The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, December 13, 1928, Image 3

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I QJ Store 9u 11 o
llfisjp as driffe
I " 1
No Christmas is complete without Candy, Tree Decorations, Oranges,
Lemons, Dates, Citron Peel, Raisins, Currants, and other things that go into
mince meat for the Christmas dinner. Again there is a demand for Fresh
Vegetables, Fine Canned goods, Special cuts of Meats, Fresh Cakes, Pies and
other bakery goods, such as is carried only in the best stores. Below we men
tion a few articles which naturally appeals to Christmas shoppers. The
prices are within reach of all and the goods are the best in the market.
Glance over the list, then come in and see the goods they will satisfy you.
Citron Peel, lb. 40c
Orange-Lemon Peel lb 30c
French Mixed Candy lb 40c
X-Mas Mixed Candy lb. 25c
Chocolate Creams, lb 25c
Walnuts, per pound
Mixed Nuts, lb.
Order that
X-Mas Turkey
Our supply of Celery, lettuce, Cranberries and all
Vegetables will be Absolutely Fresh
The utilities of a city
are combined
in your motor car
Personalities P
i rr- S;.
'YOlJTl automobile Is nonio
thing like a miniature city.
There in an electric light unJ
power system, n water y
lein, a fuel syftlem.
In the new Ford, you will
find each of these systems
of the luteHt design and bent
materials. Every part has
been made to serve you faith
fully and well at a minimum
of trouble and expense.
Take, for example, the
generator one of the most
Important parts of the elec
trical system which supplies
be current for lighting and
for engine Ignition.
In the new Ford, the gen
erator Is of the power-house
type and is distinctive in
many features. It has been
specially designed to pre
rent most forms of trouble.
Oiling is necessary only once
year. About the only thing
yon need do Is to have the
charging rate changed as
the seasons change.
Closely allied to the elec
trical system is the ignition
system. It, too, is of new
mechanical design in the
new Ford. There Is but one
high tension cable and that
connects the coil with the
distributor. Even cables
from the distributor to the
I- .1n. ItHV
spar ufto sPWIEft;
been eliminated, fy&ti&i
Special care has also
Fiern taken to make the dis
tributor water-proof, thus
preventing short circuits
irom rain, etr.
The entire electrical and
ignition systems of the new
Ford ure so simple in design
find so carefully made that
they will give you surpris
ingly little trouble. Yet that
doesn't mean they should
be neglected. Certain little
attentions are needed from
time to time.
The storage battery
should be given water and
the connections kept clean.
The generator charging rate
thotild be changed as indi
cated. Spark plugs should
be cleaned at regular inter
vals. Distributor points
should also be kept clean
and the distributor cam
g iven a light film of vaseline
every 2000 miles.
These are just little
things, but they mean a
great deal to your car. You
run have them looked after
ut very small cost by the
Ford dealer when you take
the car in for oiling and
A thorough checking-up
at regular Intervals will
lengthen the life of your car
and give you many thou
sands of miles of
Ford Motor Company
John Powell has hauled sawdust
for his ice house.
Way no DeJanvier accompanied
Elza Dcrthick to Portland Sundny.
Oscar Renick and wife made a
bu. inoss trip to The Dalles on Tues
(la. John Karlcn was a registrant at
the Rank hotel, Tho Dalles, Monday
Lloyd Wooi'it'de and wife sat in at
the Legion smoker, coming in from
Wullance Fargher was an interest
ed onlooker at the Legion smoker
Snturdny evening.
H. E. Wray and family are going
to start picking turkeys on the 19th
for Christmas market.
Don Hagel and wife with Freddie
Anderson went to Portland Monday
for a four-days' vie it.
Raymond Crabtrce and Dee Tal
cott have been hauling sawdust for
refrigeration of buildings.
Frank and Rena Batty are busy
getting their fine flock of turkeys
ready for Christmas market".
Billy Hunt and sons, Billy Jr..
and Clarence, came down from Cri
terion and took in the smoker.
Willis Norval of Tygh Valley was
among those who attended the Le
g'on smoker Saturday night.
W. B. Sloan and wife of Tygh Val
ley attended the funeral of Mrs.
Claude Hcndrix at The Dalles on
L. C. Hennpghan and wife and
Jamei Chalmers and wife attended
the funeral of Mrs. Claude Hendrix
on Monday.
A. B. Mathews and wife were
trading with Maupin merchants yes
terdad, coming over from their Tygh
Valley ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Rutherford
and children attended the funeral
of Mrs. Rutherford's sister, Mrs.
Hendrix, at the county seat Monday.
Thoi. Connolly arrived from
Portland Tuesday afternoon, after
being on a visit to the big city sinc
Noel Shearer and wife and his
mother, Mrs. H. I. Shearer, were in
from their Three-Mil ranch a short
time yesterday.
K. L. Kauser, wife and daughter,
Mrs. Rose Dahl, came over from
Shady Bivok and ok in the smoker
Saturday n ht.
Wm. Davidson, who went to
Portland last week for a short visit,
returned home on Tuesday's after
noon 0. W. train.
Where Has Your Money Gone?
Back From Salem
Otto Herrling, who has been
visiting with relatives and friends
at and near Salem for a month past,
hus returned home. Otto says the
part visited received copious quanti
ties of rain while he was there,
therefore realizes more than ever
the Miperiority of our own climate.
More Pork For Portland
Bobby Davidson and Elza Drthick
each took a truckload of hogs to the
Portland market Sunday. Bobby
was accompanied as far as Hood
River by his wife, who returned with
him on Monday.
At the end of a year, do you know where your
money has gone? Do you keep a careful and ac
curate account of expenditures? Do you operate!
budget system? Handle your funds in the modern
practical way? In these days of income tax re
turns and better business methods, most everyone
has adopted some definite financial plan. It's a
sensible thing to do. For not only does it give a
definite record of your money matters, but it helps
you make real financial progress.
One of the most important aids in $ correct fi
nancial system is a checking account. It gives a
definite check on expenditures. And a receipt for
every bill paid. It shows your balance at any time,
and helps in many ways in operating a successful
Maupin State Bank
Children About Recovered
The little children of Mr. and Mrr.
George Cunningham, who have been
under quarantine for scarlet fever
for several weeks, have about re
covered from the malady and the
quanantine will soon be lifted.
Mr. Kramer Librarian
Mrs. J. F. Kramer will act as
librarian at the Maupin city library
during the absence of Mrs. Frank
Dyer. Mrs. Kramer has had ex
perience in ruch work and Mrs.
Dyer could not have chosen a better
Arm Srrioutly Burned
While wa. hing a pair of overalls
in gasoline on Monday of this week,
Mrs. 0. P. Weberg was seriously
burned when the saturated garment
came in contact with a hot boiler.
Mrs. Weberg had used gasoline to
soften the dirt in rome clothes in
the boiler, and when the overalls
took . fire it communicated the
flames to the boiler, The lady
carried tho burning boiler from the
basement, and in so doing her le'
arm was burned to the elbow. 1
was a arrow escape from her in
Mn. DeVoe'a Mother Here
Mrs. J. T. Snyder, mother o
Mr. . Vere DeVoe, spent Thanks
giving holiday with her daughter i
Maupin. Mrs. Snyder was met 8
The Dalles by Mrs. DeVoe. Whil
here the visitor was taken ill, ant
last week left for her home at Spok-.
ane. where she is somewhat impro
cd in health.
Father No Better
A. W. DeVoe writes from Spok
ane that hi; father does not seem to
or not he will live. Mr. DeVoe war
ailed to his father's bedside after
Thanksgiving, and is at the side of
the sick man. He did not say when
he would return to Maupin.
Neat Chrittmat Ditplajr
Frank Stuart is somewhat of an
artist when it comes to showing
original ideas about trimming for
Christmas. This week he decorat
ed the south window of the bank
by erecting an imitation -of a room.
This he lined with green, scattering
silver stars all over the walls. At
(he rear is a Christmas tree and
running around the bottom of that
is a miniature railway, operated
from a light tocket. The curs bear
the bank's wishes that all might
hve a very happy Christmas.
Health Inspector Call
A state in: pector from the health
department made a visit to Maupin
on Saturday and as a result some
places were told to effect a real
housecleaning. The recommenda
tion was followed and by a liberal
use of soapsuds, rcrubbing brushes
and mops some places were rendered
more healthful than before the in
spector's visit
Soma Fine Pig'
Oliver Resh recently made a pur
chase of some extra fine pigs, get
ting them from Harve Morris. He
secured a whole litter, they being
of a size and being as clean a bunch
of hogs as ever came to Maupin.
Sandy Electric light and power
line under construction in Victory
district near here.
SpccmliP JPTic&d
Gifts for Everyone
Our Christmas Stock is Complete. Everyone can shop here with ease, and
be assured of getting gifts that will be appreciated by any one.
Traveling sets $5.00 to $15.00
Leather Bill Folds $2.00 to $5.50
Cigarette Cases 75c to $3.50
Cigar Lighters $1.00 to $5.00
Military Brushes .$2.00 to $5.00
Shaving Sets $1.00 to $4.00
Stationery ..10c to $5.00
Kodaks $5.00 to $50.00
Movie Kodak, complete with all
equipment, from $140.00 up
Gift Boxed Cigars ........$1.00 to $6.00
Parker, Conklin, Waterman and
Wahl Pens and pencils ......$5.00 up
Parker Desk Sets $5.00 up
Conklin Desk Sets $5.00 up
Card Sets 75c to $5.00
Key Cases 50c to $2.25
Book Ends $2.00 to $3.00
Reading Lamps $2.50 to $4.00
Pyralin Toilet Sets $4.75 to $25.00
Vanity Kodak in colors $20 to $25
Yardley, Coty, BlackTulip, Colgate,
Djerkins LeJade-Toilet sets..
- $2.50-$15.00
Stationery $1.00-$5.00
Fancy Candles, pair 50c-$1.00
Taper Candles, pair 25c-50c
Fancy Candle Holders $1.00-$2.00
Insence Burners - 50c-$4.00
Perfume Burners $5.00 up
Atomizers 50c-$7.50
Kodak Albums 50c-$3.00
Boxed Candy $1.00-$5.00
Pen and Pencil Sets $6.'50-$12.50
Manicure Roll-Upa $1.50-$20.00
Bobby Sets Pyralin $5.00
Bath Crystals 50c $1.50
Bath Powder ..50c-$1.50
Hand Bags $3.50-$15.00
Memory Books $1.50-$3.00
Bridge Sets $U0-$5.00
Gifts That Please