The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, October 18, 1928, Image 1

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Always working for the best
interests of Maupin and all of
Southern Wasco County.
Publishes only that news fit
to print. Caters to no particular,
class, but works for all.
Number 50
Local Millenium Strikes
When Work Begins
At Clear Lake
Crew at Work on Dam Conitructloa
Wblch Will Hold Head of '12-Foot
Storage Hiitory of System
At lait the long-looked for dam at
tin mouth of Clear luka U something
other than mere conjecture. Work
men are at work at that ilte building
dam which will, when completed,
iniure sufficient water for Irrigating
Juniper Flat and ahould tend to In
crease the settlement of that tac
tion. Work there will progress un
til weather condition! call a halt, and
ai loon ai men can get on the job
in the spring construction will be
The first unit of the dam will be
16 feet high with an estimated water
storage of 12 feet This storage will
be added to the natural flow to keep
up a steady demand during the irri
gating season.
HUtory fef Syttont
For 40 years well intentioned peo
ples got together on different plona
to get wutcr on Waplnitia I'luinn.
"Old Waralc" hod his crew of far-
mere, who grubstaked and failed
after quite an effort at ditch dig
ging. Those men saw the light but
could not surmount the obstacles
which beiet their path. Then
Grandfather Kelly financed a good
start on the project Many old set
tlers will recall this part of the early
history of the proposition. After a
time the Kelly organization fell to
pieces and the work stopped. Con
siderable ditch and preliminary work
was done, only to be lost to these
clear-headed men who believed in
the sound principle of applying wa
ter to dry soil.
Old George McCoy, during Cleve
land's administration, spent a few
years in construction. He did more
work than all the earlier efforts
combined. His old camp along the
timber line, where he hod a store,
warehouse, saloon and construction
headquarters, has fallen away. His
log cabin above the Keep mill may
still be seen in- ruins, McCoy' dug
several cectlons of the canal, some
true to grade, some below the true
survey line. He died in 1920. His
work laid idle for half a generation;
the rights lapsed to the state and
Later the Eastern Irrigation Pow
er and Lumber company filed on the
system and began work. The energy
of that company spent itself on saw
mill and camp construction roads,
phone lines, water systems, buildings
machine shops. Nineteen boilers
were hauled to the mountains,
freighted from The Dalles and Du
fur, Joseph Keep was the leading
spirit of .this work, and after 10
years of toil he wound up in a legal
trouble that finally ended his car
eer in ignomy. Later he sold his
rights to the Waplnitia Irrigating
Company, this being done in 1914.
Thla brings the history of the en
terprise up to the present holders
who, from 1914 to 1917, dug the
necessary canals and took out the
big cut, 1100 feet long and 30 feet
deep, to release the water to the
land.' A celebration commemmorat
lng the completion of the work was
held at' Pine Grove September 1,
1917, at which time the late ex
Governor Wythecombe and several
other celebrities attended and ad-
drersed the gathering. 1
Later, in 1919, after much ex
tension, a drive was made to raise
funds for the Frog creek feeder
canal. This was dug from 1920-23,
when the water from that creek was
spread on the plains.
No end of legal and law suit at
tacks were aimed at the company
by Keep interests. Many suits Were
tried and won by the company, all
at a great cost. Adjudication of the
Waters of White river shed was
finally brought to a head, and the
various rights of the water users
within the White river basin settled.
The cost of the Frog creek feeder
canal was great enough - to have
financed the Clear lake dam, but
some weakness of the Keep original
filing on the Frog creek proposition
was later corrected by the construc
tion of that unit. That caused a de
lay of dam consruction, due in part
to the lack of funds and in part to
other costs that demanded to be met
In order to keep the company's hold
ings clear.
It Is easy to figure out how one
might do this better the second time,
Would Not Recognls People
County Court and Acted in
, Overbearing Manner
Judge Adklsson has carried things
In the county court with a high
hand. He seemed to be possessed of
the idea that he was -the man Al
mighty bought the world of, and that
he still had a mortgage on the pur
chase. A case in point: When the
committee appointed to interview
the county court regarding a new
roudto he fair grounds, Judge Ad
klsson assumed an attitude , of ab
solute authority. When Billy Hunt
pluced the proposition before the
Judge he assumed ignorance of the
petitioner's name, standing and con
nection with the fair association. He
blurted out, in an offending manner
these interrogations:
What's your name?
How much money have you got?
Do you pay any taxes?
When told who Mr. Hunt was the
head of the court became somewhat
molified and then listened to the pe
tition for a road. After all had been
said in favor of the project, and it
had been shown that the need of
such a road was a dire necessity, the
judge said that if the people would
subscribe half the cost the county
would furnish the other half.
There is no evidence that the
county engineer ever went over the
proposed line of road. One thing is
tinethat the county court made no
effort to provide the fair grounds
with adequate approach, the old road
not even having been placed in shape
for the vast amount of travel going
to and from the fair grounds.
The charges against Judge Adkls
son are "failure to adhere to the
budeet law, discourtesy , to visitors
at his office, as well as failure to
advertise for bids in purchasing
county road machinery." Judge Ad.
kisson has been called the "father
of The Dulles-California highway,"
but after election he will probably
be known as the step-father of that
Frank Gable Award Damage
$7,500 In Circnlt Court
Frank Gable, former resident of
Juniper Flat, was awarded a ver
diet of $7,600 in the Wasco county
circuit court on Monday, he having
sued the Harkina Transportation
company. Frank Oliver and Elmer
Shipley for causing the death of his
son, II. T. Gable, a Dalles business
man. The younger Gable was the
victim of a collison on the highway
six miles west of The Dalles on No
vember 19, 1927.
Oliver was the driver of a truck
operated by Shipley, who was under
contract with the transportation
company. He was coming down a
hill and .truck the car containing the
Gables and two other men, the
younger Gable being killed in the
mixtip. The elder Gable, as admin
istrator of the estate of his son, be
gan action against the defendants
named for damages, and the court
on Monday directed that a verdict
in the amount named above be re
turned by the jury.
R. W, Richmond was a business
visitor at the county seat Tuesday.
, but when all is said and done the
Wapinitia Irrigation company is still
on the job, through a period when
older and stronger irrigation com
panies, even with government aid,
have failed, and the water still flows
on Plains acres to the great relief of
ranchers thereon. v
In times agone sheep men used to
drive their bands from the Deschutes
to Boar creek without a drink. This
condition is now changed. Few tank
wagons remain. Better gardens and
living conditions are here. With the
Clear lake dam completed the old
season shortage of water will be a
thing of memory. People will come
in and a subdivision of big units of
farm lnnd will naturally take place.
With this comes a demand for
fence", bufldings, tools, farm ma
chinnry, trade, nutos and hundreds
of other things which go with enter
prise. The soil is here, and with an
adequate supply of water this sec
tion is destined to blorsom like the
rose ana provide nomes tor many
hundreds of new settlers, all of
whom will conduce to the better
ment of business conditions of all
parts of southern Wasco county.
Friday, Oct. 19th, the Maupin and
Waplnitia football team will clash.
Neither one has yet been victorious
and both are determined to win the
game. The local aggregation is
meeting a husky and determined
eleven. The Maupin eleven is con
fident, regardless of the past two
games. The encounter will be on the
Maupin field. The school will be
dismissed for the game so that we
will be strongly represented. The
presence of parents will aso be ap
preciated. One of the boys says
this is the first game of the season,
since the others have been "walka
ways" for the opposing teams.
The civics class gave their first
Interpetation of the presidential
campaign, in the form of a free for
all discussion last Thursday. Thore
who were Democrats put up their
reasons for boosting Smith and
Robinson, The platforms, as they
are found in the two acceptance
speeches, were discussed. One day
each week has been set aside for
this debate, new material being brot
to class each time.
The girls practiced volley ball for
the first time last Thursday. Since
any number can participate in this
game there was a large turn-out
Every one seems to enjoy playing,
and as soon as the rules are learned
the game will be still more interest
ing. Monday the school began the regu
lar routine again, after having the
latter part of last week taken up by
the six-weeks' tests.
Harold Kramer was caught In the
first snowfall of the season on Cri
terion plains Wednesday evening.
It was accompanied by a strong
wind and melted as fast as it fell.
Margaret Oakerman of the 7th
grade is moving to Burns, Oregon.
Her classmates regret her leaving.
Bill Slusher, the 8th grader in the
football team, played in two quart
ers in the Dufur game.
Arthur Appling suffered the ml
fortune of throwing his right wrist
Football Gam and Dane Billed for
Friday of Neat Week Tygh
Plays Wapinitia Tam
A return game of football will be
played at Tygh Valley on Saturday
October 26, in which the Tygh High
school eleven mixes with the coming
team of Wapinitia. The last game
resulted in a victory for the Tygh
boys and the boys from the Flat will
go into the coming scrimmage with
an intention of wiping out the sting
of their recent defeat
In the evening there will . be a
dance at the gymnasium, with the
Tygh High orchestra furnishing the
music. The recent dance was a suc
cess, notwithstanding the fact there
was a dance in Maupin the same
Streams Being Stocked From
Oak Springs Hatchery
Game Warden Hadley with others
from the fish commission has been
busy of late distributing trout from
the Oak Springs hatchery to streams.
in this part of the state. Besides the
Deschutes, Tygh creek, Clear creek,
White river, Fifteen Mile and other
streams have received a large quota
from our hatchery, and still there
remains many thousand fry in the
holding ponds.
Hasen Sent Back
Rev. Everett Hazen was assigned
to the Wapinitia-Maupin charge by
the recent U. B. conference held at
Portland. This will make three
times Rev. Hazen has been assigned
to this charge, and his congrega
tions rejoice that he will lead them
for another year. Rev. J. I. Park
er was assigned to the Manor charge
for the fourth time.
Hunter Getting Bird
Maupin hunters are meeting with
fair success hunting pheasants and
quail. Several good bags have been
brought in, the birds seeming to be
more plentiful than for several
years past
Expert watch and jewelry repair
ing. Quick service at ' reasonable
rates. Bring in your work. The Mau
pin Drug Store.
out of place during the Dufur-Mau-pln
foot ball game. The opposing
teams seemed determined to hurt
Art,' but it can't be done.
In last Friday's foot ball game
with Dufur, Dufur won over Maupin
bjr a ccore of 38 to 0. In the first
half the Maupin team held Dufur
down. Dufur made only one toch
down. In the second half Dufur
made five touch downs. Eddie Nel
son, the Dufur star made some thrill
ing end runs, which resulted in three
tuch downs. There was a large
crowd at the "gam. ' The busmesi
houses of Dufur were closed for the
; In the algebra class the pupils
have checked over the work with the
course of study and have found they
have followed the exact course,
which ncludcs the use of positve and
negative numbers and the addition
and subtraction of polpnomials. '
Some of the high grades made in
the tests are, algebras Harry Ru
therford and Edmund Wilson, both
having made 100; civics Richard
Crabtree, Crystal Stuart, and Velma
Crofoot made A grades; geometry
Nova Hedin made 100, and Crystal
Stuart made 98. More of the grades
will be published in the next issue.
Mrs. DeVoe: I guess I will have
to call the roll as I can't see those
who are abeent
The student body of M. H. S. was
called to a special meeting Friday
morning and due to the fact that we
have a lot of timid boys and bashful
girls who would not move to adjourn
so the student body is still in sersion.
Richard Crabtree said: "I thot a
thunderbolt had hit me as I came in
contact, with the Dufur star.
In the last football game Estel
Stovall, being so awkward, made a
few good tackles.
Clarence (to the coach) : I stop
ped a good fight awhile ago.
Mr. Polingr-Yeah? Howl
Clarence: I ran.
Married At Milton September 12
Wif Now la Maupin
One of the biggest surprises of
the year was sprung on Maupinites
last week when the wife of Marion
"Stub" Lister came to town from
her home at Baker. No one had the
least idea that our young lothario
had entered the married state, and
when Mrs. Lister appeared upon the
scene and it became noised about
town preparations were at once
made to entertain the newlyweds
with a real old-time charivari. That
function was pulled off in good
shape, after which the young couple
were tendered . congratulation by
all in the noise party. ,
Marion and his wife, .who was
Mrs. Peggy Irwin, were married at
Milton on September 12. They be
came acquainted while ''Stub" was
working with a road oiling crew at
Madras, and the attraction toward
each other culminated in their mar
riage. The young couple will make
their home in Maupin for the pres
ent, "Stub"' being engaged with the
bridge crew. Their friends, as well
as The Maupin Times, wish them all
the pleasure and happiness possible
in their new relation
0t After Deer
T. B. Slusher, his brothers, Gro-
ver and Harvey from Dufur, went
to the Pisgah mountain country Sun
day morning, to remain" during the
rest of the open deer senson. They
expect to get the full quota of deer.
Painting Houe
Joe Kramer has a painter at work
on his new residence and the artisan
is applying a coat of white paint
thereto. When completed Joe's res
idence will show a greatly improv
ed appearance.
Sold Property
Dee Talcott has sold his lots and
small cabin in Maupin to ' Wilbur
Hurst, who has taken possession.
This is but one of the many prop
erty changes which have taken place
here of recent date.
''The Cinderella Ways." Dresses,
Coats and Hats. Cinderella Frock
Shop, 309 E 2nd St., The Dalles,
Oregon. .
So Say Stephen A. Lowell la Speak-
ing of Candidacy Of Judge
R. R. Butler
The writer ventures to trespass
upon your columns to make a brief
but pertinent appeal to the voters
of the second congressional district
in the matter of Robert R. Butler.
The Oregoniaa is probably read
daily by not fewer than 20,000 men
and women in the counties east of
the Cascade mountains which com
prise that district a territory im
perial in its expanse, larger indeed
than the entire state of New York.
'It has been the habit in , recent
elections for hosts of electors of the
democratic faith to join with their
republican friends in the support of
Nicholas J. Sinnott, who so long and
so ably represented this section of
the state in congress. Judge Butler
is a close friend of Sinnott and will
carry forward the development pro
gram of that gentleman. If he is
elected, he will have the benefit of
the advice and guidance of the ex
congres man, who has not lost his
interest in Oregon in his recent
shift from the legislative to the judi
cal branch of the government It
may very properly be suggested,
then that the friends of Judge Sin
nott, regardless of party, will reflect
public interest if they cact their bal
lots for Butler at the November elec
tion. -
Judge Butler is at an age where
he can reasonably expect to contin
ue in the national legislature a
quarter of a century, growing in in
fluence and usefulness with the
paszing years. No man entering the
lower house of congress after middle
life, can expect to achieve either
place or potency in that turbulent
group of 435 men: It requires a
decade of experience either to mas
ter the complex' rules of procedure
or to attain a station of leadership.
No elderly man, unless possessed
of long and important contact with
federal affairs, such as Burton of
Ohio' possesses, should mr essay the
role. Mr. Sinnott had secured a
niche where he was counted as with
in the very limited circle of domi
nant political figures in Washington
but he could never have compassed
that exalted station had he been
elected late in life. These are the
hard facta of experience which no
voter or any. party, can safely ig
Likewise it is indisputable that in
the political portraiture of this state
there are few men who even rival
"Bob" Butler in grace of personalty
and ability to make friends. " These
are essential factors' in securing the
enactment' of legislation in the house
of representatives. If elected, in a
year he will know personally most
of his associates and all will be his
friends. His impre:sive , oratorical
gifts will make his voice welcome
when governmental policies demand
debate. His great native ability, his
grasp of public question?, his mas
tery of the constitution and history
of the republic will give him assur
ed recognition in all committee
rooms. He will go far not only in
securing wke and comprehensive
laws, but in bringing fame to the
western coast .
At The Rainbow
Mrs. Arthur Creighton "has again
taken a position as chef at the Rain
bow restaurant, made vacant by the
leaving of Mrs. Okerman. Mrs.
Creighton served as cook there be
fore returning to Portland, from
which place she recently came to
make here home in Maupin.
Witnette at Portland
F. D. Stuart and Ernest Doty
went to Portland early Sunday
morning, having been called as wit
nesses in a law suit brought in a
wheat deal in which the Hunts Fer
ry Warehouse company is interest
ed. , V . .
Bought the Bug
Last week we incidentally noted
that there was a Ford bug ocupying
space in front of this print shop. It
was offered for sale. Sunday Mar
ion O'Brien came in from Wapinitia
and Iboked the vehicle over, paid the
price and drove the critter home.
See what a little advertising in The
The Times does. .Attention of some
Maupin merchants called to this
Heppner Two new bridges
thorized by city council.
Andrew Crabtree's Kin
Celebrate His 77th
: Natal Day
Celebrated by Children and Rela
tive of Andrew Crabtree at
Union Hall, Juniper Flat
' Andrew Crabtree, with his, child
ren and other relatives, enjoyed a "
celebration of his 77th birthday at
Farmers Union hall, Juniper Flat,
last Sunday, October 14. About 30
were present, .they , being Andrew
and I. N. Crabtree, brothers, the
former's children, Job and family,
Earl and Raymond Crabtree and the
latter's family; D. W. Talcott an
'wife, Mrs. John Donaldson and Mrs.
Sarah Darnall, daughters, the latter
from Portland; Nephews Roy and
family, Chester, Lester and family,'
Mrs. J. H. Chastain, husband and
family, D. B. Fraley and wife.
During the afternoon a sumptu
ous spread was partaken of and sev
eral group pictures of the gathering
taken. The afternoon was spent in
reminiscences of early daya on the
Flat, in family visits and general
discourse of current events.
Andrew and Newton Crabtree
came across the plains from Missouri
in 1853, they being members of a
train of immigrants who left their
old homes for the then far west
His parents settled in Linn county,
where the sons grew to manhood and
where they, were married and began
to raise families. In 1888 the Crab
tree brothers came to this section;
each taking a homestead and where
they have since resided. Here it was
their children grew up and here they
were married and here their child
ren were born. Andrew and New
ton still retain the land filed on as
homesteads. The Andrew Crabtree '
tract is now operated by his son,
Raymond, and is a fine a piece of
land as any on the Flat His wife
died in 1918. .
Andrew Crabtree is not an old
man, only so far as years go. He is
young- in spirit and -vigor and ' pos
sesses a mind as active and well In
formed as any in this eection. Last
year he suffered greatly with illness,
but at this time he seems to have re
cuperated to the extent that many
years mora are in store for him
among us. All his friends extend
congratulations that he has reached
more than the allotted three score
years and ten.
The Crabtree families are among
the most respected of this section,
each being scrupuoudy honest, in
dustrious and loyal to their homes
and friends.
Ovr 800 Name Signed Thereto
' Asking Tht Judge Adkinon
be Removed From Office '
Those men who circulated the re
call petitions asking that Judge Ad
kisson be removed from office certi
fied to them last Saturday, there be
ing better than 800 names on the
Ifc-t Among those fro mthis section
who assisted in securing the signa
tures were W. E. Hunt, W. H.
Staats, while Sam Y ard of ' the
Boyd precinct, the judge's home,
was ako active in soliciting names
to the petition, "jhose men were
ot The Dalles lu-.l Saturdar and
made affidavit to the genuine m of
the names secured.
It has been reported that the
judge stated that if a total of 1000
names were secured on the petitions
he would resign, hereby making a
recall unnecessary. What he will
do with a measley 800 names re
mains to be seen. At any rate he is
Advised that that number of tax
payers and voters of Wasco county
do not wish him to be retained in of
fice, and their wishes will be made
known on November 6, when they
go to the polls and cast their ballots
against Adkisson's retention in of
fice. NOTICE
The annual meeting of Stockhold
ers of the Southern Wasco County
Fair association will be held at Tygh
Valley, Oregon, Saturday October
27, 1928 at 2 p. tn.
A. H. GILLIS, Secretary.
Klamath Falls Modern new res
taurant opened on Klamath Avenue.