The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, February 28, 1929, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    Thursday, February1, 28. 1920.
The Maupin Times
C. W. Semmci, Editor
C W. Simmu anil E. R. Stmnii
, Publisher '
Published every Thursday at
Maupin, OregoD
Subscription: One year, $1.50; d.
months, $1.00; three months, 60cts.
Entered as second cius8 mail mut
ter September 8, l'Jl-i, at the post
cilice at Maupin, Oreon, undr tin
Actof March 8, 1876.'
When the pot calls the kettle black
H savors of pettishiness. A person
who will charge anc.ther with an of
fense and bus the one so charged
haled before a court, whether the of
fense is sufficient unto itself to mcr
it such procedure, especially when
the matter could be settled amicably
does not redound to the credit of the
accuser. ".
Who said Eastern Oregon was a
desolate wa-te of snow and frost?
.Whoever it was is invited . to visit
Ihe Deschutes valley at this time.
Should he come he would be greeted
, by singing birds, a breath of spring,
bursting pussy willows and an at
mosphere as healthful and life-giving
as can be found anywhere in the
The chinook winds of the past few
days have about cleared the snow
from this section. The hillsides are
bare and but a small coating re
mains on the fields. The best of
the thaw ia that the water, inrtead
of running to the river, has sunk in
to the ground, thus insuring a bounti
ful yield of wheat the coming sea
son. ..
C C. Chapman, publisher of The
Oregon Voter, was recently charged
by a certain legislator with main
taining and directing a lobby in the
state , house for the purpose of in
fluencing legislation inimical to pub
lie owner, hip of utilites. Editor
Chapman easily disproved the charge
and the legislature absolved him
from the charge.
C. C. Chapman is one of the big
men er.gagedt in journalistic pur
suits in Oregon. His Voter ia one
outstanding medium of education
along political lines and his counsel
and advice has been asked and ac
cepted on numerous occasions. That
he would be cleared of such a charge
as was laid against him was not
boubted. by a single publisher in
this state, and the fact that he in
vited drastic inquiry into his work at
A Farce Comedy in Three Acts to be presented by
the Willing: Workers of Dufur, Oregon, under the
auspices of Troop 33 Boy Scouts of America at the
Legion Hall, Maupin, Ore.,
Salem carried treat weight with
tho. e who were appointed to Inventi
on to him, crowned him with a halo of
tight iid good purpose.
Former Eat Side Mechanic Take
Over Big Garage Shop
Laverue Fischer, who recently lost
hia shop and tools in a fire, has
taken over the mechanical depart
ment of the Kramer garago and will
ncreaf ter be in charge ' there. He
.bck charge on ' Monday of this
Vern is considered as being one
of the best auto mechanics in south
ern Oregon. Hia slogan: "When
r'iseher Fixes Your Car it Stays
fixed," will be carried with him in
uis new location. He is one of the
leading electrician of the state and
oil generator and battery troubles
will be remedied by him.
Kramer Bros, are textrenjjy
iortunate in securing the services of
Mr. Fischer, and as consequence will
uaturally succeed to the work f
lornier customers of their mechanic,
vern desires that all his old custo
mers take note of his new location,
and promises the same expert ser
vice at the big garage he was wont
.o extend while in business for him
lakee Game From Dufur and Tygh
Valley at The Dalles
A basketball tournament held at
he Dalles last Saturday in which
earns from The Dalles, Dufur,
Tygh Valley and Dufur participated,
daupin went down to win jmd win
hey did, taking a game from Dufur
o the tune of 18 to 5, and one from
Tygh alley by thescore of 33-1 3. The
;irls' team from Maupin was elim
nated in the preliminary. - Dufur
iefeating our girl players by a score
j 23-27. The last game was inter
ring and close, it being anyone's
vin until early the end.
Maupin teams will go to Odell
Thursday and play teams of that
?lace that evening. They will remain
here all night and the next day will
jo to Hosier, where another tourna
.nent will be held. The latter,, con
:ests will continue over Friday, con
cluding Saturday, and it goes with
out saying that Maupin will again
ome out of the big end of the horn.
Ba!:er $209,000 hotel under con
struction here.
Emily Weston", a wealthy lady. Mrs. Will Evans
Aunt Euphilla Mrs. Jack Stevens
(Peggy Mrs. Alta Hanna
Three Pegs j Margaret Mrs. Florence Kramer
(Madge : Mrs. Eva Heisler
Sarah, an Irish girl Mrs. Herb Mulkins
Mrs- Conti, a talkative Italian Mrs. Ellis Jones -
Mrs. Barclay .....1 Mrs. Fred Frazier .
- Adults 50c, Children 25c
Seats on sale at Maupin Drug Store
Little Toil and OlJer One Appaar
In Varied and Planting Feb
ruary Program
The entertainment given by the
grade v-choul last Friduy evening
was easily one of the beat things of
its kind ever attempted in Maupin.
Each room of the grudea was repre
sented and with a varied program of
songs, dialogues, drills and playlets
entertained a large gathering for
netrly two hours.
Several of the offerlnga partook
of the comical, and each elicited
loud applause. Those taking part
showed they had been carefully
drilled and rendered their lines with
-promptness and a clearness seldom
heard from little ones. The drills,
especially, were fine. The Flag
drill, in which 20 pupils took part,
was better than waj expected, little
Louise Duus carrying of the chief
honors, sho sppcuring as comman
der of the forces. The fan drill by
Jean Renlck, Bcrnice Hollis, Doro
thy Greene and Francis Lindley was
also worthy of special mention. The
little girls went through the intra
cacies of the drill with great preci
sion and their natural grace added
to the effect of their evolutions.
Perhaps the outstanding feature
of the evening's entertainment was
the February play. All the pupils
from the six grades took part and
the birthdays of many celebrated
persons were remembered as well
as those people in rpeaking repre
sentation. Bernice Hollis took the
part of Miss February and chowed
rtr.l Urumntic Went
We would like to make individual
mention of each one taking part,
but space forbids. Each one did
fine and should their teachers again
attempt a similar entertainment pur
people would be assured one of the
be. t .and most pleasing shows possi
ble by little folks.
I desire to cnlLthe attention of
my old customers to my recent
change in location, it being to the
Kramer Bros.' garage, where I will
be in charge of the mechanical de
partment The same service I gave
while in business for myself will be
continued in my new location, and
I ask that my former customers re
member that I will personally at
tend to all auto repairs that may be
brought to thir, garage.
Laverne Fischer.
:By the Boy Scouts
Farce Comedy, "Three Pegi" Will
Be Produced in Maupin on
Wednetday, March 0
Last week a company of Dufur
thonpiaus pluyed a rollicking farce
comedy, "Three Pegu," to a crowded
house tunl gave unbounded satisfac
tion. The iame players have con
sented to reproduce the play In Mau
pin, and will do so for the benefit of
the local Boy Scout troop. The data
set ia that of Wednesday, March 0,
and the place is Legion hall.
Some of the best dramatic talent
of southern Wasco county will have
parts In the play. Many of them
have taken purt in plays in the past;
and have always thown exceptional
ability. Those people who have
parts in tho coming play, with .char
acters represented are:
Emily Weston, a wealthy lady
Mrs. Will Evans
Aunt Euphilla .... Mrs. Jack Stevens
Three Pegs
Peggy Mrs. Alta Hanna
Margaret .... Mrs. Florence Kramer
Madge Mrs. Eva Hetler
Sarah, Irish cook....Mrs. Herb Mul
kins Mrs. Conti, a talkative Italian.........
Mrs. Ellis Jones
Mrs. Barclay Mrs. Fred Frailer
General admission wFll be adults
50 cents; children 25 centi. Reserv
ed seats mny be procured at the
Maupin ding store. i
Pipe Frose Up
The water main leading from the
street to the Kramer garage suffer
ed a freeze up during the recent
cold weather. Ernest Patrick labor
ed the better part of two days In
uncovering the pipe, which wan
found to be congealed near the in
take from the street main.
Out of the Wilderneti
Tommy Kingsley meandered Into
town Monday, coming down from his
home tead near Mutton mountain.
Tommy has been in the wilderness
all winter, having come down but
J once before. This time he brought
a face full of whiskers with him and
said it was necessary to thaw theirf
out with a blow torch during the be
1 low zero weather.
Tretor Sold
Bates Shattuck, as agent for the
International Harvester company,
his fold three McCormick-Deering
tractors", those being part of the re
cent consignment of fivt, received
by Shattuck Bros. The ranchers
pinning their faith in thHt make of
tractor, with the size they chose,
are, A, W. Father, 15-30; W. O.
Chartain, 10-20; Ray KayJor, 10-20.
The other t wo on hand will be taken
by local farmers, as Mr. Shattuck
hnn received encouraging promises
from severol, two of whom will be
supp3ied with tractors soon.
, Ecea should not be handled in the
early spring any more than neces
sary.. Opening a hive in cool
weather wastes heat and may even
kill the brood. It is a good plan
to wrap hives in black tar paper in
the spring, to conserve heat and
hold the sun's rays. Put is on as
soon as the bees start flying in the
Milk may! be used in b'read-mak-fng
to improve the nutritive value
of the loaf, and also Improve its
appearance through the fine golden
brown crust and more creamy color
and better texture of the crumb.
Dried skim or evaporated milk will
give good results as well as fresh
whole milk.
House Settle Matter by. Having
Sample Cooked, Served
(Voter Reporting Service)
Salem, Feb. 27 Many a? good
fish ttory lacks evidence--but not
Representative Metsker's! To settle
the momentous question that has
been raging in ' legislative halls for
the last few days when is a steel
head not a rteelhead he exhibted
a fine sample of the specicr t0 his
fellow legislators.
"I want you to look well at this
'trout'," said Mr. Metsker, , "this in
fant sample weighing fifteen
pounds. It was caught in the Col
umbia last night and sent up here
to t how you sportmen a 'game
fish'. .
"These fish sometimes reach sixty
pounds in weight, and you would
class them as fish t0 be caught with
hook and line I I call this a food
Upon this declaration of Mr.
Metikcr's it was unanimously voted
that the fish should be. cooked and
served to the members of the House,
that they might judge Its classifi
cation as a 'food' fish.
St. nelensr-Bids opened for im
provement of Church ctreet
Shop System Employes Granted 2
I to S CinU an Hour
As a roHult of n conference In
Omaha during the lust week between
representatives of the Union Pacific
System , Shop Employes association
and the company, the pay of ap
proximately 11,000 mechanical de
partment employes of the Union
Pacific Sy tern lines was Increased
2 to 5 cents an hour, which repre
sents a total payroll Increase of ap
proximately ouo million dollars
Announcement to this effect was
made this week by W. M. Jeffers,
vice-president of the Union Pacific
The Increnso affects mechanical
department employes In all the
thirteen itates served by the Union
Pacific System.
Plans underway to charter city of
WANTED To rent a "farmfuriilHlw
ed. M. J. Coomrad, Wamic, Ore.
1644 "
SALE Phone 20188. Albertina
West, Waplnitla, Oregon 15-t2
have several casts it huckle
berries for sale at $0.00 per cose.
Will sell quart cans at 60 cents
each. Berries were canned in the
field and are nice, large and
fresh. Cull on Nick Karolus.
FOR SALE New Zealand sheep
Romney buck, five two-year-olds,
three Ramboulets; two Guernsey
bulls, one yearling, one two-year-old.
Albert Hill, Wamlc, Oregon.
feeder pigs for sale also six brood
sow..' Call Bert Scott, Wamic,
Oregon. 7-t2
FOR SALE 12-foot McCormick
header, in first claas condition.
Prico 1160.00. Ed. Herding,
Shaniko, Oregon.
FOR SALE A No. 6 Melotte cream
separtor, $50.00; Vaughan wood
saw, $50.00; set of heavy harness,
cheap; one light harness., also
cheap.. Mrs. Anna Bradwny,
Smock Prairie. 45-tf
FOUND Pair of gold bow rimless
spectacles. may have
same by calling at this office,
identifying gins cs and paying for
this advertisement. 48-tf
balance due on contract Easy
terms to responsibly purty. Write
Continental Security company,
Ameriean Bank buiHing, Port
land, Oregon. Z-'.i
Notice is hereby given , that
Joseph J. Dyball, administrator of
tho Estate of John E. Dyball. de
cen ed, has filed in the County
Court of tho State of Oregon for
Wasco county, his final account as
such administrator, and that Mon
day, the 18th day of March, lp29.
at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. has
been fixed by said eourt as the
time for hearing of objections to
snid report and the settlement there
Attorn sy for Estate.
Joseph. J. Dyball,
F21-M14 Administrator.
Department of The Intreior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, January 18, 1929.
Notic is hereby given that
Glen W. Power
of Maupin,' Of.fjcn; who, on, May
8, 1926 made, homestead entry; .un
der act December 29,' 1916, No.
024875and.6n July 20,' 1928 made
additional H.E. ,025355 also under
xt, December 29, 1916,' for lot 8,
section 4, lots 2, 3, 4,. 5, 6, SEtt
NW1, section 7, lots 1, 3, 4, 6, 7,
SEVi SWV4, section 18, lots 2, 8,
section 19, township 6-sauth, range
14-east, Willamotte merdian, has
ilod notice of intention to make
final proof, to establish claim to tho
land above described, before F. D.
Stuart, United States commissioner
at Maupin, Oregon, on the 4th day
of March, 1929. "
Claimant names as witnesses: W.
L. Fischer, Albert E. Troutman,
Frank Lister, Oliver Resh all of
Maupin, Oregon.
J-24 F-28. J. W. DONNELLY, Reg.
Notice is hereby given that Lena
Gosch, administratrix . of the estate
of Henry Gosch, deceased, has fil.d
in the Count Court of Warco county,
State of Oregon, her final account
as such administratrix, and that
Mondays the 11th day of March
1929, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock
a. m.i has been fixed by said court
as the time for homing of objuc
tions to raid report and settlement
JIH-F21 Admlnlsratrlx.
For Vico County
Pocket No. 4617 In Equity
JTATE OF OREGON, riulntlff.
Mary Pack, Thomas Tuck, SteJU
, Oud ', Laura HavUand and Frank
Havlland, Defendants.
To Thoma:) Pack, Defendant.
In the name of the Stats of Ore
gon: You, are hereby required to
appear and answer ths complaint
filed against you In the above in
titled suit within four weeks from
the data of the first publication, or
within four weeks of the date of per
sonal icrvlce of this summons upon
you outxiils of ths State of Oregon,
and If you fail to so answer, for
want thereof, ths plaintiff will
apply to the court for the relief de
rounded in the complaint' herein,'
viz, the foreclosure of a certain
mortgate secured upon the SEV&
SW, the SWH SEK, Section 18,
and the N4 NEU, Section 19. Tp.
1 S of R 12 E. W. M., containing
160 acres In Wa co County, Ore
gon, and will apply for an order of
.itlo of the property so described,
and will apply for judgmont
agalnnt Mary Pack and Laura Hsvl
hmd In the sum of $700.00, with In
tercst thereon at the rate of 0 per
cen per annum from September 21,
1026 until paid, and for the further
ium of $76.00 attorney's fees, and
for its costs and disbursements In
this uit
This summons Is published by or
der of Honorable Fred W. Wll'en,
Judge of the above entitled court by
order made and entered under date
of January 25, 1929. First publica
tion of this summons In The Mau
pin Times, under date of January
31, 1929, and last publication under
date of February 21. 1929.
Attorney for Plaintiff
Re Idence and postoffice address:
502 1st Ntl. Bank Bldg., The Dalles,'
Oregon. J 8I-F 21.
!hrt Jnmcs O'Connor, Execu'or of
the Will and Estate of Mathew
O'Connor, deceased, has filed In the
County Court of Wnsco County,
State of Oregon, his final accont as
Executor, ond that Monday, tha
11th day of February, 1929, at the
hour of 10.00 o'clock a. m., hns been
fixed by said Court as the time for
the hearing of objections to said re
nort and the icttlement thereof.
J3-F6 Executor.
The Dalle, Orrn. Phone 18-J
Your Watch Haywire?
If it is not doine its work
brinjr it to The Timea offce
and Mr. Serunes will send
it to
aieiu'laurlnir Jeweler
, kimI Watchmaker-
buoMSMur u U Lindqulst
Shoes and Repairing
Wa$co County '$ Exclusivt
Shoe Store
hoet for tha
.'Vhok miv
Gnneral Repairing:
The Oalles, Ore.
Where the best 35 cent
meal is served In
The Dalles
Next The Dalles .
r - Creamery
C. N. Sargent, - - Prop.