riME Always working for the best interests of Maupin and all of Southern Wasco County. . Publishes only that news f U to print Caters to no particular class, but works for all. VOLUME XV MAUPIN, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1929 Number 15 IMJPI HEW INCOME TAX B1LLJ0R OREGON Graduated Tax Plan Witn No Property Offset; Sales Tax Considered. falsi Tax Measure May Prava Popu lar Inooma Tax BUI Braaka achtd ( ula Lobby OppaMa Motor But Franohlaa Prohibition to ba Aided Flahlng Treaty Palli In Commit- Salem, Or. Tha moat Interesting week of tha legislative aetalon la now at band. What with tha telephone neortDgt, tha highway bonding hear tux a, tha truck regulation bearing and other matters It wlH ba caaa of "all bands on deck." And aUo during thla, tha fourth weak of the tesston, will come me nri lormai recognition 01 Old .Han Deficit, when Senator Ed W. Miller of Josephine county Intro duces a aalea tax bill. Bills have reached tha placet where embers mutt vote ona way or an other, and auch members at have a political aya on tha future are be coming cautloua. There are now too many bllla In the handt of cominltteea which mutt be atnoked out If the aea alos la to taka action. , Wide Intarett In Salts Tax. No tax suggestion yet made la to likely to make the public taka inter at at tha proposed aalea tax. Thla measure la Independent of the terlet of bllla recommended by tha property tax relief commlaalon. Tha salet tax can ba expected to ailr up more peo ple 'than tha three proposed Income ona baa been paying attention to the deficit In tha atate finance, Senator Miller decided to bring forth bit lr)ra. Tha office of the atate tax commla alon and the attorney general's office hare been working on the details for Senator Miller tor a week. The main Ideat of tha bill bare been drafted and by Tueaday tha detalla ehould he com pleted. , Tha aalea tax call for a 1 mill tea on wholesalers: 1-mlll tax on the busl eat of retailer; I mllla on tmuse menta. and 6 mllla on tobacco. An ex emption of 15000, la allowed, a turn considered sufficient to permit the Uttle fellowa to escape. The tan la ao light that tha merchants rnnnot paa It on to tha consumer and for that reason Senator - Miller Iwlleve that tha bill should prove popular wltb aery6na. Raw producta are cxampt and alto personal service, auch as bur ner ahopa and bsautr parlors. It la estimated Ihnt the hill can rnlse t. 000,000 a year but It may raise mnr, or lest. If the rates are not rlRht, they can be revised Inter, after tha results are aeon. .The proposed bill In based on the West Virginia law. Palnleaa Extraction la View. Ths principal advantages for the bill, as chocked off by Senator Miller, la that It will raise enough money to wipe out the deficit without piscine, an additional burden on property; the tax la so exceedingly small that It will pot be felt by the consumer at all, and only slightly by the merchant, hut in tha aggregate It will be a reservoir of revenue. .'"'.' "Next la to come night sessions of the house of representatives, In order to speed up the work, according to pre diction of Speaker Ralph Hamilton, made at the week-end adjournment Friday, The night' sessions are t start," however, it tnd whon the 88 house committees get into the real mood of reporting In the bills thcy attll have In tholr possession. ; "Spaed up the work," la the urgent advice of the spiker. He declared himself In favor of no more adjourn ments, and working right up to Satur day nights hereafter. But, even thus, the prospect of completing the work wunin me su aays una u nigms, which la tha officially anthoriaed lite Of the session, Is very doubtful, and ona baa to be mighty sanguine to ex pect or believe that tbia legislative aeaslon will complete lttv work on ', achedulo. When adjournment was taken until Monday, there hnd been offered n total of 47 bills. . Ot these 148 had been disposed ot through final passage and indefinite postponement. With those that bad failed to pass and had been withdrawn and tabled, there still are 320 bllla In the hand's of committees. The business In tight means that there mutt be longer dally sessions and per-' haps the adoption' of the cloture rule at an earlier period than '.usual. ' ' . Income Tax Bill Submitted, Blasting the whole Carkin tax relief committee revenue legislation pro gram wide open, Sonntor Hall and Roprosoutativa Norton Joined In dump ing an income tux bill la the bouse hopper, which covers both corporate and private lncomea, carries high ex mptlona and a graduated rate of from 1 to 4 per cent, and no property offset. Tha Carkin committee now haa a bill which provides an excise tax of 4 per cont on corporate lncomea, with a personal property offset of 95 per cent. Hearings have been held on It, and It appears to have plain sailing In tha house at least. The long ex ported Individual Income bill put In Its appearance. It carrloe a real prop erty offset clause. , Now comes tha Hall N'orton bill, driving right In between tha two. It gives exemptions ot $1600 to the tin gle taxpayer and 12500 to the .married taxpayer and the corporation. There la a dependent exemption ot $100. The ratea ttart with 1 per cent on the first $1000 ot taxable Income, S per cent on the second, 3 per cent on S3000, $1000and $1,000 and 5 per cent on all incomes above $5000. lobby Against 6. P. Bus Bill. Two measures In which the South ern Paelfio Is deeply interested are being fought by an active lobby group, tha forces mobilized art tha atate grange, Order of Hallway Conductor!, atate council ot fishermen, Iirothor- hood of Locomotive Firemen and En gineer!, Farmers Union, Brotherhood ot Railroad Trainmen and State Fed oration of Labor. They stamp as "vicious legislation" house bill 302 which provides for the public service commission to Issue a certificate of necessity and conveni enceotherwise franchise -to motor carriers. The contention la made that auch a franchise would, in effect, grant a complete monopoly ot transportation on the highways of Oregon. The second bill which haa thla lobby arrayed against It la house bill 379. reguletlng trucks and revising the fees for truck and binses. Tha revised ratct In the bill, It Is claimed, hare been reduced from approximately $700 to iprroximntely.JJOO, Rntet In the bus and truck bill can be amended In committee and possibly wtll, now that the organiied labor rob by Is camping on the trail of the Southern Pacific, but the franchise bill ran only pass or ha killed. Would Reduce Telephone Ratea. Senator Jay Upton moved Into the telephone rate fixing business wttb a bang Friday afternoon by Introducing a hill providing J'rat and charge which do not exceed 75 per centum of those now Imposed by said Taclflc Tel ephone k Telegraph company, and ev idenced by Its tariffs and tcbedulet now on fllo with the public service commission of Oregon, are hereby de clared to be Juxt, reasonable and law ful." , Tacked onto that declaration is a command that the compony shall, be fore July 1, 1329, file a new schedule of ratea with the public aervice com mission which shall In no case be lu "excess of 75 per centum of the present and existing rate. Aid to Prohibition Enforcement Tightening tip the atate prohibition lat It proposed In three bills intro duced at the present session ot the legislature. Two of these bills were Introduced by the senate alcoholic committee, while the third bill was drafted by Senntor Eddy, It was said that other bills having to do with the prohibition ttatutca were In the mak ing and probably will be Introduced before the dose ot the session. Probably the most important of the three bills was the one by Senator F,ddy providing a aevcre penalty for any porson who is convicted ot selling, bartering or giving away, under cer tain conditions liquor to boya and girls under the age of 21 years. Under the provisions of the Eddy bill a per son convicted of this crime would be subject to a penitentiary sentence of one to tour years. ' ' . Joint conferences between the Oro gen and Washington legislatures on fi.'hlng problems in the Columbia river over which both states have Jurisdic tion, came to utter failure In Olympia Saturday, end the entire program of lnw chonscs tgrecd upon a week age was abandoned. ' ' Flailing Agreemrnt Fails., Representative Ed Sims of Washing on wes thfl stumbling block of. both legislative committees. Senator A. W, Nofblnd of .Qf.gcn; armed. with full power to ct for, the. Joint committee of, .the. Orecnn legislature; submitted changes In the agreement reached last week, at the fcctnst of the commercial flshrmen and ennntrs ot the lower Co lumbla, . , . "', , The agreement reached. Inst week celled for tho season to be closed from May 23 to June 23. The flshor men proposed It shoutd Remain open inimiiiMiiiiiiiiiminiMwwiiiiiiiiiiiiiii A MAUPIN iiiiniiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiuiiiiimimuuiw SHEAR'S BR1DCE (By Clarence Hunt) Del Chutes., in French, meant river of fallal thus did thlt river,ob tain a name. On thia river W find,: Shtrar't Bridge, about eight mileii below Mirupin, a historical point in I Oregon history, and a valuable aatct . to the country in tha future, if one a plant Li established to utilize the power that nature haa provided. Tha bridge hat played a strong part in the settlement of the country be cause it haa unified two section of unsettled country. By charging- tollagc,- Mr. Shew waa enabled to build a hotel, four roads, a livery, stable, and many more convenient installation-, which easily made it the most popular, the best equipped, and the most modern inn of the country. The house waa put together with wooden pegs in atead of nails; the floors were hard wood, ond the remainder o? tho lum ber for the house shipped from Cali fornia, the wood from tha redwood tree being preferable. A promenade flower. , trees, an orchard and many other things made it Beam home like and restful to the travelers. Despite- its size and capacity, it is aaid that at timet many transients were turned away by lack of suffi cient accommodations. j It waa tha center of industry. Then came the climax. Sheep and wool aoon lost the owner a fortune. The ctnnerics at The Dalles soon called fishing interest there, the railroad came up both aides of the river, the automobile took the place ; i) ,ha wagon, grain was hauled to other markets, the hou e, long since abadoned, could not make expenses. At preaent it is little more that a postoffice and railroad station. A new concrete bridire haa been erect ed in the place of the older one, but the name of Shrrar'a Bridge will live in the history of Oregon. Senior Clatt Play The Senior claa.; haa alnt for three plays. The best ono is to be producd some time in the last part of March. By giving the play then instead of the last of the term me senior ciasa wm have more time in the preparation of gtadu ation. The others c lueses of tho i chool will give playa at the , end of the term. Assemblies Last Tuesday morning, the atu denta assembled to partake in the usual ;inging of school songs- They are learning ''Hail to You Old High School", ns a sppcial number, which will be rung by a number of the girls on Waahlngton'a Birthday. A piano duct, "Under the Double Eagle," waa played by Nova Hedin and Merle Snodgrass. Bessie Starr played a piano aolo, ''P.ococco," for a special number Friday morning- PROGRAM A February Festival The entertainment to be given by the grade pupils promises to rival the minstrel given by the High school. The program which fol lows, ' includes number in gay cos tumes,: Uttle Martha Washington, An Honest-Looking Farmer Coun try Eggs, a ' stately atid dignified "February" recciving( the wished quests, Abraham Lincoln and many other special features; Our Flag1 Gertrude Kirsch. Lincoln Acrostic Third and Fourth . gradei. " :. ' : until June'l, close from June 1 to June 15, and remain open to Septem ber 15. This was agreeable to every one except Sims. stms was taken into an executive conference bv the Washlnirton lode lnrora, but remained adamant, end In asmuch.as his support would swing the lower houao of the Washington legislature, the whole plan was aban floned. - . . - , "We believe that the attitude of Representative Sims Is unfair, unjust, unreasonable and altogether wrong." said Novblad. "I shall, go back and tell the Orexon lpg'slnture that the entire der.l la scrapped and all laws will remain as they are at present, with nothing accomplished as a result hof the conferences." Leaders of both states were disap pointed, RS It was the first time since 1913 that both legislatures had agreed to a compact, and It was felt that It vlll bo a long time h?fore they will uvor gat tcsetuer afcjil ..,,.,.... HI TIMES :-: I Teddy Bear Exercise Fifth grade j boyt. " Song'Tm So Shy" Louise Duua and Leslie Troutman. . DialoguesBuying Eggs Dorthy Greene, Frances Lindley, and - Douglas Bothwc!', Lincoln Soldier excrciae Elwin Doty, Albert Troutman, Dick Shearer Gale Mayhew and John . Slushcr. Health Show Following the Milk Can Third, Fourth and Fifth grades. Burlesque "A Capable Servant" Herbert Kramer, Ralph Kai er, Jack Chastain. Fan Drill Jean Rcnick, Bernico " Hollis, Dorothy Greene, Frances Lindley. v. Song "Better ,Be Good" Naomi Schilling-, Gcraldinc Peters, Doro thy Greene. Dialogue "Please Shut the Door" Fifth and Sixth grades. Washington Acrostic First and Second grades. Song "Two Jolly Sailor Boys" Theodore Kirsch and Ralph . Kaiser. Dialogue "Dr. Johnny'o Visit" John Slusher, May Greene and j Edna Cantrell. ' Flag Drill Twenty pupils. February Tlay All of the pupils from the six grades. Grade Note The Fifth and Sixth grades have curtains across, the front cf the bookshelves. These curtains were made from last year's Arab cos tume. The brilliant runshine which we are expecting will tone down their color. - , Russell Holt had hia ears badly frost bittten last week and was eent to Dr. Stovall for first aid. Doreathea Lister wai absent from school the first of the week. Zero At Maupia High (By Art) For the past three weeks the mercury has been hiding beneath the xero mark. Maupin schools have become quite aware of the pranks of one Jack Frost not the pranks of Little John Fro. t, but Big John this time. Students, while on- the- way to and, front theJ busses, have had their nose, cheeks and ears nipped. At achool Mr. Weberg has guard ed the furnace so well that not a pipe bur. ted. He came so early and stayed so late that he often met himself reurning when he came bark in the morning. Mr. Poling took a hot iroiwo bed and saved himself from a frost bite by a blister. , Mr. DeVoe wore large shoes and many pairs df socks dur ing the day. - Art reports that the air froze in the tires of the bus and that he broke off cylindrical exhaust from the ex haust pipe and put it on the phono graph as a record. The sound of the engine running, chattering teeth, and song were some of the things which it reproduced. Everyone seems to want the therembnieter that registers the coldest. Everyone is rure that his thermometer is absolutely correct All are glad that the weather is warmer than for the past three weeks. Maybe we are becoming ac customed to it. - . Think It Over (Ann Xnymous) What is a student-mnnager? Thki question has been repeatly asked, yet few, if any, seem to un derstand what the term implies. The office of student-manager in other schools is one which should ers re ponsibility and works in con- Mon with the athletic director, tsking care of many details which oherwise might not be accorded proper attention., . The athletic director cannot de vote sufficient time with athletic con test!, such as handling of equipment, entertainment of visitors, collection of gate receipts in addition to his regular duies, and it i" in these respects that a live student-manager may bo of invaluable service. Such nn office is of great benefit to the individual in that it gives him competency in managerial af f ars, Further, -it will bring those not actively engaged' in the athletic program face to face with the prob lem of responsibly, which must" be shouldered by all who attain t ucccss. (continued on last page) WOULD TAKE OVER LOCAL TELEPHONE EXCHANGE A man named O. E. Bays and o wife are in Maupin today and are o negotiating with Wm. Beckwith o for the purchase of the local tel- o ephone exchange and twitch o board. Mr. Bay says that if the deal goes through he intends to rebuild the entire line, fix up all phones and give Maupin service equal to any other place. It will be necessary to increase rates somewhat over tbote now pre vailo vailing. vailing, but that the service will justify the increase. ' BOY SCOUTS WILL CELEBRATE ORGANIZATION OF ORDER Patriotic Program and Investnre of New Members t Taka Place Next Wednesday The Boy Scouts have been in ex istence in America for 19 years, and to "fittingly celebrate the first initia tion of scouts in America the local troop wpl hold an open patriotic meeting at Legion hall next Wed nesday evening. The meeting will be free and all are invited to attend. The program will consist of drills, patriotic tongs, mui ic and the ini tiation of several new members into the rank of "Tenderfoot" , N. G. Hedin has consented to make an ad dress on scout growth, aims and teachings of the order. The ladies quertette of Maupin will be on, hand Blirl will cnn ma tram I nntnAtifl songs. At this meeting the members ! will nppear for the first time in their new scout uniforms. Those who are in rympathy with the scout move ment as well as all others should at tend, as the meeting will demon strate just what the scouts ere and show the personnel of he local troop, j Another Sheep Herder- Clarence Fargher and wife are re joicing over the arrival at their home on Bakeoven of another son, the little fellow making hb appearance yesterday morning. Clarence has been bothered somewhat in keeping herders in charge of the Fargher sheep bends, but with two lusty sons already on hand and a new one com ing to the ranch, it will not be long K f nra tia will riavA an ffi 4 mail . . . , . m a. g. . . help to take care of all the sheep he carps to rend to the mountains. The new boy weighed 10 pounda and i . r . .. ., clarence and his wife are feeling the best ever over hia arrival. Dr. El wood was in attendance. DR. ELWOOD SOME STICKER Experience Fourteen Tie-upi While ' Making One Call Dr. Elwood was called to one of his patients, Frank Richardson, at Pine Grove one day last week. .The thermometer stood at 30 below zero, but thot did not freeze our doctor. He loaded up the faithful Dodge and as eyed the journey. The route is about 15 miles in length and in making the trip Dr. Elwood got stuck just i times, about an aver age of once each miles. Frank has been sick for some time but is now on the gain. ST. VALENTINE'S DAY DANCE Seek' Da'ht Columbian Engaged and Good Time Anured Valentine's Day comes today but the local Legion pat has continued the celebration over until Saturday, when the Legion hall will be the scene of a rousing and pleasing dance. Seck's Columbians of , The Dalles will be on hand and the catia faction that orchestra has been giv ing in the past is a guarantee that they will not fall down at the com ing hop, The ladies of the Auxiliary will be on hand with a fine line of cats, ail of which will tend to make the affair one of the most pleasant of the season. ,On Annul Vac v ion ' Clarence Ziggenhagen and fam'ly ui-, sit Bo d,' and - will !! t' coming week there visiting with Mrs, Ziggenhngcn's parents. "Ziggy" !s taking his annual vacation, it be ing the policy of the StandarcTil company not to allow its employes to lay off in the summer, during tho busy sea on, rather giving them their time off in other seasons. K. W. McCafferty of The Dalles is in charge of the local station during "ZiBgy'8" absence. ' II, E. FISCHER LAID IN FINAL RESTING PLACE MONDAY Huf0 E. Fischer- Succumb After Month ef Suffering From Val ,vlar Heart Trouble . Hugo Edward, Fischer, a resident of East Maupin cine 1913, passed away at his home on Saturday last, the cause of. his death beig heart disease. Funeral was held from the residence on Monday, with interment in the Kelly cemetery. Hugo Fischer waa one of those men to whom all were attracted. Ho wee pleasant with all and possessed a store of inf ormatinn which he was ?lad to impart whenever called upon, lie waa born at Prairie du Sac, Wis consin, July 23, 1871, where he lived -jntil grown to man's estate, and here he, on October 1, 1894, was married to Misj Amy I. Hathaway. fjter the Fischers moved to Dubu ue, Iowa, where decedent engaged 'n civil and steam engineering. For .nany year; he served as engineer in the U. S. river service. While on the Mississippi he was taken with the trouble which eventually carried him off. He left the river and mov ed to a farm near Dubuque. There b lived for several years, and in 1913 came to Maupin. Here he erected a residence and from that S8ited hi" fon' pTernc i" tnd about the service station and garage. The past two years he in terested himself in a sporting goods store, carrying a line of ft hermen's " supplies. ' ! 1 As stated above Mr. Fischer had suffered with heart trouble for the past 10 years. Last August he had a bad attack but seemingly over came it. In November he was com- jpelled to take-to hir. bed, and from. that time until death summoned him away grew worse. He met the Inevitable with a courage and faith seldom heard of. By the death of Hugo Edward Fischer Maupin and the. whole state loses one of their most loved citi sen:). He was a true friend, a Rov ing husband and father, a christian gentlmen and poe essed . , all the at- tributes which dominates the make I ti n tt man c iiVi oat ItA All VonnSn I . . . , . , . i mourns his taking off but realizes ... t. . f . a that the home above has gained a ; soul untrammeled by sin and worthy a place beside the great throne. Surviving are the widow, a son, Lave rue, and a granddaughter, little Vcrna Lee Ficher, besides a f ister, Mrs. J. C. Ihde, living ai Oyen. Aivcrta. Canada. Rev. W. H. Ixldridi. di.er?i! :he fur.-.-: ter- mon and in it he extolled the life on earth of deceased and spoke nany worda of comfort to the sorrowing relatives 'and friends.. Interment was made in Kelly cemetery, the re mains being followed to their last re ting place by many who had known and loved the one who was. laid away. The hand of fate rests heavily oni those who have fulfilled their part in me Breui ecnciue 01 me (jrcaur. What they do on earth is as a map- and those who are called early have bat completed their mission on earth and while we mourn their passin;,. ill we i hould view such matter with leniency and remember that death . . i i . I, it . i .i i m iw i uu an, euu um. ucu 1,110.7 call comes we should be ready and willing to mret it. For Hugo Fisch er we have but this to say: Ha was one of the Creator's best efforts j :n .1 41 . j hJm on earth to the best of his be lief and ability. . CARD OF THANKS We wish to convey our heartfelt thenks to all tho- e -kind friends who, during his illness, ministered to our departed husband and father. Also to the friends and others who made Iheir sympathy known by attending hi- last journey, and to nil tho e who have expressed kind words fince decedent, Hugo Edward Fischer, was laid away forever. , Mrs. Hutro E. Fischer, Lavcrne Fischer. ' . Build-n? Lambing Shed Ernest Troutman is constructin-j a large lambing shed on his ranch, the Btruehiro to bo 40x60 foet In size. Ernest will thereby shield h's flocks from the clement', and rro- tfde a protection to tho new lambs.