Thursday, February, H, ld2J. t rtfc MAUPIN TlMfek I Personalities Oliver Rcsh mid wife enjoyed a ride to The Dalies and return Sun duy, o " Cluds Wing of Wmlc wu at tending to business matters In Mau pln yesteday, ' J. G. Kramor spent a couple of days In Maupln taut week, coming in from hii Laktiview ranch. . o Paul Muller of Tygh Valley was a business visitor with our itort keepers on Saturday last. o . Llyod Morrow was a rancher from Wamlc who attended to busl now in Maupln yesterday morning. L C. Henneghan and wife left Tuesday morning for Salem, where they will visit for a time with rela tive. Clarence Fargher wai a Maupln visitor Sunday, It being hie fintt visit to town for bettor then a month. A. A. Derthick waa over from Du fur lust Sunday, making a ahort visit with his son, Gus Derthick, and family, ' t . o E. M, llartman and on, A. Lincoln, were in from their Wap intia home on business Monday afternoon. Mrs. Wayne DfJanvior left for The Dalles Monday and will be cm ployed as waitress In Mack's rafe at that place. Johnny McLeod came over from The Dalles Saturday and spent few days this week with relatives and friends, Dolph Goctjen and wife wore over from the Hunt Tygh Valley nch a couple of days the latter part of lust week. Mho is a sister-in-law of Mr. David son. ' o- Clyde T. Bonncy and wife were over from Tygh Valley last Satur day and left some of their money with Muupln merchants, -o Mrs. Marcus Shearer returned from The Dalles last Friday and re ports her husband as getting better from tho burns ha received during the Fischer fire. , Tom Gallughor took hb Esaex out of hockr-dilayed getting a license and with his family took in the sights between Maupln and,, the county seat Sunday, Mr-.. Arthur Crelghton Is again presiding over the range at the Rainbow, having been pressed into service last week shortly after her return from Seattle. Newell, Shearer and wife returned to the Three Mile ranch last Friday, after spending a week at tho Mnrcu Shearer home in Maupln. Mrs. Ida Davidson arrived Mon dny from" Twin Falls, Idaho, and will be employed during the coming rea son at the Jake Davidson ranch. W, It. Aldrldge was one of the progressive ranchers who took In the International tractor school Tuesday, coming down from his up per Bakoovcn ranch. 1 Mrs. Alice Bourland, a promin ent member of the Barlow Gate grange, Wamlc,. was attending tg matters connected with the play, "Three Pegs," in Maupln yesterday. BARLOW GATE GRANGE TO STAGE COMEDY DRAMA "Bt.d. on a String" Will Be Offer ad en Evening of March Sialeanth ' BOY SCOUTS MAKING GOOD This seems to be the season when amateur thecplans plume themselves and show their talents, and In this section there are more who possess dramatic proclivities than anywhere else we know of. The lutcst to an nounce the presentation of a play is the Barlow Gate Orange of Wamlc, which order will present ''Beadn on a String," a three-act comedy at the Wamlc hall on the evening of Saturday, March 16. "Beads on a String" is one of those humorous plays that appeals to all. It is a story woven about a young man who ia in love but who has great difficulty in making his parents agree to hLi marriage. The play is fraught with ludicrous situa tions, pathetic love lines and is fill ed with comicalities. Price of admission will be 60 cents and 25 cents. There will be a dance after the show, for which good ma le will be on hand. Mau pln people are especially Invited to attend and a good time and plenty of laughter is promised. Cast of Characters . Bennie Davis ( . , 4 Zezzalee Davis Jborn Patccr J. II. Davis, Bonnie's Father Henry Wing Benjamin Davis, a rich uncle Claude Wing Harold Bcem, Bonnie's friend GJcn McKcnzie Ab. Dinkier, a would be detective.... Mike Urban Mrs. J. Davt , Bcnnle's mother Emily Spalak Molly Mallerton, Bennies' sweet- heart Naomi Magill SMOKER CARD WELL FILLED WITH POPLAR ARTISTS Tygh Vall.y Fight F..t Wall vertiMj and Will Draw Big Crowd Ad- The smoker to be staged at Tygh Valley school gymnasium on Satur day night promises something en tertaining In the fight gamo. Those having the matter in charge have lined up a fine card and some in teresting bouts are promised. '. .The main event will be between "Shorty" Behnke, who gained quite a repu tation a year ago by his aggressive and willing work in the ring and who, for the past year has been in dulging In bouts in the east, having gone ai ar toward the Atlantic as Detroit He Is now in Portland and will be on hand for the smoker. Floyd Holloman, who has appeared in Maupln and Tygh Valley rings in the past, will be "Shorty's" op ponent, and when those two . boys clash fur will fly. There will also be several other bouts,' they being four four rounds each, the maim event going six can tor'. All those signed for the smoker have appeared hereabouts before and each has given a good account of himself, and there is no reason to suppose they win not show their wares to the best advant age on Saturday night. A Home Product! Living Up to Mottoi "Do One Good BOY SCOUTS MAKINK GOOD Turn Each Day The local Boy Scouts arc making their organization felt in Maupin by a vark-d assortment of "good turns" 'roely given and cheerfully execut d. Thev are alive to Hie motto of ' .be toclety and"-each seems to vie Jcanncttc Blue, Uncle Ben's niece.... ith the others in the performance ' - Alice Bourland f manly acts. The members are , Cleopatra Oleomargarine Johnson .... iulckly absorbing the Intricate par Thclma Mulvaney rf scouting and will soon be number d among the best troops of the or der. . If ynu, Mr. Reader, like to me-t 'lonorahle, alert, clean boys, boost 'or the Boy Scouts at all times. TVy are worthy of your attention, .'or it should be remembered that he boys of today are the men of to- norrow. and if you can helo them from California to Canada. Tire itlain that perfect manliness whieh j trouble caused tho short delay. While romes from healthy excarine, moral ' here the women of the party attempt raining and right precepts you will . ed their old game of palm reading mve assisted In a most worthy en- i but failed to impress any whom they leavor. ' considered gullible. Kodaks and kodak supplies at the Maupin Drug Store. Bring us your picture work. Cypsia In Town Four large cars each hauling from six to fifteen Gypsies, made a short stop In Maupln today while enroute Spajlding baseball and other Athle tic goods at the Maupln Drug Store. Special rates to schools. IRISH WILL MEET IN CONFLICT AT SMOKER Good Card Lined Up For Legion Entertainment Mardi 9 Last and Best Big I MU "When Greek meets Greek then comes the tug of war" is an old truism. But how about things when Irish meet Irish? That is ju t what is going to happen at the smoker to be pulled off at Legion hall on the evening of Saturday, March 9. Ray McQuillan, the fighting Irishman of Wasco and Floyd Holloman, inwhose veins flowB the blood of Irish kings, have been matched by Manager George Morris to head line the card. Fight fans may well anticipate fome lively work in that bout as both boys arc going In for blood. There will be five other bouts on the card and they will be contested by boxers who have good local repu tations. The main event will go six rounds, the others but four rounds. Plenty of action and a chance to pull for your favorites. All expected to be there, so don't disappoint the Le gion boys. , , lll,,l,lIIMI.I,l.ll.,.,.,.)l I III) , ,, ,,., - , , ,. r S Mm i.'miiks." ill, ,.";,;,;,.. ', ,, This bank is a home product in that it is financed by home capital, officered by home men and does business chiefly with home people. Our services are at your disposal; use them freely. Maupin State Bank , (INCORPORATED) will be successful and those who at tend will be given the thrills expect ed, notwithstanding the knocks it has received. ' OF THE SEASON Giveii by the Maupin American Legion . Post at their hall in Maupin, on Saturday, March 9 26-Rounds of Boxing-26 MAIN EVENT Ray Mcquillan 6 Rounds 148 lbs Floyd Hollomar. Wasco, Ore. Maupin, Ore. Working With Ranchers 0. E. Bays wishes to call atten tion of the ranchers having phones to the fact that he wants to co operate with them to the end that service shall be of the best He would like to talk with all phone owners regarding the exchange, be lieving that such personal contact will be of mutual benefit. r' 7- F7 About JTlVa Up Town Young Jackson, Wasco, Ore., i 130 Pounds Albert Hachler, Wapinitia, 160Pourtds Larry Knighten, Tygh Valley, . , i 170 Pounds Alva Hammer, Wapinitia, 140 Pounds Elton Snodgrass, Maupin 125 Pounds FOUR ROUNDS vs. ' FOUR ROUNDS vs. -N- Nick Holloman, Maupin, Ore. 130 Pounds Andrew Crabtree, Maupin 160 Pounds FOUR ROUNDS vs. FOUR ROUNDS vs. FOUR ROUNDS vs. Cyril Fraley, Maupin 170 Pounds Dug Holloman, Maupin 140 Pounds Ah Unknown x - Ringside Scats, $1.00. Reserved Seats, 75 cents. General Admission, 50 cents Tom Gallagher does not like mud, except as coating over lath. Sun da he took his family to The Dalles on a pleasure jaunt The out going trip was fine and the return was also fine until they reached a place neaf the Dufur cemetery. There the Essex ran into a mud slide. The road crew was on hand and soon had cleared a roadway thru the slime. Tom steered his low-slung car ; thru about three feet of mud and eventually trot out Anothef man, driving like the mill tail of hades, approached the slide. He did not attend warning wagj but hit bolter skelter thru. Tom says he'll bet a cookie that fellow was a candidate for an auto washing when he got to a place where they launder cars. Dave Donaldson watches the river with the eye of a hawk. He keeps advised regarding the condi tion of the water, height and possi ble chances for fish runs. He cays that without an early flood thre will not be good fishing in the De schutes. He arrives at that conclu sion after watching the river for a number of years. We believe Dave knows his fishing onions, as he h one of the most, successful fisherman hereabouts. . - . . x -Clyde T. Bonney has been as busy as can be of s late lining up a card for the coming Tygh Valley smoker. He has met some opposition in so doing, that coming from disinterest ed parties. The Tygh smoker is sponsored by the pupils of the schools of that place and is given in order to raise money with which to pay off the debt remaining on thc gym. To lay obstacles in the way of such an enterprise as he smoker does not redound t0 the cre dit of tho:e guilty. The ' smoker O. E. Bays is here on the job of fixing telephones on the local lines. For our phone is able to function after a quictne a of over three months. Bays took the innards out of the thing, added new stuffing, new wires and now if anyone de sires connection with The Times shop they will have no difficulty in reaching us by phone and getting an answer. Ring us op and tell ns that little bit of news you are carrying under your hat x Julius Shcpflin has been working on the lritenon end ol tne lugn way. He, with Gordon Metteer, Lester Crofoot and Mose Addington has been cutting a roadway thru several five-foot drifts so that traf fic might go on unimpeded. Julius worked Sunday afternoon and when he came in refused to go home and cook his own supper. Tie wife fc in Portland and Julius, liki most i !r. r men, is averse to serving an engineer of a cooking range when the Rainbow is in the market to take of his eating wants, , x Bill Schilling is a versatile cuss. When not fiddling with an auto try ing to find out what makes it not go, he is welding together broken articles of metal. His latest venture is 'that of dog teacher. Bill is now the possessor of one of The Times puppiea and is putting in his spare time trying to make the little fellow ' it up, speak, roll over and other edifying tricks. ELEVEN YEARS AGO From The times March . 1, 1918 John Foley and bride, nee .Miss Kate Murphy, arrived Wednesday from San Francisco. They are now residing on the former's farm east of Maupin. The local telephone switch board has been moved from the drug ctore to a room in the postoffice building, formerly occupied by the jewelry . store. Miss lea Derthick has been' employed to operate the board. - John Boen, employe of the Hedin -mill company, had his arm badly mangled by the main saw Friday. He may lose the use of the arm as some of the cords were severed. The Hedin mill crew fc under state compensation, therefore Mr. Boen will draw pay for the time he is laid up. The fine weather we are enjoy ;ngk has a tendency to bring to life Ml vegetation. Wild flowers are blooming in abundance while Mrs. W. H. Staata has some cabbage stumps in her garden which have taken on second growth of some well developed heads. A building occupied by the farm hands at the Connolly ranch burned Wednesday, February 28 yester- ' day. ' . Mr. and Mrs. Roy Crabtree are the proud parent? of an 11 -pound boy, born Saturday night of lust week. Mrs. Joseph Traxtle, formerly of Tygh Valley, died at Lebanon last Friday, heart disease being cause of death. The remains were brought to Tygh Valley and interred at the Traxtle homestead. She was 68 years of age. She leaves her hus band, one son and two daughters. The Miller farm home near Wa mic narrowly escaped destruction last Saturday morning. The fam ily had been at a dance the- pre vious evening and slept rather late. When George and Fred Miller awoke about 10 o'clock they saw flames issuing from the roof. They or ganized a bucket brigade and toon had the fire out, but not before a large space and had been burned in the roof. John McCorkle is the first on the list to advance $6.00, a year's tele phone rent under the newly arrange ed switchboard. ' USED Ford Tractor FOR SALE -x- Shattuck Bros.