nn Alwayi working for the best interests of Maupin and all of Southern Wasco County. Publishes only that news fit to print Caters to no particular class, but works for alL VOLUME XV MAUPIN, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1929 Number 14 MAI PIM LIES U II M VI II 0HEGQM LEGISLATURE NOV IIAinilROUGH Important Bills Still Pending; Progress Is Made, But "Some Time Wasted. Many Bills Introduced to Ditt Motor LIcenM Measure Has Unanimout Support Tax Relief Considered Tuition Fees Paid by Non-Reeldsm ttudtnti Too Little Leglolatlw Funds Limited. SaWm, Or. When the legislature adjourned over the week-end Friday afternoon It bad run hull Its course and to date no measures of Importunes havs passed both houses and renchod the dusk of the governor Whatever the legislature Is t accomplish mu.it be disposed of In the remaining 20 leg Islstlve days. During the third -tin past woek more legislation wus Introduced, a tow bllls4 passed, and a few committee meetings held. Incidentally, the actually working days hat been replete with recuses Time has been wasted In this scs aloa as never before wnitud a though the legislature hud a hult yeai to run lnstusd of a bare 40 days. Although Governor Patterson's IC000 a year budget officer laid a care fully prepared budget on the desk ot very legislator on the opening day, the ways and tnvana committee Is slill holding bearings and grinding away on appropriations. A total of 344 houao bills and SI sen ate bills had been Introduced at the end ot the first thrco weeks of the legislative session. Of the bouse bills 137 were repeal measures. 425 Bills Introduced. "The number of bills Introduced dur ing the first throe weeks of the 1329 legislative session Is much smaller than that of other years for the same length ot time," said A. W, Norblad of Astoria, president of the senate. "While there are many bills being written, they are coming in very slow ly." Too one thing which has pleased tho state board of control and the people f SMem Is the defeat of the bill to e;.ol ti:o law for the construction of a s ti'e office building. Now that the slati board liaii the law and the author ity ll i..n proceed as quickly as It de sires In borrowing $000,000 from the Industrial accident fund and erect an office building adjacent to the su preme court building. Of course, this Is a precedent bor rowing from tha accident fund and It la poHHlblu that future legislatures may decide to authorize similar loans Irom tills or other funds to flnnnco the eroding of a now puultentlary, a new stato lioniltnl, library for the unlvir slty and any other capital cullay. In the state office-building ciihu, the rout als charged to the departments occupy ing space are expected to meat the Interest and principal on the loan from tha accident fund. Motor License Revision Next. Revision ot motor llcenso fees la In the making. A Bdiodulo which ap pears to be nieotlng with no oppesi Hon has been devlacd and submitted and will bo considered by (lis three roads oommlttees this week. At first there was a ballot that a dozen plans would be offared for li cense ruviulou, lui tha Simula ached illo to be considered makes such o substantial cut on all curs that every one appears to bo satisfied, even a! though tho bill aluo requires an add! vlonal tax of lo a gallon ou gasoline. Unless something goes wrong, thlt license fee bill should pass the house this week and go over to the senate. As the senate road committee will bo sitting in while the two house roads committees are deliberating, there should be reasonably rapid action in the senate. A companion measure In preparation la an amendment to the constitution permitting the licenses to be based on the value ot the motor vehicle. This will have to be submitted to the peo pie. The senate, Just before adjourning f Friday, passed a bill making the li cense tee year start July 1, Instead of January 1, In compliance with a senti ment which has been rampant for sev eral years, There was also some new. arrangement for seasonal licenses for the benefit ot orchardists and wheal growers who require trucks for only ti tew weeks in the year. So it can bo considered that the automobile license; situation Is to be cleared up soon. ; It Is the subject most interesting to the people of the state at large. 1 Tax Relief Measures Submitted. Practically tho entire chain of bill, representing the recommendations oi the property tax relief commlaalcn have boon Introduced and printed and bearings have bum held on several. The only Important bill ot the strle, not yet Introduced Is the Income tax with a property offset and this may not appuar until the fifth week. No one is In any burry to drng thi? In. It Is being purposely delayed un til the other taxation uiea.u . art fairly uuder way The deficiency appropriation bill providing for an appropriation ot Sin, 000, arproved by the ways and mtum committee, was p;.s d with only Sin ator Upton voting sgulnst It. Senator Upton explained that ht was voting axalnst the deficiency ap propriatlons "at a protest against tin existence ot the stute emergency board which Is an opin door o the practice ot extravagance In the administration ot slate affairs." The state ot Oregon Is out ot packet to the extent ot between $300,000 and $500,000 each year through Us guuer oalty In providing higher education for studonts from otli'.r states at less than actual cost, accorclng to members ol the senate who are Interested in cor reeling this situation. This estimate Is based on fir.uat submitted by tbe University of O.egon and Oregon Stute colleen, covering Ibi --n...-. ... ......... ... ' ., enrollment at tlios'j twe Institutions, filed with the satiate on Thursday In rosponso to a resolution catling for the enrollment figures. Sixteen members of the upper bouse joined in this reso lution on the theory that many nun resident sludents ut the state's two in stitutions u uma..u& . iwyitj tuition payments uiilrdy, v.hilo tUass who do pay tliu suckled tutiou u-vj are only paying a fraction of tho actu.il cost of thu 'education which they re ceive. Non-Resident Studsnts Benefit Tho lists submitted to the seuale reveul a total ot 130 stuauuts at the university and tioD at thu stute college who are paying the annual tuition tee of $100 chaiged to uon-resldunt tu- duau. wLeru as th, actual cost of op- erauug mo university is $Zi.0J otr student, and the pr capita cost ot running the state college Is 1(363.79. As a step toward correcting this sit uation It Is proposed by some members ot the senale commlttoe on cducutiuu which now has the list uuder consul e ratio ii Uiai tuition tees churned mm resident stUiiuuls be lucreaseu to cov er the actual cost, at least, ot the edu "cutlon ot the student nt the Institution ho or she attends. Old Man Deficit soon will plague tho legislature Up to date no law mukcr hue noticed him, but It won't) be loug now betore Mr. Deficit will have lo be faced. With the deficit la mind, the Ms 1 lalure muy us well realize that appro pilaUous In excess ot revenues will meet the veto ax at the hands ot the guveruor. Preferably the governor' Mould like to see tbe appropriuiiou bills reach him lu the last days ot the session, so that, after final adjourn ment, he. will still have time to give them the ax without the leglnluture having an opportunity to repass them over his veto. Oregon Is in the "red' from $1, 19.000 to 12,500,000, depending on whether the figures are those of State Treasurer Kay, Budget Commissioner Kozer or State Tax Commissioner Fibber. While the figures vary, they afo in agreement that thcro is a sub stantial deficit. Oregon is growing, , 1U lubiltutloua must grow and, unless something is done, the deficit also will grow. Legislature's Funds Limited. All that the legislature has to work on iu the way ot money is 2 mills for state purposes outside of the mill age, plus Revenues from indirect sources, such as fees.. The 2 nilll yield $2,300,000, while" from inherit ance taxes, Insurance and corporation fees anothor $2,250,000 Is raised, mak lug a rough total ot $4,600,000. . And of this amount practically $1,000,000 goes to the state hospital alone. Tightening up the laws regulatlnt the operation ot building and lont and Bavlngs and loan associations in Oregon is proposed in a number oi amendments prepared by Mark C. Mc Callister, state corporation commie doner. Senator Fisher would chango thr adoption of text books ueed in tht schools of Oregon from a biennial event, aa under the present system, to an event of every 10 years. Joint Leg'slatlve Committee Meets. Joint commlltees ot the Oregon and .ashington legislatures agreed upon compucts affocling Columbia river fishing and the licensing of trucks doing Interstate business, at the close of an all-day conference in Olympls last Saturday. The joint flaherfea committee reach !LMMmillllMHIIWIIIIIIimWHWIIIimilimiUIWIHUIMU i :-: MAUPIN . ENCLISH III English III class has begun, the study of Greenlaw-Miles, Literature and Life. Their fir t assign men t was the play "She Stoops to Con quer" by the famous writer, Oliver Goldsmith. This book contains many writing.; that have been favor ites for years. i ,1 BASKETBALL ' The boys' basketball team defeat ed the Dufur boys by a score ot 24-10. Although playing under handicaps such aa a small hall, and driving through the cold to find no warm rooms when they arrived, tha game proved that the Maupin boys could take care of themselves In a rought and tumble. Along with the High school games the town team "Wildcat.' had a battle with Dufur town team. The game was exceedingly rough, the floor small and polished, making it difficult for them to carry through plays or keep footing. The score would have been much more than 24-28 for Dufur if our team had not rallied after the half nrirl uint lnst tit a airinna T . . . n - . . . . Jack Bl8l,et. th Du' bet hooter' and fastest player. These two teams will play here after the High school games with Madras next Sat- urday, February 9. Doors open at: M)r. Davie; reports all back at 7:00, price 35 and 15 cents. J school except Wendell Lindley. ' I Margaret Appling has decided to FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF ,'ihrnve the perils of deep snow and . MAUPIN STUDENT BODY Receipts Cash in bank, January 20, 1929.... ,. .v $150.17 Deposits '.. 104.19 Total receipt 1254.36 Disbursements Maupin Drug Store $10.80 R. E. Wilson 3.65 Semmcs k Semmes .' 10.00 Shattuck Bros 4.99 O. P. Resh 15.10 Lumber Co 1.80 Refrehments 9.65 Dufur transporation 15.00 Total disbursements $79.84 .Cash in bank $174.52 FIRE EXTINUISHERS Two' fire extinquishers were to talled this- week. The High school '1yrcne extinfluiBher is located under tui; oituia kjj tile M1I1U1UK W1UV11 IB close to the fuel supply. The one the Grnde school l; in the hall. Pyrene, according to chemistry, is CCL4, or carbon tetrachloride. Sports and Our Schools (Lelah Wcberg) It hr's been six years tlnce Maupin Hirjh school was built Basketball begain and has been continuing thru these yocr:. Last year was Maupin's star year, winning every game ' one, which was lost to The Dalles by one point The girl's basketball team has not been outtanding, but the excercise and enjoyment have been worthJrjust as much to the play ers as victory. Football begain two years ago. It is considered foremost among sports of today. The first year was most succssful because it was new, be cause the school possessed the best material, and because the players were more enthusiastic. Every game was won but one. This year they tied two games, lost two nd won two. - Although baseball is a good sport, it has given way somewhat- to the other two sports. It is older than ed an agreement upon commercla' fishing dates which deducts 23 dayi annually from the present season. The compact adopted provides foi the following commercial fishing sea son In the Columbia: Open, April 23 to May 23, Inclusive; closed , May 24 to June 23, inoloslve: reopened June 24 to September 6, In elusive; closed September 6 to Sep tember 30, inclusive; open October 1 to March 1, Incl-slve; closed March 2 to iprtl 23. ' A resolution asked that emergency clauses be attached to the laws at both legislatures making the seasonal laws effective immediately after passage and continuing effective for . four years, as a test period. Memocrs of the Joint committee on automobile licenses ngrocd to ask their re3pectlvo legislatures to enact laws eliminating the necessity of truck operators who operato In boju slates buying llceflscs In both Oregon and Washington. HI TIMES :-: 1 football and basketball, therefore better known to people. Football and basketball are comparatively new, but are more popular. The sports of the school, have al ways been given the support of the school boards and patrons, and the students have alwayi appreciated their interest by going into every thing with the intention of winning. The bankers of The Dalles are of fering a diver cup in track to the school that wins the county meet for three successive years. Dufur won it the fir. t two years, Maupin has won it for the last two. Maupin feels confident that she will win it and will be fairly entitled to it The next basketball game here is February 9th with Madras, both boys and girls, participating. CRADE NOTES Louise Duus returned to school Monday after a week's absence on account of the cold weather and the Jeep snow. John Slusher and Murial , Miller . tarted the week with a grade of 100 in Arithmetic Tuesday. Beulah Schillig returned to school Monday after a week's absence due to her illness and also that of her mother. cold and come back to school. Everyday counts, as new tteps in fractions are taken up. Last week we greeted Russell Holt in our claso room. He is glad ly accepted as one of our number and is intending to devote extra time to Arithmetic that he may stand at the head in his class work another year. Earl thinkn he can produce "static," which is required in a cer tain number of our coming program. Well wait and see how he succeeds. Grade Program An entertainment by the First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth grade will be given on the evening of February 22, at the High school auditorium, to commemorate Washington's and Lincoln's birth days. Attractive drills, and play3 will be provided, giving each child an op portunity to display his talent The proceeds will be shared by the grades participating and will be u ed to purchase supplementary books, paper for portfolios, a catch er's mask and other articles needed in the grades. . A good program i-, assured to the patrons of Maupin schools, as each of the teachers is putting forth her very best effort THE TRIP TO DUFUR The High tchool basketbn". teams werit to Dufur last Fridnyq to play the return games with the teams of that place. Both the boys' and girls' teams went in the Fairview bus, which was driven by Joe Char tain. Seating space was limited to the extent that four extra chairs and few laps were utlized but the trip .was made sucees tuny ana witnoui mishap. s On reaching Dufur, thoroughly chilled, we were warmly (?) received in a cold hall by two large empty stoves. The games were wild and wooly but despite thb our boys showed them how basketball was played. The girls were not bo fortunate but put up a good game the first half, until swamped by ize and roughness. Calender Program Madras here Saturday, tha, 9th two school games and the town team vs. Dufur. Odell there Friday the 15th boys. Parkdale there Saturday the 16 boys. ' Dalles second team there Thurt day.the 21st boys. Dalles second team here Friday, the 1st of March boys. Rpmember. Grado vbool play VMay, the 22nd HUMOR 1 HUMOR 1 (By" Art) , Maupin, Oregon. Commander Richard Byrdi Bay of Whales, Antartica. Dear Commander: I am writing you in behalf of PIONEER OF 1890 DIES AT HER DUFUR HOME After Years of Snf ferine Mrs. Austin A. Dai-thick Com to Eternal Homo While not entirely unexpected yet the announcment of the death of Mxs. Austin A. Derthick at her hoifct in Dufui on Saturday, Febru ary J, 1 1 ruck .td with many Mau pin people. Mrs. Derthick wa stricken with paralysis about six years ago and since then has been more or le s of an invalid. She was able, with -a little help, to get around the house, and aside from stiffness induced by the stroke, appeared to be in good health. The day before her pa sing she suffered a second stroke, from which she Tailed to recover, her death ensuing us above Stated. Martha (Kinzer) Derthick was born at Crabtree, Linn County, Ore gon, January 21, 1866. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kinzer, -early residents of the Val .ey. In 1887 she was united in narriage with Austin A. Derthick and to their union two children were oorn, they being Gus I. Derthick of loupin and Mrs. Walter Hanna of Dufur. These with the widower and cne grand on, are left to mourn her death. ' Funeral services were held from the Dufur Christian church. Rev. F. Claude Stevens officiating. In terment wes mede in the Kelly cemetery on Juniper Flat on Sun day, the remains being followed by a large concourse of sorrowring friend . Interment was under di rection of Crandall Undertaking parlors. Active pall bearers were Archie Boule, Chas. Grant, Amhv Smith, Harvey Martin, Athel Fra ley and Joe McMurray. Honorarr pall bearers were: Geo. W. John ston, Al. Nelson, Horace Fargher Lane Smith, Will Vanderpool an Willard Vanderpool. t the funera' services at the church two number were sung by Mrs. F. Claude Ste vtns and Chas. Bass, Mr. Wil' Evans presiding at the piano. Mr. and Mrs. Derthick came tc his section in 1890, at which time Mr. Derthick took up a homestead on the Flat They lived there unti: about 12 years ago, when they sole' their ranch and moved to Dufur where they resided until death call ed the wife to that place from which there is no rcti"-n. Mrs. Derthick was a loyal neighbor, a lovinp mother and wife and her death hr created a void which never can be filled. The husband and children are deeply sympathized with in this, their hour of deepest affliction. No Meeting The regular business meeting of the local American Lesion po:t, to have been held on Tuesday evening, has been postponed one week, the inclement weather and heavy snow acting as a deterrent to the out of town members getting in this week. The meeting will be held next Tues day evening. Down to 17 Belo La:t night was the coldest of this season, the thermometer showing a mark of 17 degrees below zero. With a change in the moon schedul ed for tomorrow a favorable change in the weather may be expeted. On Junior Team In the makeup of basketball teams in the girk' department of the University of Oregon, tha name of Miss Winifred Kaiser appears as a member of the Becoud Junior team., some of the students, who, though personal friends of yours, seem some what bashful. Estel wanfs n good fast vnlldng stick; "Harley" want3 his initials carved on the South Pole; Kenn wants to take up forestry and thinks that he needs a good axe handle. Please send thece articles by radio. Say 1,1 heard a pretty good joke on Richard. Hal Ha You know he made quite a hit in the skit "Jerry" in the minstrel.' The girlf say the reason for his popularitay wa-i because he ate so naturally. Will you name one of those mountain peaks after our school? I think "Maupin Hi Peak" would be appropriate. As ever, V .' .. . ART NARROW ESCAPE OF LOCAL LAD FROM OCEAN GRAVE Caofht Under Rolling Log and Held Until TuU Enabled Pull ing Him Out While on the trip to the southland with his father, uncle and cousins, Floyd Richmond had an experience he does not care to have repeated. When the party reached Lakeside, in Coos county, Floyd and the others, were anxious tj see the big water. They hiked a matter of three miles to the shores of the Pacific, Floyd taking the lead. Upon reaching the beach Floyd sprang onto a log, which was lying near the sand dune. Immediately thereafter a roller struck the log, causing it to roll and throwing the Maupin lad to the beach, the log rolling over his head and stopped at his knees. His father rushed to hi assistance but was unable to roll the heavy stick from the recumbent form. Ralph Richmond, a cousin, then came up and tried to held the fath er, but the two failed in heir at tempt Just then a small roller came up and Roy Richmond, an ther cousin, grasped Floyd's ankles md as the water raised the log pulled the boy from his precarious position. Floyd was unconsciois: and was carried to what the party supposed was safe ground. Before laying him down the body bearers saw an immense roller coming in from the sea and bore he youth to a still higher level. As they reached high ground the roller came in and carried the mass of logs and sand seaward and n receding completely filled a large cavity above which the Mau oin men had fitct stopped. Had they remained there all would have been carried out to sea. Floyd's ears snd hair were fill ed with sand while his coat seem ingly weighed 60 pounds, so filled with beach eand was it The res :urers roiled the unconscious lad ver a log and was pleased when he emitted a -grunt and came out of Ms coma. The log which threw and covered him was fully two feet in circumference, so large that two hu ky men failed to budge it. Had the water not raised it both log and boy would have been debris on the big ocean and Maupin people would -have been called on to mourn one of its best known young men. Floyd suffered a sprained arm and sustained come severe bruises, his nose being cut its entire length by the bark of the log when it rolled over him. Aside from the bruises and cprain he mourns the loss of his cap, which the tide car ried away. It was a , narrow es cape for all concerned. "BE AN OPTIMIST" WITH TYGH High School PUy will Bo on Next Week Saturday The firtt school play for the Tygh Valley schools will be given at that place on Saturday night of next week, when "Be An Optimist". will hold the boards. This play is different in that it gets away from , the usual run of rchool productions and provides a medium for laugh ter and solid entertainment seldom seen locally. The oharacters have fully studied their parts and are up to the minute in their line:. Tygh Valley school plays have always proven most acceptable and the coming one will be no exception. Valentines Dance Valentine Day falls on the 14th, but the celebration of the day by 'he local Legion post will be on the 16th, when a dance will be given in' "he hall. Seck's Columbians from The Dalles will be on hand with a new repertoire of dance mudc, and the ladies of the Auxiliary will pro vide the eats. "avidon At Home Again After a time spent at the home of ier parents and where a little baby laughter was born to them, Mr. and Mrs. Bobbie Davidson returned to Maupin Saturday, bringing the aby with them. Bobbie says that ' eing a daddy is a new experience or him, anik, that he will try hard o get used to it