in band, all
the right, title and luiereti wntcn
the defeudanu, Minnie t. Bargen.
iioit, Chester Uargenholt and Cora
tiarginholt-Jones, or either of them
.tad on the Usth day of July IVU,
.he date of the mortgage forecloied
tier!u, or which such defendants or
any of the defendants herein, have
iiuce acquired, or now have in and
.0 the following described real
property, situate and being In Was
.0 county, Oregon, to-wlt:
Lot X, SEW NW4, lot 3, NEtt
WW 4, Section 31, Tp. 4 S., K. IS
i. W. M., containing 160.32 acres,
jr 10 much of said propurty at will
iatlsf? said judgment and decree
vith t'.'i and accruing costs, riuil
.ropcity will be sold subject tl "en.
ilrn . it u. and rcdemptl a as l y luw
Dated at The Dalles, Oregon thla
18th day of March, 1Z.
Harold Sexton,
Sheriff Wasco County, Ore.
M 21-A 18
Department of the Interior
U! S. Land Otllce at The Dallas, Ore.
gon, March 13, 1929,
Notice it hereby given that Esther
E. Schmidt, formerly Esther E. Chrla
tt'iisen, of Shaniko, Oregon, who, on
Jan. 13, 1926, made homestead entry
under Act Dee. 2D, ltflfl, No. 02.
y&, for Lot 4,'SWWNW14 Sec. 8,
Lota I, 2, 3, 4. 6, 3',iNE'4, 8EK
NWli, EHSWH, and SEW Section
6, township 7 south, Range 10 East,
Willamette Meridian, has filed notice
of intention to make final three-year
proof, tn catabliuh claim to the land
above described, before II. C. Roop
cr, notary public, at Antelope, Ore.
gnn, on the 2'Jth day of April, 1929.
Claimant: names as witnesses
Werner Saplinger, Edmond Herllng,
Arnim J. Schmidt, all of Shaniko,
Oregon; Karl F. Thomsen of Ante
lope, Oregon. J. W, Donnelly,
M21-A18 Register.
Notice ia hereby given that
Joseph J. Dyball, administrator of
he Est at 0 of John E. Dyball, de
cea ed, has filed In the County
Court of the State of Oregon for
Wssco county, his final account at
mh adminihtrator, and that Mon
lay, the 18th day of March, 1029,
't the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. has
'ccn fixed by said court aa the
imc for hearing of objections to
said report and the settlement there
Attorney for Estate,
Josoph. .1. Dyball,
F:i-M14 .Admlnlntrntor.
Tbe Dalles, Oretea. Phone 1 8-J
Your Watch Haywire?
If it is not doing its work
bring it to The Times office
and, Mr. Semmes will send
it to
MMiiir"titi-ipt( Jeweler
nt Watchmaker
hud"- tu 1 Llndquiat
Shoes and Repairing
Wasco County's Exclusive
Shoe Store
''hoes for th -Vhole
General Repairing
The Dalles, Ore.
Where the best 35 cent
meal is served in
Ths Dalles
Next The Dalles "
C. N. Sargent, - - Prop4
I' I