TPT.TS Always working for the best Interests of Maupln and all of Southern Wasco County. Publishes only that news fit to print. Caters to no particular class, but works for all. . VOLUME XV MAUPIN, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1929 Number 16 BSAUPIK LVIJQC MUCH WORK BEFORE 0RE60NJE6ISLATURE Work Far Behind Schedule, Hectic Week In Sight; May Work Nights. Will Run Wttk Longer Tax Bill, Flrtt Important Mtaturt, Patted w Auto License Mtaturt Hat Popular V Approval County Auto Monty for Road Purpottt Only Orogon Min ora! Waalth Nttdi Oovalopmant, 8alm, Ore, Thert la much work ytt to bo dono In tiM houit. ftpcaker Hamilton mil Saturday Hint ho would hurry up tho business as much aa pnslblt and probably would hold nltf b( aeaalona henceforth If It la necessary to clear up tho desk each dny. He nal.l that the session probably would bt' held over a full aura week before all tbt work now before the house and (o come ran be disposed of. Whtu the house adjourned Saturday until Monday morning a total of (32 bills had been Introduced during the fivt weeks of tin at-ttlon. Of tbla number only 200 bad been panned, P8 Indefinitely pottponed, 23 withdrawn and 20 rttolutlona and memorials had been adopted. So far 21 innate bllla hava been passed by tho house. Thirteen vetoed bouat bills and three senate bllla of tho 1927 aeaalon hart beta passed Thert art at present 147 bllla In com mlttte and raort than 100 house bills and ISO atnato bills on which final action remalna to bt taken. Inatead of completing Ita labors In 40 days, the present legislative session will be lucky If It does not run more than an extra week. Tbo 40th dny Is next Friday, February 22, Wanhlug ton'a birthday, but ,a week beyond that will see tho mills grinding unions In desperation, bills art thrown out tho window and tht aolons consider It time to go homo. First Bllla of Importanot. After flvt weeks not ont piece of legislation of major Imports net was enacfad until Saturday, when. Just be foro adjourning to gird Ita loins for tbo sixth day-and what might have been the last week the senate passed tho property tax relief measuro for contrallsed control of assessment!. This is, really, one of the big plec i of legislation that has been before the legislature and, a! rawly enough, It slid through without a furor. Adopting of two memorials t'o con grens for an Investigation of the tele phono situation cannot be regarded at of overwhelming Importance to thr people of the atato, for If congress ever gets around to making such an Inquiry, It will be jeara before tht-re la a prospect of seeing rales rrdured And tuese memorials alno slid through at the tall end of 'he fifth week, with out special comment, for they have been argued In open hearlngt on dlv era occasions. The deficit problem can be solved by the enactment of the excise tax on banks and flnnnrlal corporations t and by the enactment of a tax on In tangibles. The former will raise 1760, 000 a year and the latter $500,000, ac cording to estimates. With these two measures the deficit can bo wiped otn In two years, which Is considered soon enough. The measures would also make unnecessary an Income tax. Auto License Bill Passed by House. With tbf house panning the revised automobile license fee scheduled Sal urday, which also calls for 1 cent addl tlonal on gasoline, another big piece of legislation hat gone through the house and will be In the eenate In a couple of daya. This particular mess ure carries more popular interest than any other before tht session. In the house Is a general snips tax bill and a bill for a tax on Intanglhles and two Income tax measures. There also Is a measure In the house " calling for the submission to tho peo pie of, a plan to levy 1 cent a gallon for five, years, the sum so raised to bt expended exclusively for the construe tlon of roads. It adopted thla will give a 5-eent tax a gasoline, providing the auto revl alon fee bill, with Its 1 cent, Is en acted. The reference to the people Is at best, a sort of gesture on the part of a number of senators who wanted bonds Issued tor rosds and discovered there was too much opposition to get by with that plan. Session It Far Behind. Looking at the session this way and that, and trying to recall all the hun dreds of bills which still have to be paased or killed, It It apparent that the session will run far beyond the 40 days tor which the legislators are paid. Not even night tensions can catch up with the work. President Norblsd and ppake Hamilton have no exgects tlon of tht session ending at the com lng waek. The session will, perhaps, end Mr-ch 2. Virtually r 1 tbe fish bills are yet to be finally acted on. They are now bringing forth the usual decided dlf ferencet of opinion the tporttmtn's organizations being directly opposed by tin commercial fishing Interests. Probably tht most far-reaching leg Illation that hat passed both houses and that has been given tht signature of tht governor it tbe Bennett bill which changes tht date for registra tion of automobile licenses from Jon unry first to July first, effective m-xt year. The automobile till, at passed, pro vldrt for threeqiartcrycar license fees, a one half year and a one-quar-tor year license fee. The bawlt of pay ni( nt Is placed on weight of curs ind not on width of llres. The minimum rato is 210 fur cars wolghlng 1700 pounds or Urn. Cars welching over 1.0' and not over'3000 pounds are to pny 0 tents a 100 pounds or frac tion therco'- those over 3000 and not over 4000 p iunds f 1.10 a hundred. Penalty for Solid Tires. Motor trucks under 1700 pounds will pay $10 flat and those of greater weight will pay on the same achedule of motor cars, provided that vehicles with solid tires shall pay 0 per cent additional. Senator Dunne's bill, extending tho powers of the sccrotary of state with relation to collecting on bad checkt given In payment for motor vehicle license plates, passed the tenato, after a spirited debate. The majority re port of the road and hlghwaya com mittee approved the bill. Senator Upton, who signed the minority report, said It apparently wsa the purpose of tho secretary of state to use hla traffic officers In enforcing the payment of worthless cheeks re ceived in exchange for motor vehldo license plates. "This bill will not help tht situa tion. said Upton, "but will make It worse." Ternons who give a worth less check In payment for automobile licenses woold be compelled to pay 23 penalty, $3 protest fees and other conta Incurred in making the collec tions. For the rent of the 35tb legislative session the cloture rule will be effec tive in the houne. In accordance with a resolution submitted by the commit tee on resolutlonH and adopted after some opposition, members will be limited to flve mlnute talks In the dis cission of any measures before the houne. Auto Money Must Go On Rosd. An Important recommendation from the property tax relief commission, In corporated In house bill 234, was pant sd by tho house Thursday without dis sent Ins vote. It makea mandatory the provision that moneys received by counties from the automobilo license fund must he applied to retirement of bonds or to rotd construction within the county. The bill mnkes It mnndstory upon the county to use the fund on road bond Interest end retirement b?fore It can be used for other road con struction purposes. A brake on bond Issues In Oregon Is provided In house hill 232, Introduc ed in conformity with recommenda tions of the committee on property tax relict. Representative Carkln, one of the sponsors of the bill, presented Its ad vantages, declurlng that It, in a meas ure, takes the place of proposed mess urea that w ould permit only tax pay ers to vote on bond measures, to which, he said, there Is much objec tion as being an un-American method. The bill provides: "In addition to the requirement a otherwise provided by law, no bond Issue, or other evi dence of Indebtedness voted v upon shall be valid unlesa the total voto cast In the election thereon shall ex ceed onehalf of the total vote cast within the municipal corporation af fected at the Inst preceding, general election; provided the provlsipna of this act shall not apply to any bond Issue or oilier evidence of Indebted ness which requires a vote of the tax payers only within the said municipal corporation." Mineral Survey Needed. A plea for state appropriation of $30,000 to cover the coat of a mineral survey of Oregon was made before the legislative wpys and means com mlttee. ' Oregon contains millions in hidden wealth waiting for the key of rellablo Information to unlock the door, Sena or M'ller told the committee. Senator Strayer declared that Ore gon was the only mineral state In the union which was not contributing something toward the development of Its mineral resources. The bill providing tor a tax on In tangibles made Its appearance in the Mtfii iiiiiiiiiiriijifitiiiMifHiiiiiifiaM(iiiffjiiHi(tai(fiiiiiiiiitiiiiifiimKafifitiftiiifjjfititiitiitttiiiitifiiiiiifiiHiiiiiiffiiiijiiirfri :-: MAUPIN illllll.MIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIHUHMWHIf Calendar February 21 Maupin Junior and High school teams at Tht Dalles. February 22 Grade ichool pro gram. Ftbruary 23 High school girls and boys at tht tournament at Tht Dallet. . . February 28 Boyt at Odtll March 4 Madra. -double header, here. Washington's Birthday George Washington's birthday will bo celebrated by three programs one by the Boy Scouts Wednesday night, one by the High school Thurs day morning and other by the grade program Friday evening. That George Washington, our first president, wai one of the bravest and ablest of generals the world hus ever known was proved in the encounters at Trenton and other scenes of battles. He was an athlete. In his youth he waa a skilled horseman, broad jumper, shot, and it has been said that he onct threw o atone across the Rappahannock river. He was honest and truthful surely no bet ter ideal could be folowed by the average American boy. Humor The Maupin Hi Timet seems to bt lost without Art's humor. He is taking lessons in the humor of tooth pulling from Doc Short We have not teen him for several daya ao we prcsunfo that he it getting along nicely. He will undoubtely have a surprise for his readers when he re turns. Commander Byrd will bo disap pointed when he calls for his mail and finds that there Isn't a letter from Maupin Hi Times. The chemistry class hat been atudying the uses of cocaine and Art made a remargnble grade of "A." ' , We hope he will not return with a gold tooth. Boy Scout The Boy ScouU have their uni forms and are even more enthused over the activities of scout work. Scoutmaster L, S. Stovall has been drilling the members for the public reception Wednesday night. The troop has been organized into four patrols; The Bob White patrol of Maupin, The Fox patrol of Criter ion, but the Juniper Flat and Wamic patrols have not yet found a favor able name. Assemblies Wednesday morning's assembly wa- opened with a duet "Old Com rades" played by Mabel Weberg and Crystal Stuart. Mr. Poling led the regular singing, rounds being the chief pleasure. The singing was followed by an especially benutiful number, "September Morn," by Poris Kelly. A program will be given in as sembly IhuMday morning and the following numbers will be given: 1 "Memories of France" Estel Stovall. 2 "Counsel Assigned" reading by Andrew Crabtree. 3 "Hail i You Old High School" song by several High schools girls. 4 Maxims of George Washington Eighth grade. 5 Reading by Charles Bothwell. 6 Song by Ladies Quartette. 7 General singing. Book Reading is one of the essentials of house of representatives Just before the week-end adjournment. The bill provides for taxation of In comes derived from money, bonds, notes, claims and demands, secured or unsecured, all shares of stock in corporations and any and all other evidences of Indebtedness; provides for administration of the act and for distribution of the proceeds of such tax and provide penalty for violations. The tax imposed Is, at the rate of 6 per cent upon Income from the money and credits as above Included, with an exemption of 1200 from such Incomes. The tax may be paid In two Install ments. If not paid when due, there la to be added an amount equal to 5 per cent and an additional one per cent for each month or fraction of a month of delinquency. False or fraudulent return is punish able by a fine ct 125 to $1000 or Im prisonment from 30 days to one year or both. HI TIMESx i every well-educated person's life and this, it easily gained in school work. In this day and age every .care is taken to afford the best books for ttuJcntii to read. Our High school has taken its opportunity of reading worth while books and read them with the idea of obtaining a broader knowledge of the "best fiction and non-fiction. In, every ichool there are the nu.. popular books and authors. "Promised Land" has been read by many, of the students here and fa vorable comments were made on it. Mary Antin, the aurthor, her life Jn Ru sia and her immigration to America tend to interest the students more. "The Crisis" won favor with High school readers on account 0f its historial back-ground and the reader's chance to "become better acquainted with the wonderful per sonality of Abraham Lincoln. Most of the student; who read "Pioneer." enjoyed it. It was gen eraly classed as a good book. Other books that have been read and appreciated most are ''The Scarlet Cockeral", "Nancy Stair," "Ungava Bob," "Ox Team Day on the Oregon Trail," and the "Scarlet Letter," and others of equal value. It has been a pleasure to read such good books as those which have been reported on during the classes. Classes As a courtesy to the Boy Scouts the typewriting class made one hundred and fifty typewritten copies of a page of songs which were used in the community singing at the pub lic meeting of the Scouts Wednesday night. The Manual Training class has just completed the shop equipment This class must expect to do come heavy work, for. the benches which were recently finished, look strong and durable. Yew wood hns arriv ed and the members of the class plan on each making for himself a bow or a pair of skiis. The Eigli&h III cla s finds Oliver Goldsmith's play "She Stoops to Conqueror," interesting and pleasant. Members of the chemistry class have been arranging the chemicals and apparatus in the new cupboards. The chemicals will be arranged al phabetically and the equipment put in the other portion of the cup board. Fashion Tea The girls of the sewing cla's will soon invite the ladies of the district to a tea at which they will display the completed dresses upon which they are working. They will tell of the process of silk manufacture, of making woolen cloth and illustrate method' of altering commercial pat terns to fit individual characteris tics. Grade Notes The First glade is studying dra matic plays for practice in silent reading. Both the second and first grades have been studying new books this week. The little students of Miss Har ris' room had a lovely little valen tine parly. Over three hundred of these tokens of loyalty were given. The Junior basketball team, in planning on going to The Dalles Thursday, February 21, and play the Eigth grade team of the coun ty seat A return game will be played here sometime later. Bonney Duus says that he is sick that i , sick of grammer tests. Maupin Team Meets The Dalles The basketball team will go to The Dalles Thursday night and en gage in a game with their second team. They have a good team and, having the advantage of playing on th,e home floor and other factors, will undoubedtly show us how the game should be played. We are un daunted and hope to win. The score last year balanced in their favor by one point and perhaps it will be tipped our way this time. Later team downed The Dalles' players. - Club Work (A letter from Mrs. Rutherford) The fourth "H" stands for '"Health." A score is kept, record ing your weight, height and health conditions for the term. The object of this is to raise the health stand- Fire Destroys Garage and EXPLODING OIL TANK IGNITES BUILDING WHICH IS LOSS SEVEN AUTOS CONSUMED MARCUS SHEARER BADLY BURNED An exploding oil tank which con tained fuel oil and u.ed to supply a heating stove at the Laverne Fischer garage in East Maupin threw flames to all parts of the thop, which was entirely consumed, entailing a loss of approximately $7,775. The fire occurred at 9:16 Tuesday morn ing. Marcus Shearer, at work In the garage, wanted to make the fire bum. When he attempted to light the oil he found the feed pipe stuff ed up and he supposed it to be fro zen. He used a blow torch in an at tempt to thaw it out when an explo sion occurred. He was at once en veloped in flames and in attempting to extinguish them slipped onto the floor and directly into a large blaze. Marcus then aought the outside and put on a coat in an attempt to smother the flames. He thought he had succeeded In the attempt but a couple of bridge workers later dis covered he was still on fire and they proceeded to roll him in the snow and at last put the fire out The burned man was taken to his home n Maupin and was attended to by Dr. Elwood who advised taking him to a hospital in The Dalles. This was done by Clarence Ziggenhagen accompanied by James Chalmen:. At the hospital Shearer's burns were examined and were found to be very bad. His left leg was badly scorched on the back side. His hands also were badly singed, as war his face. Mrs. Shearer was called later in the day and is now with her husband at The Dalles hospital The building was owned by L. D. Kelly and occupied by Laverne Fischer a: a garage, parts store and grocery store. Mr. Fischer carried a large line of auto and radio parts while his grocery shelves were lined with canned goods and other things usually carried in such an establish ment The only things saved were A CHANCE TO LEARN ABOUT POWER FARMING Shattuck Bros. Arrange Free Special Entertainment for Farmers February 26 the Date Shattuck Bros, have completed all arrangements for their extensive Power Farming entertainment' to be ht1rt in Inn Lcffinn hall tn Tnasftnv February 2fl. They have made ar rangements with the speakers, se cured the motion picture.-, and made ! arrangements for an appetizing lunch to ba served at noon. That part of the program dealing with the core of the tractor will be in charge of the International Harvester company and will be thoroughly practical in every way. The men in charge have been handling tractors many years and not only tnow the tractor from the standpoint of theory but can operate then and give you the benifit of their practical exper ience. They will be anxious to answer your questions. Several reels of motion pictures will be shown. These pictures will bring to the people the latest methods of farming in other sections of the country. Farming today is dependent upon volume production that is, the pro ducing of more per person on the farm. . By increasing the volume per person the cost production is mater ially decreased. One of the objec tives of this entertainment is to bring through pictures and other wise, experiences of the outstand- nrds of club work in Oregon It may be easily carried with the other pro jects. Application cards will be given to you if you want them. Mr. Gronewald writes that he if very much in favor of encouraging the demonstration side of club work. These teams demonstrate their work at the county fair. Each county is entitled to representation on team in cooking, canning, sewing, and homo making to the state fair pro vided they belong to a standard club. The broadcasting of this work over KOAC every Monday evening from 7:30 until 8:00 and on Satur day every two weeks Over KGW about 1 :00, p. m., is very Interesting rnd benificial to qur members. Fischer's Store, Seven Autos TOTAL a few canned goods, a radio. Dart of the garage books and some small tools. Mr. Fischer had one of the best equipped garage machine shops on the highway. His tools were all new and op to date and all are a total loss. Whether he will ctart up again is a problem with him, as he carried no insurance and therefore has but little left with which to again embark in business. The garage contained seven cars, some there for repair and others in storage. All were consumed. A man representing the Reynolds To bacco company had his car there the night before and had not taken it out Tuesday morning. The sales man, Mr. W. T. Wells saya his car contained tobacco to the value of $300.00 and this with the new Ford went up in smoke. E. V. Doty, the Connollys, Earl Patrick, members of the bridge crew, Jack Burns and one other man are now in line for new cars as their old ones' ashes are mingled with those of the building and Fischer's tools and equipment Mr. Kelly estimates hb loss on the building as $2,500. Fischer loses $2,200 on tools and machinery, $475.00 on groceries and about $100.00 on fixtures, making a total of $7,775 lost in the fire. When the fire broke out the fire department of Maupin was notified and reveral members hastened across the river, The hydrant at the garage corner was frozen so the firemen devoted their attention to adjacent buildings. Faggots had fallen on the hotel. Men were sta tiond on those and as the burning brands lit thereon they were extin guished. Had an east wind been blowing it would have been hard work to save the hotel and cabins and with a wind from the west pre vailed the Huntsc Ferry warehoa e might have gone up in smoke. ing farmers at the present day. Tractors and other present day equipment will be on display to offer a first-class study of the various mechanical feature.-. Several, new machines have been introduced in the past few years, some of which are making their appearance in our neighborhood for the first time. Com and see for yourself how these machines operate and what their ef fect will be on crop production. Do not forget the date every progressive fanner should bo them. Make your plans now, bring the en ire fam.l;' vnd spend the whole day. 8e prompt. PATRICK WAS CONVICTED Maupin Man Found Guilty of Law Infraction Appeals Earl Patrick, arrested and taken to The Dalles on a charge of break ing the 18th amendment by mak ing moonshine liquor, was convict ed in the circuit court last Friday. Judge Wilson sentenced him to pend one year in jail and also fined the defendant $150.00. Wt are told Patrick has appealed his case to the supreme court. Patrick was not at the site of the still at the time of his arrest but was living in Maupin. Sheriff Setxui visited the still and there arrested Than Cavan, who later was fined $100.00. The theriff evidently made a good case against Patrick, as it took the jury but 15 minutes to return a verdict of juilty. Frank Dick defended Pat rick. Check Writer Rampant Some unknown pen artist has leen busy at The Dalles of late, .everal checks having been later narked spurious . being issued here. They are all on the First National bank and call for sums anging from $5.00 to $26.00. leaned Out Ditches Lester Crofoot is as busy as the iroverbial cat these days. He is 'elping Foreman Addington on the Criterion Fection. 'Budge" Greene s another ambitious Maupin youth vho b assisting In keeping the highway in repair.