V urn iikvnx niiEa Wlheini nun Tine Dalle Visit Tla Cnimdlc U H USE YOUR CREDIT Qimdeirelk Frock SIWp 809 E Second St. The Dalles, On. Walter Sharp was In from his Juniper Flat ranch Tuesday morn inff. Marcus Shearer and family visited with hl parenU on Three Mile on Sunday, ' Bob Wilson went U The Dallen on Monday after his wife, who had been on a visit to Portland. L. C. Ilenneghan and wife visited at The Dalles on Monday, driving home in a new Studebaker auto. Rev. W. A., Matthew, and wife were in from their Simnasho home a ahort time Tuesday morning. George McDonald entertained his mother lait week, ahe returning to her home in Portland Saturday morning. Signe Fischer baa recovered suffi ciently from her recent lllneaa to again be on the job at the Rainbow re, taurant. E. E. Houghton, father of Mrs. ' Aaron Davis, is visiting with his daughter and family, coming over from Dufur. "Shorty" Miller has qualified as "musician" at the Rainbow he play ing the new electric phonograph, for the cabaret dances. Jack Berthala has been Improving lately, having suffered a couple of broken ribs in an auto accident, and is seen about town some. Vtnceat B. Tapp, snd old-time mall carrier to Wapinitia, who has been living at The Dalles for some time, has returned to the Flat and ia occupying his old ranch. Glenn Powers, at one time employ, ed at the Shattuck store, is here for a visit with relatives. Glenn has been on the sick list for some time and comes to this altitude to convalesce. "Butch" Copple has accepted a position with the San Franciaco street way company as motorman, and left for the California city Mon day evening. "j up at 8 :1 5 and prices will be 25 cents HALLOWE'EN ENTERTAINMENT BY TVCH VALLEY H. S. Dnce and Supper tn Gjrmlit Prises Given for Beit Char-acleriiatioat The Tygh Valley High school will hold the floor for Hallowe'en and will aponer a danco and supper at the gymnasium on Saturday evening of thh week, being November 3. Three prizes will be given to the man who best sustains his character, to the woman who does the same and, to the best charaotep couple, The dance program will include quadrilles, two-step, waltzes of an old time violinist. Supper .will be served, and this, with competent floor management, good music and a prevailing Hallowo'er. spirit will al) id to make the event a most pleasur able one, ' W, B. Keen went to Portland to attend the funeral of his brother, who lately died at that city. Mr. Keen had contracted a severe cold at the Clear lake dam site and had de cided to go to his home at McMln nville to doctor up. The death of his brother decided the matter. Clear Lake Dam Notet The Wapinitia Irrigation company crew at Clear lake is still trenching Into the sug-base to complete the cut-off wall of the dam. The timber for the bam work is being cut and peeled. Sandy Lumber company trucks are bringing in material for facing the structure. William Hickey, Engineers Reese and Ste vens have charge of the general plans. Robert E. Ellinwood, son-in-law of E. E. Miller, has been on the job from the start. A rotary pump and gas engine is employed con stantly to keep the seepsge water out of the trenches while the men are at work. No serious accidents have occurred. The Job ia covered by the State Industrial Incurance protection. Robert Ellinwood fell Into a trench, wrenching a shoulder. Some Portland ladies vfcited " the site last Saturday. While looking the work over one of their number, Miss Leone E. Raymore, slipped off some peeled piling into the creek, nearly breaking her leg. Lumber is being -.kidded Into the "hole" by Julius Shepflin's team. Those well trained horses think nothing of go ing down a 45 degree angle hiil or drawing logs through the lake chan nel belly-deep In water. ' The weather continues to be kind to the project, being cold and snap py. It is understood that anyone who fails to get up at the first call for breakfast will be tarred and feathered John Confer to furnish the goose feathers for the ceremony. Geese are scarce and no one h,aa, been tardy, so the rule so far has not been enforced. One of the work era, In his hurry to comply with the din, breakfast order, got his trousers on backward. He promptly startc4 for McCubblni gultch Instead of the mess house. Keen said he was didn't know whether he was going or coming. Joe A. Graham and crew r. New Stuebakert Bates Shattuck and L. C. Hennc ghan have each purchased a new Studebaker auto and have them in their garages. Bates buy was fit ted with leather upholstering while Lew contended himself with a car trimmed in plush. Both gentlemen turned in Studebakcrs on the new cars, which goes to show that, like Studebaker wagons, tho cars bearing that name when once used are al ways used. marking out the line of the north end change of the Skyline trail where the dam work wifl necessi tate a change in the route. Joe O'Brien, bull cook at the camp at Bear creek up to Thursday last, reported several riders, whose cattle were still out in the upper bush, to be rounding up the strays. Many cattle have been brought in and re newed rides are expected to result in a close clean up of the missing stock. While it has been known that cattle have survived in the moun tains over winter, the odds are 10 to one that they will starve, to death. A lone bull who foraged along the creek breaks when the water cut away the snow, made it through several winters ago. A cow, too thin to travel with the main bunch, was found by Dee Woodside and others a few seasons ago. She had taken the back track to Clear lake, ate up the cache of hay at Wm. Moore's trap camp and later died there in IS feet of snow. Even the elk and deer, so wonder fully equipped to withstand the snow, come down to the west fringe of the forest along the Warm Springs and White river breaks to browse on the brush during the winter. J. S. Brown and Harry T. Lewis are baling a'falfa hay to fill order: that constantly come in. "Doc" Wilkins and crew are still at Elk creek on the new road. i i i.i "i in ' ii n i "win rt - i imi ,i H um tuj rmi nr iltiifTi I fr " " , p...,,iiiiM ii i , jtiiiiim I . i.i. .t.iip l,.,Ji....iailM.l,...m.iJll.i.i,l I. Hi',1'' ' " A 'V - ''.5 - v'i. V, ' !'.''.,.''., ... FOR SALE Chopped alfalfa hay in ton lots at $20.00 per ton. One electric light plant, ako team of horses for sale or trade. Two Hampshire boars, pure bred., CON BUCKLEY, 5M4 Tygh Valley, Ore. WAPINITiA I. O. O. F. Lodgo No. 209, Maupin, Oregon meets every Saturday night in I. O. O. F. hall. Visiting members always welcome. D. t Rutherford, N. C, O. F. Ranick. Sae'v. , Affords Liberal, Practical Farm Education The 18th Annual Pacific International Livestock Exposition, Portland, Ore gon, November 3-10, affords a liberal education in every phase of the farm industry. Exhibits feature America's fine t pre bred Beef and Dairy Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Hogs, Goats and Foxes. Prize money totaling $100,000.00 will be awarded. Combined are the Dairy, Land and Manufacturers' Products Shows, Wool and Mohair Show, Northwest Hay and Grain Show, and great "Truth in Meats" demonstration. For entertainment there will be Ameri ca's greatest and most brilliant Horse Show. We, here at the Maupin State Bank know that a visit to this great farm classic will result in gaining a knowledge of improved farm practices. It is for this rea'on, therefore, that we join with Pacific International in urging the farmers in this section to attend the Exposition. Maupin State Bank ' (INCORPORATED) Utet Combine En tin J ' Clifford Allen Is ar inventlvo per son. Recently he hitched his sausage grinder to his combine engine and ground out a quantity of fine saus age. He is now contemplating rig ging up a contrivance whereby he will utilize the power of his windmall as a butter maker, hitching the churn to the milL - NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of School District No. 84 of Wasco County, State of Oregon, that a school meeting of said district will be held at High School bipg, tn the 5th day of November, 1928, at 2:30 o'clock In the afternoon for the purpose of discussing the budget hereinafter set out with the levying board, and to vote on the proposition ofof levying a special district tax, The total amount of money needed by the said school district during f the fiscal year beginning on June 30, 1929, and ending June 30, 1930, is ' estimated in the following budget and includes the amounts to be received , from the county school fund, elementary school fund uofialGT'khnfoei6Be from the county school fund, state school fund, elementary school fund, special district tax, and all ohcr moneys of the district: , BUDGET . ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES JOE H. Democratic Nominee For County Clerk Life Resident Courtesy, Efficiency, Honesty Election November 6, 1928. Paid Adv. by Joe A, Steers. PERSONAL SERVlCEt 2. Principal. Salary per yew,..,...: , $2,025.00 $2,025.00 Shopfin'e Bur Home" , Juliu3 Shepflin nnd wl.'e have par chased the small o" forme.ly in-cupied b them "' owntd by ,?;ank McCorkle, Joaled tit'nr t!io I'hool grojrds. Th7 will mnke sin o repair to tho ba ' -l.:v and v.ill ifn move their house .oil but m-iing 1 Maupin snd mak1 thb". plaro thc.r home. PAGE, LINE AND PARAGRAPH Lack of housing and of proper care oi rarm macninery means a Mrs. Bobble Davidson is visiting i0S8 in dollars and cents. By hous- with her folks at Hood River hav-, D(? arm machinery, its life is doubl ing gone to the Apple City la! t week, j ej and the annual repair bills cut in In the meantime Bobble is enjoying , half. Bays the U. S. Department of all the pleasures (?) of a bachelor's Agriculture. Machinery should also 3. Teachers. 1 Salary per year - .j l.ooo.oo 1 Salary per year 1,350.00 4 Salary per year - 1,080.00 1 Salary per year - 900.00 4. Janitors. 1 Salary per year.. ...A 600.00 6. Clerk Salary per year 25.00 6. Stenographer .". 7, Other Services 1,650.00 1,350.00 4,320.00 900.00 600.00 ' 25.00 25.00 200.00 Total : $11,095.00 MATRIALS AND SUPPLIES 1. Furniture (desks, stoves, curtains, etc.) 250.00 2. Supplies (chalk, erivers, etc.)... 100.00 3. Library books '. 50-00 4. Flags - - fl00 5. Playground equipment - 100.00 6. Janitor's supplies : 35.00 - 7, pud - 500.00 8. Light . 125.00 FOR COUNTY TREASURER VOTE FOR (Rl. E- WlLLDAMS Sec-Treasurer Wasco Co. Pioneer Assn. Was for over nine years postmaster at The Dalles dur ing Wilson's and Harding's administrations. My past record is offered in support of my candidacy Paid adv by R. E. Williams. Election Nov. 6, 1928 Henry Sherrer Republican Nomineee for office of COUNTY CLERK Wasco County, Oregou J Election November 6, 1928 Paid Adverisement by Henry Sherrer. 10. Water J Postage, stationery, printing.. X. 90.0Q 35.00 life. CUaaed Our Shop Joyed a real treat Curtain will go "Dad" Talcott put In a couple of days this week cleaning up the shop wherein The Times Is printed. The room is now in a condition whereby one does not have to walk in dust up to his knees when coming here on business, ' "WHY GIRLS LEAVE HOME" be painted and the polished surfaces greased to prevent excessive rusting, New York Lif Depicted At Legion, Hall Tomorrow Night The Wigwam Plrverv than which no small dramatic company travels our highways, will be at the Legion hall in this city tomorrow night, Their offering this time will be a story of New York life, entitled "Why Girls Leave Home." The play in intensely dramatic and as , the Wigwam Players are known to be truthful delineaters of dramatic stories, those of our people who wit ness this performance will have en- Don't overwork your alfalfa patch 1 Alfalfa that goes into the winter with considerable growth will come out in better condition In the spring. Too lato pasturing or cutting may kill a stand- For new seeding that have not made much growth, light dress ings o f straw held to reduce the chances for winter injury. Pine Grove News Linns' mill will continue to supply lumber for the new bridge at Mau pin. It has been figured that Linn Son will deliver. 100,000 feet to this one job. ' .. ' , The McFarlahe mill is nearing completion and will be the biggest saw mill unit set up in ,routhern Wasco county. Fred Ault and Jul ius Shepflin are logging for the mill, and piling poles are being cut and yarded for the bridge at Maupin,' Total ....,1,290.00. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS Buildings and grounds.. 75.00 Total 7500 TRANSPORTATION OF PUPILSi .......f 600.00 INSURANCEi ... $ 332.00 MISCELLANEOUS! ' 1. Premium clerk's bond...... 3. Audit of clerks books ..$25.00 . 25.00 Total ... .......$ 60.00 EMERGENCY! ........$ 200.0Q Total estimated amount of money for all purposes during the year. ., $13,542.00 . ESTIMATED RECEIPTS From county school fund during coming school year....$l,000.00 Fom r-tate school fund during tho coming school year.... 165.00 From elementary school fund during the coming school year 1,500.00 Estimated amount to be received from all other sources during the coming school year ....v....,;. 2,500.00 LEGION HALL, Maupin Q FRIDAY, .NOVEMBER Return Engagement Wigwam Players PRESENTING Total estimated receipts, not including proposed tax $5,165.00 RECAPITULATION . Total estimated cxpensees for the year $13,52.00 Total estimated receipts, not Unhiding proposed tax.. 5,165.00 Balance amount tQ bj raised by district tax 8,377.00 Dated this. 4tb, day of October, 1928. Atesfv Blanche E. Hedin, District Qejck, Why Girls So Wrong" A cilia tic Story of New York Life Curtain at 8:15 Admission 2oc, 50c T. B. SLUSHEK, Chairman Board of Directors. Albright Commission Co., Inc. UNION STOCK YARDS : North Portland You can ship you livestock b, truck, and they will reach the market the same day .hipped... When tracking call, R. E. Richmond, or R. C.' Davidton; Maupin, Oregon. . , j Salesmanship Service Satisfaction ALBRIGHT COMMISSION CO., INC.