The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, October 18, 1928, Image 2

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The Maupla Times
C, W. Semmet, Editor
C. W. SramM end E. R. Simnil
Published every Thursday at
Maupin, Oregon
Subscription: One year, $1.60; six
aonths, 1.00; three months, SOcts,
Entered as aecond clas, mail mat
ter September 8, 1914, at the post
fStivtt ut Maupln, Oreon, undr the
Art of March 8, 1876.
While they are at it the voters of
this county should make a clean
sweep of all official who have been
iound wanting in the counduct of
their offices. Clerk, Crichton was
defeated for nomination, ditto Sher
iff Chrisman and Assessor Davis.
There is one other official whose
dayo of usefulness so far as Wasco
county is concerned, is about over,
und who should be relegated
u the junk heap, and he is
Francis V. Galloway, for several
years cluttering up the office of dis
trict attorney.
Galloway, as head of the legal de
partment of the county, is to blame
for the illegal taking of fees by the
county clerk; he should have advis
ed the sheriff that taking the money
left over from the actual cost of
feeding prisoners belonged to the
county. He should have attended to
the duties of his office ahead of
bis private practice and should have
given ear to such matters when pre
sented to him instead of practicing
dilatory measures and putting off
Mich matters to suit his convenience.
As an attorney he has been any
thing but a success in his office.
During the past year he has not
succeeded in securing conviction in
half of the cases he has taken to
court. He has been arbitary in
many cases, even going so far as to
refuse to take the advice of the cir
cuit judge in bringing cases to trial
In one case he told the judge he had
nothing on the defendant, and when
advised not to bring the issue - to
trial ignored the advice and pro
ceeded on his own initiative. That
ease proved a failure and the coun
ty and defendant were put to need
less expense. That was not the only
ease wherein the county's money
was needlessly expended. A glance
'at the records will convince voters
'and taxpayers that they have been
retaining a man in office who has
not proven to be a success, and that
the sooner he is relegated to private
practise the sooner the county will
We expect to have something in
our next issue that will open the
eyes of Wascoites to a practice
which, we have been told, "has no
standing in law and which concerns
the office of district attorney.
Oregon has lost one of its shining
lights in the death of John B. Yeon,
who passed away as the result of
an operation at Portland on Mon
day of this week.
Mr. Yeon's lifs waj an example
for all young men. His courage and
steadfastness of purpose accomplish
ed much, and he died beloved by
all who knew him. Coming to Ore
gon as a young man he at oice
grasped opportunity as it passed by
?nd by clear reaj';ning, industry and
preserverance accomplished more
than seamed possible. He amassed a
fortune, and that by his owr. efforts
He attained celebrity by is advo
cacy and assistance in the ropd pro-
. gram of the slat? nM his advice and
pjeeejit wa? followed by ai! who
-recognized his sterK'., worth and
' nesty.
' . Ye?, Oregon has l?t one of its
outstanding citi an i th- stnte as
a whole will mourn at his departure.
If there is a heaven for departed
mortals truly John B. Yeon has been
Willi. Bound
Republican Nominee ,or
County Assessor
Election November 6, 1928
Paid Adv. by Will L. Doud.
given a place there, for his life was
an open book, and his good deeds
far overspread all that might be
said against him.
With loads of cattle, sheep and
hogs going to maract from the De-
cnute valley there chould be no
dearth of ready money among our
ranchers. In time this section will
attract many settlers and Juniper
Flat will be a dairy section second
to none on the coast
In days of old knights fought for
ladies' favor. It seems that that
custom has not been forgotten by
some Maupin young men, but in
stead of lances they used nature's
weapons, with a few stones added as
food measure.
Henry Sherrer
Republican Nomineee for office of
Wasco County, Oregou
Election November 6, 1928
Paid Adverisement by Henry Sherrer.
Every purchaser of a
new Ford is entitled to
Free Inspection Service
for the first 1500 miles
THE modern automobile is
a finely buHt piece of ma
chinery and it will stand a
lot of abuse. Considering
the work it does, it gives ear
prisingly little trouble. But
there isn't a car made that
will not ran better and
longer if given proper care.
The first few hundred
miles are especially impor
tant because that is when
. the mechanism of your car
is being broken in.
Proper attention daring
x this period will lengthen its
life and prevent unnecessary
trouble biter on.
We are particularly inter--ested
in this matter because
we believe it is our duty not
only to make a good auto
' mobile, but to help the
owner get the greatest pos
sible use over the longest
period of time at a mini
mum of trouble and
With this in view, the
entire Ford dealer organ
ization has, been specially
trained and equipped to ser
vice the new Model A car.
Furthermore, we have in
structed every Ford
dealer to rive the
.1Ia..I.. 17-.- Sfs
- I
Ford Motor Company
More than 20,000 sheep have
com'e out of the mountuins and are
now at the home ranches adjacent
to Maupin. The sheep evidently
summered well, for all are fat and
frisky, ready for another crop of
lambs and wool in the spring. .
Miss Edith Jorgensen. the moit
beautiful woman in Penmark, has
been hired at $20,000 a year by
Earl Carroll, New York show pro
ducer. Wonder it he will cast her
as a feature In a wine bath. t
Dresses, Coats and Hats at the
Cinderella Frock Shop. S09 2nd
St, The Dalles, Oregon.
Inspection Service at 500,
1000 and 1500 miles:
Check battery
Cheek generator charging rata
Check distributor adjustment
Cheek carburetor adjustment
Check lights
Check brakes
Cheek shock absorber adjust
ment Check tire inf.nion
Check steering gear '
Change engine oil
Lubricate chassis
No charge is made for
labor or materials incidental
to this service, except, of
course, where repairs are
necessary through accident,
misuse or neglect. The only
charge is for new oil.
See your Ford dealer,
therefore, and get this Free
Inspection of your new car
at 500, 1000 and 1500
miles. Find out, too, how
little it will cost to have your
car given a thorough going
over at regular periods
A checking-up by experi
enced mechanics, together
with oiling and greasing
every 500 miles, will add
months and years to the life
of your car and mean more
economical and plea-
r- purauio iiiuturmg
f' J M , J!.
every uiuc yuu uiitc.
In tho race for the position, made
vacant by the advancement of Nick
Sinnott, there is but one choice to I
be made as his successor, and that
.choice is Judge Bob Butler, nominee
on the republican ticket
Judge Butler needs no introduc
tion to tho people of this section.
He has made a mark as a successful
attorney, and as a jurist stands as
high as any on the bench today. He
is conversant with the needs of this
dktrlct and will work to the end
that the district Is recognised and
given what Is justly entitlel tdo. He
is not bound by any pre-election
promises, having made is campaign
upon a purely personal basis.
By electing Judge Butler hla con
stituents may confidently look for
his appointment to those committees
on which Congressman Sinnott serv
ed. He has been in close touch with
Sinnott's activities and the record
made by the retiring legislator
would be added to and kept Intact by
the man from The Dalles. Make no
mistake. Vote for Judge Butler for j
congress and put an able man at
work for our interests.
In 1925 there were approximately
414 million chickens in the United
States compared with 230 million in 1
1910. The egg production Increased ,
from approximately 1575 million in
1910 to 1913 million In 1925. Ore
gon was responsible for less than
one per cent of theso totals.
On Ballon for Election Nor. 6, 1928
For President Alfred E. Smith
For Vice-President
Joseph T. Robinson
For Oregon Presidential Electors....
E. E. Brackney
Thomas H. Comte
Carl C. Donaugh
Walter B. Gleason
Robert A. Miller
For Representative in Congress, Sec
ond District Walter M. Pierce
For Secretary of State....Ed. S. Piper
For State Treasurer....Thos. B. Kay
For Supreme Justices
John L. Rand
George Rossman
For Attorney General....Williara S.
Levens '
For Dairy and Food Commissioner
John D. Mickle
Waico County
For State Representative .... Herbert
For District Attorney a....
Francis V. Calloway
For Commissioner H. E. Wray
For Clerk Joe II. Steers
For Sheriff A. S. Johnson
For Trca urer R. E. Williams
For Assessor A. S. McDonald
For School Superintendent
A. E. Gronewald
For Surveyor N. H. Williams
For Coroner C. M. Zell
Antelope Precinct
For Constable J. W. Hanley
(Published by County Central
Committee as paid advertisement)
C. L. GAVIN, Secretary.
standard, range for sale reason
able. Used but a short time. Mrs.
F. D. Stuart 60-tf
10 months. Leave word at this
office. 49t3
keep Come , and pick your own
at 80c to $1.00 per box for first
class Rome Beauty apples a
standard apple, fine for eating
and cooking. A few Newtowns
also. Bring boxes. The time Is
FOR SALE Fine piano in storage
near Maupin. Will sacrifice for
. quick sale. A snap. Write Tall
v man Piano Store, Salem, Oregon,
for full articulars. 49-t3
FOUND Pair of gold bow rimless
spectacles. Owner may have
same by calling at this office,
identifying glasses and paying for
this advertisement 48-tf
FOR SALE A No. 6 Melotte cream
separtor, $50.00; Vaughan wood
saw, $50.00; set of heavy harness,
cheap; one light harness, also
cheap.. Mrs. Anna Bradway,
Smock Prairie. 45-tf
FOR SALE 180 bushels of 128
hybrid wheat at Hunts Ferry
Warehouse. 45-t3
FOR SALE 12-foot McCormlck
header, in first class condition.
Price $160.00. Ed. Herrling,
Shaniko, Oregon.
FOR SALE New Zealand sheep
Romney buck, five two-year-olds,
three Ramboulets; two Guernsey
bulls, one yearling, one two-yeas-old.
Albert Hill, Wamie, Oregon.
:? :
A. S. (Sid) Johnson
For Sheriff
Johnson is a man of business experience, a success
ful wheat farmer, and lately engaged in the in
surance business in The Dalles. .
A vote for Johnson is a vote for ser
vice and economy in the
Sheriff's Office
Paid adv. by A. S. Johnson.
Mrs. George Murrihend of Perth,
Scotland, celerated her tflOth birth
day by taking a 100-mile auto ride.
Chopped alfalfa hay in ton lots
at $20.00 per ton. One electric
light plant, al:o team of horses for
sale or trade. Two Hampshire
boars, pure bred.
50-t4 Tygh Vulley, Ore.
The undersigned having been ap
pointed by the County Court of the
State of Oregon for Wasco County
as administrator of the estate of
William H. Cubing, deceased, no
tice is hereby given to all persons
having claims against said estate
to present them, verified as requir
ed by law, to me within six months
at 602 First National Bank Buiding,
The Dalles, Oregon at office of Ga
vin St Gavin, attorneys for said es
tate. Dated October 16, 1928.
O 18?N 16 Administrator.
No. 1103
la tho matter of the eitata of Roea
lie Buthay, Deceased,
f JohB Gavin
administrator of estate., of.. Rosalie
Bushey, deceased, has filed in tho
County Court of Wasco County,
State of Oregon, his final uccount
as such administrator and thut Mon
day, the 29th day of October, 1928,
at the hour of ten o'clock a. m., bus
been fixed by suid court as the time
for hearing of objections to said re
port and the settlement thereof..
John Gavin, Administrator.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, September 18, 1928.
Notice is hereby given thnt
A. Vernon Rantdell
of Antelope, Oregon, who, one Sept
21, 1923, made Homestead Entry
under Act Dec. 29, 1910, No. 022912
for EM NEU, NEK SWK, Sec
8, SVs NE'4, NVi SEU, Sec. 14,
SWK NWU, Sec. 20, Township
7 South, Range 17 East, Willamettt
Meridian, hao filed notice of inten
tion to make final three year proof,
to establish claim to the land abovt
described, before II. C. Rooper,
United States Commissioner, at An
telope, Oregon, on the 8th day oi
November, 1928.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Omar H. Borthwick, Charles E. Her
man, Louis E. Ransdoll, James Bax
ter all of Antelope, Oregon.
S20-O18' J. W. Donnelly,
Department Of The Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, Sept 18, 1928.
Notice is hereby given that
Charles A. Arnett
of Waplnitia, Oregon, who, on Octo
ber 30, 1923, made homestead en
try, act December 29,'" 1916, No.
023350, for SV4 SWU, Sec. 4, E,
Sec. 5, NWtt, NWV SWU See.
9, NEi SE, Sec. 8, Township
6, S., Range 13, E., Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of inten
tion to make ,final three year proof,
to establish cl;m to the land above
described, before F. D. Stuart,
United States Commissioner, at Mau-
If you are interested in
county affrirs and par
ticularly in an econom
ical and efficient ad
ministration of sheriff's
office, then vote for
pin, Oregon on the 2nd day of No
vember, 1928.
Claimant names as witness:
John Davis, of Waplnltla, Oregon,
Ed Gabel, of Maupin Oregon, John
Boun, of Waplnltla, Oregon, L. T.
Woochlde, of Waplnltla, Oregon,
S 20-018 J. W. Donnelly, Rf.
In the Circuit Court of Um $Ui tf
Oregon for Waico County
State Land Board of the SUM of
Bert McCready, Carrie F. McCroftdy,
D. B. Appling, Thomas Moss, Mag
gie Mom, . K. Mote, and the
rirtt National Bank of Han ford,
California, corporation,
To Thorns Mou, Maggie Mot, K.
K. Mou, and the First National
Bank of Hanford, California, a
OF OREGON: You are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the
complaint filed against you in th
above entitled suit within four weeka
from the date of the first publica
tion, or within four weeks of the
date of personal tsrvice of tola sum
mons upon you outside of the fltata
of Oregon, and if you fall to o
answer, for want thereof, the plain
tiff will apply to the court for the
relief, prayed for In said complaint,
to wit: for judgment and deer
against the defendants, Bert Me
Cready, Carrie F. McCready and D.
B. Appling in the sum of $700 with
interest thereon at the rate of fix
per cent per annum from April IS,
1927, until paid, and for the further
.um of $-75 attorneys' fees, and for
its costs and disbursement herein
expended, and for a further decree
that the mortgage described in the
plaintiff's complaint be foreclosed,
and that the property included in
said mortgage, namely; The west
half of the couthwest quarter (WMi
SEVi), the east half of the south
west quarter (EVi SW), Section
Five (6) ; the north half of the north
east quarter (NH NEK), Section
Seven '(7) ; the north half of tho
northwest quarter (NH NWK),
Section Eight (8) Township Seven
(7) South fit Range Fifteen lh)
East of the Willamette Meridian, in
Wasco County, Oregon, contalnln
320 acres, be sold in the manner
provided by law, and that the de
fendant) and each of them be barred
and forever foreclosed of. all right,
litle, interest of claim to said real
property, that the purchased be plac
ed In immediate possession of laid
premkes at sale.
This summons is published by or
der of Honorable Fred W. Wilson,
Judge of the above entitled court by
order, made and, entered under date)
of September, 1928. First public
tion of this summons in Maupin
Times under date of September 20,
1928 and last publication under date
of October 18, 1928.
.Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Residence and postoffke address :
502 First National Bank Bldg.,
The Dalles, Oregon.
1. O. O. F.
Lodgn No. 209, Maupin, Oregon
meets every Saturday night in L O.
O. F. halL Visiting member! always
D. L. Rutherford, N. G.
O. F. Renlck, Scc't.
. wnvPTfji f "jewr