The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, March 28, 1929, Image 1

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Always working for the best
Interests of Maupin and all of
Southern Wasco County.
Publishes only that news fit
to print. Caters to no particular
class, but works for all
Essayists Rewarded for Writing
About Earl? History Mr.
Lulu D. Craadall, Presenter
A stated in these column a week
or to ago a picture wu to bt pre
aented the Tygh Valley High school
ai a rswwd for essays written and
classified. Several essay were
written and submitted, three being
choien aa being the outstanding ones.
Last Wedneeday Mr. Lulu Crandall,
with other member of the D. A. R.,
of The Dalle, met with the inhool
in assembly and made presentation of
a beautiful framed picture represent
Ing Washington cros Ing the Dele
ware, In making the presentation
Mrs. Crandall improved the opportun
ity and recounted some early history
of Tygh Valley, the eubhtancc of her
remarks following:
Tho oldest settlement In What Is
now tha present boundaries of Wa
CO county, outside of Old Fort Dalles,
was in Tygh Valley, and was in 1856.
The military post dates bark to 1850.
Wasco county to 1864, and Dalles
City to 1866. The prewnce of the
military pout 'o near and a county
irfranbtatlnit with civil officers, en
eovagvd the "Covered Wap'oV to
a-tilc on the icam that were no'
U. far . from the county W
and the post with soldiers that guar
CfH protection from the Indians,
nd Tygh creek teemed most attrac
tive. It may be that Oak Grove was
as early, now Wapinitia.
The first school taught in Tygh
Valley was In the Robert Mays ranch
house, commencing in December,
1863. The Rev. Troy Shelly wa.. the
teacher. He died recently at his
home in Hood River where he had
lived many years. He served Wac
county at one time as county school
superintendent He was not at that
tlma a preacher.
The Maya family went to Tygh
Valley to live in 1862. They came
from Lane county to Wasco county
In 1869. near Fifteen Mile. They
has aa neighbors at Tygh John Y.
Todd, who settled there in IRSfl. He
was a married man, and had two
small children, Annie and Willie.
He waa an Indian fighter. His wife
was a daughter of James A. Campbell
Justice of the peace in The Dalles.
Dan Butler was a cKtlcr of 185(1
H was an Indian fighter, too; serv
ed in 1855-6 in the war with Jhe In
dians called the Yakima Indian war.
Another Indian fighter was Ned
Chambreau. He was a Frenchman.
He kept a ctore and entertained the
"travel." They had a daughter.
Belle. She is a doctor, and the last
' I knew of her lived in New York
City. 1 knew her when we wore
. liltU' g "Is about 9 years ol age, Her
family came to town nl n t the Mine
r-iine did, in 1862.
Another Frenchman was one who
'had an Irish name, McDuffle. The
Bishops' and the Jcfferies both lived
on Tygh. They afterwards went to
The Dalles, Mrs. Bishop's name wa"
Palmer and she was related to the
Brsforda at the Upper Cascades,
who became the ownors of the Ore
gon Navigation company. Thoy had
a daughter Sophia, my ago, and wc
v'went to school together. The fam
ily moved to Pendleton later.
The Jefferiea wont to The Dalles
too, and were victims of the black
imallpox that raged there in 18G4.
They had a daughter, Mary, whom I
knew aa a school mate. They finally
went to Weiser, Idaho. ,
Troy Shelly's school was paid by
subcrlption by the patrons of the
school. There were four Mays
chllren, Mrs. Hays hadtwo, Morris
one, and Dr. Price foil. Total 11.
A log school hour e was built soon
after and stood In tha field belonging
now to Charley Wing, the old Jef
fries place, one the same side of the
creek as May's house. It was used
for five of six yearn until Levi Zum
walt bought the land, and a dwelling
house near by, bttilt of lumber was
ued. Henry Childors was the next
teacher. He was a son-in-low of Ho
ward Maupin.
The next was C. L. Walker, nn old
Hudson Bay maty He was well edu
cated, and an usually smart man, so
Mr, Benton Mays says, who was a
pupil of his, and to whom I am In
debted for these ' valuable note?,
(continued on Inst page) ,
Manager Bay at Work Improving
Eachaage- New Poles a ad
New Switchboard
0. W. Bays, manager of tha Mau
pin Telephone Excanga recently
went to Portland, where he purchased
a complete outfit for tha reconstruc
tion of Maupln's telephone system.
It is his intention to place many new
polci-, restrlng lines, fix up present
phones and last, but not least, in
stall a new unit to tht iwichboard.
Th poles, are being hauled from the
mountains at this tlma and tha ma
terial for the Improvement is oh
hand. Work on tha rebuilding will
begin at once.
Mr. Bay has been kept busy lately
repairing phones. lit haj received
quite a number from adjacent terri
tory, some even, coming from Wamic.
Tho switchboard has been added to
by the installation of several new
phones, which new aubscribera de
sired. When the rebuilding Is completed
Maupin will have a telephone sys
tem second to none in this part of
Oregon. It is Mr. Bay's intention to
Wp the line up to standard at all
Indian Marries Hit Sister-la-Lap
After While Man's Law Dur-
ing Social Time
The Simna ho community house
was tho scene of a social one even
ing last week, the high lights of the
evening shining brightly when Elmer
Charlie and Nancy Puyctte were
united in mnnjfugc according to tho
white man's law. The couple had
been living together according to
the Indian ritual, but thought that
a marriage auch as the whites in
dulged in was a stronger tie, there
fore sought the good offices of Rev.
Matthew , who procecde dt0 Unite
.hem In, a modern manner. By
Harrying Nancy, Elmer becomes the
husband of his dead brother's widow
Will Speak on "Control Oregon" at
Nail Friday's Assembly
On Friday, April 6, Newton G.
Hedin will address the Assembly of
he Maupin schools on "Central
Oregon," a. subject on which he is
(specially well informed.
The class will take notes of the
itory, each member striving for the
prize of f 5.00, which it has been
lecided t0 award for the best out
inc of the talk given by Mr, Hedin'.
The last assembly waa atended by
-evera) friends of the school and pu
pils. It is expected that a; people
learn more about the Friday assem
bly many more will attend. These
meetings promote a class spirit and
ire clearing houses for students
pecial endeavor In reading, songs
;ind instrumental music, thereby
"ngendcring a feeling of fraternity
hat will Inst as long aa docs the
school. .
talph Howard Succumbs at Home
of Parent on Flat v
Ralph Julian Howard, a veteran of
he World War, died at the home
f his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J.
Iownrd, Wapinitia on Monday,
death being the result Of tubercu
'okI". Tho remains were taken in
harge' by Crandalls, they being sent
to Heppner for Interment on Wed
nesday. '
Decedent hnd lived at Wapinitia
'nit two years, he coming to this part
from Heppner, where he was reared.
bout,four years ago he contracted
tuberculosis and as time 'passed
urrew weaker until death stepped in
and took him away. . He 'leaves 'his
parents, two sister, Mrs. B. Summers
of Yakima, and Mrs. Francis Griffin
of Heppner and two brothers, Jack
nid Marion Howard of Wapinitia.
Lester Kelly, Landlord -
Lester Kelly will asume the title
of landlord m May 1, when ho will
again take over the management of
tho Hote Kelly. Ho will be in "time
to catch the' cream of bho spring
trade, which, tourists and fishing
parties will offer. Mrs. Katie Peter
son, now at George McDonald's, will
move to the Kelly' residence when
Lester moves .to, the hotel,
(Chinese Proverb folia)
"Discretion in speech is better
than fluency."
Fatbia. Tea
A number of ladies of tht com
munity attended the fashion tea
last Friday afternoon. The class
demonstrated Altering of patterns
iq that they would fit correctly.
The dresses which they had com
pleted were well made and convlnc
ed tht visitors that the girls were
doing good work. A short program
waa given, and then the ladies en
joyed an afternoon tea, conr'sting
cf run J it Pie.:, salad and punch,
The girlj are planning now to make
spring dresses.
The assembly held last Friday was
very rare and greatly enjoyed. It
began with a school song. The
piano solo, "Mazurka," played by
Doris Kelly was enjoyed to the ut
most. "My Duddy," a reading wa
first class and well given by Dorothy
Davis. Next was a pianolngue,
"JuKt Smiling," by Bessie Starr.
Her dimpled cheeks and graceful
manner mode the little skit pleasing.
Richard Crabtree gave a personifi
cation nf an Irishman and a Dutch
man having a quarrel over their
riiifmnt Idea: of a flag salute. Mr.
Hedin sang "O're the Billowy Sea."
the accomaniment by Nova. The
beautiful aong waa keenly enjoyed
by the students. Winifred Kat er
told the Seniors how to enter college.
Some of the students are afraid that
they won't go if they use very drastic
measures ih initiating. Who wants
to keep the big "0" for Oregon
painted on the side of Skinners
Butte? And who wants to crawl up
and down the hill on hands and Tinea
or be surprised at the most embar
rassing moment by having the upper
clansmen administeY a good spank
ing? The assembly was closed by a
few remark-; In complementary sum
mary of the assembly by Mr. Hedin.
We want to have It known that the
High school and faculty will be pleas
ed to have the public with us on these
days. Friday's at nine a. m.
"The only successful substitute for
brains la silence."
Junior Goes to Another School
Arlene Linn, editor of the Maupin
Hi Times, moved to the valley this
week. This leaves us without an
editor for our paper. She lias been
chief-editor the last thrre weeks and
was an as istant-editor during ' the
twelve weeks previous to that Ar
lene started to school one month
after the school began, and has shown
such talent that she soon became one
of the leaders, both in clav and In
school activities. We regret her de
parture but wish her much success
In whatever she may 'venture.
All of the club leaders are busy
now working on their projects. Ask
Jim Slusher in raising lambs on a
botte is work? Loyal Pratt will tell
you how to raise chickens.
The 4-II cub will serve refresh
ments In the basement following the
vaudeville show Friday night.
Several have asked about joining
the csnnlng division and may do so
any time before May.
"The reforms that reach the upper
moat pldcc3 rise in the heart."
The Boy Scouts met last Wednes
day night at the empty lots above'
Stovall's to take- tests in cooking and
fire making. Most of the boys were
exeremely successful in these te ts
but few were found to be in serious
need of practice. Some fun was had
as one boy was unable to eat his
own cooking. The same tests will be
taken again at Wamic next Wednes
day night.
Played to a TicErrors Feature tho
The Maupin boys went to Wapini
tia last Friday to play the first game
ol the reason. When they arrived
there they were greeted by a hail
storm and cold winds. The storm
lasted for about twenty minutes but
finally the sun came out and dried
the ground. .
, The game went as most fir. t games
do, with poor hitting and many er
ror on both side, although Wapin
itia had already played one game,
Maupin led off with four runs but
failed to go around again until Wap
initia had eight runs and then they
made four more in the last two In
nings, which tied the score. Both
pitchers Snodgrass for Maupin and
Claymier for Wapinitia, did good
work. They pitched the whole game
Land few long hits were made.
Wapinitia didn't want to play off
the tie on account of the cold co the
game had to be left 8-8.
Mr. Goodrich visited our school
Monday for the purpose of taking
pictures. These pictures included
the different grades, a group picture
of the High school, football, baseball
and basketball pictures were also
; "He wh0 can suppress a moment's
anger may prevent a day of sorrow."
The Seventh and Eighth grades re
ceived their third set of libraary
books for this year. This shows that
these pupils enjoy reading.
, These students are all back at
school again after extended absences,
due to itinera.
Three absentees, Margaret Appling
Theodore and Ernest Kirsch of Mrs.
Cantrell's room have returned. Al
lene and Leslie Troutman ore absent
this week on account of sickner.
There are four absentees in Mrs.
Joynt's room. They are Marjorie
Gallager, Nellie Marquis, Dorothy
Dotv and Mildred Carter.
The pupils of the Third and Fourth
rode are sorry to lose Elmer Linn
out of their room. Elmer is going to
the valley with hi- folks.
Louise Duus and Buclla Schilling
baye returned to school after several
days absence. "'"" '
The First and Second grades have
started a complete new set of readers.
The primary room is going to have
some new plant! for the window
boxes soon. . ,
"Sympathy safeguards the heart
against selfishness."
Perhaps you understand what I
mean when I say cup. I mean the
athletic cup which Maupin has won
for two successive years at the Was
co county track meet.
.Before Maupin received the cup
Dufur had held it for two years.
Last year Dufur did not compete
.but we find their name on the entry
heet this year, and keen rivalry is
promised as this is, or should be,
Maupin's third year to hold the
cup. If we are successful in track
this year this entitles us to hold the
cup permanently.
The cup is now in circulation in
the grade:, they think they should
have it in their rooms for a few
days as they helped win it. As
soon as it is returned to the High
school building it will be sent to
The Dalles where it will again be
,(By Elton)
"Babe Fraley is a wonder with the
"willow." Three times up he
shattered the we t wind for three
zero.". Cyril was advised to try
swinging on the other side of the
plate as he would be .closer to first
base in case the catcher dropped the
ball. - V
Ast is in school after a two
weeks' course in Influenza. Ho is
still somewhat "uncon cious.
Harvard scouts are watching
Estel high jump. He combines the
gignlow with b special racoon climb,
and a side roll that resembles the
cow jumping over the moon.
. Bo Wilson now has five minutes
more for .slumber due to the label
on his white cords. The legs are
marked "right" and "left" with
main entrance, below the belt .an
other sign advises the "sent of
trouble." .
Conch Poling is giving chart les
sons to his squad in the art of
'bunting." .
Will the boy bunt the ball?
Yer, the boy will hunt the ball.
What makes the boy bunt?
This lit-tle boy is Ira,
, Bunt Iral Bunt I Bunt the ball!
Arthur Tom, After Spirited Chas
Dismount! aDd Dropped Dsad
On Reservation
Arthur Tom, aged 62, a well known
tharacter, living on the Warm
Springs reservation, dropped dead
one day last week after a chase of
wild horses. Tom, with other In
dians, had been out after some wild
cayuses. He had given chase to a
bunch and after rounding them up
his pony lagged at the head of a
coulee. He dismounted and upon
reaching the ground dropped dead,
thus riding his pony to the very
gates of the happy hunting ground.
Tom was well known t many In
Maupimand at Wapinitia. He was
owner of a fine, piece of allotted
land, which he farmed in a small
way. He leaves a widow, nis five
children died from the effects of
tuberculosis some time ago.
Six Months Given fhose Living To
gether. Immorally to
Get Married
Superintendent Perkinrf, the new
agent at the Warm Springs Indiar
agency, who succeed Mr. Mortsolf
is working a revolution among thos
of his charges who have disdainer
going through a marriage ceremonr
una who are fiving in open adultery
He has made an investigation of al'
such cases and in each has delivered
an ultimatum that the guilty oner
cease such relations in six monthr
or suffer the consequence". As t
result it is expected there will b'
many marriage ceremonies perform
ed on the reservation before the
six-month prriod has expired.
Rev. W. A. Matthews, missionary
'n charge at Simnasho, highly com
olmented the stand taken by Mr
Perkins, and to " Times man stater'
hat he looks for a betterment " o
'ocial conditions on the reservation
Rev. ' Matthews stated the order of
the superintendent was being gen
"rnlly heeded and that many Indians
who have been living together f
""n pnd wife, have taken the huncr
and the conforming to the moderr
manner of getting married with
conseouent betterment in the mora'
atmosphere of the reservation.
Advanced Degree of Scoutdom WiK
Be Demonstrated Monday
A Court of Honor, an advanced
degree in Boy Scoutdom, 7 will be
exemplified at Legion hall on Mon
day evening next. Scout Executive
Belcher L expected to be here, and
assist in the work, as well aa telling
of the advanced work of the scouts.
A program of Scout activities has
been arranged. All interested in
advancing the work of our band of
growing young men, whose motto is
"a good deed each day," should at
tend thi function, as the time spent
there will be well invested.
Mrs. Belcher will- accompany her
husband and essist in putting on a
pantomime, called "The Eight Ages
of Scouting." ThS presentation of
this shadow play will consume about
20 minutes of time and will be most
instructive. . "
Boy Scouts Sponsor Sunday Mee'
at Legion Hall
All denominations will gather at
Legion hall Sunday evening and
take part in a union Easter service
This function is under auspice; of
the Maupin Boy Scout troop. A
program of talks, singing and in
s'rumental music has been arranged
This service will be an innovatior
for Maupin, inasmuch p$ a group o'
hoys, who have .banded together for
good, will be in charge and who wil'
have the arranging of the program
Everybody is inyjted. '
' .-
Fixing Hiphway
Mosc Addington, road man fo'
this section of The Dalles-Californi-highway,
hns been busy filing uj
spots in tho rond way. Several low
spots developed o.- soon as the frost
left the ground, they being formed
by water settling under the Burface
and the frost heaving the top up.
Several large spots were fixed ur
ind now this part of Mose's section
is in' fairly, good shape ' again.
Number 21
Track Events Outlined and Oth
Matters Considered Vote to
Award Pennants
Following are the minutes of the
meeting of the County Athletic
association held in Maupin last Sat
urday. The Wasco County Athletic as
sociation met at Maupin in the High
nchool building, March 23rd. The
following princiuals and heads of
anita were present: L. V. Brough
ton, Wapinitia; Dan Poling, Mau
pin; Wm. Meidinger, Dufur; Mrs.
Mary Norval, Cenowith; Mrs. Belle
Kirk, Boyd; G. L. Davies, Maupin;
A. W. DeVoe, Maupin.
The meeting was called to 'order
by the president, A. E. Gronewald
it 10:30 a. m. Mrs.Kirk was asked
to take the place of the missing
iccretary. The minute: were read
. nd approved. The report of the
'inancial condition of the associa
ion was given by the president, the
mount now in the bank being
In the election of officers, Mr.
Iroughton was nominated for
'reasurer aftd was unanimosly elect
ed. A vice-treasurer was elected in
ase of change in school . Mr. Meid
inger was unanimosly elected for
'ice-treasurer. Motion was made
'.nd passed that Mrs. Callie M. Big
bee be elected as secretary for an
ther year. A motion was made and
.arried that the track meet be dated
he last Saturday in April.
Motion was made that each cn
Tant be limited to three events in
rack and three in field, exclusive of
he relays, making a total of seven
ents. Motion did not carry.
Motion made and passed that
,ach entrant be limited to five
ivents, exclusive of the relay, pro
'iding that no entrant enter in more
'ban three events in either track or
'ield events. !
Motion made and passed that a
0 yard dash be added to the events
if the "A" clas already scheduled.
Mjotion made and carried that tho
Association buy a javelin.
Motion made and carried that the
wsociation buy a set "of jumping
standards. -.
Motion made and carried that the
association give each year a pennant
to the grade division scoring the most
number of points in the meet.
Motion made and carried that we
ocpres- in a resolution our appre
ciation to the county , superintend
enent for his efforts in starting a
county basketball tournament 'and
our appreciation for the officials in
charge of the floor and games this
Motion made and carried to give
the winning baaketbal team, both
boys. and girls, a pennant this year
'Motion mede to give the cham
pion baseball team a pennant tht:
year. Motion carried.
Motion made and carried that
the winning team be ascertained
upon percentage basis after each
team had played two games with
!very other icam, counting games
nlayed prior tn March 23rd. it be
ing understood that the manager of
ach team arrange for the two
-mes with every other team, the
vinning team in each gnme to re
port the score to the office of the
county school sunerintendent.
Motion was made and carried
hut the meeting adjourn.
Colorado F.ditor HiU Nail on Head
Regarding County Towns
The town that can't be improved
ipon just isn't. An editor may get
-ensored or be accu ed of "stirring
hings up" occasionally, but you
leVer hear' complaint or destructive
riticism by the progressive citizen.
'Ve believe that the newspaper which
'oints out the needed things is much
nore valuable to a town than on
vhich continually praises the pos
essions of the town. Ault (Colo.)
Special prices to rcheols and base
ball clubs on Spalding athletic sup
dies. See the Maurin Drug Store.