I 9 t M Til Always working for the best interests of Maupin and all of Southern Wasco County. Publishes only that news fit to print Caters to no particular class, but works for all. , VOLUME XV MAUPIN, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 11. 1929 Number 2, i MMFI t.Y ;v'! METALLIC TOLL LINE SURVEY LAID OUT I! Otllatai Preliminary RouU For Lbe to Klamath Falle and California A party of Pacific Telegraph and Telephone surveyoru art making headquarters, in Maupin while engag ed in making a preliminary survey for new long distance toll line from The Dalles to .the Jefferson county line. Prom that point on the south era boundary of th state the sur vey has been completed. .The crew is In charge of Engineer F. M. Cadwell, and he is ami ted by Engineer Douglas M Henry. The survey line has beeu completed to the Criterion school house. It leads through Maupin, crowing the river en the bland below the power house and follows approximately the high way leading routh and east. The new line will be what k rail ed metallic cuirruit and will be up to the laxte t kinks In telephone con struction. The line will be connected with the Maupin exchangn, and wh"ii that is done our line will he Incrcss ed in efficiency more than 100 per cent With the reconstruction of the lo cal system 'ami the addlton 4 the new long dlaance line Maupin will be better equipped in the telephone field than many town in Eastern Oregon. Work is expected to be gin on the new line about the latter part' of July and It Is expected that a period of ix months will elapse be fore It Is completed. The line will be approximately (10 miles . in length. The engineers are mopping the line as they proceed with the survey, so that when that work la completed the general direcion, with all turns, etc.. Ml be shown on papa outline, The engineers estimate they will be in this vicinity for at least another month, then will move toward Jef ferson coanty. BOB WHITE QUAIL TRADED FOR MOUNTAIN VARIETY, Oregon Gam Commliion Re. elves Shlpmeat From Virginia A large shipment of Bob White quail eggs is to be sent to the Ore gon State GfCma comml sicm from I Virginia and they will be hatched t the state game farms. This is an attempt on the pnrt of the com mission to bring back the Dob White. The eggs are being given in ex change for a recent shipment to Virginia game authorities of 21 mountain quail trapped near Tllot Rock by Victor Bratcher. The Vie giqia commission has written Harold Clifford, tate game warden thnt very one of the 24 birds shipped from Oregon arrived alive and with out Injury. SHELL STATION IS GOING UP Crow Engaged In Excavating Hugo Oil Tank for The Shell Oil company has, a large Crew at wotk excavating for an oil tank, which will be located, on the East aide opposite the stock yards. The tank will weigh eight tons and wlilN be u ed as a distributing sta . tion for the Shell company. The Shell company has, quite a number of dealers of this section on their Hat of customers and with the building' of the new station will get others to take oil from themlyy ' As soon as Billy Hunt has com pleted his shearing this season it la said the Union Oil company will be gin the erection of a aeries of tanks on the site of the shearing pens. A lease on the grounds was entered into some time ago and a survey for a spur track was mndo. With the completion of both the tanks Mau pin will be quito ati oil distributing center, ' ' Hero Foi Fishing- D. D. Morlsey, who makes 1 it n practice to come to Maupin each fish ing 'season and to remain until Into in the fall, Is here again, hiwlnjr como in on Mondoy. Mr. Mori ey hns he come familiar wil all' best fish'n' holes hereabouts and usually gas his share of the redsides from' the, Deschutes. Mr. Morisey maker his home at Hotel Kelly while in Maupin. Hi MAUPIN "DUMMY" BUT NOT TYCM VALLEY SCHOOL PUPIL Thre-Att Comedy by Tyib .Valley High School Boards foe Saturday, the S7th. Again we" a re called upon to chroniH do the production of t scho l play by the Tygh Valley High school, this time It being a thrw-oc comedy. "Dummy." The comedy is some thing new along thu lint of sch. ol plays and will vjpply ih! in .the f r outbursts of laogh't.v, mxl al.o shew ing a line of drama that will be pleas ing to all. The cast comb'nt il Hlw .) cnt In the Tygh school and each mem-' ber is giving serious thought and study to each lnJivlili.nl part Re hearsals are taking place with fre quent regularity dnl v.!'n It-j i''-t of Saturday, Ap'il 11 rolU around there will be a lurge t r;wd pre; t n to witness the crovinir 'r .lu lvn tf the Tygh Valley High school. Trices have ben placed at J5 centa and 60 cents. A l;tnc wilt l e given In the gymnstitn after the show, with music by !he pcpular Tygh Valley High wh'l orchestra. COLD CUTS THE LAMB CROP pne Grower Pays $5,000 For Fd During Winter The cold weather and excessive snowfall of the recent , winter, has worked a great hardship on some Khcepmcn of this section. Some of them were caught with insufficient feed, being compelled to buy same in order to keep their floclfa, up. J. P. Abbott was compelled to pay out an extra $5,000 for feed, and many others paid out sums ranging Into the thousands. Jlmmle Abbott says the vigorous weather cut down the lamb crop considerably. The same condition obtains with other sheep men. A;, a consequence a lesson has been learned by many sheepmen. Many of them are either planting or getting ready to plant additional patches of alfalfa. They realize it is cheaper to grow alfalfa themselves than to pay $30.00 ton for it dur ing the winter. ODD FELLOWS WILL HOLD JOINT DISTRICT MEETING Lodges from Maupin, Tygn Valley, Madras and Culver and Ante lopo Her Saturday The Odd Fellow lodges of Mau pin, Tygh Valley, Madras, Antelope and Culver wil hod a joint meeting In this city on Saturday of this week. Grand Master Meindel will be present and direct to work, the third degree to he exemplified by the Madra- lodge. The grand master will also Instruct in the various de gree and other work of the orter. ' At the conclusion of the lodge work tho members will be regaled by a banquet, which will be arrang ed and served by the Rebekahs. This meeting promises to be pro lific of good, as many members will be present and all willing and anxious , to learn the inner workings of the. ritual. It is expected that 'all lodges mentioned will send large delegations to Mau pin for the .meeting. RIVER ROAD IS PROJECTED Would Connect Oak Springs Directly .With Maupin City Rumor has It that a road leading from Oak Springs to Maupin and following the river, will be construct ed in the rtsar future. If built the road would follow one of those used when the O. T. was built and which was used to bring supplies over. The new road would follow thru the R. O. Johnson place, thence down the river, making several rrade.i rnd coming out at the turn of the prerent Springs road where the large rocks are at the short el bow. ' 'N Vic new road was talked t'ir ty some state fi b and game officials when at Oak Springs recently but no I'ef'nilc. conclusion rriM'dhg 'ts cons'ruction was arrive at. R'lly Miller Rfiigni Billy Miller, who hns presided at the meat block in tho Rcnh market f or , tho p' t "'yoar, has designed his position and left for , Portland. Billy tuccecded in making quite, a refutation as a meat cutter and his rVnce v. ill bo hard to fill. , ( fiminmimttrammnniwimtuttM :-: MAUPIN llflMinnlllWUUMKIUUnlt IF YOU MISS IT IT WILL t BE JUST TOO BAD Taka Um Voyage With the SeaUr Clan o Saturday, May 4 If you would forget the vexatiouc and annoyancea of the daily grind, be in your seat at the Legion hall, Maupin, May 4, when the curtain rises on the first act of "Billy.", Aa the hou Is darkened the blaze of the footlights will reveal, not our old and oft-used interior, but a fine new set, shining in iresh paint, re presenting a novel scene. There before you lies the passenger liner "Florida," with smoke pouring from her funnels, for she I: just depart ing for Havana. "All visitors ashore, please," warns the steward, and we are iff for two hours of en joyment. ' To Kenneth Snodgrass and Harold Kramer and their assistant is due rredit for the careful planing and construction of this intri .ate piece of work. Hie set will be an adequate and the players expect a crowded house of pleased patrons.' SEE BILLY SCHOOL NOTES Unusual Opportunistic Civn Stu dents of Maupin School Friends and Community Loader Timo and Talent This year the students of Maupin school have been given many op portunities when their friends have appeared before the school and ex hibited trained talent along their various specialties. The music for the movie-vaudeville was furni hed by student of music who had their training with ' Mrs. Bothwell. Last Friday's address on Mt Hood hy Mr. Hed in wss an unusual op portunity to learn first hand of great natural beauty from a keen observ er of nature as well as a skilled writer and speaker. Mr:. Morris' reading waa a delight ful surprise and an example of fin ished delivery for tha High school students to approximate. Maupin students appreciate their friend wh so generously give them of their time and talent. " SEE BILLY . TRYOUTS.JHELD Friday, April 5, Maupin school held a trpout for entrants, who will oompet in the county meet at Tygh. The student; who entered know they need practice in and are penaliz ing In the event Hard work on the part of entrant for each event is well underway, No time ,will be wasted, because we "have only three weeks in which to train. From all appearances Maupin will make a real showing at the meet - SEE BHXY GRADE NOTES The winners of the spelling con test in Mr. Davies' room are Bethel Snodgrass, fir t with a perfect score; Laco Green second; and Genevieve Allen, third. This contest is held twice a week t or six weeks. This is good practice and gives the students a better chance to improve in this line. The track tryouts have been sat isfactory. Many of the athletes are so close that it is hard to pick out the two. for each division. Bill SluBher and Bonney Duus are close contenders, in the class B division Jim Slusher and Theodore Kirsch are competing for second place, while Russell Holt and Herbert Kramer are trying for third place. . The C division also has closo com petition for first place. John Slush rr, Franklin Henick and Ralph Kaiser are the cheif contenders. SEE ' BILLY- . This weeks, con' titutes tho six weeks' exams! After tais week there is exactly six weeks until the final exams. Everyone Bhould put forth his or, her very best efforts in order that the school term bo ended with high grade-. , REE BILLY Tho sewing girls, having completed their study of color and design, are now making dresses, keeping in mind the suitability, betomingness, and beauty of the material. SEE BILLY HI TIMES:-:? miiBiuumiiuuiiiuuitiiinuuuiHiuiiuimiiiwiiiuiuiiiim SPECIAL MEETING CALLED A special meeting was called for the cooking and homemaking clubs. These tw0 clubs are combined and in the future will give demonstrations together. Thursday the girls will prepare and serve dinner for their loaders and themselves. On the fol lowing Tuesday they are to serve a luncheon tj the school board and school teachers.- Then on Saturday. ny. 20th, the club girkt, with their mothers, go to Mrs. Rutherford's where they will give demonstrations and serve tea. SEE BILLY r- BASEBALL VICTORY - Maupin's first victory was won on our local grounds against Dufur. Though Maupiu's team was consid erably broken up, it itood at the big end of the score, which was 4 to 2. In the first three innings nobody got to first but in the fourth they scoured twice on errors. After this Maupin's boys tightened up and the me ban in t,n,ttL Maupin fail ed to score until the sixth inning, when four runs were made. There were only two hit; made during the game, both being made by Maupin. , SEE BILLY- BOY SCOUTS The show given by the Boy Scouts waa well attended by Maupinities. They realized a rrofit of $10.00. This will help pay for the improve ments on the scout park. The scouts are going to fence the lots with a low roiling and an arch of bridge timbers. The fountain and fish pond are already completed. j SEE BILLY MAUPIN MUST WIN THE CUP Words cannot win races, leap hurdles nor cast the javelin, Mau pin is out on the field to win. But neither can legs win races nor arms make record throws without the spirit to win. That means just this Give the best you have, and then just romething a little better than that Maupin boys and girls must win that track meet at Tygh. Other schools are quite as proud and quite as determined as Maupin. Victory over them will be the sweet er if fairly and largely won. Dig in boys and girls for Maupin. SEE BILLY- SPECIAL ASSEMBLY Assembly Friday morning wac opened with general singing. Letters were awarded to the football boys, the boys' basketball team, and to the girls' basketball team by "Mr. DeVoe. Nova Hcdin, Kenneth Snod grass and Andrew Crabtree respond ed with appreciaive words in hchalf of their athletic arrgregntion. N0V3 Hedin was al o awarded a typing certificate for attaining a speed of 32 words a minute. Mrs. George Morris rendered a moat drjightf ul Impersonation of an Itilian girl. She responded with a similinr reading Next was a song, "Tell Us Merry Birds of Spring." by fouti High school girl. -Mr. Hedin then gave an address concerning Mt Hood. Students took notes and will endeav or to win the five dollar prize offer ed for the best theme on this topic. SEE BILLY STATE SUPT. VISITS State Supt Charles Howard and County Supt Gronewald visited, our school Monday afternoon. 'Mr. Gronewald spoke about new phoses in club word. The boys nncr giti who have taken up club work this year were particularly interested in the scholarships which will be award ed by the leading merchants, bank ers and other club promotors i the boys and girls having the highest scores. Track was another topic of interest to' the students as well as to Mr.- Gronewald. To the boy or girl who wins the highest number of points in their respective divisions will bo given a bronze medal, lie did not diselo'e the mail's name who is interested enough to award these to the participants, but we arc ap preciative to whomever It may be. State Supt, Howard then javo us a very' interesting tnlH on education al values and illustrated it with hw own experiences. We wcro all glad t0 be able to meet Mr. Howard. .... (continued on last page) COME OUT ON THE BOUNDING ATLANTIC SEA Join) tka Cay Tareag la a Trip O'er the Sad So Wave oa Saturday, May 4 Alf aboard for a trip on the blue Atlantic ocean, where the wavea roll In majectic splendor, the winds are balmy and the company and rrew of the S. S. Florida are eon denial and happy. The trip I scheduled to start oa the evening- of Saturday, May 4, and will be taken n the interest of the Senior class of the Maupin High school. The class of '29 of our High school bas chartered the ship and xtends a general invitation to pa irons of the rchool to join with them and spend a most enjoyable evening when the c1m play, "Billy," will bt the chief article on the menu. The play is a royalty production having secured - it from Samuel French of New York, and was chosen as this year's feature because of its unusual Interest humor and plot , The .cast ia made up of all the graduating class of this year, thf characters being taken by Arthur Appling, Irene Matthews, Merle Snodgrass Harold Kramer, tAvi." Crabtree, Estcl Stovall, Crystal Stuart. Andrew Crabtree, Clarence Hunt. Kenneth Snodgraa", Ir Kid der nnd Leleh Weberg. With auch a cast and with the outstanding play of the season, there should be no doubt as to the excellence of the production. The Legion hall haa been secured for the play and spec ial scenery, the main set reprrent ing the deck of a. steamer, has been Constructed with an eye to detail that will make the simulation com plete. ' Admission prices have been placed a 25 cents and 50 cents and at such our people, n0 doubt will fill tb hall to capacity. Curtain will rise promptly at B JD0 o'clock. We will publi h a, synopsis of the play in out next week's issue, thus acquaint ing our readers with the plot which is carried on through three acts. SUNDAY NIGHTS SHOW BILL Initial Bill Sporting Event With Noted Artiats ia Cat Brown & Miller's picture show, the first of which will be shown at Legon hall on Sunday evenng, will depict "The Main Event," a story fraught with things having to do with the prize ring. Vera Reynolds and Rudolph Schildkraut . carry rthe leads and they are ably sup ported by a cast of celebrated . ar ti ts. Supplementing the main story will be a news reel and a laughable comedy. The prices have been plac ed within th rach of all, being 15 -ents and 80 cent", which are rrcat departure from the 25 and 50 cents charges usually made in Mau tvn. The Legion hall should be fill ed with tlwse who ar" movie fans ind all. who attend will be guaran teed their money's worth. The shows will be held, at the hall each Sunday night, and only pictures of real worth will be shown. e SHIPPING MUCH MORE FLOUR Demand .for Woodcock Product Cvor Much Territory The Central Oregon Milling com pany's flour mill is making a repu tation for excellence of " its output that productive of a fine increase in orders. This week the company took a ton and a half of flour to Wamic, the name- amount to the Baldwin Sheep company at Hay Creek, and a ton to Dufur mer chants. . Besides flour the Central Oregon Milling company is turning out a superior quality of breakfast food, hot cake flour and other mill pro ducts, all of which is sold to mer chants and rtockme'ft operating about Maupin. Called to SUter'a Bedside Arthur Creighton was summonid to The Dalles last Saturday, the call coming because of the precarious con dition of his si ter, Mrs. Will Rawson. The lady has been sick the past two year and the past week saw her con dition vgeUin.tr. worse. Arthur camo home yesterday. , , Let us fijrure with you on your paint job. We have the W. P. Ful ler & 'Co. paints nnd oils. See the" IJaupin Drug Store. .v STATE 8UPT. SPEARS OF EaUlU Condition of Bnildla,., Alto Person 1 ( Tacfciar Fare , Mr CroMwaM Writes ' Spperintendent Cronewald writes The Times anent the recent visit of State Superintendent Howard to our choobV In a letter Mr. Gronewald recites Mr. Howard's reaction after his . visit here, in which all depart ments were given much praise. The letter follows: ' April 9, 1923. My Dear Mr. Scmmes: I am writing pursuant to State Supt' C. A. Howard's visit to the Maupin High school yesterday, 'snowing that the patrons of the d -rict will be interested in learning of Mr. Howard's impression of the Maupin High school. He was lib eral, but sincere, in his commenda ion of the manner in which the tchool was being conducted and the many evidences oi ine nearty co. operation and intere. t, of the school boisrd and community in their school He was especially pleased with the progress and splendid work ac complished during the first year after the introduction of the manual training department Mr. Howard also stated that tho personnel of the teaching: . corps would do credit to a much larger school, including al o the - janitor's work as reflected in the excellent condition of the building: and all physical properties. The object of this letter is in the way of an appreciative appraisal to the patrons and school board of dis trict No. 84, through your col umns, of state Supt. Howard's re actions after hi: visit to the Maupin High school. MUSIC THAT IS MUSIC AT COMING PIANO RECITAL Mrs. H. F. Bothwall'a Mutie Class Will Appear ia Maaicala a Maupin High School Maupin people like music, but they especially prefer that produced by artists., The slipshod kind of har. mony does not appeal to Maupinites, and they do not patronize anything that savors of not being up to snuff. On Sunday evening, April 21, at the High sfhool auditorium, Mrs. H. IV Bothwell will present her large class of piano student; in recital. That class numbers some of the best musi cians in this section, each of whom have learned real harmony and rythm ; from our premier piano teacher. The program will be varied and will present many features not heard in this city in the past Mr. Both- well teaches one of , he best systems , extant and each of her pupils learn real piano executiop under her in- ' struction. We will publish the pro- gram next week. Look for it Ad mission will be free. ISSUES BEAUTIFUL BOOKLET; Union Pacific Pictures NorthwestV Scenic Wonder of Nature The Union Pacific railroad has re cently issued a beautiful booklet de- scrtptive of the reenic wonders of ." H part "of the United States and a part of Canada. The work is con- ' tained in 48 pages, each profusely, illustrated, and many maps are print-f ed along with the pictures. The Columbia highway is liberally treat- ed as are other parts oi the northwest covered by that railroad. The text is concise and graphicolly illustrates the many wonders to be seen olon our rivers, lakes and mountains. A ' copy may be obtained by sending a ; reque t to any agont of the s com- , pany. r 1 CARD OF THANKS 1 I take thl .metis of thnnkin" e'l , those endearing friends and neirh-1 bors for their kind assistance and words of sympathy jjnr'n the ill ' ne's and after the death end my be-; loved wife. '. Also em I thankful for tho many beautiful flowers sent ns marks of respect to cover her bier, and for the many words of svm-' pathy extended to me. May all bo spared a like affliction for mnny ' years. - ' HIGHLY