The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, February 07, 1929, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    TlWrsday, MruarV 7, 1029
J. II. Kiitncr and wife were in
from their White River home yester
day. Mm. Slgne richer spent a few
d'yj of thli week visiting at The
Sam Brown came in Tuesday for
the purpose of attending a bank
directors' meeting.
Jess Fleming was down from hit
Dakcovcn rnnrh Monday and waa a
wt'iwme culler at The Timet thop.
Mia' "Sammy" Creighton re
turned from ' a wevVl vblt with
relative! In The Dallea on Satur
day lost.
Sheriff Seston and 'deputy were
in Maupln a ihort time en Monday,
being on butlnete connected with
the sheriff's office.
Dob Wilton left for Portland
Monday, going there to attend the
convention of the hardware dealers
of th Northwest.
Mm. J. M. Milter was a pa sen
ger for Portland yettcrday, going
for medical treatment for an acci
dent Buffered last lummer.
Frank Dyer and wife returned
from an extended visit to the middle
,west last Friday night. They are
looking fine and report having had
an intere- ting and pleasant visit,
Ben Richard on wat in from
Pine Grove Monday. - Ben's chief
diversion thete days Is playing with
an oujl board, and he says he has
learned much about people herea
bout. Leo Kcntner and hli cousin, Vic
tor Schilling, expect to leave for
Bund Sunday morning. Young Kent
'.er has been vV: V? his relatlvet.
ihe Hi-hllllngs, he, or the pat ro
Valentine cut-outs, one cent to
85 cent at he Maupln Drug Store
Richmond Parly Home After Visit-
lag HUlroic Placet ia Ariiooa
ad California
The auto party consisting of R.
E., W. W., Floyd, Ralph and Roy
Richmond, who left Miupln Decem
ber 9 for a trip to California and
Arizona, returned last Saturday,
evidently satisfied with Maupin and
Oregon In general. '
When the Richmond left It was
in the hope that the dry air of the
Aztec slate would be beneficial to
Floyd, who suffers with a thma.
On the way down they visited many
point of Interest and gleaned much
knowledge of many places. They
i pent about three weeks-in, Arizona
and while there gathered some in
teresting mementos of the trip.
They mnde a trip to some old
Teublos, saw the famous Roosevelt
dnm, era sed somo sand deserts and
paid a call on most of the cities of
southern Arizona.
; They went down via the Pacific
;" highway and returned by way of
The Dalles-California highway,
' having been gone a little'less than
two months.
pirectort' Meeting
The directors of the Maupln State
4 bank held their regular monthly
meeting at the bank on Tuesday.
The busine s of the previous month
-was gone over and other matters
j concerning the institution consider.
ed. The directors present were L.
' C. Henneghan, F. D. Stuart, J. S.
Brown and L. S. Stovall.
(friV fl " iV i1! 1 s'n
Wm. F. Schilling'
Ignition, Generators
and Starting' Motors
on AH Makes of Cars
From a Pin to a Locomotive Axle
AH Work Guaranteed
At 56g Maupin Garage
N.w Bread of Chlckeni Took Orer
Eifht Year to Perfect Mrt.
Turaor, Fancier
Mrs. B. F. Turner is a chicken
fancier and had the best layers in
her flock. During ' January she
kept close tab on the production of
her hennery and gathered a total of
77 dozen and 10 eggs. The family
ued 16 dozen and 4 eggs, the bal
ance being sold. Mrs. Turner
realized a total of (34.75 for the
egg, sold, while the cost of the feed
was figured at 20 cents fur each
pullet Each layer's eggs for the
month totaled 81 cents, Subtract
ng 20 cents for feed a profit of 61
rents per hen was mad.
Mrs. Turner on Tesday received
a pen of a new breed of chickens,
being jvhnf are known as Buff
Minorcas. The riiruiatflr of that
breed worked carefully for eight
years to bring the strain to pcrfec
lon. The new birds partake of the
ilrributes of several' pf tf)P perfect
ed strains and are said to be excel;
'ont layers, ar. well a making a fin
dish for the table.
Hit br Jack Rabbit
While coasting on the Green hill
Tuesday eveftlng Freddie Shearer
ran iuU a young Jaefc, Tlta
bunny was hit squarely by the sled.
The body was flung high" into the
air and when It came down landed
on the back of the lad's neck.
Helped From Drift
While coming In from his mall
run Tue day Carl Pratt ran Into a
huge snow drift and stuck. He
sought the good offices of Al.
Prltton, who with hh team soon
straightened Carl out and rent him
on his way home rejoicing,
Moved to Maupln
The family of Henry Kurkenbcrg,
ono of the contractors on the new
bridge, has arrived In Maupin and
on Wedne day moved to the Wood
cock cottage. They will remain In
Maupln until the, bridge ia com
pleted. '
Went To Portland
Joe Kramer went to Portland on
th's week, Tuo day going down
for the purpose of having a truck
body placed on. the new Ford truck
lately purchased by the county court
for the road department f
the county.
Will Ta( 8,000 Shi
Joe Kt tnor and John Confer will
begin today at Con Buckley's ranch
in Tygh Valley, tagging his flock of
1.400 sheep preparatory to lambing.
iKihtner and Confer have a contract
, to tag about 8,000 sheep for sheep
J owners in this locality. From Buck
ley't they will go to the Hauser
bands and tag them, then going to
some other ranch, just now not de
termined. j Box chocolates for your valen
fine. 75 cents to $1.60 at the Mau
i pin Drug Store.
Dr. Clarke, of the Clarke Optical
Co., 202 and 208 Merchants Trust
Building-, Cth and Washington
Streets, Portland Oregon, EYE
Maupin 0,11 day and evening, Mon
day, Febunry 18th, at the Home
EYES. - '
Hens ore creatures of habit and
will givo best results if attended to
regularly. Remember a hen that
spnds all her ime in one pen has
little to do but watch for the next
feeding. She should be fed at
regular times early in the morning
r.nd aftrnoon. If a moist mash is
fed, it also should be given at the
same time each day.
Jlii "nYiyianwOgnui jVlllMjf
Z:1 TTn About
1 iXTV UJi Town
Childhood never seems to have
passed by tome people. Tuesday a
trio of Maupin matrons donned
overalls, hied themselves to the
Greene hill and proceeded to enjoy
the sport of coasting. They mount
ed the iled all same as the younger
ones and teemed to enjoy the sport
as well as they did years and yekrs
ago. Some life left In Maupin
Bilj Schilling's day L not number
ed if) a st number of hours. Jast
Friday one of the road trucks broke
down and BUI was set to work fix
ing It He finished the job about
9:30 Saturday a. m. and then turn
ed around and did a full day's
work, v No wonder he is getting the
bulk of the repair work work of
thig sffUon, - The work he turns
out is first class and cou lets of ret
pairs on all makes of cars none of
which seems to stump our qualified
mechanic. . ',
"Shorty" MUler Is back at the old
stand as manager of the Rainbow
pool room; fatty's enforced vaca
tion has not dimmed his good na
ture, lor the sama old tmlle greets
all teauU te his place besides he
has learned to keep a good fire in
the big heater. This, with Shorty's
proverbial good nature, mixes fine
these cold wintry "days.
Dr. Elwood nd Alvis Martin
eliminated the anow from the walks
along the block vof their residences.
(They were not content with shovel-
ing me ocautuui irom their own
walk- but continued to the Kramer
garage comer. " Thanks, gentle
men. Our shovel Is a round pointed
spade and does not work "well in
snow, and you, by your thoughtful
ness, raved The Times man from
working up a sweat.
Pups to the right of us, pups to
the left of us, pups in front of w
squeal and whimper. Our Bobbie
is a mother of five: Wayne DeJan-"
vlcr's little fox terrier has five, and
to keep up the record Prof. Brough
ton's (paniel recently gave birth to
.the same number. It's a good thing
the services of a physicians were
not required, otherwi e he would
have been worked to death In the
augumentatlon of the dog census.
"One touch of nature makes the
whole world akin," said the poet
Thls wss priven on Monday by
,Vcrne Fischer. Our daughter had
been at the ho pital in Dufur for
an operation. Her condition was
such that she was ready to come
home, but after soliciting the use
of a car, for tho Journey from sever
al other, and being turned down
by many excuses, Vern volunteered
to go after Clayre. He neglected
his business to make the trip, but
nevertheless realized the . nece:sity
for her return, and brought the
little lady home in good shape, dis
daining pay for the trip. It is such
acts ps thnt thnt makei for lasting
John McMillan is baching In the
Billy- Hunt cabin above the O. W.
depot His only company is hb
collie dog, but for all that Mac
seems to be enjoying himself. Mon
day he came to town and purchased
a couple of juicy sirloin steaks, re
marking that one was for himself
and the other for the purp. No
wonder that sheep dog worships his
ma ter and does his biddings when
out in the hills. ' '
Fiih Reach Length of Sis Inchee
Before Liberation Many
Varieties Raised
During the past fiscal year a total
of 20,345,278 trout were liberated
in the streams of Oregon by the
hatchery department of the Oregon
State Came commisLion. This
number included rainbows, eteel
head, eastern brooks, cutthroats,
silversidea and graylings. Practi
cally all of these fish were six Inches
or more In length. The largest
number, 3,875,310 went to Klamath
county, but each county had streamy
that were planted. The smallest
number, 21,320 went t0' Multnomah
county. .
The Commission has adopted the
pojicy of raising trout' to a length
of six inches or more before they
are liberated. This insures a much
lower mortality than was shown
when much smaller fry were liberal
ed. A six-inch trout, liberated
early in the year, will make a cub
stantial growth before the season,
opens for angling.
Approximately $400,000 is receiv
ed annually by the Oregon State
Game commission from hunters,
anglera and trappers. This money
goes to support the 29 hatcheries
land egg taking stations, the three
i frame farms and the law nff,rr.
ment and the executive departments
'of the commia Ion. The commiwiion
ia entirely self supporting and re
teives no money from legislative ap
Dayvillo Rrepreeentativo Sponsor
Bill Cat Down Bag Limit
(Voter Reporting Service)
A bill shortening by ten days
the open season on deer and reduc
ing the bag limit from two to one
deer, within the itate of Oregon, was
introduced the first day of the cur
rent legislative session by Repre
sentative R. A. Ford. Represcnta
ive Ford is from Dayvllle, and repre
sents Grant and Harney counties.
At present the season on deer
with horns is from September 10 to
lUctoDer zo. The proposed bill pro
vides that the season shajl be short?
ened to beptemher 20 to October
20, and that the bag limit shall be
reduced fronf two to one deer with.
ill any pue eaaton.,
' ,. .
Mrs. Gwa r.i-
...-in, a nurse, wai
.rrrested In Chicago for robbing sev
'eral of her patients.
From The Tmcs, February 8, 1918.
Job Crabtree and crew of carpenter-,
began the erection of an of-
fico building for Dr. Elwood last
Friday and finished it so the doctor
could move in last evening.
1 All the boys from Wapinitia, who
were called to The Dalles la t week
Tor examination, passed with one
I Virgil Mayfield and Binkie Tapp
ot Pine Grove have been cited, to
go to The Dalles for military ex-
'amination. They arc in Division A,
Class one. - "
: Josie O'Brien, Crystal Hartman,
Johnnie Tapp, Nicholson O'Brien,
Sophia Tapp, Sylvia Hollman , and
Lloyd Woodside each, sold $50.00
worth of war savingj stamps, being
ing among the first 10 in the state
to accomplish that fact They be
come members of he Junior Rain
bow regiment
Given by the Studentsof the Tygh Valley
High School at Tygh Valley, Oregon,
l Saturday, February 1 6
Isaac Gilditch, Antiqeur, of the Goldish Art Shop......:. .....
Milo Steers
Becky, His Daughter, 1- Alberta Wing
Pietro D'Angelo Caccialino, Expert Worm "Holer :
. :...:.James Zumwalt
Jimmie Raymond, the poor' stiff ............' Glen Knox
Mildred Clinton, who is in love and likes it ...Hazen Johnson
Mrs. Clinton, "Why Mother-in-Law Jokes are True....,-.-..
: Verm? LuCore
Mike, Just What his Name Suggests : ...Howard Crawford
Hay Hudson, A Friend in Need Fred Ashley
Miss Hull, an Interior Decorator ...... Sohphia tfalzer
Ethel Peabody, Who Defies Love to Affect Her......!.
Crystal Wren
Spencer, a Paid Guest........... VernonAyres
Madam Goopher, a Dispenser of Spirits .......i......... Sylvia Ayres
Maggie, Not green, for "Grenness Wears Off '......Elzie Ledford
M Those who have
ceriamiy enjoy tms one.
.... , .. ' j (
H With Music for
A Home
'Mr' '
This bank is a
that it is financed by home capital,
officered by home men and dees
business chiefly with home people.
Our services are
use them freely.
The ground hog failed to see his
shadow on Saturday, at any rate
rpring seems to be here, judging by
the warm, sunshine and breeze these
Seventy-five dollars were realiz
ed by the Maupin Dramatic club at
Tygh last 3aturday night by their
play, 'Bread on the Waters." A
full house was pre.ent and all en
joyed the play. -
E-ACT CD m E Dr &
enjoyed our plays
old and young. "'
50 cents
t'atre 'tire
rroduci I
ill' amIm
home product in 1
at your disposal; f
State Bank
11 't
O. B. Derthick will manage a Red
Crv s dance, to be given in Shat
tucks' hall next Friday night The
Maupin band will furnish the music
and a supper will be served. Pro
ceeds will go to the Red Cross.
! U. S. received a tele
igram last week telliing of the seri
1 ons illness of h's father. U. S. left
.immediately for his old home to be
I with his parent
in the past will
Curtain rises at 8 H
and 25 cents U