LlAIPlM Always working for the best Interests of Maupin and all of Southern Wasco County. Publishes only that news fit to print. Caters to no particular class, but works for all. VOLUME XV MAUPIN, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1929 Number 17 OREGON ASSEMBLY TO ADJOURN SOON Saturday to Be Last Oay; Stormy Time Expected on Final Closing Days. Will Receive No Pay for Thli Wk lalary Increases Voted Prohlbl tlon Bill Back In Committee Truok and Stage Lletniu Considered Coming Measures Contain Much Dynamite, i Salem, Or. . The SCth legislative assembly will adjouro iloa die next weekprobably mldolght Saturday, March I. Pay of the nembora boa stopped, but the lawmaker! will hart to carry on until they dispose of the legislation still la committees. A tew threaten to walk out, but there will bo a, working majority. Commenidng with breakfast Sutur day morning, the members of the two houses began to est out of their own poeketbooks, for the general compen atlon bill allowed each for the sea alon la 3 a day and not more. They will be compelled to dig up their own meal money for tho ncit long week for the business yet unfinished cannot be cleared away In good order In any aborter time. 4, Committee Behind. Tbla eeesloo, la practically full week, behind the ordinary achedule of prior sessions ao far ai the, money btlla, are concerned. Heretofore ap propria! Ion bllla have commenced to make their appearance daya Before the theoretical 40 day limit had ei ptred. , t Tlila time not a single one of the general appropriation! have come down to the houae from tbe upper atory where tbe Joint waye and meani committee baa been grinding night after night One reason for thla la. In all probability, due to the fact that the veteran chairman of the peat few era alona baa not been at the helm, the Illness-, of Senator Staplfi slowing do n the speed of the committee. Is the annate la the long list of taxation bllla, not counting the liu 1. . , tax. and only ono haa been paaaed, thla being centralisation of control ol assessments. The bill for a. full-time tax commission, the exelss tax, the In tangibles tr x and, the var'ous other measures In tbla group are to be re portod out Monday or Tuesday, f cording to Seftator Corb;t, la whos committee they rest. Controversial Bllla Ahead for the aeventh and lost week ol the session, there are several mens urea which are controversial and are bristling with politics. Among those will be action on the homo rule bill to permit Portland to fix Its own tele phone rates; a resolution laying down program for the highway depart ment; ettompta to override the veto of the governor on tbe bill giving Multnomah county two. additional Judges; fish and game legislation and the proposed personal Income lax. i Each of the. foregoing will be a source of strife. And these coming final daya will find plots and counter plots, efforts to scuttle bills, reprisals and conspiracies for and against the ' measures. The scheming Is already la evidence.' One bill Is being held up ao Its friends will come to the as alstance of another measure which noeds votes. Every pet bill la being given the needle or threatened with a Jab, and authors of many measures are watching nervously to see what la going to happen, for this Is the last phase o the session, when one bill (a played against another, and the lawmakers are Jumpy and suspicious. ; Politics In Income Tax Bill. Politics la showing In the proposed personal Income tax bill. Its backers are uncertain whether to pass It or refer It to the people. ; If the bill Is passed the legislature will be criticised for trying to force j on tbe people a tsx which has been repeatedly voted down by the elector ate. If the bill la referred to the peo ple there are bints that the tax on Intangibles and the excise tax will have the referendum Invoked and all three measures may be slaughtered by the people. Although the excise tax bill went tailing through the house and - will pass the aenate, tbore are atlll people affected by It who would like to stab It in the back. There la the alterna Uve of the referendum being Invoked on the Income- tax bill ,lt the legislature-should pass It without giving the people an opportunity to express themselves. Trading of votes tor the Income tax la now In progress. The farm block, which does not comprise all tbe farmers, Is supposed to lmv 34 votes In the bouse tor an Income tax, but makes no clnlrni retarding tbe somite, A atralgbtout contest between tbe governor and the legislature Is de veloping over bis veto ot the bill to give Multnotauh county two additional Judget, The governor la willing to, jconyde one. It was, claimed tbut there are enough vote In ainate and house to pass the bill oyer the veto No sooner was the bill on the gover nor's desk last week than lawyers be gan pulling wires to have tbenisulyos appointed. Much remains to be done In' the coming week, but tbe past-week ba soon some Important matters disposed of. Tbe kindergarten bill has passed and the credit for thla goes to Mrs. Dorothy Lee, tbo only woman In tho legislature who baa proved herself an effeotlve, efficient and diplomatic law maker. , , ' , Will Hold Night Sessions None of the big roada and highways stuff baa gone through both aide ol the mill. House bill GSO, providing a new and revised schedule of automo bile licenses, has passed the house and Is in committee In the scnato, Tbe bonding schome is up In the air wall Ing for trades and compromises to be worked up sufficiently to start trying to Jsm it through. Insurance leglala tlon, banking bills, all kinds of bills on all kinds of lublocta are rcno'slna in the committee, or half way through Commencing this week the hous at least, and possibly the senate, will be compelled to start grinding away at night sessions. By the middle ot Ika a-Ab fka MMmmlllAaa r.t m house should In tbo usual course, have their decks cleared up of tbe bulk of bills originating with their respective bouses. A resolution dealing with the high way department was prepared and will he put through the senate, If and wbcu 16 votes can be sewed up, which "in strueta and directs" the1 state high way commission to add now roada to the state map: sell bonds, relieve the eountles of co-opvratlng and to con struct a road from Tort land to the sea. Road Resolution Compromise. Tbe resolution in a compromise ao bandied as to weave Into one measure everything that every senator wanted and by thus uniting them to place solidly behind tbo resolution a aub- ' stantlul numbrr of votes. It is the claim of tho proponents of tho resolution that they have It sen ators In favor of the measure. On the other bsnd, there were IS senators pledgod to vote down any proposal for the sale ot road bonds; but that was ten days ago and some of these may have changed their minds. The resolution "Instructs and di rects" tho highway commission to sell 16,000,000 of bonds and use the funds foV tbe completion of the Roosevelt coast highway and construction otthe highway loading from Florence, In Lane county, to Vale, In Malheur coun ty, thla highway consisting ot the Cen tral Oregon highway, the McKenile highway and tbe Eluslaw highway. These provisions appeal to Upton, Hall, B. J. Bailey, Norblad and Bell, who have sponsored bond selling res ofutlons, and probably would sound good to Senator BUllngsley, as Mal heur Is In bis district. Short Road to Sea Appears. Instructions are given .the highway commission to designate and define the shortest route between Portland and the Oregon coast highway, and place such a road on the highway ays tem. This appeals to Klepper, Moser, Fisher, and perhaps, Joe Dunne, as be represents Columbia county, and It may also appeal to Sehulmerlrh, as "the shortest and most direct route" from Portland to the sea may go htough Washington county. The University of Oregon won a .ilsnal victory when Representative Angctl, alumnus ot the Institution, sue- reeled in eliminating from the budget recommended by.Oovsrnor Fatterson appropriations for Oregon State col lege extension activities la the amount of . S110.000 and substituting a ' bill which authorizes sn appropriation of 1280,000 to be divided between the two Institutions. The ways and means committee voted to report out Repre tentative Angcll'e bill favorably. Oregon State college's share of the I2S0.0OO would Include $50,000 for the home experiment station, $30,000 tor crop pest investigations. $30,000 tor dairy Investigation, $15,000 "for poul try Investigations and $20,000 for soils Investigations. ( The share of the appropriation tor the university would cover $16,000 tot business resesrch, $10,000 for special research wojk, $120,000 for extension v " v : if- l ' ' f , ' ' -s ( S ' ' V r ' t it ' 9 ,f ' , ' ' , V I; , ' ,. ' 1 ' , ''' V : ,,') f,v, t- Si . -.- ..... v J . i: vr t t "' v ' ' . 4,-, i ',''' ' '- : r' ' - ; i ' v, v 1 i M mmmv wmWnn ' JAJt MAAm..r.Jmlu.- I 11 i I Men who will be inducted into office as President 'and Vice-President at Washington D. C, on Monday, March 4 Herbert Hoover and Charles Curtis - giiiliiflimiiuiittUM (S MAUPIN n,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimMil!llHllimiimnuiim Assembly The nssembly held at the High M Ttandy proved . pleasan surprise for all who attended. Every number waa all that could be desir ed. The song by Mrs. Woodcock was, e: peciafiy enjoyed ns were the songs by the High school and sung by Estel. Nova displayed confidence nnd technique when she played the rmno solo "Indian Sagwa." $)nare and Andrew delivered their reading first-clas Andrew had a difficult piece to memorize,, but proved that tie had mastered it com-1 plctely. Charles did equally well. District Tournament The boya are going to Odell Thursday, February 28, for a return game with that team and then wilj I return to Moslcr to attend tne dis trict Tournament which will bo held on Friday and Saturday, March 1 and 2. The object of such a meet is to brinsf teams of District No. 3 '.together and determine the winner:, who will later go to the state tournn ment at Salem. These will be three strenuous days for our boys but we feel that out eight players will make a good showing and have the honor of going to Sitlem. Those who will go arc Andrew Crabtree, Kenn and Elton Snodtfraas, Cyril Fralcy, Estel Stovall, Glenn Alexander, Ira Kidd er, and Tom Slusher. Transporta tion will be afforded by Mr. Toling and Verle Bonney. Nova Hedin Report on The Trip The Criterion bus left Maupin at 12:15 Saturday and arrived at The Dalles two hours later. The day was warm and pleasant, and the road in good condition. . The bus drqve directly to the High school. The. crowd was not as large- as we had anticipated. The gym had a good floor, a high ceiling and waa not the least dusty. The first' game after our arrival war. between the Dufur and Wapin itia boys, ending in Dufur's favor with a score of 12-8. Then enme the game between the Dufur and work and $10,000 for University ol Oregon research work. The so-called text book trus and the state textbook commission cairn- In for criticism la the Benate last weefi when a bill offered by Senator Fishei providing for ten-year adoptions ot textbooks In tha elementary and hlgb schools ot the state was undor con slderatlon. Senator Fisher explained that be 'bad introduced the bill in the , Interest of tbe parents, children and economy. "Under tho present system one-third of the textbooks are adoptod overy two years," ald Senator Fisher "There Is nothing radical In my bill, and it concerns the welfare of every home In Oregon."- Figures were rrosented by Senator Fisher to show that the aggregate cost of school books purchased In Oregon over a six year period is ap proximately $3,996,978. He said that the approval ol his bill would reduce the cost $2,664,652 over a ten-year period. . ' HI TIMES x Maupin girls. Dufur won three more points than our girls, the score be ing 27-21. Tygh ai)d Maupin boys then started. It looked rather bad for us in the first quarte'r. Tygh hnd six more points. We Bccured the lead in the recond quarter and won 33-13. -Then came the intermission for supper. Most of the crowd went down town to eat. The others went to tfie homes of personal , friends. Estel thought that the fish which he ordered had to be caught, but it finally arrived. The first 'game of tor supper saw Mofier and Dufur girls on the floor. Mosier still held upto the trodition of the team by walking away with the game 42-12. This aggregation has not been beaten in the last three yenrs. The players ore tall, know many plays and tricks, and know when to us, them. TJien came the final- game between Maupin and Dufur boys for the championship. We won 18-5. This victory gave u3 a chnnrc to fight for district honors at the district tournament nt Mosier next Friday and Saturday, March 1st and 2nd. This tournament was the first of it kind to be held in Wasco county and wns planned by Mr. Gronewald. Mr. Brumball ably rcfereed aQ the games.. . . Calendar Feb. 28th OdeU Thursday Feb. 28th OdeU at Odesl. and 2nd District No. 3, tournament at Moiscr. Madras and The Dalles date not arranged. Tests The first six week period of the second semester will come to a close Friday. Test; were given this week. Grade Notts English II class has been thor oughly interested in the story of, "The Great Carbuncle," by Haw thorne. ' ' English III has -completed the play, ''She Stoops to Conquer" aftd heartily enjoyed it. Subjunctives ere the main worries of the Spanish II class "Les alumnos los subjuntivos," but they are trying. The Grade Program Friday, February 28, the grades presented their program in the High school gym. There were a number of skita, aE well played. Ralph Kai: er was a first-class negro in his role of "Sambo." The flag Drill was-enjoyed by all present and lium erous remarks as to how well it was done were heard. The youngstera displayed reserve worthy of mature folks when they continued the drill under temptation to gather up the coins which admires threw on the stage. The program r howed in every way the skilful and arduous work of the past few weeks by the grade teach ers .and pupils. The total amount (Continued on last pago.) EGBERT WOULD . REFUND TAX House Concurred and Passed Dalles Man's Relief Bill , (Vpter Reporting Service) Salem, Feb. 27 -"Rural free livery-carriers cannot operate de nt four cents per mile in winter when the roads are bad," Representative Herbert Egbert, Tbe Dalles, declar ed in the discussion before the houre on S. B. 69, which waa passed by both houses. , Senate bill 69 purposes refunding of the tax on, gasoline to rural free delivery-carriers. Representative L. E. Wilkes, Wash ington, objected to the bill, saying: "I .can not support this bill. If, we let down on one class well have to on another. We are applying another part of the government's expenses. From the taxpayers' standpoint it is a bad precedent" , Another objector was Representa tive Joseph N. Scott, Pendleton, who pointed out that the United States government is in better financial con dition to give adequate compensa tion than the state of Oregon. "Rural mail carriers are very poorly paid," said Representative J. F, Clark, Oregon City, in support of the measure. HAZLETT DEFENDS HIS BILL Maintains Kindergardens Integral Part of Oregon's School System (Voter Reporting Service) ' Salem. Feb. 20 "I appeal to you on the-grounds of Justice" Repre- scntative James H. Hazlett, Hood j River, said in the recent debate on the floor of the house concerning the much-kicked-about kindergarten bill, H. E. 201, which was parsed by the house. "My county wants kindergartens, there is not a dissenting vote," Mr. Hazlett declared. "In view of the fact that all leading educators con cede the kindergarten is an integral part of thes chool system, that forty-four "progrersive Btates have kindergartens and that this is a permissive measure, I ask you to pass it." " . , '. . ' " Mr. Hazlett pointed out that his county was anxious for new settlers and that the fint questions asked are: 'Have you good water?' and 'Have you good schools?" "Hood River county has bonded itself to $250,000 to answer , the first question" said Mr. Hazlett. The chief objection voiced to the bill was the question of. raising taxes. "I am opposed to this bill becaure of increased taxation," Representa tive Charles L. LaFollctt, Cornelius, stated, "as the high taxation has al- Other objections were that tbe young' people are graduating from eolege while immature and that the home is where the child receives his fmpresrions of loyalty and behavior. , The bill was passed by a majority of seven votes. Crown Willamette Paper com pany planting 6,000 acres, of trees RANCHERS LEARN OF POWER ADVANTAGE ON THE FARM Tractor School Attanjei by Many : Enthuiiattie Ranchart Fine Entertainment Rendered . The tractor school tpenaored and , puUed off by representatives of tho International Harvester company at Legion ball In Maupin on Tuesday was attended by, better than 160 ranchers, each of whom learned something about power farming that will be of lasting benefit ; W. A. Rekers, assistant manager 1 for the. company, was the principal speaker. He went into details of power farming and showed those present the advantages of such over .he horse way. Mr. Rekers explain ed the intricacies of the McCormick- -Deering tractor, showed how it waa -fabricated, average cost of up keep, gasoline consumption per acre, in fact all there waa to be learned connected with the tractor. He also explained plow operations . vhere tractors were used. His alks were listened to with wrapt at tention and the lessons he taught will have great weight with ranch ?rs who were in attendance After Mr. Rekers, had concluded -tome films were chown, two of an educational nature; two , showing he construction of and assembling the McCormick-Deering tractor, ind two comedy films. ' At noon a fine dinner was served, -'t having been prepared by Me lames L B. Kelly and John Con- er, while Mrs. Dates rahattuck and Mrs. E. A- Cyr. wainted on the rnerta. - About 150 partook of the neal, which waa served in the- Le rlon hall basement Before dismissing the school ' Mr. " lekers, asked all who desired liter ure pertaining to the International 'larvester products . to . sign and Hand in cards, designating just 7bat line they were interested and vanted.. The following bonded in" he cards: Carl A. Duus, Andrew Crabtree, D.E. Miller, A. E. May Hew, D. W. Talcott, J. L. Confer,. T. H. Chastain, J. M. McCorkle, : Clarence Fargher, W. H. Aldridge, C M. Chastain, F. L. Kelly, Mrs. T. H. Kistner, Mr. J. H. Kistner, E. H. Snodgrass, Chas. Steele, G. C. Vflleh, Jesse Crabtree, Mr.:. C. H. Walker, C. A. Arnett C. E. Alex ander, Ed. F. Gabel, L. B. Kelly Melvin Fulkerson, James Chalmers,. L. B. Woodside, E. A. Cyr, O. D. Bothwell, C. H. Walker, A. M. Mor ris, Doris Talcott, Mrs.D. W. Tal cott, Mrs. J. H. Chastain, T. B. pusher, ; Ray Raylor, Mrs. A. M. ; Morris, Mn E. F. Gabcl, Arthur Fargher, Mrs., Oscar Renick, J. P. Abbott The company representatives present were: W. A. Rekers, as- ' sistant manager' 0. Callahan, blockman, G. F, Hartford and1 Frank Henderson, salesman, and! Bates Shattuck, local representa tive. Bridge Work Resumed After a layoff of about two months a part of the bridge crew resumed work Monday morning. As soon as permissable the rest of the crew will be put to work and will continue until the bridge is completed. So far part of the steel has been swung over the river, and the balance of the main bent will be placed as soon as possible. In From Grants Pass ; Jack Staats arrived Saturday, coming from Grants Pass, where he had been investigating a reported gold mine for Portland parties, lack says that mine was of the wild cat variety and failed to show suffi cient ore to justify operating. Mrs. Staats 111 Mrs. W. H. Staats was- taken seriously ill last week and is con fined to her bed. The lady had her Hands full all winter taking care of Bill, who has been very ill, and at 'ast succumbed to an attack of flu, which is u:ing her rather roughly. Met Husband Here' Mrs. Will Evans met her husband , in Maupin yesterday, he being on his vay home at Dufur after an extend ed trip which took him to California ind several eastern places. . He :ame via the O." W. from the south;