The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, January 17, 1929, Image 1

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    Always working for the best
Interests of Maupln and all of
Southern Wasco County.
TPk t V (n rr rr ysbibi ,ea) 4
Publishes only that'rWs'ir
to print. Caters to no particular
class, but works for all.
- - - ;
iicum ooing Rapidly end ru
, 1 1 1 M ...
House Promised For Neat
Saturday Night
Th demand for choice seat for
the ;mokcr to be pulled off ut the
Legion hull in somewhat greater thun
for any like affair ever held in Mau
pin. The manager of the smoker
have perfected an arrangement of
osU that will give each attendant a
full view of the ring, and have placed
72 ringside and 100 reserved aeat
ticket on iale. Bealdea these there
will be a great many general admia
aion ticket! sold.
Manager Morri has made a
chunge in the line-up for the main
event. Ho hud advertised Vouny
Gene Tunney, a Crass Valley fighter
the opponent of Floyd HHllamon.
but ha cancelled that contract and
l . . . . .....
nun auwuiuieu jwk Hrlcklovo, a
Bend pugilist to meet the local boy,
uncKiove nua g'tined some notoriety
i a fighter around Bend, where he
fought last night. He fa on a card
at Klamath Fall for tonight. The
Bend scrapper in said to be very fal,
carries a wicked punch and has a
good knowledge of the game. Mor
rls is of the opinion that he will be
a better match for Floyd than
would have been the Grass Valley
"Speed" Carter ha- gone tn Bnker
therefore his place will have to be
taken by aome other man. Manager
Morria hna decided to rearrange the
card, Inasmuch an there la a man
coming with Bricklove from Bend,
and he will be given a place on the
fard. He I a lightwelpht, named
Billings. The card will be sub
(tantially as follows:
Curtain raisertwo rounds
Billy Tough vs. Buddy Gump.
Four roiinds.130 pounds Nick
Ibllnmon vg. Elton Snodgrass, Mau
pln. Four round', 135 pounds Ivan
Mott, The Dalles, vs. Kenneth Snod-
grnss, Maypin
Four round-, lfiO pounds Cyril
Fraley, Maupin, vs. Albert Hackler,
Four rounds, 150 pounds to bs
Main event 150 nounds Flovrl
Hollamon, Maupin, vs. Jack Brick-!
love. Bend.
There w'lhbe five bouts wfth 24
rounds of boxing. Real may be pro-1
cured at the drui? stor and at Shat-
tttrk'a 'tore. Ringside seats, $1.00,
reserved seats, 75 cents and general
admission 50 cnts. ' I
Vice-Chairman of Several and
Membership In Other
Representative Egbert of this
county will be kept busy during the
present legislative session, as ii
shown by tho following from the
Chapman Reporting Service, which
Breaks thusly about our legi lator:
Herbert Egbert, of The Dalles.
who Is representing Wasco county at
ine legislative 8pb ion now in
0TPNft ftf Rulftm Vina Unn nni(A,l
on several committees. These , in-1
elude vice-chairmanship;-, of the bills
and mailing and election committees
nnd places on tho labor -and Indus -
tries and horticulture compiittces.
MrS. Ecrbert Will UPTVt H Vita ll...
" - ----- ,vvv-
trry. .While in Salem, Mr. and Mrs.
TTfvKnwi nn Ani.liM l 1L. T t
'"ui, " leniu.MK nb ine iu, a.
Thompson home
utn and btnte
Phone Lines Broken
Tho late silver thaw so weighted
some of the phone lines on the Flat
that they broke apart Ernest Con
fer reports that tho frost is so heavy,
on his radio nirial that the polo was
almost torn from tho ground.
Bread Wagon Went Over '
While approaching the intersec
tion of tho highway and the Boyd
road Monday Johnny McLood's car
skidded and gracefully went over.
At the same time another car went
through the same antici opposite
the place where the bread wagon
tipped. Slick surface was the
cause. '
Condon $20,000 bond issue urg
ed for con, truction of city hall.
Fellows , Entertain Rebekah
With Stunts and Fd
Member of Wapinitia lodge, I. 0.
0. F., were host to the auxiliary of
the order, the Rcbekuhs, at a meet
ing held Tuesday evening, the oc
casion being the birthday of the
II rounder oi tiie order in trie united
States. '
The program -consisted of stunt',
and talks, the whole concluding with
a sumptous feed, prepured by Mrs.
John Confer. There were about 160
members of the two orders present
Rufu McCorkle was the principal
speaker, he telling of the early his
tory of Odd Fellowship and bringing
that history down to the present
time. The evening's entertainment
concluded, the Odd Fellows and Re
bekahs indulged in pleasant conver
sation and when time came for ad
journment each one pre. ent voted the
occasion one of the most pleasant
ever held "here.
The Odd Fellows order was found
ed in England in 1715. The first
branch of the order to be formed in
this country, at New York City, De
cember 28. 1800, the first class hav.
ing but five initiate . Since that
time the order hes grown and at this
time the United States contains all
but about four per cent of the Odd
Fellows of the world. The Rebekahs.
the auxiliary to the Odd Fellows, was j
organized mainly through the efforts
of the then vice-president, Schuyler
Colfax, and ha-i kept pace with the
parent order ever since.
Old Director! and Officers Re.
Electod Condition in Fine Shape
The stockholders of the Maupin
State bank" held their annual meet
ing at the bank last Thur day.
Cashier Stuart submitted a state
ment of the condition of the finances
of the institution, which showed that
out chief financial house is in a most
pro perous condition. The statement '
showed the total resources of the
bank to be 12411,311.09. Deposits
at the time of making the statement
were 159,70 1.1 2 demand, and $50,
551.87 time certificatese. The old
list of officers and directors were I
re-elected, they being:
L. C. Hennetrhan nresident
L. S, Stovall vice-president.
V. D. Stuart cashier.
Geo, McDonald assistant cash
C. Henneghan, J. IS. Brown, L.
S. Stovall, Frank Fleming and F.
- Stuart directors.
E. T. Patrick Taken to The Dalles
by Officer Kramer
Upon advice from Sheriff Sexton
Deputy Sheriff Joe Kramer arrested
E. T. Patrick ycBteray afternoon a .d
in the evening he and Mr Henneghan
took him to The Dalles. At the
time Joe got word that Patrick was
'wanted he was at tho officer's re.i
Later in the night the sheriff
Irove through from Shaniko way,
ind it was reported about town to
day that the officer'.-, car 'contained
a still and that he had Biispected
bootleggers under arrest and in his
It is alleged that Patrick has been
opernting a still on a raidi near vhe
top' of the Cow Canyon hill, ' also
(that he wa" wont to sell his product
.in Maupin, Shaniko and Antelope.'
Shrriff K,.vlr,n uaoma K
...... o'.v ii"u .u own fc-
ling off on the right foot, and with
Hill- . ...
huh perserverance anq gooa JucK
jmay be able to round up more viola-1
I tors of the prohibition law, and that
not a great ways irom Maupin.
Home From Honnital
Wnv Rockwith went to The" Dalles
Slind.1V nnd wlipn ha rnfnvrind .
accompanied by hh wife, who had
been at a hospital at the county seat
several weeks. Mrs. Bcckwith is verv
ill, being confined to her b6d at this
Chanpre in Time
The 0. W. time card was changed
on Sunday, the down train now
reching Maupin nb 11:45 as of vore.
while tho up river train is rcheduled
to arrive here at 2:45 p.'m. ipstead
of at 2:05. The latter change makes
Postmaster Turner hustle, as he has
to distribute that mail and get the
mail on The Dalles route out in time
to leave at 3.30.
juiiu iiuiiiiiiiiJtiJiiiiMiiitiiiiJiiiiijitijjjiiiij iiiiiiiiiiiiiftjtujtiti in t:iiriftftriri:ituurittif ittutiit fiiicjuiiujrriitsttij:fmiii!iiii
Sunn iinniiiuiMiimiuiiHiiiiiiimuiwiiiii
Basketball, ed by Mr. DcVoc. All . tudenta in-
Last Friday Maupin Hi played it." tercsted in anv lino of rliih
first basketball game of the season
sgainst Odell. The game was hard
and fast througout, although Maupin
snoweu (upenonty. The visitimr
team was handicapped somewhat by
the small gym and the low ceiling.
Many fouls were committed by both
teams. Jesse Crabtree did
creditably and we hope to secure hir,
ei-vices again in the future. After
he game the visitors were treated
ti light refreshment by the Sudent
i-ouy. ine next game is a double
trader rrlday, the 18th. The box
core follows:
Maupin F. G.
K. Snodgrass 1
F T.
' 1
r. f,
E. Stovall 2
E. Snodgrass 0
A. Crabtree 2
C. Alexander 1
C. Fraley 4
Taylor 2
Farra 0
McKiliip 1
Shuttes 0
iWheller 1
Walter.; 1
!'. G. I1 'dot.
F. T. -Free throws.
P. F. Personal fouls.
Might School Schedule
Jan. 18 Dufur, here,
an. 25 Minstrel show. '.
an. 25- -J idras, there.
Feb. 1 --Dufur, there.
Feb. 8 Madras, here.
rcb. 15 Odell, there,
leb. 16 Parkdale, there.
(By Gladys Martin)
A school year may be
with one of the topics, developing a
cnmax, contained in tne cnapter
"Sequence Trail" which tHe English
1 1 1 class has just finished. It begins
l"1 l,""na KrauuH.iy
works toward the more difficult
I The explanation suggesting a
mountain trail which becomes steep-
cr and rougher as it approaches the
bleak, wind-swept summit. Havinir
- "
,th in mind .tudents are therefore
looKing iprwara to tne last semester
of this year, which will begin the
3rd week of January. With moio
anxiety and enthusiasm than ever bc-
fAA I .... 4 Inn. . ...
w,c ui v,Cty ar means
a rtcp of higher advancement
w "
Club Work
A club meeting will be held at
the Hich school gym Thursday, Jan-
mry 17, for the purpose of getting
students interested in club work,
A special program has been arrang-;mary
Maupin High School Minstrels
Ready To Show Their Taleris
Melodioui Mauoin Min.treU Minst
Muiic, Mirth and Mimicry on
Municipal Market
One week from tomorrow nieht
January 25 Maupinites will be
treated to the greatest entertain-
ment ever attempted in thia part of
Oregon, when the Maupin' High
chool minstrels hold forth at Le-
gion nan.
"The show will cover approximately
tw0 hours and will give each member
of the school a chance to show what
talent he or she posse ses. ' There
will be solos, choruses, skits, end
men gags, in trumental music and
m.vii ill LI UHlcIHtt.
everything else that goes
up-to-date minstrel show.
Perhaps the outstanding feature
of the performance will be the skit-
(' 'Jerry or a Family Resemblance"
(in which four of the students will
demon trate a versatility seldom
seen among amateurs. The cast of
the skit follows: ;
Jerrv" Worthley, a collegian. .. ..Rich-'
Avis Worthlev. his mVei rtniu
Profes or Hollont, a botanist.-.Eldon
Miss Huldah Peasley. the great aunt
of Avis and Jerry Aliene
This play is full of fun, for every-
one from start
to finish. Watch
Richard play the part of his
Says Mr. Ham Bone :- "Ah have
set de time fo dis heah minstrel n
January .25, and ah' sho does wan'
see yo all right deah when ah starts
singin'. It fho will make vo' moiif
separate yo ears when Snowball.
Mr. Bones and Tambnne
Urged t. enro'i n.inie.-liav-lv. It i
I jped that th . Lnder. of fo.mer
years will be readv to hea for the ye i'.
Semester Tests
'This week completes half of the
School term, testa for fv.mrilntmir ttia
semester work will be given Thurs-
day and Friday of thh week. There
will not be
gram, because most of tho courses
are fu -vear subjects.
Two Basketball Came.
Friday, January 18, at 7:30 o. rn..
the girls will play their first game
-aT II . a ...
i .c iuaupin gins
t,m m, me score joo a.i-
i. l- i . ...
Jerent than it ha- in previous years.
,They have been practicing about n
hour every day for the past week.
After the girls' game the .boy's
team will clash
Maupin hopes to
make a good showing.
No More Tardiness
The janitor evidently thought he
wis to blame for so many tardics
(during the past wek. Monday
morning he turned a new leaf and
begain ringing the bell so the tones
would be distinctly heard. The bell,
not being used to such treatment,
dropped its tongue. A ladder was
rushed' to the scene. The human
fly, Elton Snodgrass, volunteered to
man the icy roof. Brave as he is he
could not climb the - treacherous
1nnn Wknn flia n.n U : U LJ
..v., v.; uil WB Ulliei lie
jsummoned courage and climbed the
roof. He replaced the clapper and
oiled the bearings. Now that the
cause of tardiness has been removed.
(we hope for a clean record for the
coming weeks
Grade Notes
All the grades are preparing for
tne regulnr :ix weeks testa,
Margaret Peterson is back in Mrs.
Joynts' room after a week's illness,
j Earnic Confer ig absent on a
'count 0f illnes1.
I m;., m.., u... n
Homo jjujjua nave un re-
covered from the flu and are back
at school. ;
The junior basketball team is
(organized and tinder way, making
w I'ut nviuuo avi lilt
preparations for the coming games.
The first galne wilj against Wap.
jnitioV first team Boys who are in
jHigh school and eligible will join
forcea with the boyg of the Seventh
and Eighth grades. The minstrel
'show has been delaying practice but
jar, soon as it is over, the boys will
be allowed more than their custo-
forty minutes practice.
j (jottes with flat mteriocuter. Din
great minstrel will be jes like yo'
hat on de week-end, so came and
see us Southerners.
Admission will be 25 and 50 cents.
Begins at o'clock. Dem skits will be
great, 'specially the one "Jerry, or
a family Resemblance;" I invites
jyo and watch Jerry try to play de
'part ob hb great aunt.
The whole cast and program fol-
Opening chorus "Old Folks - at
Home'' Sung by entire troupe,
Song "Stay Out of the South"-
verse and chorus by trope,
.Song "Loading Up the Mandy
Lee verse and chorus by troupe.
with an Song "Harrigan" verse and chor
us by entire troupe.
Song "Herpicide" :img by End
Song "S0 Cong Mjiry" Verse by
Arlene Linn, chorus by troupe.
"01' Man Rivers" Merle
Snodgrass, Lelah and Mabel We-
Pin nolog "Little
Irono Mnfhuwa
Brown Baby"
Skit "Jerry, or ' the Family Re
semblance" Beth. Rnttir.rf
Aliene Greene, Richard Crabtree,
Eldon Allen. -1
Song "Blame it on tho Two Black
Crows" Ina Linn, Alice and
Dorothy Davis.
Skit "Colonel Bullets" E tel Sto
vall, Andrew Crabtree, Charles
Song "She's Dixie all" the Time"
Dors Kelly. Marv Grepne.
. Finalo
(A - M - E - R - I - CA, America, Menans I
Balanced Card Mad Fast Boats
Attendance Good
The smoker sponsored
Tygh Valley High school
place last Saturday night wac well
f-tended and greatly appreciated.
The full card was pulled off and
some fast bouts caused those pres
ent to sit up and take notice.
The fight bewecn Floyd Hollamon
and Cowboy Baxter, the main event.
was all that and then come. Bax
ter, made a good imnression at th.
last Legion smoker here and aome '
iwere of the opinion he was more!
han a match for Floyd. The lat-
ler, however, clearly demonstrated
le knew a whole lot about the box-
Jig game, p.s he had Baxter in
jl ouble in the fir t round and in the
t cond frame nroceeded tn An .;
nru H,rKt ni u k.n j ....
, " viu, wic ucu BBveu ine
owboy from knockoilt ,Ttlp nprf
-,llrui th PiftB:nB, tv. .
r, saw Baxter . streched on th
"'V'llb VUS Ve, U1C DIIJMIL"
. streched on
he having been made to
by a hard right gent by HonamoJ
to the button. While, no,,.
' ra nnn , w. n m u n u . -I : . -
and to hear the birdies
were allowed the knockout was com-
lete and showed that it takes .1
nighty good man to stow Floyd
away. '
Thl 1 .u. . i.
r are to congratulated on ,the
een no rough stuff, the rules of the
game being followed religiously by
each conte. tant.
t, . D . . .,
Get. on Commerce. Nar,-
a.o and F..h.n,,
tu i-u. o
Ine Chapman Reporting Service
. , . .
sends The Times the following rela-
tive to the appointment; received by
Wasco s senator, Henry L. Kuck. at
the hands of President Norblad of
the senate. The service says:
Senator Henry L. Kuck who is
i . . jVasco county at this
Legislative session was appointed
chairman of the committee on print-
trg by President A. W Norblad at
u.b opening session on wonaay. He
is vice-chairman of the committee-
on commerce and navigation and
, . . , , . i ui. luaiL'uiiaiu occupies a promi
fishmg industries, and a member of io v, j i..
the committees on game, public
, .
buildings and institutions, federal
relations and ways and meanr, mak-
ing ,n all seven appointments.
Senator Kuck is living at the State
Apartments, Apt. 6, 1320 State
itreet, during the session and hi
phone number is 2034. Mrs. Kuck
is here with her husband for he en
tire term.
Out of 340 Chosen From
End of the County
' The county sheriff and clerk got
busy last week and drew namer of
persons who area to serve as jurors
for the 1929 terry of circuit court.
There were 240 names drawn, the
following from this end of the coun
ty being in the lit:
W. H. Aldrldge, Frank S. Batty.
Amer Britton, J. S. Brown, A. C.
d ii i ,, , ...
Buckley, Grace H. Chalmers, James
Chalmers, A. J. Connolly, E. A. Cyr,
K. L. Hauser. L. C. Hennecrhan. W.
E. Hunt, S. G. Ledford, F. E. Ma-
gill, G. W. Mallatt, Paul Muller, O.
L. Pacquet, O. F. Renick, Bert C.
Scott. .
Trapped in a folding bed,, Mr. and
Mrs. Bruce Carter of Los Angeles
were forced to stand on their head)'
all night, and are now filing suit
for $40,000 against the owner of
their apartment t
Love You
my Yankee Land-
Members of the ptinrna? Trono
Mathews, Merle Snodgrass, Cryrtal
frtuart, Avis Crabtree, Aliene Greene,
Doris Kelly, Nina Mathews. Leflah
Weberpr. Gladys Martin, Alice Davis,
Ethel Kidder, Bessie Starr, Mabel
Weberg, Alto Chastain, Mary Greene
Beth Rutherford, Andrew Crabtree,
Clarence Hunt, Harold Kramer,
Kenneth Snodgrass, Estel Stovall,
Richard " Crabtree, Cyril Fraley,
Robert Shepflin, Glenn Alexander,
Elden Allen, Ivan Donaldson.
Charles Bothwell, Tom Slusher.
End Men Elton Snodgrass, Ed-
mund Wilson, Harry Rutherford,
Arthur AppMig.
Accompanist Nova Hedin.
Interlocutor Dan Poling.
Stage Director Crville Fraley. ,
Assistant Ira Kidder.
Number U
Wit, Humor, Pathos With Eieellct
Delivery Stamp. Speaker as
One of The Bed
The lecture delivered bv San ford
MacDonald at Legion hall last even
ing was one of the best ever heard
from a platform. A large and ao-
preciative audience greeted the
speaker and his message wss listened
to with wrapt attention,
j The evening' entertainment open
ed with an in.trumental duet by the
Misses Helen Weberg and Nova lied-
wr wmcn MSupm's lady quar-
i . .........
Mesdames Bothwell, Morris.
WU80n. Woodcock, rendered
TI -1 . - .
song, Mis; Wcberg being accom
Dr- Jtovall, Scout leader, then
ca,led h,s troP members to the
1, andL pinned "Tenderfoot"
011 them' inte"Peing that
Ct T f PFais6 and
e?ard,nK their conduct as members
cf th STeat order.
vjuvii, uioii sang a song ana ne
,was followed by the quartette. Dr.
. ' .the"'. in . a few wel1 chosen
mt0c of the
.v nuu at tMice upenea nis
talk with somfe pleasing remarks
i Dr- MacDonald' topic was "The
Peptomist," and he proceeded to
ghow how such a tW
He compar(,d the optimjst and pep.
it0"1' with the pessimist and lauded
- , . ....
,c """: 'i women inio mailers
'of moment concernil)J? the whole
countrv. His rPWk, int
-v v
..-i. nnontn .'
' -u l, a.
t-u i
mouc. 1 ui space compels us 10
be brief reearinj? thfi lectue! T.
conciugion we say that the
;most forcible and at the game
-nlivenine Th TimA. mon ,, Htn.
'ed to in manv
I rw Mr u .
i(- j 1U . n. A
jjici.j.ui in biiu muse places aoie 10 se-
cure hig 8erviceg are t0 be congratu.
Iated. His voice ig cleaf enunda.
, tion plain personality magnet5c and
p!atform presence all that could be
dpsirpd. W(l bnnp t,B mav of rnmo
future secured to
talk to a Maupin audience.
Off Trap Line '
Dave Donaldson is at home again
after three months spent in the vi
cinity of Antelope, trapping. Dave
says he had fair luck but did not
catch enough fur to stock a very
large warehoure, at the same time he
cleared sufficient to stake himself to
la few spinners and fish hooks.
Attended Camp Meeting
A number of members of the Tygh
Valley Encampment attended an in
stallation meeting of Jhe order at
Tygh Valley on Monday evening.
Those going from here were F. D.
.iuvac 8"'S uu. neie were r. u,
Stuart ChaS- Crofoot Dr u
R. E. Wilson. B. W. Welch. James
! Chalmers and La Verne Fischer. The
officers installed were:
Guy Brittain H. P.
James Chalmers C. P.
R. E. Wilson-S. W.
F. D. Sturt J. W.
Chns. Crofoot Scribe.
Dr. Ehvood Treasurer.
Running Dairy Ranch
Mary Stuart has leased a ranch at
Colvflle, Washington, stocked it with
fine dairy cattle and ir now conduct
ing a dairy ranch. Mark was at
"work in a Spokane meat mrket for
i8ome time Dut the call of the ranch
proved too strong, hence his latest
Will Ship Hog.
L. C. Henneghan will go to Port
land Saturday night going down with
a carload of fine spring hogs to the
Portland stockyards. Lew says this
shipment wilbe one of the bet ho
has made, the porkers being in first
class condition and weighing accord
ing to market demand.
Old Homestead Liquid Smoke for
'raring meat, 50 cents and $1.00 ner
Ibottle at tho idaupin Drug Store.
Burns Businss building under con
struction on, Main street