thurday. January, 17, 1921 Pag 1h 2 pi 'Ai r"i JlZT UZ.Zl21ZZZ We Can't Tell a i FYoU AllBut ' Quarterly, Annually It Happens n Starting Today, Tearing our Shoe Department Wide Open in our First fj r? r? err I l I M X. II X. II t l Now you afc able to buy good, easy-fitting, comfortable shoes for less than you ever bought them in this store before. GOOD SHOES AT HONEST REDUCTION! . ' SOMK AS LOW AS 50 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR M I THESE ARE SAFETY FACTS Facts That Abolish Worry t - '. W y y ..-.' f -t 1 &k ftzt L ,.iijii n 1 HOUSE SLIPPERS OR RUBBERS lOdls A PAIR v With Every Pair of Sale Shoes Men's and Boys' $1.45 $1.95 $2.45 3.45 . $4.29 $5.79 and a pair of $1.00 f Uppers or Rubbers at 10c a pair. Ladies' and Misses' $1.95 $2.98 $3.39 $2.29 and a pair of $1.00 Slippers or Rubbers at 10c a pair. Infants' and Children's $1.25 $1.50 $1.69 I $2 69 and a pair of $1.00 Slippers or SLIPPERS 10c per pair Maupin SHATTUCKS' Red and White RUBBERS 10c per pair Oreg'on -: Personalities :-; Sheriff Sexton wan looking over the Maupin field on Monday. H. I. Shearer and wife were over from their Three Mile ranch Satur day nnd vixited for a time with their on, MiircuB, and family.' W. It. Aldridge and wife were in town from their lialeoven ranch yt terday forcmoon. Mr . Rose Dahl was in from her Tygh Valley ranch Tuesday, trading with Maupin men-hunts., Tom Gullngher and family be came acquainted with various part of the Kit on Sunday. One mud hole there Tom will miss hereafter. J. V. Hall of Tygh Valley had us put his name on our subscription It t, and now he will Ret all of the news "through The Times. Mr. Hull was in Monday. C. L. Lofton, wife and son, George, all from Tygh Valley, were guests at Mrs. Dcrthick is a daughter of the Mrs. Perhick is a daughter of the senior Loftons and sitcr of George. - IS I Li t t J lift -pyi mm Worry and care will not protect you from incon venience, perhaps serious loss, if you keep securi- . tie3, jewelry, wills, deeds and other valuable papers at home. Only the fact of the positive protection of our Safe Deposit Vaults will abolish this worry, and give you calm assurance of your safely. You get this peace of mind at a low yearly cost. Right in your home today are valuables, the loss of which, by fire or theft, might be very serious. Do you dare not to protect them, to give yourself freedom from thi3 worry and care? Your eannot afford not to give yourself this pro tection. Thousands of dollars in valuables are lost each year by people who take this chance. It's un necessary! Positive protection is available to you. And at a cost so small as to be negligible. We invite you to inspect our vaults. You're sure to find a visit interesting. To appreciate the safe guards we have provided. You'll agree this is one of the soundest, most fundmental precautions good judgment can suggest. Come in today. Maupin State Bank (INCORPORATED) Ernest Troutman. Glen has been living on the place the past few months, completing fencing and putting in time required as actual residence. Wrijcht'g ?moke Salt and WrightV Hum I'iikle. IJ.?5 at the MaupTn Drug Store. BOG LEGBON q LEGION HALL, Maupin latupday,Jan. 19 20-Rounds Fast B6xing-20 Curtain Raiser 2 Rounds Billy Tough vs. Buddy Gump Hunt Hu the Flu Lilly Hunt had made arrange ments to attend the sheepmen's meeting at Baker recently, but when he came to make a start old man flu .aid nay. As a result our lead ing sheep grower was compelled to remain at home and doctor up. Brid(e Work Slow Work 6n the new bridge ha'j been slowed, up by cold weather. At this time workmen are engaged in stringing the steel frame across the river, one bent only having been placed. It has been reported that a full crew will be put at work about the first of the coming month but until that time but few men will be employed. jMado Final Proof I Glen Powers made final proof on jhis homestead before U. S. Com jmissioner Stuart yesterday. His witnes es were Oliver Kesh and 4 Rounds, 130 pounds v Nic Hollamon, Maupin, vs. Elton Snodgrass, Maupin 4 Rounds, 135 pounds Ivan Mott, The Dalles, vs. Ken Snodgrass, Maupin 4 Rounds, 160 pounds Cyril Fraley, Maupin, vs. Albert Hackler, Wapinitia 4 Rounds, 150 pounds Dynamite Patterson vs. Speed Carter Grass Valley Maupin Main Event 6 kdunds 150 pounds , Floyd Hollamon vs. Jack Bncklove Maupin ' liend Ringside Seats $L Reserved Seats 75c General Admission 50 cents On sale at St'ovall's Drug Store and Shattuck Bros. ' ' 9 Low R.uod Trip Fares to I CALIFORNIA 1 .9 HOME POINTERS (From School of Home Economics) The proportion for a very soft custard is three to four eggs to one quart of milk; for a firmer custard, four to six eggs to one quart of 1 milk. Two eggs to one cup of mils will make a custard that will unmold while three eggs to one cup of milk' ' mako; a very firm custard. When using yolks alone three to four yolks to one cup of milk makes a firm custard. One tablespoon cornstarch , may be used for each egg omitted. S Condon $20,000 bond issue urg ed for construction of city hall. Simplicity of cooling system is a feature of the new Ford i CALIFORNIA Spend Ih. f.tttv. holitUr ton ia uonr Southrn Cliforni. Mali. leunhinecircletrip.Onvryvi Sh Lake CitTI other yI Portland, nd St Fr.noUeo. Now ktih new pLe. .11 th. way. Fin, fait train.. Stopovm p.rmltl.d. R. B. BELL, Agent , Maupin, Oregon A COMPLETE water plant is a part of every automobile as it is a part of every mod era city. The purpose of this water plant is to keep the engine cooled to a temperature that will make it efficient in oper ation. If it were not for this, the cylinder walls would be come overheated and the pistons refuse to operate. The cooling system of the new Ford is particularly in teresting because it is so simple and reliable. When the .radiator is full of water, the engine of the new Ford will not overheat under the hardest driving. Yet the water is so regulated that it will not impair en gine operation by running too cold in winter. The cooling surface of the Ford radiator is large, with four rows of tubes set in staggered position so that each receives the full bene fit of the incoming air. The fan is of the airplane pro peller type and draws air through the radiator at the rapid rate of 850 cubic feet per minute at 10uO revolutions per min ute of the motor. The hot water around the cylinder head is drawn to the radiator to be cooled by a centrifugal water pump of new design. The entire cooling system of the new Ford is bo simple in design and so carefully made that it requires very little attention. The radiator should be kept full, of course, and drained once each month so that sediment will not collect and retard the free passage of water. In cold weather, a reliable anti-freeze solu tion should be added. As owner and manager of this important water plant you should also see that the water pump and fan shaft are properly lubricated and the packing around the pump shaft kept in adjust ment. Hose connections may also need replacement after long service. For those little adjustments, it pays to call on the Ford dealer. He works under close fac tory supervision and he has been specially trained and equipped to, do a thorough,competent job at a fair price. - 11 EDW. H. McALLEN, T. v F. & P. A., Bend, Oregon Ford Motor Company