The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, March 07, 1929, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    fag Twd
The Maupin Times
C. W. Semme, Editor
C. W. Semitic and E. R. Simmii
Published every Thursday at
Maupin, Oregon
Subscription: One year $1.50; tix
months, $1.00; three months, 60cts.
Entered at second class mall mat
ter September 8, 1914, at the post
office at Maupin, Oreon, undr the
Act of March 8, 1876.
Laae Cunty Receive Largest
Nomber, Linn County Nest
During: the last fiscal year a total
of 18,885 Chinese ph&ants were
liberated by the Oregon State Game
Commission in the various counties
of the state. Lane county received
2,120, Linn 2,031, Marion 1,595,
Benton and Union 1,380 each, Yam
hill 1,300 and Polk 1,180. Other
counties where experience has
hown that the birds will thrive
goodly numbers were liberated. The
commission nmv has on hand at it
three farms several 'thousand
.iunese jmt.sswms ana mey are oe-i
ing held for breeding purposes.
Still Keeps HsaUh
Wasco county is reported as be
ing the healthiest county in Oregon.
If report, made to the State Board
Df Health are to be taken as made.
For the week ending February 23
there were but seven communicable
diseases reported, they being two of
flu, four of smallpox and one of
New Style Cher. Truck
The CorvallL Creamery company's
driver came to Maupin Tuesday at
the wheel of a new style Chevrolet
truck. The machine rode on six
wheels, two extra ones being at the
rear end. The idea of the six
wheels in that the two additional
ones tend to equalize the load and
permit of hauling a much heavier
consignment of creamery products
and other freight
Preparing for Fishing Season " "
. Tom Henneghan, the town's cham
pion fisherman, has been busy of
late overhauling his fishing tackle.
He has wrapped his rods, shined up
his spinners, made ome leaders and
has even got a bunch of bait cans
ready. He, evidently believes in
-2A ron saint of Ireland,
with a regular old-time St. Patrick's
m ted M"-m
Saturday. March 16
Supper Cafeteria
Dance Tickets
These Dances have always been the
event of the season, and this will be
the best ever given by the Society.
Went To Grass Valley
Dr. W. A. Short and his crew of
"Wildcats" went to Grass Valley
Wednesday afternoon to play a game
of basketball with the players of
that town. This is the fiat game
the local boys have played with
Grass Valley and according to re
ports are taking on a vry fast
The Maupin "Wildcats" have been
defeated only once this season
and think that they are more than
a match for the Grass Valley team.
Later Our team got skinned.
Got Cheap Gas
R. W. Richmond and wife and
Rilla Powell drove to Portland last
Saturday and from there went
across the river to Vancouver. At
the latter place R, W. laid in a
supply of gasoline, for which he
was required to i. U cents a gal
lon. They returned home Monday.
Af (er Painting Jobs '
"Shorty" Miller has demonstrated
that spring is really here. He has
donned his working clothes and is
now hustling painting and paper
hanging jobs. Shorty slings a hefty
brush and when it comes to adorning
walls with paper he is there both
ways from the ace.
Pine Grove News
Walter Sharp is cutting wood
with Tim Linn's power saw.
Ed. Davis end sons are cutting
wood near home.
Frans Walters and son were Mau
pin visitors Monday.
Alice and Dorothy Davis went
home to their parents over the week
end. ,
Leonard Farlow and wife (nee)
Florence Mathews, came out Sunday
from Portland to visit her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mathews.
Carl Powell is doing Fred Ault's
chores at the McFarlane mill while
Fred is at Portland for a 10-day
; Andy Booth is cutting wood on
the Turner tract for Fred Ault.
Carl Powell will start to work
for Roy Batty Monday.,
Wm. Moore will help Davis and
?on in lambing, starting on the 15th.
Frank Richerdson is still bed
. Among the Pine Grove men who
were in town for the phone meet
ing last Saturday were, J. S. Brown,
chairman of line 25, E. A. Hartman,
O. S. Walters, directors of line 25;
Ruben Walters, Oscar Walters,
St. Patrick's Day, the one day of the
year when all warm blooded Irishmen
throw care to the Winds and engage
- 's-ei ' V 4-1 av -nt A laa I " m . . -C A I an 4
Catholic church will
Hall, Maupin, on
ttfs MAUPriN
Hurold Walters, Fred Laughlin, N.
Q. Hedin.
Gertrude Laughlin returned from
Portland and Corvallis, where she
has been working for the winter.
Her father, Fred Laughlin, met her
on Satuvdoy at the O. W, depot
Pine Grove Sunday school had
30 at last Sunday's service. Ruth
Mathews has charge of special fea
tures during March. Committees
appointed for Easter programs are
follows: Music and program Mrs.
N. G. Hedin, Mrs. Fred Laughlin;
committees on egg hunt Mrs.
Chas. Cox, Mrs. Walter Sharp;
Committee on decorations Ger
trude Laughlin. Ruth Mathews,
Lillian Washburn, Lillian Cox. A
dinner, cafeteria style, will be en
Joyed. Later announcement will
be made as to the speaker and pro
gram. Linn and sons axe about to
strt cutting saw logs at the Davis
tract Snow is still deep in the tim
ber. Farmers are driving polls and
mending fences.
Carles Lewis and family visited
friend; and relatives at Pine Grove'
Sunday last
Phone meeting at Wapinitia Ir
rigation company's office last Tues
day was attended by a good many
patrons of line 25. New books and
new officers wore elected. O. S.
Walters is secretary-treasurer of the
line and directors were elected for
one.two and three yean'. The an
nual meeting will be held March 5th
each year.
Mrs. Birdie Cox taught cchool for
Mrs. Lester West on Monday whilo
the latter was "listening in" on the
Hoover inauguration event at Wash
ington, D. C
Prof. Broughton took his pupils
to a neighboring radio to give them
the educational benefit of the
inaugural ceremonies.
Farmers telephone directors from
all this section held a meeting at
the Derthick cchool house Wednes
day to consider repairs to the main
line of the system, and other main
tenance matters.
Iris Sharp visited at the home of
Mrs. Lester West Monday night her
teacher bringing her back Tuesday.
Walter and Mary Sharp and their
family have moved to the home of
John McCorkle, where Mrs. Sharp
will cook and Walter will do spring
farm work. ;
Mrs. Fred Ault and two daughters
came in from Portland on Tuesday
and will reside at McFarlanes' mill.
Mrs. Ault will run the cook house.
St. Patriek.
celebrate the day
The girls will attend tho Maupin
school next fall. Mr. Ault 1ms com
pletud arrangements to build a home
in Maupin for tho convenience of
the family while the girls are at
tending school.
Melvln , Walters has comploted
making a violin, he a Ing local soft
and hard wooJ In Its construction.
He played on It at Pino Grove Sun
day school Sunday and it sura
sounded like a good instrument
; Dr. Lawrence Stovall and friends
paid the Julius Shepflin ranch a vis
it last Sunday.
Walter sharp sold a pig to Oliver
Resh and chicken to the Hotel Kel
ly at Maupin thU.week.
CryUal 'Dode) Hartman Is visit
ing with Leonard Webcrg and wife.
The McFarlane mill will not be
gin sawing until April.
Snow still blocks the west Pine
Grove highway. It 'is rapidly melt
ing before the warm winds. Canals
ar.d creeks' are full to overflowing.
W. B. Keen writes from McMlnn
villo that ho and bta wife art doing
nicely, making no complaint regard-ln-
health. Mr. Keen is 81 years of
Wapinitia Items
Spring is here warmer weather
and lots of wind.
Among those going to Tygh Val
ley hist Saturday night were Mr. and
Mrs. Lew McCoy, Mr. and Mrs. E.
A. Hartman, Joe A. Graham.
Gertie Laughlin has returned
from an extended visit at Portland.
Eugene and other Valley points.
She will remain at home during the
spring months.
Mr. Borlin, the Wamic blacksmith,
was at Wapinitia lost week getting
a supply of machinery and plow ex
tras of E. A. Hartman.
A number of telephone patron.",
went to Maupin last Saturday and
attended the open telephone meet
ing. -
H. E. Lewis, maintenance mnn on
the Wapinitia cut-off, has recently
got a new truck. He has been busy
on the road since the big snow.
Our nigh school is especially well
equipped with Ford bugs, the latest
to grace the parking space in front
of the school hone being the insect
of Robert Holman. The only way
the bug can carry the name "car"
is the license plate and gasoline they
Prof. Broughton took the basket
ball team to Tygh Monday evening,
where our athletes played the Tygh
team. -
The Bible Sunday class recently
organized under the school study
plan and taught by A. Lincoln Hart
man, is now engaged in studying
"Great Epochs of Sacred History."
The class was organized under the
study plan of the Moody Bible insti
tute of Chicago, and is getting along
fine. The members are now taking
the second examination, having
passed the first one with high cred
its. A division of the class Is at
John Fitxpatrick was in town a
couple of days tho first of the week
having come down from his Nena
sheep ranch on business.
Rev. W. A. Mathews was in from
Sjmnasho la t Saturday.
. Grandma Delco recently moved
back to town, after spending
of the winter with her, daughter,
Mrs.' Anna Pachctt.
Richard Delco has written his
grandmother to send his things to
him in the Valley, as he has decided
he will not return this spring, hav
ing secured "employment in that sec
tion. Rev. Everett Hazen came back to
usual duties Sunday and deliver
ed his first sermon for some months.
He stated he intends to hold evange
listic services here in the near fu
ture. Morris Dclore, son of Charles De
lore, formerly of this place, fa here
visiting at the Delore home.
P. H. Evic recently completed
overhauling his car and now it is in
shape for the spring season.
Al Dunning was here recently
while on his way from the reserva
tion, going across tho Deschutes to
i sist in lamping.
Thos. Kienzle was up from his
Deschutes ranch the first of the
Joe A. Graham is busy building
boxes to hold emergency fire ap
paratus in preparation of the sum
mer fire season,
V. B. Tapp mode a business trip
to The Dalles the latter pat of last
H. E. Hammer has been hauling
hay to th ! hitt shnp ranrh
Jimmy AbVrf. l.aulcd ',. fodder to
Wapinitii, H.-rij t.i!inb i from,here.
Bobby Pu'Mson hnulod. a quan
lity of hay to Wapinitia for the
fl&chlcrs, ihcy hauling t to the
ranch from here. The recent snow
and cold weather caused Hachler to
run short of sheep feed.
Hirschel Hollis and Roy Baxter
came over from the Shaniko section
Tue. day and culled on friend hero
that day,
Tho Ladies Aid hu resumed It
usual get-together and meet for
work each Friday. It Is rumored
they plan another social soon.
Crystal Hartmun has spent several
days with Vlvan Wberg lately.
Mrc. Mary Marquam, Mrs. Ernest
Hartman' lster-ln-lw, a daughter
of Mrs. Knight of Dufur, living at
Marquam, Oregon ( with the latter'
son-in-law, Mr. Bontley, also of Mar
quam, with Mrs. Knight And daugh
ter, Fern, were callers here Saturday
J. E. Hartman and family spent
Sunday afternoon at the Bothwell
The High school student spent
the greater part on Monday at the
Batty home, lltenlng to the inau
guration excerlses over the radio.
On the way out they found Jack
Howard stuck' in the mud with his
auto. After getting him out an
other car of the party alsovwent Into
the ' mud hole, After those delay
they heard most of the program
Jack Howard is teaching tho Batty
County Commissioner Kelly and
wife and county Engineer Christ
Fauerso were thb way Tuesday In
spectlng roads. They went up Pa
quett Gulch, Inspecting that grado.
Sam Wallan, driver of the school
bus to the Hachler school, ono- day
last week had his car buck and not
willing to return home. Fritz Hach
ler hauled it to Frank Brown's,
where the car was taken apart,' but
the ailment was not discovered until
they took the muffler off and It
was dl covered to be filled with
mud. They cleaned out the cur
meandered along as sedately as an
old cow.
Telephone meeting has been quite
numerous lately. Many from here
attended the one held at the Der
thick school house Wednesday.
Everett Richmond brought In i
truckload of farm machinery for E,
A. Hartman oh Wednesday.
Labor Saying Equipment Is Key to
Power faming will enable the
farmer to find prosperity in the
future, in the opinion of Dr. E. G.
Noure, of the Institute of Econom
ics, Washington, D." C, a speaker at
the 82nd annual farm and home
week held under the auspices of the
University of Illinois.
The farmer will be a busineits
man, according to Dr. Nourse. He
will use mechanical power to im
prove his businer and he will be
come an active participant in com
munity life with many contact. By
appplying all the labor saving equip
ment available, and t the same
time co-operating with fellow, fanr.
ers in the sale of his produ' e and In
financing his operations, tho pro
gressive farmer will bo prosperous
and Tucccssful.
From The Times March 6, 1918
R. W, McShane, a former resi
dent of Maupin, died at Portland
on February 25, death bobig caus
ed by blood po'on. Tho family
had been visiting at Moxee City,
Washington and while there Mr.
McShane developed a sore on his
face. As the sore spread he decided
to go to Portland for treatment,
but it was unavailing, as death
quickly ended matters. '
Dr. Elwood writes that he Is at
tending to the health of Uncle
Sam's boys at the big snwmilla at
Tillamook. , x
The new Maupi-n drug store build
ing is nearing completion. The
brick flue was put in yesterday and
with a little nvore work the rear
rooms will be ready to be put in use.
The main store room being finish
ad in wood and will havo a comer
entrance from both, streets.
N. G. Hedin is moving his raw
mill to the low setting at the mouth
of the gulch and will sown have It
sawing again. H;din says he has
about 126,000 feet of lumber on
hand, all of which will be used in
construction work.
Born On Monday of this week
at Criterion, a daughter weighing
8 1-3 pounds t0 Mr, and Mrs. L. B.
Last week the ladies of 'Criterion
attired in the Hoovor suitpf, nerved
a dinner to the crowd w'nich had
gathered to listen to R. A. Chase
and Miss Backen boost tire thrift
stamp sales. The school I children
at Criterion haver over $90. .00 Bigned
R. C. Jory and family arrived
Sunday from Silver C ly, ' New
Mexixco, where they had i bwn for
Mr. Jory'a health. He is nrarclv Im
proved. ' . ' ,
Vlolot Miller, Laura Gootjen,
Fern Muyhew and Louise Moigen
sun have organized a members of
a uirls buHkutball tuam, and are be
ing Instructed In the play of th
game by M,r. L, S. Stovall.
WANTED To rent farm furnish
ed. M. J. Coomrad, Wamic, Or.
WORK WANTED Woman with
girl IS 'want work cooking on
ranch for the summer. Addres
Care of Muupln Times. 18-tf.
FOR SALE 1060 fln, wool Ram.
boulett yearling 'ws. Delivery
before or after (hearing at Coo
don, Oregon. Carrlco A Newman,
Condon, Or. I8-t8
SALE Phon 26188. Albertlna
West, Wapinitia. Oregon 16-t2
have several case f huckl
berrle for tale at fC.OQ par case.
Will soil quart can at 00 cent
each. Berrle were canned in th
field and are , nice, large and
' fresh. Call on Nick Karolu. .
FOR SALE New Zealand hp
Romney buck, fiv two-year-old,
thru Rambouleta; two Guernsey
bulls, one yearling, on two-year-old.
Albert Hill, Wamic, Oregon.
. 41-tf
feeder pig for sale also six brood
sow . Call Burt Scott, Wamic,
Oregon. 7-t2
KOIl SALE -1 2"ot McCormfck
header, In first clans condition.
Price $100.00. Ed. lUrrling,
Shaniko, Oregon.
FOR SALE A No. 6 Molotte cream
separtor, 150.00 j Vaughan wood
saw, $50.00; set of heavy harness,
cheap; one light harness, aUo '
cheap.. Mrs. Anna Bradway,
Smock Prairie. 45-tf
FOUND Pair of gold bow rlmles
spectacle. Owner may( have
same by calling at thl office,
identifying and paying for
this advertisement 48-tf
Notice -l hereby given that
Joseph J. Dyboll, administrator of
the Estate-of John E. Dyball. de
ceased, has filed in the County
Court of the State of Oregon for
Wasco county, his final account a
such administrator, and that Mon
day, the 18th day of March, 1020.
at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. ha
been fixed by said court a th
ilme for hearing of objection to
oaid report and tho settlement there
of. . '
Attornay for Estate.
Joseph. .1. Dyball,
F21-M14 AdminlKtrntor.
The Dalles, Ortcea. Pboae 5-J
Your Watch Haywire?
If it ( not rloinf? its work
brinjf it to The Tirnos office
and Mr. Seromes will send
ioii"'(af'urip? Jeweler
sunt Watchmaker
bu.sw(i' in V. Lindqulst
Shoes and Repairing
Waaco County 'a Exclusive
Shoe Store
''hoes for th General Repairing
'Vhola KflinUw lh Dalles, Ore.
Where the best 35 cent
meal is served in
The Dalles
Next The Dalles
C. N. Sargent, Prop.