The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, October 11, 1928, Image 1

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Always working for the best
Interests of Maupin and all of
i Southern Wasco County.
Publishes only that news fit
to print. Caters to no particular;
class, but works for all. ,
Numljer 49
Judge Butler Endorsed
By Leading Men of
Oregon State
Senator Jay Upton Draws Fino
LIboi In Recommending lc
. ttoo Of Judge Butler '
"Sid" Johnson Mighty Good
Man For Sheriff's Position
More Time Allowed To
File Adkisson Recall
Petition Papers
' j i ,
Must Bo Filed Twenty Days Before)
Election Oao Thousand Names
Is Final Objective ,
Constructing Pens at Maupin Camp
Ground Starts With Two
Pairs Silver Poaes
$5,000 Said to Bo oB Hand For
Constructing Basement Undar
Houso at County Farm
U author of the following: anent the
succeed to the office recently mode
' vacant o wt appointment 01 won
pressman Nick Sinnott to another
fixlornl Tin It Inn Tit wrltlnir ahniit
, tha Wjupo fnuntv man Rnafnr Tin.
I linta VAUAliiAr! mimiVAHi 1nitAia
rrom irienas in eastern uregon aim
ing my recommendation m to the
candidacy of Senator Butler and
ex-Governor Pierce I have not
been able to reply to all of those
inquiries in perron, and take this
opportunity of answering them and
at the lame time to give my views
to all of those . with whom I huve
been closely associated during many
years In eastern Oregon. Of coure,
I am supporting Senator Butler,
not only because he has been my
personal friend for many years, but
also because I bollove ho is bo. t
qualified for the position.
Irrespective of the outcome of
the national election, the western
public land states are predominantly
republican, and policies effecting
Oregon and its neighbors will be
formed and carried through by
western republicans in congress.
The interests of eastern Oregon nro
linked with the public land, irriga
tlon, forestry, grazing and transport
af lin sAwnttlnmsi 9 ntlwf woutafn
wuvii ya vvivma vi vmn t vvw
states and their representatives in
. congress, so long led and inspired by
Nick Sinnott, hla dominating and
same view-point, intlmnto a. -qualntance
and an equal ability to
be leader that has given his per
sonal friend and close neighbor,
Nick Sinnot, his dominating and
. powerful leadership in the home of
representatives. Judge Sinnott will
be able to help Butler asume a com-
, manding position from his first day
in congress.
Bob Butler is honest, courageous,
with more ability as an orator than
bis opponent, and has the health and
. youth that will permit a long and
useful service in congress. That is
what the 2nd district need;. The
election of Bob Butler would mean
that we had selected an active, capa
ble, industrious man with a long
life of usefulness before him, and
his election would give us a repre
sentative who would immediately ns-
, tumo a leading role in congress,
where he could render a real and
Satisfactory tevice to the people of
eastern Oregon. Our section of tho
, state is facing and expecting a real
, development in its agricultural, ir
rigation, livestock and power re
sources, and ,we would elect a man
who would tie nllvn to and nrnfppt
our intero:ts in all of those matters
hcre national legislation and na
tional epnrdprintions as well as nd
Minibtrt.tivc regulations touch and
offset our local resources and welfare.
When in The Dalles
Ykvi ' .
Tin Cmfcf'
Fro A
Us Yew Credit
309 E Second St
L C. Ilenneghan Is constructing
pens and yard- for foxes at the Wil
liams camp groundu in East Mau
pin, yard to be 12x50 feet In size
and to contain pens for several
pairs of the fur bearing animals.
As a result of an investment in
a pair of silver foxes last year, Mr.
Ilenneghan starts out with two' pair,
and expects to receive them shortly,
or as soon as the yard end pens are
completed. The pair he purchased
fir.t wero parents to four little
foxes, but two of them died, leaving
him with but the two pair as a
neculus. He will give the animals
the closest attention and no doubt
will soon have a stock on hand. L.
C. Wilholm also bought a pair of
foxes front the same firm as did
Ilenneghan, and may have hla pair
sent here and placed in the camp
grounds yard.
And the Rest of . the Figures Will
Be Called Saturday Nigbt
The modern dances are a burles
que of those of days gone by. There
tire many of this age who do not
know how to dance a square dance,
Virginia reel, Scotch reel or any of
those dances which appeal to old
timers. All will have a chance to
participate in old-time dances at Le
gion hall on Saturday night coming,
for the local Legion post will pull
off a dance such as was wont to
warm tho cockles of the hearts of
the cwains and lassies of years
agone. The Ladles Auxiliary will
furniHh supper and that, with real
old-timo music, should be a magnet
to draw a good crowd to the hall
Saturday night.
Each Cot Two Dear'
Gus Derthick, wife and daughter,
Fonnie, and Jim Vaughan returned
from the Umpqua country Tuesday
evening, bringing four fine deer
with them. Both Gus and Jim prov
ed their marksmanship by each
bringing down a v couple venison,
which were the 'fattest of any seen
here this season. They were in the
lower coflntry about 10 days. .
More For Maupin
Mrs. Arthur Creighton and daugh
ter, Mrs. J. J. Kohoe, the latter from
Seattle, arrived Saturday from Port
land. The daughter left for Seattle
the next day, having come her to
:ee hr farther. On Sunday MIbs
Sammy Creighton came up from
Portland and with the family will
live in the Butler cottage next to
The Times print shop.
In the Blue Mountains
Everett Richmond and a friend
from The Dalles left yesterday
morning for the deer habitat in the
Blue mountains. They went in the
Richmond truck and intend to make
their stay cover a full week, wheth
er they kill any deer or not
Frock Shop. ,
The Dalles, Ore.
The accompanying picture is that
of A. S. (Sid) Johnson, Democra
tic nominee for the office of sheriff
of Wasco county. Mr. Johnson
needs no introduction to the people
of the county seat, although he is
not generally known throughout the
farming communities. Look at his
picture, then allow your minds to
run alohg business channels.
Mr. Johnson homesteaded in Was
co county many years ago, long be
fore Sherman county was set off
from this county. He figured as one
of the substantial men of the new
copnty for many yean; his advice
was sought by many on business
matters. He has been a successful
wheat grower, knows the livestock
game from all angles and thoroughly
understands the problems that face
the Oregon agriculturists. Today he
is owner of two prolific wheat
ranches in Sherman county.
For the past eight years Mr.
Johnson has been a resident of The
Dalles. He is there engaged in the
real estate business and his clientele
is one of the largest In this section.
People who have property for sale
know they will get a square deal
when they list with Sid Johnson, and ;
those who are looking to the ac
quisition of property realize they are
dealing with an honest, conscienti
ous end scrupulous man when they
Fine Chance to Pick Up Horses,
Cattle and Hogs' Cheaply
On Saturday of this week Knute
Hedin, the silver voiced singer of
Pine Grove, will let his melodious
tones run rampant when' he cries the
sale of the Shepflin livestock, farm
implement", household goods and a
thousand and one other things us
ually found on a well ordered ranch.
Frr.nk Stuart will be on the job as
clerk and will attend to taking in
tho cash as well as arranging to
carry those who desire to give notes
for their purchases. Julius has been
busy buying all kinds of edibles end
will serve all who attend the sale
with a bounteous lunch, all he asks
is that visitors bring their own cups.
Got Three Deer
Billy Miller and Joe Kramer went
to the Blue mountains last week
after deer. That was Joe's aecond
hunt for the season, the first one
not being prolific of venison. 1 This
time, however, the two men succeed
ed in bringing down three fine
Bug Still Here
, The little blonde bug which has
graced the street in front of The
Times shop for several days is still
on the job. It is a real nice little
car end should appeal to some one
who likes to drive soft and low. It
is capable' of hitting up a fast clip
when wanted and will run on the
Henry Ford reputation, with a min
imum amount of gas and oil es e
coaxcr. The first $25.00 handed to
us takes the bug away.
Hunt Go Busy
Hearing that quite a bunch of
names were required to fill out the
quota necessary to effect the plac
ing of the recall of Judge Adkisson
on the ballot, Billy Hunt and Bill
Staats visited the Flat regions Sat
urday and succeeded in having the
names of over 60 voters and tax
payers attached to the petitions.
When Mr. Hunt goes after a thing
that thing better quit end come into
ramp, as was uhown by the number
of names he secured.
seek his services in quest of invest
ment Mr. Johnson is not seeking the
office of sheriff for the purpose of
getting bread and butter for bb
family. He is possessed of suffi
cient of this world's goods to take
care of that end of the buaincts.In
making the campaign Mr, Johnson
has been nerved with the idea that
it takes en extra good man to fill
the shoes of Levi Cbrisman, but be
lieves he can do so, end that to the
extent that he will be able to ef
fect a saving in the conduct of the
office, end at the came time keep
up its usual efficiency. If he is
elected will be a real sheriff, as he
possesses that personality and sa
gacity that goes to make an ideal
peace officer for the county. He
makes no promises other than a
guarantee of honesty, economy end
an administration in keeping with
the provisions of the law.
Wasco county will make no mis
take when they vote for Sid John
son. If elected he will fit into the
office like an old shoe on a sore
foot, end the saving he will effect
will not be a few dollars, but will
mean much to all taxpayers. All
money coming to his office will be
turned into the proper channels. He
will be content with the salary pro
vided for the sheriff and will en
force ell provisions of the law with
out fear or favor.
The Times has been marked up a3
being ultra Republican. That is an
error. We believe in supporting the
wt fit for the office, and in giving
support to Sid Johnson we know we
are working in the interest of the
best man. Voters will realize that
fact before election
and when the
day comes to cast votes we expect
to see the bigest vote of the county
cart for A. S. Johnson for the im
portant office of sheriff.
Several Maupin Players Wear
signa of Madras Caulks
The football game , between tire
Maupin and Madras High school '
teams, played on the Maupin grid on
Saturday last resulted in a sweep
ing victory for the visitors. Not
alone did the Madras boys win the
game but they left mementos of
their visit on the faces and bodies
of several Maupin boys. Ira Kidder
nursed a badly cut hand, Orville Fra
ley entertained some unsightly cuts
on his face, while Elton Snodgrass'
nose showed the imprint of calks.
Tom Slusher, while not showing any
bruises said that his body wa; cut
up sufficient to show that he had
been in the game. No parlor game
is football.
Last Sheep In
The last of the Fargher sheep ar-
river from the mountains Sunday
and were taken to the rach on Bake
oven the next day. On Tuesday
about 700 of those sheep were driven
to Shaniko and there loaded out for
markets in the eart
Con a Huntin'
O. D. and B. D. Bothwell with W.
P. filler left for the tall and uncut
Saturday, it being their intention to
slaughter a few deer. 1 hey went in
a truck which was equipjed with all
the parapheralia imaginable, and
which was large enough to bring
back all the deer in the mountain:!.
Mrs- Theresa Hawkela, aged and
almost poverty-stricken resident of
Vienna, has been willed $1,000,000
by a wealthy American who was her
sweetheart of long ago.
Notice to Legal Voters, Town of
The date of October 26, 1928, has
been set by the Town Council for
the nomination of Town Officers, to
be voted on at "the coming election
on December 3, 1928. Said meeting
will b held at the Oddfellow hall at
7:30 p. m.
By J. H. Woodcock,
A report is in circulation to the
effect that the county court has the
sum of 6,000 on hand which will
be applied to the construction of a
basement at the county farm. The
recent report of the grand Jury con
tained a recommendation that such
should be constructed. Should that
recommendation be followed by the
county court, it is likely that an in
junction against expenditure will be
sued for and the building of the
basement stopped. ,
It is said by those who claln to
know, that the building at the farm
is not worth the cost of the base
ment. To appropriate money for the
improvement would be a waste, end
now that the county officials ere
pledged to a season of economy end
tax reduction, it is said there will be
a watch kept on the doings of the
county board and ell unnecessary
expenditures be nipped in the bud.
Patrons Down
White River Want
Opened to Sherars
Ward Buzan was in Maupin on
Monday circulating a petition for
the continuation of the Wamic
Tygh mail route to Sherars. Before
the mail ine was changed the mail
was carried from Wamic to Sherars.
Now patrons along that route ere
compelled to hold their cream until
the afternoon down trip of the mail
wagon, thus eausing them great in
convenience, and ' sometimes ' con
siderable loss. The petitions asked
that the mail route be continued to
Sherars Bridge, thus giving milk
shippers a chance to get their mail
on the midnight train for Portland,
insuring early delivery. i.
The new mail route has not bene
fited Maupin to any great extent
the early arrival of the Cregonian
being about the only real benefit
we enjoy. There is some first class
mail arriving on that line, but the
matter of the few hours between
that arrival nd that of the afternoon
0. W. mail train makes no appre
ciable difference in correspondence
with outside points.
Auctioneer Advertises
N.- G. Hedin has an advertisement
in this isiue of The Times in which
he states he is ready to cry auction
sales. He also is equipped to take
care of all legal matters pertaining
to sales, arrange for advertising
such and will always work for. his
clients' interest Mr. Hedin needs
no introduction to the people of this
section as an actuioineer, for he has
cried many sales since coming to
Juniper Flat and at each one realiz
ed prices in excess of what was ex
pected. If you are contemplating
having a sale see Mr. Hedin before
making all arrangements; he'll treat
you right
Chiloquin Local state bank sold
to Cancorporation.
SUNDAY. Odlober..... Iffi'
Hoof Beats! On the Winggs of Night?
The Modem Musketeer
ON ' Ml'.
One of Zane Gray's yarns of roariug guns and the
harsh desert life of the southwest. A story which
combines outlawry with romance, muking a vivid
picture ot western life as it used to be
Love - Intrigue - Dash
Romantic Throughout
W. T. Hunt and W. H. Staats, with
Sam Ward of Boyd went to the
county seat Tuesday for th pur
pose of filing the recall "potitionj
asking that Judge Adkisson bo un
seated as county judge. The gentle
men were informed that if the
petition were filed before the begin
ning of the 20-day limit it would be
necessary to call a special election
on the matter, whereas, if they wait
ed until Saturday the matter might
be placed on he regular election
ballot at the coming election.
It is reported that Judge Adkt
son has stated that if 1,000 names
were signed to the petitions, he
would resign, thereby making a vote
on his recall unnecessary. Thore ,
having the matter in hand will prose
cute the work of securing signatures
with greater interest In the attempt
to secure the additional names, it will
then be up to the judge to make his
word good and reign before the
voters have a chance to show their
displeasure of his actions while in the
position as county judge.
Students Anxious to Install
in New Gymnasium
Don't forget the dance at the
Tygh Valley tchool gymnasium on
Satlrday evening of this week. The
High school orchestra will be on
hand, while the floor will be in the
best of condition. The students are
installing shower baths in the gym
nasium and the dance is given to
help, defray, the expenre ; of same. .
Help them out by your presence at
their dance. '
FuIItertoa Among Higeet
R. C. Fulkerson, government
trapper for ibis section, again num
ber; among the high catches for
September. In that month, working
30 days, he succeeded in catching
one bobcat 16 coyotes and two bear,
making e total of 19 predatory ani
mals taken. As the department
publishes only the eleven highest
marks for each month, it will be seen
that our trapper was not idle dur
ing the month clored.
Convalescents Out
Dr. Short and Mrs. Signe Fischer
who have been confined to their
rooms for several days, had so far
recovered as to be able to be about
town Monday. Dr. Short has been
ill on several occasions lately, while
Mrs. Fischer has been suffering
with an attack of nervous prostra
tion. Mr. Morisy, who has been in Mau
pin for several summers, enjoying
the fishing in the Deschutes, left
for Portland last week, having con
cluded his season's pleasure.
25c and 50c j