the MAiiriN times The Maupin Times j C W. Smodim, Editor C W. Sanmct and E. R. SimmM ' . Publishers Published every Thursday at Maupin, Of eg on Subscription: One year, $1.50; lIx months, $1.00; three months, 60cts. Entered as second clas, mail mat to September 8, 1914, at the post if lea at Maupin, Oreon, undr the Act of March 8, 1876. Wapinitia Plains PATRONIZE FOOTBALL (Editorial by Mclvin Walters) The Wapinitia High school has taken a forward step toward a big ger, better and more up-to-data school through the undertaking of football. Thia schol possesses a number o. boys about equal weight and other requirements to any other school in the county, so why not hava a team? As football is ona of the most popular and thrilling games I cf the day, it will be a great boon to j the school and help hold the ones already there, for every . real boy has a de. ire to take part in athletics r.ud will go to the school which af fords an opportunity along this Brt3t2SCi!llli24l: Paid Adv. by Will L. Doud. AT C. :E.. I Five miles east 7 J JSALE M I S A TUR 15 IT .tr a. 8 Milk-Cows, 1 Gang Plow, 1 Walking Plow, 1 i)ering Mower, 1 Rake, 3 Wagons, 2 Com bines; 6 Set Harness, I Fordson Tractor, 1 2-Section Steel Harrow,'. 1 2-Section Wood Harrow, 1 5-Sec-tion Wood Harrow, Single Buggy, 1 small Separator 2 Bedsteads and springs, Log Chains and Crowbars, Chickens, Fruit Jars, Household Goods. TEJTJS. A!! sums under $10.00, cash. Over $10.00 bankable notes bearing 8 interest, running for 12 months, wi 11 be accepted. Free Lunch at Noon ! Bring Your Cups C. E. Tunison and Carl Head, Owners F. C. Butler, Auctioneer F. D. Stuart, Clerk line. In tha past, students have left this school and have gone elsewhere the main reason thereof being the lack of athletic activities. Tha Friday, October 12, the Wapinitia team will meet their first football opponents on the Wapinitia ball grounds. This game beween Tygh Valley and the home team will be the first football game in which this school has taken pari The gate receipts will go toward part payment on the suits and other ex penses, herefore the success of this undertaking depends on the inter est tha community takes in helping make a big attendance, not only at his game, bu all other school en tertainments. At the present tima the school has an opportunity to rise up and assert itself in football activities, so let all of us turn out and help push the Wapinitia school up on the ladder of success. Tha Freshman Initiation On Friday evening of last week the upper classes of the Wapinitiu High school undertook the task of initiatirg the members of the Fn si. man class.' Tha affair was fne U the public. Tha evening was spent in pulling stunts on the victims, music and enthusiastic talks by the ambitious football players. A lunch of coffee and cake was served. 11 L Republican Nominee . c WASCO COUNTY Election November 6, 1928 TUNISON RANCH of Maupin on Bakeoven road, on DAY, Oct. 2 fimo the following-named intsVlionsehold goods, etc., One of the interesting moments occurred when two of the boys de cided they would create a little fun for the visitors. Going to the can yon they built a firo and tried to make ''niggers" of themselves by applying burnt cork to thoir faces. By the time they got buck the crowd AH departments of the school are working on a short Columbus Day program, which will precede our sale of baskets, cakes' and pies Thursday evening. Principal L. V. Broughton and Wm. Hackler made a trip to Mau pin Tuesday evening to consult Dr. Elwood regarding a bruise William received in football practice. The Maupin Times printed some neat handbills and tickets for the football season this week. The Physiology cla:s has com- pleted a detailed outline on the di gestion of food. Ernie Ende'rsby and Frank Hack ler are leading the class in typewrit ing in respect to the number of as signments completed to date. Ladies Aid Baatar The Ladies Aid society of the Wapinitia U. B. church will hold its ' fall baazar in in the John Lewis hall 1 on Friday evening, October 20. A cupper will be served from 6:00 to f7:00 p. m., the program and bnaxar ,or live stock, farm will be sold: .Domes ft as salo following. The many attrac tlve and useful articles wrought by volunteer hands In loving service will unquestionably make suitable and desirablo Christmas gift). The proceeds could not go to a worthier cause than that of assisting in keep ing down church expenses. , CLASSIFIED LOCALS WANT TO 10 mouths, office. RENT PIANO For Leave word at this 40t3 FOR WINTER APPLES that will ' keep Come and pick your own at SOc to $1.00 per box for first class Rome Beauty applesa .. ..linn bwuiuuiu n'ue, miff iv wuwaig and cooking. A few Newtownsj also. Bring boxes. Tha tima Is i ihort. D. M. STANCLIFF, Smock. FOR SALE Fine piano in storage near Maupin. Will sacrifice for quick sale. A snap. Writo Tall man Piano Store, Salem, Oregon, for full articulurs. 49-t3 FOUND Pair of gold bow rimless . spectacles. Owner may have same by culling at this office, identifying gins es and paying for this advertisement. 48-tf FOR SALE A No. 6 Melotte cream scpartor, $50.00; Vaughan wood . saw, $50.00; set of heavy harness, cheup; one light harness, also cheap.. Mrs. Anna Bradway, Smock Prairie. 45-tf FOR SALE 1 Wood and Coal range, Marshall Wells, 1 Wood burning heating stove, 3 Buff window shades, fringed, width, SG inches, length, 7 feet Mrs. F. D. Stuart, Maupin. FOR SALE 180 bushels of 128 hybrid wheat at Hunts Ferry Warehouse. 4543 FOR SALE-1 2-foot McCormlck header, in first class condition. Price $160.00. Ed. Herrling, Shaniko, Oregon. FOR SALE New Zealand sheep Romney buck, five two-year-olds, three Ramboulets; two Guernsey bulls, one yearling, one two-year-old. Albert Hill, Wamic, Oregon. ' 41-tf NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT No. 1103 in the matter of the estate of Roa-, lie Biuhey, Deceated, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JohB Cavia ' administrator of estate., of.. Rosalie Bushey, deceased, has filed In the County-Court of Wasco County, State of Oregon, his final account as such admini, trator and that Mon day, the 29th day of October, 1928, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m., has been fixed by said court as the time for hearing of objections to said re port and the settlement thereof.. John Gavin, .Administrator. S27-025 NOTICE FOR .. PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, September 18, 1928. Notice is hereby given that A. Vernon Rantdell of Antelope, Oregon, who, one Sept 21, 1923, made Homestead Entry under Act Dec. 29, 1916, No. 022912 for EK NEK, NEK SWK, Sec 8. S'i NEK, NK SEVi, Sec. 14, SWK NWK, Sec. 20, Township 7 South, Range 17 East, Willamette Meridian, hais filed notice of Inten tion to make final three year proof, co establish claim to the land above described, before H. C. Rooper, United States Commissioner, at An telope, Oregon, on the 8th day of Xovember, 1928. Claimant names as witnesses: Omar H. Borthwick, Charles E. Her man, Louis E. Ransdell, James Bax ter all of Antelope, Oregon. S20-O18 J. W. Donnelly, Register. Leather Goods When you are looking for the bet in leather goods, come to our itore. We have received several ship ment of new leather handbags, coin purees, billfolder, key cases and traveling sets, These articles are priced to fit all purses, and all ara real values. Crosby's "Everything in Drugs and Kodaks" THE MAN FOR SHERIFF ... .'t-N.-: A. S. (Sid) Johnson For Sheriff Johnson is a man of Lunincss experience, a success ful wheat farmer, and lately engaged in the in surance business in The Dalles. A vote for Johnson is a vote for ser vice and economy in the SheriiFs Office Taid adv. by A. S. Johnson. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department Of The Interior U. S. Land Office at The Dulles, Oregon, Sept. 18, 1928. Notice is hereby given that Charles A. Aro.U of Wapinitia, Oregon, who, on Octo ber 80, 1923, made homestead en try, act December 29, 1910, No. 023360, for SK SWK, Sec. 4, EK, Sec. 6, NWK, NWK SWK. Sec. 9, NEK SEK, Sec. 8, Township 6, S., Range 13, E., Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of inten tion J.o make final three year proof, to establish ch.m to ho land ibce described, before F. D. Stuart, United States Commissioner, at Mau pin, Oregon on the 2nd d iy of No vember, 1928. Claimant names as witnesses; John Davis, of Wapinitia, Oregon, Ed Gabel, of Maupin Oregon, John Boen, of Wapinitia, Oregon, L. T. WootLIde, of Wapinitia, Oregon, S 20-018 J. W. Donnelly, Reg. SUMMONS la the Circuit Court of tha State o( Oregon for Wasco County State Land Board of the Stute oi Oregon, riuintiff vs Bert McCready, CarriSF. McCr.ady, D. B. Appling, Thomas Moat, Mag gie Mots, E. K. Mot, and the First National Bank of, California, corporation, Defendants To Thomas Mott, Maggie Mot, E. K. Mots, and the First National Bank of Hanford, California, a corporation, Defendants IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby re quired to appear and answer the eomplalnt filed against you in the above entitled suit within four weeks from tha date of the first publica tion, or within four weeks of the data of personal tervice of this sum mons upon you outside of the StaU of Oregon, and if you fail to so answer, for want thereof, the plain tiff will apply to the court for tht relief, prayed for in said complaint, towlt: for judgment and decree against the defendants, Bert Mc Cready, Carrie F. McCready and D. B. Appling In the sum of $700 with Interest thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum from April 13, 1927, until paid, and for the furthel .um of $75 attorneys' fees, and for its costs and disbursements herein oxpended, and for a further decree that the mortgago described in the plaintiff's complaint be foreclosed, and that the property included in said mortgage, namely; The west half of the couthwest quarter (W Vj SEK), the east half of the south west quarter (EVi SWK), Section Five (5) j the north half of the north east quarter (N'a NEK), Section Seven (7); the north half of the northwest quarter (NV4 NWK), Section Eight (8); Township Sevon (7) South of Range Fifteen (IB) East of the Willamette Meridian, in Wasco County, Oregon, containing 320 acres, be sold in the mannor provided by law, and that the ' de fendants and each of tm:m be barred and forever foreclosed of all right, title, interest of claim to said real property, that the purchnscd be plac ed in immediate possession of said premkes at sale. This summons is published by or der of Honorable Fred W. Wilson. Judge of the above entitled court by order, made and entered under date of September, 1928. First public- If you are interested in county affrirs and par tiouiaiiy in an econom ical and efficient ad ministration of sheriff's office, then vote for tion of this summons in Maupin Times under data of Soptember 20, 1928 and last publication under data of October 18, 1928. GAVIN & GAVIN, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Residence and postoffke address: (02 First National Bant tfldg., The Dalles, Oregon. SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY In Tha Circuit Court ef the State f Oregon for Waste County. State Land Board of the State ! Oregon, Plaintiff vs August Barsch, Defendant By Virtue of an execution, decrea and order of sale, duly issued out of and under tha teal of tha Circuit Court of iha State of Oregon, for the County of Wasco, to ma execu tion being the 12th day of Septem don being directed, dated tha 12th Jay of September, 1928 upon a da crcc for the foreclosure of a certain mortage, and judgment rendered and entered in said Court on tha 30th day of August, 1928, In tha above entitl ed cause, in favor of tha Plaintiff and against the Defendant, August Barsch, cm judgment debtor, la the) sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars, with interact thereon from tha 6Eh day of August, 1927 at tha rate of six per cent, per annum, and tha further sum of Ona Hundred, Fifty Dollars, as attorney's fees, and tha further sura of Thirty Six a&d SOjlOO Dollars, coats, end tha eosts of and upon this Writ, and command ing me to mi'ie sale of tha real property embraced In such decrea ct foreclosure and hereinafter descrife ed, I will, on the 29th day of Octo ber, 1928, at the hour of 10 o'clock, j in the A. M. noon of said day, and ' it the front door of tha County Court House m Dalles City, Wtvco County, Oregon, sell at public auc tion to tha hlghost bidder for cash in hi?, an tt rij(hl title ann inter est t.t ch Defendant August dorsch had on the 80th day of Atfgtnt, 1919, the data of tha mortgage fore closed herein, or which such De fendant has slnca acquired, or now has In and to the following described real property, situate and being la Wasco County, Oregon, to-wlt: , West half of tha Wast half (WW WK), southest quarter of tin southwest quarter (SEK 8WK), south half of tha sou the act quarter (SK SEK), and tha northeast quarter of tha southeast quarter , (NEK SEK), Section Twenty C Six (26) Township Eight (8), ' South of Range Seventeen (17 East of the Willamette Meridian, or so much of said property as wtil satisfy said judgment and dame, with costs and accruing costs, ' Sfid property will be sold subject to confirmation and redemption as by law provided. Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this 12th day of September, 1928. , LEVI CHRISMAN, Sheriff Wasco County, Oregon. S20-O18. saw WAPINITIA I. O. O. F. Lodgfl No. 209, Maupin, Oregon meets every Saturday night in I. O. O. F. hall. Visiting members always welcome. D. L. Rutherford, N. G. O, F, Renlck, See'v, 8 f