The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, February 14, 1929, Page Page Two, Image 2

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tflfi MAtttiM ttMfis
Thumby, February it, 182$,
4. tf tfo
The Maupin Times
C. W. Semme, Editor
C. W. 3tmmi and E. R. Stmmei
Published every Thursday at
Maupin, Oregon
Subscription: One year, 1.50; cix
months, $1.00; three months, BOcts.
Entered as second clasg mail mat
ter September 8, 1914, at the post
office at Maupin, Oreon, undr the
Act of March 8, 1876.
"Time and tide wait for no
roan." Time goes on End the tides
com and go with a regularity won
derful to behold. With the passing
cf time com the passing of some
one hard to ipare. This week mark
ed the passing of one of those nolb-
nicn the good Lord suems to have
taken fpecinl pains to -place on
earthHugh Fischer. Words fail
us when we try to tell of the real
goodness of the man, his "many vir
tues, kindness ef heart and general
loveabilities. That he has gone to
a better place none doubt, and those
he has left behind should not let
their grief overcome them, for the
husband and father left them a heri
tage of good name that is seldom
equalled and never exceeded.
Non-Reident License to Number 0f
4,500 hsued Lat-Year
Since 1919 there has been a cteady
annual increase in the number of
angling and hunting licenshes issued
by the Oregon State Game commis
sion to non-residents. In 1919 a
total of 179 persons bought hunting
liciise, and 122 licenses were is
sued t0 non-resident anglers. In
1928 the number of licenses issued
to hunters from out of the state was
in the neighborhood of 700 and
non-resident anglerj reached a to
tal of more than 4,500. Many of
the anglers are men from points
east of the Mississippi river who
have come to regard Oregon as the
fisherman's paradise. Men have
been known to come from New York
ju, t to fish for salmon below the
falls at Oregon City. The game de
partment encourages eastern sport
men to come to the state as a suc
cessful easern sportsmen makej a
good advertiser and the entire state
Will be presented at the
mm school auditorium
"v ,
piday , Febru'y 2 2
I' '
is benefited by the stories he car
lies home to his friendi;.
Three True Bill end One Not True
Bill Returned One Other
Matter Held Over
SON, Circuit Judge.
We, the Grand Jury of Wacco
County, re-convened by your order
on the 7th day of February, 1929,
respectfully report that fe have been
in session continuously three days
and have finished consideration ft
all matters that have come before
us. We had expected to look over
ihe County properties, but adverse
weather conditions necesiatcd our
postponing that work until we will
again be rc-convened by your order.
We have returned three true bills
involving, four defendants and are
returning one not true bill. In all
we have had 27 witnesses before us.
In one or two cases we have signed
recommendations, which are In the
pos ession of the District Attorney
to be used in case of pleas of guilty.
One matter brought before us has
been a charivari party participated
in by several young people from the
viciity of Boyd. The conduct of the
charivaring party was extreme, but
we do not find"Miat it justifies the
returr nig of true bill. However, the
J conduct was disorderly and repre-
jhensible, and we take this occasion
of expressing our condemnation of
j that k'nd of rowdyism. We are
holding one other matter under con-
I sideration. ,
Respectfully submitted,
E. L. Leabo, Foreman; C. A. Blake
ney, George Kasberger, R. C. Orn
duff, A. H. Gillis, Geo. Cooper, S.
M. Hix.
Attained High Standing '
Ella Shepflin, who is attending
the Northwe. tern Business college
at Portland, writes that she has re
cently taken the third grade test and
had attained a standing of 99 per
cent. She will now pass into the
fourth grade. To attain a standing
of 99 per cent is exceptional and
shows that Ella Is applying herself
to her studies and that she will soon
complete the course.
Walter Remorse of Chicago ob
tained a license to marry Miss Adele
Timely Dialogues :
Children's Beautiful Drills
Old-Time Songs
Washington's Birthday
Maupin Ladies Quartet
To be given -by the wholp enroll
ment of the Mahpin Grade Schools
each participant appearing in cos
tume sympolical of the date.
Would Am... All Vot.r. Until State
I. Out of Debt Tobacco
Tax on the Litt
(Voter Reporting Service)
To meet the revenue situation,
Dr. W. Carlton Smith, representa
tive from Marion county, suggests
a $2.50 voters' franchise tax, to ba
levied on all voters for the privilege
of 'voting. He betyaveg voters will
regard it aj a privilege to pay this
tax until the state is out of the
"red." "They understand this kind
of a revenue measure, even if they
'o not understand all these compli
cated bills framed up by . experts,"
said he. Senator Miller, "of Jose
phine county, has a ui'ivc'aal sales
tax applying to everything except
farm products. The rates are so;
iw it would, nearly "nil come out of
the merchants and manufacturers.
Tobacco tax plans are being re
vived and 'a bill is drawn ready to
shoot in'when revenue necessities in
dicate. Repeal or modification of
the millage taxes levied by the legis
lature is to be attempted. An ad
justment will be attempted to place
part of the market xroads property
hurden on to motor vehicles in con
sideration of reducing liceme fees
on old cars. A way may be found
through requiring renewal of the
drivers license.
bland Senator Introduce Measure In
Accord With Governor' Idea
of Giving Benefit
(Voter Reporting Service)
To place motor vehicles by thent
selves for taxation purposes, so that
the age of the vehicle may be taken
into account in fixing the tax,--and
the proceeds applied exclusively to
highway work, if desired, is the pur
pose of the con. titutional amend
ment introduced by Senator Kiddle
of Island City. If passed by the
legislature this would be voted upon
by the people at the next election.
It is understood the measure har
monizes with Governor Patterson's
idea of giving the owner of the old
car some benefit from licen e fee
James Barston of London wrote
9,000 words on a single postcard.
Appropriation of $5,000 A. Wad of
State and Government Aid
to Bo Solicited
(Voter Reporting Service)
Salem, Feb. 14 To combat an
unknown bhoep and cattle malady
prevalent in certain parts of eastern
Oregon, an appropriation of $5,000
from the state has been asked in
house bill No. 380. The money hi
to be used for research work, direct
ed through the Oregon State college
experiment station.
The authors of the bill aro Senator
R.'J. Conner, of 'Spray, Representa
tive Earl W. Snell of Arlington, and
Jiepresentatiye J.' P Yates of Was
oo.. A memorial wlll'also, be. sent to
cotigrcav to ask, for federal 'aid in
'identifying arid .fighting .the disease.
.The "disease, which started in.last,
April, has caused a loss of over 300
head of cattle, estimated at $30,000.
It is contngiouj and is reported to
be unlike onyt other disease known
to cattle and sheep. It has 'defied
the efforts of experts from Washing
ton, O. S. C. and numerous veterin
arles .of the state to analyze it' and
find either a preventative or a cure.
Maupin Monitor of Ferbiiary 22,
1912, Tell of Deal
The Maupin Racing association
has completed arrangements where
by it will Jake a lease for a term of
five years from Mrs. W. H. Staats
on 20 acres on the Flat above the
town of Maupin, which will be im
proved by the erection of a grand
stand and other building; necessary
to hold a first class race meet and
accommodate any other amusement
feature the association many decide
to put on. The date for the 1913
meeting has not yet been announc
t. but it is said it will about the
same time as last year early in
July, which 'ferns to be convenient
for visiting horsemen. Arrange
ments for a big celebration in con
nection with the race meet this
Stoval"s Cold Cap u fes will, get
your cold. Fifty cents. Guaranteed
treatment. Maupin Drug Store.
Pine Grove News
Dewey and Timithy Linn rigged
up a novel portable stove on front
of their wood-sled, so they could
drive Jack r rost oft the premises
while hauling wood.
Fred Ault and Dewey Linn doubl
ed up 6-in-hand and dragged a fine
trail from Linn's mill to Brown's
filling station.
Mrs. We t is staying at Sam
Brown's over the snow spell.
N. G. Hedin returned from a two
weeks' visit to Portland, where the
serious illness o his sister, Mr.'. E.
R. Leaf, called him. Hedin reported
the Columbia river highway as be
ing dangerous, due to snow Bnd ice,
and in many places a narrow passage
way. Very little through auto tra
yel wa on the highway.
. Ella Shepflin, who is living with
Mrs. Wm. Johnson, in Portland, is
attending Northwestern school of
Commerce on Broadway and Sal
mon streets. She is doing nicely in
shorthand and typing, her major
Wilbur Matthews la staying at
O'Brien over the severe snow,
Deep snow and car trouble in ex
treme low temperature has caused
many to leave their cars in the
Mr. Towne froze up his car. It is
sitting in front of the ditch com
pany's office under the mow.
Walter Sharp brustcd his Star
car radiator and had to limp home
in same from Sam Brown's corner.
Walter walks from home to Wm.
Forman's on week . ends. He has
worked at Foremans while "Bill"
was ill and will continue through
the spring work. .
The snow at Pine Grove waa 3
feet; McFarlane's mill 4 feet; at
Linn's mill 6 feet; at Cascade divide
13 feet. A flood is feared if the
snow should go off with a warm
rain and Chinook wind.
James Abbott was a Monday Mau
pin visitor, having Joe Kramer work
on his truck. . "
Patrons of telephone line No. 25
have paid their annual dues to Fed
eral Re. erve Bank $1.80 per phone
for 1929.
Much demand for fuel to tide the
people over the severe cold spell has
claned up all-seasoned wood around
Pine Grove. Some slab wood and
half seasoned pine and fir block
wood is avallableor will be as noon
as snow melts;
Frank Richardson is seriously ill
with appendicitis. Dr. Elwood has
made a few trip to attend his case,
Dewey Linn's little girl froito part
of her foot while exposed to the
st'vcre cold.
Mr. W. S. Endersby's brother,
living in Montana, with hla son,
Claudo, died recently. Word came
that he was found in a snow drift
froien. It Is not known whether
heart failure or paralysiu caused
turn to remain out in the severe cold
until he frote or not. He it an
uncle of Ted, Birdie and Sadie.
Mjiny farmers lost chickens and
pigs anil lambs during the cold. It
was 28 degrefs below at Brown's
filling station on Sunday, 32 below
at Lewis' place, Waplnitla; 22 at
Hedin's cnmp. Hodiii's lost 14
Hho'de Island .chickens while Knuto
wasein Portland.
Wapinitia; Items
Arthur Gutzlcr lost one litter of
13 Durock pigs that camo- Sunday.
Quite a cold worlti of 30degrcos bo
!ow zero. JIo has several sows
farrowing during the week. The
loss of these pigs is a severe one as
every pig if a potential $25 green
back later on.
Jake Davidson's car. joined tho
ranks of King Winter's 'victories
Monday. Kramer Bros, fixed him
up. '
Roy Ward froze up amf burned up
him engine on Saturday night while
enroute to a quarterly conference
mcetii'i' at Maupin His car is lit
Krauur's garage. It will require
many new parts anj complete re
building. Ernie Endcrsby ha. resorted to
mule power and sled to take his
brothers and sisters to school.
SALE Phone 25188.- Albertina
West, .Wapinitia, Oregon 16-12
have several canes if huckle
berries for sale at $0.00 per case.
Will kell quart cani at CO cents
each. Berries were canned in tho
field and are nice, large and
fresh. Call on Nick Knrolus.
FOR SALE New Zealand sheep
Romney buck, five two'ycar-olds,
three Ramboulets; two Guernsey
bulls, one yearling, one two-year-old.
Albert Hill, Wamic, Oregon.
feeder pigs for sale also six brood
sowc. Call Bert Scott, Wamic,
Oregon. 7-12
FOR SALE 12-foot McCcrmlck
header, in first clim condition
Price $1C0.00. Ed. Having,
Shaniko, Oregon.
FOR SALE A No. Melotte cream
separtor, $50.00; Vaughan wood
saw, $50.00; set of heavy harness,
cheap; one light harness, also
cheap... Mrs. Anna Bradway,
Smock Prairie. 46-tf
FOUND Pair of gold bow rimless
" spectacles. Owner may have
same bycalling at this offico,
" identifying glas es and paying for
this advertisement 48-tf
balance due on contract. Easy
terms to responsibly party. Write
Continental Security company,
American Bank building, Port
land, Oregon. 244
' Department of The -Intreior
U. S. Land Office at Tho Dalles,
Oregon, January 18, 1929.
Notic is hereby given that
Glen W. Power V
of Maupin, Or.;rn, who, on, Moy
8, 1926 made homestead entry un
der act December 29, 1916, No.
024876 and on July 20, 1928 made
additional H. E. 025365 also under
act December 29, 1916, for lot 3,
section 4, lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6( EEVi
NW4, cection 7, lots 1, 3, 4, 6, 7,
SE4 SW44, section 18," lots 2, 3,
section 19, township 6-south, range
14-east, Willamette merdinn, has
iled notice of intention to make
final proof, to establish claim to tho
land above described, before F. D.
Stuart, United States commissioner
at Maupin, Oregon, on the 4th day
of March, 1929. '
Claimant names as witnesses: W.
L. Fischer, Albert E. Troutman,
Frank Lister, Oliver Resh all of
Maupin, Oregon.
J-24 F-28. J. W. DONNELLY.
Notice Is hereby given th'af Lena
Gosch, administratrix of the estate
of Henry Gosch, deceased, has filed
in the Uount Gourt oi Wa co couniy?
State of Oregon, her final account
as such administratrix, and that
Monday, the llth day of March,
1929, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock
a. nt, has been fixed by said court
as the time for homing of objuc-
lions to i aid report 'and settlement
Fo" Waioo County
Docket No. 4017 In Equity
Mary Pack, Thomas Ptick, Sttdia
Oml , Laura HavUnnd and Frank
Havlhuul, Defendants.
To Thomu.) Tack, Defendant,
In Hie name of the State of Ore
gon ! You aro hereby required to
appear and answer tljo complaint
filed .against you In the above en
titled J suit within four weeks from
tho .date of the first publication, or
J within" four weeks of the date of per
sonal tervlce of this summons upon
you outside .of the 'State of Orogon,
and. IN vou .fall to to answer, for
want - thereof, the plaintiff , will
apply to, the court for the relief de
manded in the 'complaint J herein,
vir the foreclosure of a j certain
mortgnte secured upon the SC V&
SWH, the SWVi SE4, Section 18,'
fand the NU NEVi, Section 19. Tp.
1 S of R 12 E. W. M., containing
100 acres In Wa co County, Ore
gon, and will apply for an order of
sill of the property so described,
and will apply for judgment
against Mary Park and Laura H a Vi
la iuI in the sum of $700.00, wHh In
terest thereon at the rate of 6 -per
ccn per annum from September 21,
1926 until paid, and for the further
turn of $76.00 attorney's fees, and
for Its costs and disbursements In
this cult'
This summons is published by or
der of Honorable Fred W. Wil'on,
Judge of tho above entitled court by
order made and entered under date
of January 25, 1020. Firt publica
tion of this summons In The Mau
pin Times, under date of January
31, 1020, and last publication under
date of February 21, 1029.
Attorney. for Plaintiff
Re Idenre and. postoffice address:
502 1st Nil. Bank Bldg., The Dalles,
Oregon. J 31-F 21.
that Jnmes O'Connor, Executor of
the Will and Estate of Mathew
O'Connor, deceased, has. filed in the
County Court , of Wasco County,
State of Oregon, his find accont as
Executor, and that Monday, the
llth Hsv of February, 1929, at the
hour of 10.00 o'clock a. m., has been
fixed by said Court 'as the time for
the hearing of objections to said re
port and tho rettlement thereof. ,
J.T-F6 . ' Executor.
The Dalles, Ore fee. Phone 15-J
Your Watch Haywire?
If it is not doing its work
brinp; it to The Tim8 oftte
and Mr. Semrncs will send
Maui' Maturing Jeweler
mJ Watchmaker
huwermH' tn J) Lindqulst "
Shoes and Repairing
Wasco County t$ Exclusive
Shoe Store
hoe fnr thm (inneral Repairing
'Vbola Kamilw The Dalles, Ore.
Where the best 35 cent
meal is served in
The Dalles
Next The Dalles
C. N. Sargent, Prop.