7 MAUPIN 1 'k'' Always working for the best interests of Maupin and all of Southern Wasco County. Publishes only that news fit to print Caters to no particular class, but works for all VOLUME XV MAUPIN, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 1929 Number 12 OfiEGGN LEGISLATIVE ASSEIVSBLYCONVENES Governor's Messapa Heard; , R'any Dills Oifercd; Nor blad Senate President. SuUm, Or. WlHi such speed did the 3'th legislative assembly gut under way that tn the flrt day It nut only organU'd, elected presiding oftlruri and listened to the nvernor' nus ak. but swung Into the receiving of till, mure than HO bills being Intro ductd In the house before the law makers "knocked off work and calUd It a duy. The annate received the drat two bllla. Such expedition and effi ciency baa out been observod In many years. Organization was completed and committers ready for announcement before noon, at which time reeess waa taken until 3 o'clock to listen to the message. Following thla came the drat of the flood of bllla from the vast number dumped Into the hopper of the bouse, and submitted by a com mittee appointed In 1927 to dig out and recommend tor repeal obsolete laws. No contests developed In connection with organization of the senate. Norblad Is Senate President Senator Norblad of Astoria waa nominated for president by Senator Moser and received 27 votes. Senator Brown voted for Senator Reynolds of Marlon, wtjllo' Norbled cast bis ballot for Senator Eddy of Douglas. Tbe committee on rulea Is composed of Senator Mark, Eddy and Moser. Organisation of the senate was com pleted In less than rn hour. The committee on credentials waa appointed by representative Potter as follows: Brlggs of Jackson, Fisher of friuglaa, Mcpherson of Benton, fiorVell of I'nmttlU and Clark of Clackamua. After a ten minute recess the com mittee ou credentials reported. After adoption of the report, Chief Justice Coaliow, escorted to the speaker's desk by Henderson of Multnomah and Has lutt of Hood River, administered the oath of tha office to the members. Hamilton Chosen 8peaker, Ralph S. Hamilton of Bend was then placed In nomlnntlon as spmiker by Lonergan of Multnomah end was the uuanlnious choice. Ho received 67 votes, P.urdlek of Crook, Deschutes, Joffuison, Klamath and Lake, and Wlimluw of Tillamook being absent, sjivuKer liamilaa was eucorted to the .nal;'.r's desk by Collier of Crook, i)eii;but08, Jcftorjou, Klumath and Luke, l.ubll of Multnomah, and Chllda of Llun. After bulng sworn In he an uounccd that he would dettr his form ul nioaaace to members until a later da to. Pointing to the failure of the Income tiw mcaauM passed by the Inst legls lulure to moot Oregon's 2,000,000 do tlclt, through Its rejection by the poo pie at tha general election, Governor Patterson, in his mesaago to the 35th legislative assembly's Joint ic'aslon, le clared tho stale's lawmakers respon slble for "providing, revenue adequate - for discharging expenses of slate gov ornmuutal activities" and eliminating "any deficit thut may exist." Empho sluing this be said: "As 1 see it, this Is the foremost duty which faces you." Governor Makes Recommendations. Highlights of the Governor's mes sage follow: Taxatlon.Declaring that tho mat ter of taxation and state finance "never has been more vital" to Oregon that at preBont, the governor called on the legislature to provide funda for govornmoutul expenses and tor wiping out tho Illicit of approximately $2, 000,000. Purchasing Bureau. Declaring that centralization of all ' purchases foi state departments In tho board ot control showed a saving of over 1200, 000 Blnce October 1, 1927, the goyoruoi declared allocation of funds for con tlnuatlon of thlHtdepartmont Justified. Building Program. Authorisation ol the board of control to make a survey "of the needs of the various state hr . stltutions and to draft a well-constructed program for meeting these" over a period of ton years was recpm mended. Educational Institutions. Pointing to the advancements made by Oregon Institutions 6f higher learning, reconv mendation was made that the United States bureau of education "be invited to make a building survey of these In stltutions to form a basis for a capital outlay" from available appropriations Water Power. Devoting consider ..Me attention to the hydroelectric development of tbe state, tbe meage pointed out tbe need for safe guard lug Oregon's Interests ami urged amend liient of the present law so as to define the slate engineer's duties. Auto Licenses. AsHcrting bis firm belief "that the people of the stale want a ruduetiou In license fees of old or used cars," tbe governor urged early relief along this line "without specific suggestion" as to bow this should be accomplished. Penitentiary. Colling attention to the fact that "tot the first time in the history of the penitentiary evory man who h physically able Is at work every day," Governor Patterson declared this fact due to the "excellent discipline and morale which prevail." He recom mended an appropriation of $35,000 for remodeling the former training school to give room for additional prisoners and also funds tor a "much needed" garage, with quarters for trusties. In planning revision ot automobile licetiHe fues, the swale special coin mlttee decided to recommend aubmls alon to the people of an amendment to tbe constitution which would permit taking tbe ssHosned valuation of an old auto Into consideration. Under the present law, this distinction In the same class of property Is Impossible and the valun of a car with relation to tbe license can only be adjusted by a conHtltutlonal amendment. It Is the agreement of the commls slon to try to muke a 20 per cent re duction on the present schedule, but whether it can be worked out Is not known. Under a plan to be submitted to the legislature soon,, the senate special committee studying automobile license fees coujd cut the revenue 11,219,112 and by an additional lcent tax on gasoline produce 11,211,601, so that the tax would come within 18512 of equaling the amount lost by the reduc ed motor fees. The committee will recommend In ItHbill: Proposed Auto License Charges. An additional tax on gasoline of 1 cent. A flat foe of lit) a year on all cars welching 1700 or less. A 90cent rhnfge for each hundred weight on cars over 1700 pounds and not exceeding 3000 pounds, Motor vehicles weighing over 3000 pounds and not over 4500 would pay tl per hundredweight and part thereof. Cars over 4500 .pounds would pay $1.10 per hundredweight, or part there of. All motor vehicles equipped wlth one or more soua tires wouia pay ou per cent In addition to the foregoina. fees, Cars reglHtercd on or after April 1 and hoforfifluly 1 of any your wouli. pay three-fourths of such annual fet The law .already provides for a hali year license taken out July 1, and o IttHt-qunrter year on October 1. Th' three-quarter year license would per mlt many cars to come out which un der the present yearly license are left In tho garoge the early months of Ihi year. Ack Oregon to Cede Territory. A daring propoaal to have the stati of Oregon cede 3000 square miles tt the state ot Idaho Is to be presented to the legislature noon. The territory involved represents almost DO per cenl ot Malheur county and Includes the famous Jordan valloy. Governor Patterson announced whoi apprised, of the scheme, that ho wlli resist any attempt to yield a single acre of Oregon to any adjacent state The plan, briefly, la this: The Ore gon highway commission Is not like ly to build a road from the Jordar. valley country to McDermott, which Is on the Oregon-Nnvada line, There fore, In ordor that the road be con structed, the scheme Is to cede the section In Oregon to Idaho and havi Idaho build tbe road. Bank failures In Oregon, particular at Seaside and Astoria, have aroused Representative Roblaon of Clatsop tt 'a' point where he says he Intends ti toe that steps are taken to remedy tie pit nat ion. ' "Clataop county has boon hit hart first with fire and other advorse sit nations, and thon enme the bank fill ures," he Bald. "As a reproaentatlvi nf the people I am going to find ou why depositors don't at leaRt get Bom modicum ot return for the money the 'nvest In banks. "I contend that there Is Bomethln radically wrong with the banking di partniont, when even small amount realized from the wrecks seem to b (JISHlpated and tho depositors get litt! or riWhlng." He asserted that it no bettor explai atlon of conditions Is forthcoming h ,vill demand legislative Investigate State Institution Want Help. Slate Institutions which are a akin itntniiinintiuniuttiatuniiuiiiiiinHtMtHiiutiiiiMtHuuujiiuiMuinMMiJuiiiuimiuiiuuMiiitaiiiuiuJiuiiimuujUiiinut S HIT k TTHfXT limn iiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiuimiHiiHmwjiiiumiiiimiiHii:mmM High Notes Several of our boys havt 'been trying their luck In the fighting ring and earning a few dollars for spending money. Elton Snodgrass, Kenneth Snodgrass and Robert Shenflin have participated in ever- lal'smokers lately, each giving- a good account of himself when under fire, Wttpinitia's team came down Tuesday night and engaged in a liitli. rriinmAirn with the Inent Hiirh school team. Wapinitia gives f V,aulnW . vi.ru ennrf !,. " n '" ' " ketball team and we hope' that, we may have the privilege of having an encounter with that aggregation toon. Grade Notes The Second grade h making a new chart which is composed of sounds learned in the first grade and new sounds learned - in the Second grade. The hirst grade is learning games which are in tructive in their studies. The Second grade is using the principle of the cafeteria lunch counter in their arithmetic. I Miss Harris feds very forlorn be cause her flowers are dying on ac count of the. cold weather. j Ernie Confer h back in school after a three weeks' absence. I Mjs, Bothwell, Mrs, Hedin, Mr. Kaiaer and Mr. Slusher, members of the school board, visited the grader and High school on Tuesday. Point of Interest .(Editorial by Kenneth Snodgrass) The English III class ha; been (liiicus'iidi; i- itits of interest, in the vicinity of Mnupin. Nature has many wonder: here at our door yard which many people fail to no tice and appreciate. , The nuM .interesting location 3 u.Hsod by the class is Sherar's Brldgc, because, it offers many points worthy tho pen of a genuine author. Shcrer's Bridge is in a ranyon, scorched by the sun in summer and subject to varying winds of winter. The walls of the , , formation eroded ;narrowly an(j dccply by the watm l)f the Dt,gchute8i . A,,hnllD.u u i,nw nMM nt n. gineering, John Sherar readily saw thut a bridge could be constructed over the river and that over a nar row gorge scarely 35 feet wide, thus linking the Bides of the stream, and i to promote settlement of the coun try. By charging tolb the bridge wn paid for end four roads built from the extra proceeds. A hotel was a necea ity and he built such a structure, and it was rated as the be t in the country at that time. Mr. Sherar was rated as he- ing a wealthy man, but an unfortun- ato investment in sheep at a wrong time caused him to lose everything. The bridge then became a public crossing and the huaine s of the ho. tel declined , with' the building mito roads. Railroads on either side of i river now carry people past pioneer bridge of thi? part of west, people who -know little of its hi torv. The dust of time ouicklv obscures the past; old, ways and old scenes are forgotten in the progress toward newer and better modes of life. SPORTS , Maupin Dufur Despite the blizzard Friday night the Dufur hoopers came to Maupin for financial aid from the prosent le, lslative session will all be visited 1 members of the.wnys and means cor mlttee during the next few weeks. Sale of the present state-horn grounds for business purposes and a qulsitlon of tho Bush "pasture," to h used ns a location for new atate built Ings Is said to be Interlocked with t bill Introduced in the senate to r peal the act of 1927 authorizing coi structlon of a new state office bulb Ing, Govornor Patterson signed hous bill No. 142, the first bill tj pass bol the bouse and senate this sossloi authorising an appropriation of $25 000 to care for the legislative ex potises. An additional appropriation probably will . bo nucessary later In the jesslcn. Appropriations aggregating $53,000 were authorized by the joint ways and means committee of the legislature for improvements at the Oregon state tienlteatlary, TTT mTTIfTn . to play basketball. The opponents boys' team played hard, lut were not accurate at putting the bail trought the hoop. They showed good team work, but lacked speed. Our LuVj were faster, had more team. work, and showed more nrac- ;tice and skill than the visitors and were fortunate in getting- tbe tip- off practically all the. time. The Tgirls did not win their game but we lare safe in savinir that thev did the -be t team work on the floor. Dufur had the reach over our nlavi.m. mak. r " g it pos ible for them to secure the ball and put it through the hoop, The box score of the boys' game follows: Dufur F. G. 0 2 0 0 0 3 1 5 0 0 F. T. 1 2 0 1 0 1 2 1 1 0 P. F. Feltch Strasser Straaser ileisler Eastman Maupin Alexander Snodgrass Fralcy Stovall 2 1 3 0 2 1 0 1 1 2 Snodgrass Total: Maupin 24 ; Dufur- -8. F. G. Fields. F. T, Free throws, P. F. Personal fouls. Hight School Schedule 25 -Minstrel show. 25. -h idraa, there. 1 - - Duf ur, there. . an. an. Feb. Feb. 8 Madras, here. l eb. 15 Odell, there. ch. 10 Parkdole, there. Editor Mr. DeVoe has selected the edi tors for the coming aix weeks for the Maupin Hi Times, Automatically Kenneth Snodgrass becomes past editor; Merle Snodgra s was ap- pointed the editor, and Lelah We: 'berg and Eatol Stovall were chosen for the sports. Our - old reliable fun-makcr, Arthur Appling, is at the .head of humor, while Crystal Stuart takes care of the Grade notes with Irene Matthews a; editor of special- tiea. Manual Trajninj Class The manual trainiug class has ibeen making work benches which win oe completed and in use in aljout three weeks. The benche; are to be mode from fir, having a forty by sixty-inch tops with shelves beneath the surface for tools; the legs 3x3 inches and 30 jinches in length and will be morti ed and Ingged on with 8-inch lag bolts lach o the three benches will be fitted with two 9-inch jaw vises, These benches will make the work easier for the students and provide a well-equipped room for the cla s ncxt year- Civici Clan The civics class is : tudying the of chapter on State Constitutions. Mr. Poling has secured Blue Books com the riled by the secretary of state for the the members of the class. - The state the legislature i now in session and the c'ass is following the progress of legislation W bnngintr clippings of ( ''ills for discu sion. In this way they become familiar with the . party machinery' in Oregon as well ens the national constitution, an epitome of Oregon history, lists of :tate officials, their dutiet, popula tion statistics, nnd other informa tion of a political nature. , Sewing Cla-s The Sewing class has been very busy the pa: t few weeks making !costume8 for the ministrel. The 'completion of thirty-five jackets and ;other articles apeaks highly of their ability and achicvenients. They arc soon to begin on mid-reason dresses. New Book The County librarian sent the High school fifty bords of fiction and non-fiction. The other fifty odd books were previou ly return- ed by our school librarian, Gladys Martin. All clna es made a good average in securing credits' by read ing for this semester. , Club Work Leaders and promoters of work met, in the High school last Thur day, January 17th. Rutherford, Mr. Dnigh and club gym Mrs. Mr. Gronewnld gave interesting and en (continued ou last page) t MINSTRELS ALL SET TO OUR PEOPLE High School Actors Will Show Repertoire of Jokes, Songs and Skits Friday Dan Poling, who has the prepara tion of the High school show in hfnd' PnmLt to give Maupin peo- Ple lne Dlggesi treat in tne nistory of the town when his bunch of niinrela appear here tomorrow nht- Everything pertaining to me presentation nas oeen diligently btudied, carefully rehearsed and costumed, and each member of the ca t is whole-souled in the success of their attempt along lines. Below we "pick up" the cast asithcm up for the late show. Their published last week, and advise our readers to cut it out of the paper and take it with them to the hall when they go to see the show. The program follow;.: Opening chorus "Old Folks at, Home" Sung by entire troupe. Song "Stay Gut of the South" verse and chorus by trope. Song "Loading Up the Mandy Lee verse and chorus by troupe, i Song "Harrigan" verse and chor- ua by entire troupe. Song "Herpicide" rung by End Men. Song "S0 Long Mary" Verse by Arlene Linn, chorus by troupe. 01 to Song "01' Man Rivers" Merle Snodgrass, Lelah and Mabel We berg. Pianolog "Little Brown Baby" Irene Mathews. Skit "Jerry, or the' Family Re semblance" Beth, Rutherford Aliene Greene, Richard Crabtree, Eldon Allen. Song "Blame it on the Two Black Crows" Ina Linn, Alice and Dorothy Pavis. Skit "Colonel Bullets" B tel Sto vall, Andrew Crabtree, Charles HuthweU. Song "She's Dixie all the Time" Dors Kelly, Mary Greene. Final A-M-E-R-I-C-A, America, Menans 1 Love You my Yankee Land troupe. - ' Members of the chorus: Irene Mathews,' Merle Snodgrass, Cry. tal Stuart, Avis Crabtree, Aliene Greene, Doris Kelly, Nina Mathews, Lejlah Weberg, Gladys Martin, Alice Davis, Ethel Kidder, Bessie Starr, Mabel Weberg, Alto Chastain, Mary Greene Beth Rutherford, Andrew Crabtree, Clarence Hun Harold Kramer, Kenneth Snodgrass, Estel Stovall, Richard Crabtree, Cyril Fraley, Robert Shepflin, Glenn Alexander, Elden Allen, Ivan Donaldson, Charles Bothwell, Tom Slusher. End Men Elton Snodgrass, Ed mund Wilson, Harry Rutherford, Arthur Appling. Accompanist Nova Hod in. Interlocutor Dan Poling. . Stage Director Crville Fraley. A sistant Ira Kidder. GROUND HOG DAY DANCE Whether the Hog See Hi Shadow ' or Not, All Will Dance "Ground- Hog Day," February 2, will be celebrated this year with a dance at the Tygh Valley High school gym. The students of that school are awake to all prominent dates aad that they have chosen the aecond of next month on which to give another of their pleasant and entertaining dnnces will be good new;, to devotees, The High school orchestra has been augmented by the return to school of Roc Ashley, violin player while Miss Thelma Bonney i: leader and director. That orchestra plays real music, a- is at tested by the many who attend Ihe dances at which they are employed. j Object to Coasting 1 Roard Foreman Addington eb jects to youngsters" coasting on the highway hills. He ha been to much trouble in clearing the roadway of snow, and when bob sleds are ' used by kids to coast down hill on they make the road slippery and glwsy, rendering it unsafe for auto travel. Mose threatens to take some of the coasters before the court in order that ' others may be deterred from the practice. SMOKER DREW MANY FANS AND PROVED Maupin't FforiU Loict to Bend Pag Bouts Fait and Well Received by All The amoker put on by the local Legion post last Saturday night was one of the best entertainments of he kind ever attempted in this part of the state. From the curtain raiser to the main event the patron were kept on the qui Tive at all times. The first event waa the bout be tween Elton Snodgrass and Nick Hollamon. The boys mixed at the minstrel , I ist smjokcr and such was their con te t that Manager Morris signed bout was really the best of the evening, for each of the boya show a willingness, alertness and ability to give and take punishment that won the large attendance. The bout was rightly declared a draw .A promonent feature of their mix was an absence of clinching, both (boys fighting free and giving the referee no trouble. Kenneth Snodgrass and Alva Hammer were next to show their wares. In this bout Hammer threw himself down two and one-half times, tuch were the violance of his swings. The judges voted the bout a draw. Cyril Fraley and Albert Hachler next entertained the customers. Fraley led in advances while the Wapinitia boy seemed content to guard against a pos ible knockout. The judges decided the affray was even, but to a majority of the on lookers it seemed that Cyril was en titled to the decision. I Ivan Mott of ...The ... Dalkt and Billy Breedlove of Bend next know ed their ability ar, pugilists. The up river boy demonstrated that he had a working knowledge" of the game of fisticuffs and in the se cond round handed out a slight punch which seemed to satisfy the county seat lad. At any rate he re mained prone on the canvas until Johnny William", referee, had " counted the necessary 10 seconds to give his antogonist the decision The fake was s plain that Mott got no sympathy from the audience, and young Breedlove did not add t0 hb popularity by the decision. The main event was between Floyd Hollamon, a local product and Jack Breedlove from Bend. The latter is a seasoned pug and showed his experience and training by keep ing close to Hollamon during the -Ax rounds of the bout. He had been put wise to the fact that Floyd u nally set himself for a knock out, therefore mixed in close formation during the bout. Breedlove ex celled in in-fighting, but seemed wary of the Maupin lad. , He fell into clinches in many instances and n two occasions was cautioned by Referee Williams for hitting low. Breedlove was given the deciuon on aggressiveness. The smoker was attended" by many home fann as well as by many from out of town. Many were out to boost for Maupin's favorite and that he lost the decision v does not detract from his popularity. After the smoker the floor was cleared and given over to those who cared to dance, which was kept up until a late hour. SCOUT CHARTER RECEIVED Contain Name of Many Noted Men Of United State The charter recognizing the troop of Maupin as a part of the national organization of Boy Scouts, was re ceived by Dr. Stovall, scout master, Monday. The charter io signed by many noted men of this ' country, some being active officials while others hold their offices as honorary only. President Calvin Coolidge heads the list, he being honorary president. Wm. McAdoo and Wm. H. Taft'fl names are also attached r.s honorary vice-presidents. The other names are Walter W. Head, presi dent; Chas. H.' Livingstone, James E. West and Dan Beard. Per ons desiring to read the char ter may find it on the wall of the proscription case at the Maupin drug store.