The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, March 07, 1929, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    thur.Jay, llaJcK, 1, Mb.
him 'lSrfel
Your Spring Costume Awaits You at The
$10.95 to $79.95
$9.95 to $34.95
: $395 to $13.50
"Wear as you pay The Cinderella Way"
' Cinndleirelk Frock Slaop
309 East 2nd. St.,' ' The Dalles, Ore.
Otto Htrrllng drove down from
Criterion on Wednesday.
Geo. Lee, from Shanlko, was
Maupln visitor on Wednesday.
Mose Detore of Waplnltla waa In
town on business Wednesday.
Billy Hunt drove to The Dalle
Wednesday on business mission.
A. Lincoln Hart-nan of Waplnltla
waa in town on business Wednesday.
Clarence Farghcr spent a couple
of the' flnt days of this week at
The Dalle?.
W. H. A Id ridge was an Interested
phone user at the phone mooting on
Saturday last
Pete Klrach and wife were in
from their Criterion ranch on busi
ness - Wedne day morning:.
R. E. Walters of Juniper -Flat,
waa trading with Maupln merchants
on Wednesday afternoon.
Lew Kelly is at The Dalles this
weak, taking part in the delibera
tions of the county court.
David Kidder of Maupln was
registered at the Bank hotel, The
Dallea, last Monday night.
Dr. W. A. Short, accompanied by
Mrs. Wray, mado a trip to The
Dalles Wednesday afternoon.
J. G. Kramer drove down from
Lakcvivw on Saturday to find out
what the phone meeting was colled
for. i
o i
Bill Schilling went over to Grass
Valley Monday. He ia interests in
a flivver there and went over to in
spect it.
Mrs. Jackson of the Tourist ho
tel, The Dalles, spent Tuesday and
a part of Wednesday with her sis
ter, Mrs, Arthur Crelghton, in Mau
pln. ' Reports from the hospital at The
Dalles are to the effect that Marcus
Sho&rer is rapidly recovering from
the burns received at the Fischer
Mrs. Marcus Shearer went to The
Dalles Wednesday afternoon to see
her husband who Is in a Dalles hos
pital. She reports that be is doing
Joe Kramer went to Portland on
Monday and there secured ' a pick
up Ford truck? Ernest Patrick ac
companied him, they returning on
George Mallatt and wife were
down from Bakeoven to attend the
telephone meeting last Saturday.
That trip was but the second for
George all winter. . N
Ceorge Tillotson and wife have
been visiting at the home 'of Mrs.
T.'s parent;, Harry Lewis and wife,
on Smock Prairie. They now live
on the John Day, below Condon.
Chas.' Crofoot and wife went to
The Dalles Saturday to attend at
the bedside of Mr. Crofoot's sister,
Mrs. Wm. Beckwith, who h ill at
the county scat They returned
Sunday evening. "
Claude Wilson hade his presence
known at the telephone meeting at
the Legion haH. , He is a phone
user on the Bakeoven line and de
sired to be shown Just how the pro-
po ed change would benefit phone
users out his way.
Z;l TTnn. About
I IV l, UJi Town
Francis Confer is up from Port
land for the purpose of directing
plowing operations on his Juniper
Flnt ranch.
E, A. Hartman waa a representa
tive of Phone Line No. 26 at the
general meeting of phone users in
this city last Saturday. '
Gordon Mcttccr laid off Tuesday
morning in order to give the big
truck Uie owe over in preparation
for a summer'a binding. t
Rpahling's athletic and sporting
Roods at the Maupin Drug Storo.
Special rates to schools and ba cball
clubs. Maupin Drug Store.
Mrs. Hammond, Mrs. It. E. Wil
son's mother, from Portland, ia in
Maupin and will visit with her
daughter and family for atime.
Milt Morris and son, Glen, the
former from The Dalles, the latter
from the Valley, were meeting old
friends in Maupin on Saturday 1 t
Panting Out Pencil , senate would extend their sittings
Harvey Morris is still pas ing out over the stipulated time, by Lew
those nifty many-colored ever-ready Hcnneghan went to Salem last week
lead pencils. Those mem markers and the legislature adjourned . early
are the real thing in pencils and Sunday morning. . Wonder whether
fllarve has disposed of many of them Lew's visit had anything to do with
The fact that a Catholic father
has been investigating the possibility
of settling a colony on Juniper Flat
should cause Maupln people t0 sit
up and take notice. Father Black,
a noted Catholic divine, hat: made
a couple of trips to the Flat and
with him was one of the leading
colonizers of the Pacific coast
Just what will be accomplished by
their visits is not known, suffice to
say that something worth while is-j
in the wind and that that Something
will prove of great benefit to Mau
pin. ' , ,t
The Maupin High school basket
ball players did not get a chance to
take part in the tournament , at
Mosier lost Friday,' By some method
of arrangement they were prevent
ed from playing by an oversight in
not sending In their entry until the
day of the tournament They, how
ever, played a game with the Grass
Valley team, suffering a defeat
.... ' x
t Something appears radically the
matter with Maupin. Heretofore it
was an eacy matter to grab oil a
pint or quart, but since the sheriff
has been doing a clean up job herea
bouts Maupin has taken on all the
attributes of a desert. Maybe some
brave bootlegger will open up busi
ness again and then thirsty humane
may be able to get hold of a bottle
of the contraband.
The state legiiature as concluded
its labors and has disbanded for an
other two years. Some meritorious
bills were acted upon and pa Bed
and many received the axe at the
nanus oi tne governor. it . was
thought probable the house and
A Checking Account
There is just one intelligent and efficient way to f
handle your finances today. That is by a checking
account. When you pay your bills and handle
your funds by check, you put yourself in a position
whereby you can control your expenses rather
than be controlled by them. It makes it possible
for -you to utilize every aid in accumulating your
funds that will some day make your dreams come
true. ; Thi3 is why a checking account eliminates
the chance of losing money from your pocket. It
removes the chance of losing money bv makinz'
incorrect change. It reduces the chance of paying 2
uma twice, suite a cneat is ns own receipt.
Maupin State Bank
Home From Salem ; j New Cunty Nor
L. C. Henneghan and wife return- j Miss Marian Lord is new county
ed from a week's visit with relatives , nurse, she entering upon her duties
at Salem on Monday. They were
accompanied to Maupin by Mrs.
Henneghan'a mother, Mrs. Alice
Batty, and her niece, Amy Lou Van-
the first of the week. Mi s Lord
succeeds Miss Sena Peterson, and
is well qualified to take care" of the
manifold duties better than has been
done in the past
to Maupinites.
Garden Hose Was Beat
Newt Hcdin excavated hia kitchen
sink drain on Monday. While t 'at
work he received Jotes of advice as
to the best method to employ, but
Newt found that the garden hose
wub the beat help thai came along.
Show Was a 5ucm
The amateur comedy performance
at Legion hall last evening wan a de
cided suece.s, both from a financial
standpoint as well as from merit on
the part of the Dufur ladies taking
part The house was comfortably
filled and the Boy Scouts, for whose
benefit the show was put on, have
been able to add quite a snug sum
to their' treasury. Should the
Willing Worker choose to again in
vade Maupln with an entertainment
they may be assured of a greeting
by a much larger audience.
We ask to be judged
by the homes ive've furnished'
HPHAT we have assisted in furnish-
JL ing many of the city's finest resi
dences is a matter of pride with us
and a proof to you of the desirabil
ity of the furniture we carry.
Nor is high price the rule. Frequently
you will find that here you can secure
dependable furniture for le?s than
lower grades are marked elsewhere.
At no price will any but furniture
that merits your, full confidence be
v offered. ;
,We are showing a special grouping of
the new Simmons Beds sponsored by
many of America's foremost women.
rrr 4fe ftji
u Ss!
- ' -.POWERS
Third and Washington St.
Phone 300
Thn river is coming up and, is
carrying a full quota of mud. Bake
oven cresk has been full to the brim
but now is on the decline. We may
be assured of good fishing, for, as
Dave Donaldson says, trout never
bite good unless there has been
a high water to caui e them to come
up stream.
x , .
ism Williams is on the anxious
seat these days. His chief chore at
home is taking care of his prize
foxes, and now that one of them is
an expectant mother Bill h devoting
extra attention to his chnrges. The
foxes are well bred and are of a
choice strain, and Bill sees to it that
they are not bothered any at this
The gang of Gypsies who struck
Maupin last Friday were well to do,
at least :o" they seemed. Their cars
were large and of a high price make,
while the people themselves were
dressed better than are most of
their kind usually traveling over
Oregon's highways. This particular
band had come up from California
and were bound for a gathering of
their clan in British Columbia.
x- ;
Ray Knylor steamed up , a new
McCormick-Deering tractor on Mon
day and rode the machine to the
ranch. Ray eveidently intends te
turn over a lot of acres this spring
and the machine he has purchased
surely will do its share in accomplish
that little old job.
Interest is the coming smoker is
running high. Feople, who usually;
are considered , sedate and stay-at-
home folks, were asking for tickets
last Saturday, while the demand or
choice seats has been insistent all
week. ' ,
Nw Baby Girl
For once The Times mnn was
caught napping, and that time wos
when he failed to lorn of the ar
rival of a seven-pound baby girl at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron
Davis. The little miss is a husky
infant and her- parents are to be
congratulated that she has taken up
her residence with them.
Jark Morrow in Town
Jack Morrow of The Dalles was
a Maupin business visitor on Wed
nesday afternoon. Jnck, who foim
ly work at the then Butler store, har
decided that he will tro int0 business
for himself, therefore has taken to
vlling merchandise to vnrious mer
chant on The Dalles-California
highway. -
Cradinc Side Street
A county road grader hauled by
a caterfjlar tractor, is at work on
Maupin's sfdo itrects today Bnd is
rutting them in better shape than
they have been in since the place
was incorporated.
Garden Patch White Corn, per case ;.....$2.99
Forest Pride Gulden Corn, per -case $3.60
Bulls Eye Tender Peas, per case......: ....$2.99
Bulls Eye Tomatoes, 2Vs, per case .i:...$2.99
Daro Line Minced Clam?, Ts, per.doz....... $2.63
Merrimac Salmon, 15Voz. tin, per doz.. ..$3.25
Wasco Peaches No. 10 tin, each , 60c.
Silverdale Catsup, No. 10 tin, each 60c
Thompson Seedless Raiscns, 25 lb box.:..... $1.95
Tru Blu Soda Crackers, 3 lb box:.......................45c
Cascade Blend Coffee, 5 lbs, $1.90
Parlor Blend Peaberry Coffee, lbs $2.i5
Golden West Coffee, 5 lb tin.. .......$2.65
K. C. Baking Powder, 10 lb tin. ;J;...........$1.35
Calumet Baking Powder,' 10 lb tin........J.........$1.65
White River Flour, per bbl..l.. .....$7.80
Sperry White Down Flour, per bbl..................$79
Best Cane Sugar, per cwt............ $5.39
White Wonder Soap, per case... A.:.....$3.79
Climax, Horseshoe and Star Tobacco, per lb 70c
Grocery j
110 EAST 2ND. ST.
Where MaupiniU receive Service coupled with Courteav and Eats
the Bett 0n the Market. Try this Cafe when in The Dalles again.