The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, November 15, 1928, Image 3

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    f Ie iiASra tims
Holiday Candies, Nuts
and Groceries
Our HofMay Shipment is in and Consists of
Walnuts, Brazils, Almonds,
Filberts and Peanuts
"Everything for the table"
Prompt and Courteous Service
p Personalities
Dr. Lowe, county hi-ulth officer,
in Maupin a short time Tuemlay.
Rom Dahl wu In from Hit Tyith
Vallty ranch on budneas thi aftcr
noon. Con. Buckley of Tygh Valh-y wait
a Maupin visitor Sunday and while
hert visited with friend.
Gui Derrick la now employed at
th Maupin garage, having (Unsolved
relation with the rock crushing out
fit F. D. Stuart and Chai. Crofoot at
tended the meeting at the court
hotfc e In The Dalle Wednesday even
ing. . -i
J. II. Cleveland, a friend of Tho
Times man, came over from Thn
Dallee Saturday and on Monday the
two men fished the Deschutes at
Frieda with fair success.
John Karlen was mentioned in
yeKterday's Chronicle as having been
a visitor at the county seat Tuesday
Frank Fleming was in Maupin on
business yesterday. He came over
to look after his large ranch holdings
Mrs. W. L. Miller accompanied
her husband to Portland Sunday and
remained there for a few day"s visit
with relatives.
Giorge Mallutt returned from The
Dalles this morning, having gone
there to utlend the meeting to choose
a new county judge.
Dr. Green, deputy state veterin
arian, called on Dr. Slovall Tuesday
while on his way to lone to look
over some diseased cattle,
Noel Shearer and wife were in
Maupin lust Saturday, receiving the
congratulations of their many
friends on their recent marroige.
Mrs. Hobby Davidson returned to
her Maupin home last Thursday,
after having spent a week at the
home of her parenU at Hood River.
The McCoy brothers, Hollister,
Lloyd and Welton, who took In the
stock ihow at Portland last week,
returned to their home at Wapinitia
on Wednesday.
W. M. Talcott took In the stock
show at Portland last week and
from Portland went to Sheridan, his
old home, where he figures on spend
ing the winter.
Jake Davidson sat as a delegate at
the meeting which chose a candidate
for the county Judgeship at The
Dalles last evening.
Billy Hunt transacted business at
The Dalles on Monday and was in
Maupin on business connected with
the choosing of a successor to Judge
Adkisson on Tuesday.
Emery Davis has gone to Shaniko,
where he has secured employment
His wife will leave this week for
Long Creek, where the will visit with
her parents for a time.
Earl Lyons and wife, uncle and
aunt of Mrs. D. B. Fraley, visited
with the latter and family from Sat
urday until Tuesday, returning to
their home at Jefferson the latter
W. E. Hunt and W. II. Staats at
tended the meeting to choose a suc
cessor of Judge Adkisson at The
Dalles Wednesday night. They re
mained over night returning home
this morning.
Miss "Sammy" Creighton helped
in the dining room at the Rainbow
cafe a short time the first of the
week. Mrs. Wayne DeJanvier as
sumed the role of chef during the ab
sence of Mrs. Creighton, the regular
Dr. TTn About
1 tXV Town
Do you think about how you are
standing or sitting when doing your
housework? Much fatigue that is
blamed on hard work Is really due
to fautly posture. Keep the back
struight, bend from the hips rather
than the thoulders, ait well back in
chuirs with feet squarely on the
floor, and no not allow the abdomen
to sug forward.
Madras New post office building
will be completed November 1.
Oliver Resh and wife and Billy
Miller spent Armistice Day in Port
land There they took in shows and
otherwise enjoyed themselves. The
party returned Monday night and
Mrs. RolIi remarked that she came
home with Oliver, Billy and another
Frank Creager is disconsolate :
these days. One day recently the
Ladies Aid met at his house and the
next meeting occurred some other
place. Frank is wondering the why
of the slight, and says that if it oc
curs again he will be tempted to
withdraw from membership in the
"Shorty" MiHer is one of the most
ambitious young men of this place.
He is kept busy catering to the
wants of mar.y in the pool room and
at times arsists in the cafe. One
morning recently he was discovered
sweeping the pool room at the early
hour of 4:30 a. m., and now those
who know of the occurrence are
wondering how he managed to get
up at that unseemingly time.
Freddie Anderson, who is becom
ing quite well known in Maunin.
puts in hia spare time ft hing. He
is at the piscatorial sport even dur
ing , the noon hour after eating
lunch, and, according to his say,
catches no less than 10 big ones.
Some fisherman is our Freddie.
George Morris has the right idea
regarding music at the Legion
dances. He says that with good
muiic and a good floor larger crowds
will attend, and such are what's
wanted to keep up the post's exche
quer. The night of Nov. 29 the pop
ular Sexton orchestra will hold
forth and our dancers will be given a
real treat when the get on the
dance floor and keep time to some
of the best music ever played in
Frank Creager is a chicken
fancier. His taste runs to White
Leghorns and Plymouth Rocki. He
had a fine flock, bit lately he dis
covered a vacancy among his Leg
horns. The other night his coon
was entered and several of his prize
birds failed to show up for chew the
next morning. Frank trailed the
Why We Often Say "No"
Its a matter of sound business
Often we say "no," perhaps we have to you, when
a request i3 made to us for a loan. It isn't an easy
thing to turn down our friends, but we have to do it
sometimes. Here's the reason.
Positive safety for the funds intrusted to U3 is our
first consideration. We are eager to loan our funds
to business men and farmers in our territory for
its our first obligationto assist in the develo
ment of our community.
So if you wish a loan, be prepared to furnish us with
information about your affairs that will satisfy us
that the loan is justified. We know you appreciate
our insistence on this conservative policy. We
know you would wanfe us to say "no" to questionable
loans. Its a matter of sound and sensible business
Maupin State Bank
Albright Commission Co., Inc.
North Portland
You can ship your lirestock by tru ck, and they will reach the market
the same day shipped... When tracking call, R. E. Richmond, or R.
C. Davidson, Maupin, Oregon. .
Salesmanship Service Satisfaction
birds to a certain gate and now
gives warning that something will
be doing if the practice continues.
The chickens are moulting and loose
feathers made a trail from the coop
to the gate mentioned, thereby
showing conclusively just where they
Bobby Davidson is now a regular
truck line proprietor. He ia assem
bling much freight to carry to Port
land and on return trips brings as
mucn weight with him as he took
down. This week he is busy with
his CMC truck hauling a top dress
ing of silt to Billy Millers garden.
All Bobby needs is a hired man or
son to help him with his work.
Our nigh school pupils are doing
themselves proud in handling items
concerning the school's activities.
Nothing escapes the editors of Mau
pin Hi School News, and as a re
sult patrons of the schools are kept
apprised of what is transpiring each
week among the students.
Read The Times
III mi
Given by the students of the Tygh Valley High
School, in their gymnasium, on
Saturday Eve'g,
In America's finest homes
Supper will be served by members of the
Student Body and will be a Jreat
The hard maple floor of the gymnasium has been
sand papered and re-waxed and is now in its former
smoothness. Music by the competent
Hi School Orchestra
Dance Tickets $1.00. Spectators 50c. Ladies Free
Trim edges and smart box lines! Perfect bouyancy! Supreme comfort!
The Beautyrest mattress selected by society leaders and prominent women.
Simmons makes tho Beautyrest with 810 tiny coils buried in cotton C A I Cft
felt. At its reasonable price, a wise investment OtIivU
Greater Comfort Longer Wear
The scientifically built Simmons Ace spring is stabilized to insure comfort.
The Simmons Company, largest maker of beds. serines and mattresses' in the
world, has perfected this type of spring. Furnished in lovely Q 1)0 fl ft
robin's egg blue. You can insure sleep comfort for only TVfc0 UU
Mirrors Make Excellent Christmas Gifts 10c Down Delivers Your Mirror.
Use Your Credit
We Charge No Interest
Third and Washington St.
' NO
1 Phone 300