The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, December 13, 1928, Image 5

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    fUfi MAtJN TIMES
Lhrislmns in Spnm
Tln k '' ' I ('IiiInIiiiiih custom In
Hiulii h In liuvi' u family dinner where
iioiiii hut liliioil relative nit down.
fl'll'llllK helnu HcMnlll Invited to (In-
Christmas "Keechs"
In Northamptonshire some of the
nlil fashioned families mIIII make
"lieccheH" nt Clirlslimu tlme.-Moii
(real llrriilil
Christmas Cominq
Pino Iree, holly, J
Mislleloo and luucjl.tcr jolltjl
clrictmas cominql
Air fllinqle. J i
Snapping loqj in cosctj ingle 1
clristmas cominql
Turkcij tuq3 and onion stufjlntjl
clrislmas cominql
Jo i exuding, J I
Mmco pio, pumpkin and plum
pudding 1
drialmaj ccminql
lrvc its Icaucn- J 1
Pr -irr r n ear thl Giue ihan kj lo ncaoent
A Canned Christmas
All Ih not loH HioiivIi thu time liiivo
cIiiiiikuiI. Kven tin) mnulk'Ht house
IioMh, with tlio moHt niliilatur. of
liltrliini-tti'M, muy eut boar's head,
tcrouse, or duck, unci even the charac
teristic ifri-i-ii turtle unity, aided by the
tanner. Many of these unusual SH
clultlcM are dollKlilful surprises nucked
In llio Christmas basket of those who
must celebrate tin) holiday fur from
liomit iind friends, providing the trudl
lloiinl dinner In jult; merry fashion,
Mollncnlnr Magazine.
- - .v -,1.' v v.v -tj v r.J o
T,l!l'2 Christmas tree, which
Iiiin become nn ulinoHt mil
vi r, nl symbol, and Is by most
person. slippered to have orltf
Iniilcd In (lermnny, seems to
have Inn) something of a coun
terpart In ICtry it nt u period
long before tliu Christian eru.
The iialiii tree la known to put
foilli a branch every month,
and n spray of tlih tree, with
twelve shoots on It, wan used In
Ivt.vpt nt the time of the winter
sob lice, n h a symbol of the year
A Clmstmas With
May joiir Christmas be tilled with
Joy and happiness, unniarred by nor
row, anil may you carry with you
l ! 1 1 1 1 ; ; ! i i H 1 1 : 1 1 jcnr the spirit ol
Vi!elli!c --fiinn unit Itiiiu h
The Christmas Glow
By I. T. SUDDITH, b Nt York T!sm
A 2G-Pieoe Set Of
Rogers Silverware
will be given free with every new piano purchas- :
jg: etl at our store between now and Christmas.
:ff. Regular easy term payr.ients on all sales.
$ Wait No Ionjjer Select Your Piano Now and -
L m..i. mi.: . 0:1 o.a if v m met. j ft
iukl iiiis Oliver sei numc is uur rree Vjui io
You. jj
Uye Dalles Music House
Second and Federal Streets The Dalles
THERE'S t glow In th air, ir In thu
That comei but one In yetr,
There'i tone in the vote of friend you
Tht echoet of hope nd cheer,
And the fleet-footed diyi htiten on to th
When, glowing In dawning ilctci,
The gUddeit of dayi and moat lubllma,
The ChrUtmu morn ahall rite.
Each hop and each or of the throng-
filled mart
Id choice! !reuiure dliployi
And each lo the brlghrnoa add In part
Of the grearci! of all the year' day.
And the euger crowdi a ihcy move alonp
A fcitnl icene lupply,
For loy In each heart Ii pulnlnr itrong,
The joy o' Chrlitmai nlghl
In he wlndowi the holly wreath of green
With berrlei red appear,
And even the air leemi more iiercne
At thouRh it were liitenlng to hear
ihst wondroui oratorio
On that firat Chrlitma nlnht,
A angrU tane In the long o
Vt'hen Rcthlcncm' afar ahone brUht.
The Word "Caroi"
The word "carol" wiik ori'lnully np
plied lo rln dance of chllil, imi, He
'oiippanled h nil,'; in j. In lime tin
wind eaine to denote n lively tune
tuj'K'Mtlve of dain lnK. ('hrlKtmax wn
unhertoilly recognized ax a time foi
merry iih well ax rvlllouN hoiikh and
no In the carol aim;,' at this hciikoii
rellglnuH faclg wore allinled to In ulia
pie phriiKeB and Rung to merry danc
lug tune.
In Safe Keeping
"Are you fond of tofTee?" arked the
little mite, of a lady who was n.sslst
ln at l.'lirlhtmaa party.
"No thank yoti, my dear."
"Then will you look after this for
mc. please? "-Montreifl Herald.
Born on Christmas Day
In Ireland It Id liillcvni that tin
baby boys born on 'hrlstm,i ihij ait
thereby denlned to become priest k
licyond that, those horn on chrlhtiinii.
day were believed to have the power
of "healing" by I he laying on of handf.
and to be gifted with ".second glshi."
Montreal Herald.
January 6 at Christmas Day
Itecent InveKtlKiitors Incline to the
belief that In llxln Jaiiuny 0 n
Christinas day. the early t 'hrlsllinm
were not very far out. for .lanuary II
would weiii to be the correct iliy.
Monlreal Herald.
cAI 111 LfllKfl X:i
This is the time of the year when all incline to holi
day Candies. In anticipation of the time we have
laid in a large supply of the famous
Tru Blu Quality Candies
and an excellent line of other Christmus things, all
mentioned in the following list:
Special Xmas Mixed Candy, 5 lbs 87c
Starlight Mixed Candy, 5 lbs 82c
Santa Mixed Candy, 5 lbs 89c
Ribbon Mixed Candy, 5 lbs $1.33
Tru Blu Cream Candy, 5 lbs $1.03
Beauty Cream Candy, 5 lbs $1.25
Royal Chocolates, 5 lbs $1.13
Boston Baked Beans 5 lbs - $1.13
Orange and Lemon, 5 lbs $1.00
Fancy Gums Assorted, 5 lbs :. $1.00
Yuletide Fancy Box Assorted, $1.50,... $1.35
Mixed Nuts (No Peanuts) 3 lbs 89c
Parlor Blend Coffee, 5 lbs $2.15
M. J. B. & Folgers Coffee, 4 lbs, $2.15
Golden West Coffee, 5 lb. tin $2.65
Sperry'g White Down Flour, per bbl $7.39
White River Flour, per bbl - $7.80
Cane Sugar (Best Grade) cwt $5.65
Parlor Grocery ::
110 EAST 2ND. ST.
Toys clnfeTariTfrke" Cards Sffr. fcretfg Watches-Clocks jgi!
-jrsp Jtg
Toys from . . 5c to $1.00 Juvenile Stationery 25c, 35c $1.00 $1.25 $1.75
-tr The Mampiiri Drug Store "sr
5-pourd box Fancy Chocolates . $2-25
Wonderful values in-
f Hand Painted vScenery Photcs
$ These pictures are framed all Q1 rn
ready to hang; priced . . . PA Wl tpfkdV
I Safety Razor Sets . . . 5c to $1.00
I Tree Decorations 2 for . . 5c, 5c, 10c, 15c
I A large assortment of
I Ferfames
I in neat packages ... 25c to $1.00
1 Faacy Perfume Sets. . . 50c to $4.00
Special $1.00 Box Candy
Pocket Knives, Special
Fancy Hand-Painted Salad Bowls . 40c, 50c, 60c i
Remember our Prescription department. We fill
all prescriptions and charge only a reasonable
fee. Only pure drugs used in this department J
and Kodak Supplies
Bring in holiday Picture work for
developing and printing