Always working for Ihc best Interests of Maupln and all of Southern Wasco County. Publishes only that news fit to print Caters to no particular, class, but works for all VOLUME XIV MAUPIN, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1928 Number 48 .2L. J1L JLVJiL Lbgj v&J LIGHTNING'S PRANK DAMAGES DOWN RIVER PLANT Promptness of Operator MuLt la Shutting Off Power Saved " Valuable Machinery What might havo been a great lo. of mochlncry accurred at the Oak Sprinipi power plant last Fri day. During a small rain and elec trical alorm that day the heavenly Juice attacked the generator nt the plant, buring out several iniull coiU In the armature. Operator A. E. Mark, with rare presence of mind hut the water from the plpo line and atopped the machinery, thus preventing more buring of coils and ruination of the generator. The plant at this plaeo has been called upon to carry an extra load, ea the bridge workers have Installed a heavy motor, which taxes the lo cal plant to capacity. When that motor lr. operating tho current I somewhat erratic, lights flickering and other motors running on a hit and miu schedule. The company has not Initalled lightning arresters, ai the danger from that source was thought to have been over for this season. It is the Intention to install arresten and other safeguards soon, and with these In tho electrical plants will be made Immune from diss,-, trous visitations of current from tho clouds, Repair on the injured armatures will be completed by tho first of the commg week, and thou our power plants will he functioning as they rhould, with plenty of Juice for all purposes. WHIPPING TEAM IN SHAPE Waplaltla Feotballiets Rounding Out for Coming Scrimmages , Prof. L . V. Broughton is wprk hard to put his rchool football team In condition for the season. His ag gregation is said to be the second heaviest in the county, and if weight counts for anything Waplnltla may be expected, to carry away thi honors in a majority of the games played by the rchool team. Thfi new football togs and paraphernalia has arrived, it having been procured through the good offices of E. A. Hartman. Ladies Aid Supper The Ladles Aid of the U. B. church govo a chicken t upper at the Rainbow restaurant on Saturday evening, at which a goodly number of Mauplnites participated. Tho supper was given to add funds to the purchase price of a lot designed to hold a church edifice some time in the future,. . Took Hogs to Market Everett Richmond took a truck load of hogs to the Portland market Sunday morning, returning Monday. Th hogs were shipped by Leonard Weborg. ., , Barkam Family Leaves A, J. Barkham and family left for Hood River on Saturday last and will make that city their home. Mr. Barkham may secure a lease on the flour mill at that place, in which case he will reopen and begin mak ing the superior brand of flour, for which he is noted. He also will con tinue with the. manufacture of his famous hotcake cereal. Insurance Man Here , Ellas Kilon,' representing the State Industrial Insurance commis sion, in churge of the 19 counties of Eastern Oregon, was in Maupin rc centy. While here Mr. Kilen wrote up the force of The Times, rb well as making arrangements for other enterprises to carry the State ac cident insurance. He lives at Hood River. Raising Muskrats Mike Kimaey is another who has the muskrat bee In his bonnet. On , Sunday he received two pair of Tats N from a grower at Littleton, Colorado i and has planted them in bin pond on bis ranch above Morrow's on White river. Mike also has a colony of beaver In the pond, one of which re ' cently gave birth to several young. If You Haven't Registered Do It Before Saturday ! FOOTBALL SATURDAY NEXT Local High School Take oa Fast Madras Team The football season will be for mally opuned in Maupln on Satur day of this week, when Maupln meets the fast Madras bunch on tho local gridiron. Msupin's huskiea have been applying themsolvc.i ' ns filduoualy to the intricacies of new plays and arc prepared to give all school teams hereabouts a run for victory. The Madras aggregation is composed of real football playen and the members are under instruc tion of a man who knows the game from beginning to. end. All Mau pinites rhould turn out and help our boys to win by consistent plugging for them. ' FLOCKMASTERS SHIP. SHEEP TO CH1CACO MARKET Connolly end Farghers Fill Cars With Spring Lambs Some Leave Here, Others at Bend Scvcrul thousand head of spring Iambs were shipped from this 0. W. station this week. On Tuesday tho Fsrghers loaded out about 2,000 head, which had been purchased by a Pendleton buyer for tho eastern murket. J. P. Abbott shipped eight carloads at the same time. The Connollys recently shipped 8,000 head of lahmba. they being loaded at Bend. The sheep will go through Idaho, stopping In transit in that state for feeding. " On Fleming Ranch Orvllle Davis, Tcho" has becn-work-Ing on the Fleming Bakcoven ranch for somo time, has moved to tho Frank Fleming ranch lately vacalcd by tho M. I. Shearer family, and will farm that place hereafter. He made the move to his npw home on Tuesday. The Tammany hat 3 -7 I't DATS A E50IP CF a omg rr BARTHALA IN AUTO WRECK Maupln Man Injured When Auto Coet Into Ditch Top Tjrgh Crade Whiles on his way to Hoed River from Maupln on Monday Jack Bar thalu figured in an auto wreck Just beyond tho top of the Tygh Ridge irradc. Llias Kilen, with the state Insurance conmilsion, passed the overturned car and proceeded about 300 yards when he was arrested by the tooting of an auto horn. At there was no other car in sight Mr. Kilen bucked up to the capsized wit chine and dittcovercd Jack doubled up under it. He went to the Hend ricks ranch house and phoned for help. Before he left the housa three can. were at the wreck and the men thereof raised the car so as to get it off the recumbent man, then they tore a hole in the top and took Jack fro mthe wreck. At that time he was all but In, his lips turning blue and he being nearly suffocated, One of the autoists took Barthela to Dufur, where he received medi cal attention, and later was taken to a Dalles ho: pital. Just how badly hs was injured we have not learned. When Mr. Kilene approached Jack had strength to ask for relief and to say that he kept tooting the horn, hoping to attract attention to his predicament. Nick Karolus phoned to Maupln from The Dalles, stating that Jack says he wa3 ran into by an east bound 'auto, the driver hurrying away after the collision. Old Timer Visits Ernert Mayhew, father of Virgil and Dolph Mayhew, came up from his home at Woodburn lant Satur day and from that day until 'Mon day evening visited with hb sons and old friends. Mr. Mayhew says that his section has not been visited by rain since last June, and that the country is rather dry. New Tammany moved to its fashionable new headquarters. News item. Voo BET ITS NEW. klcu iQINlYUCrj. MEW ME.W POISIAH RUG.S UPOH THE FLOORS, amti witt NtW GOLDEH COSPlDOfcS; A SWtLL 0L PAINTING ON TiACH WALL, IN THIS HER &AM-HiW TAMMAriy HALL. CAMARY BOIDS TO SIHG TWEtT-TWEST, AMD KEEP OUR. NtWHOME PUR AND SWEET, A STAR-CAtt. FROHT AMD REAR., AND-LOOK!" A DIAMOND CHANDELIER !- Just like- A Millionaire- -hotel, For TAMMANy 15 G&TTIN6 SWELL- you bit rr n.w, well 5Ay rrt new- tXCEPT THt VAPTAIH AMD W Wiv; uTuni 'J 1WTTTT73T'. . - U In . . STATEMENT WAS ERRONEOUS Tax Commission Misquoted Regard ing Resolution Introduced Some of the Oregon dailies Of September 28 published a news story, under A.'sociated Press, dato line, to the effect that the Property Tux Relief commission had ' "voted unanimously as favoring the princi ple of an income tax, but did not endorse any particular form." . The official record of the meeting shows that a .motion to approve in jrindplo an income tax with a property tax offset was made and withdrawn, and that the rpecial cammitte named from the fourth sub-committee to make a study and rvport on income taxation to the ib-committe was continued for the purpose of malting such study and report after tho November election. The above is the substance of the iction taken regarding tax matters and applies solely to income tax L inattersmalters. The correction is naked for by Mr. John H. Carkin, chairman of the Property Tax Re lief' commission. BIG DANCE AT SHADY BROOK Meadowlarks Will Show Their Staff and Good Time Promised Shady Brokkers have arranged for another of their good times' at a dance to be held at the Community hall at that place this week Satur day. The Meadowlarks, the best orchestra in this reetion, will dis play their wares on that occasion afd Conrad Hauser and others at the head of the affair promise one of the best times of the season. Every one invited, ro make arrangements to attend. ' ' Invi ible Bobbie hair pins, 5 cents a package at the Maupin Drug Store. WE'LL 5AV ITS MtW. Ol)Aft.TEtti TOO 3 r 7 r m - A vs.-; ,N Vt ooo ' FALSE WORK COING UP FAST , New Bridge Attaining Shape as Some Forms Being Filled The new bridge over the De rchutes at this place is fast assum ing shape. Several bents of the falne work have been raised and several forms of the foundation have been filled. The crusher force has delivered the crushed rock while Mayhew & Davidson are bu.y filling their contract for about 11,000 yards of sand. The grounds about the structure resemble a shipyard with many men at work. AUCTION SALES GO OVER BIG Well Attended and Prices Better Than Exepccted Both Sales The auction sales pulled off by M. I. Shearer and Dick Stakely, the first last Thursday and the latter on Saturday, went over big. The Shearer offerings were snapped up quickly, French Butler getting bet ter offers than were expected. The Stakelcy offerings, concisting of a variety of things, also went at good prices. The Shearers have moved to a ranch near The Dalles, while Stakeley will go to a lately ac quired ranch near Condon the Ut ters part of the week. Teaching at Shaniko Miss Margaret Elliott, who taught in the Tygh Valley schools the past two years la now numbered among the faculty of the Shaniko schools. With her as principal is John Sto- vall, who at 6ne time laugni in" the Maupin schools. . More Deer Hunters Billy Miller took on a case of deer fever the firct of the week and with Joe Kramer left for the Blue moun tains Wednesday morning. Billy and Joe hanker for a taste of veni ron, but prefer to kill and dress their own, hence their trek. More Deer Hunters ' . "?Curl?y" Hare, Carl Marks and the junior member of The Times of fice went to the Snow Mountain country last Thur day after deer. They 'hunted the brakes about Wa mic the week previous, but not being able to find deer there made up their minds to go where they were. They returned Tuesday evening. Adrertiting Does Pay Does advertising pay? We sa,v it does. For verification of our state ment ju: t ask Joe Chastain. A week or so ago he advertised three lost horses. The day after publication a man appeared at Joe's home and told him Iiis horses were at Friend. Joe sent a man after them, recover ing his beet span, and all because of the lost notice appearing in The Times. Job's Comforters- Job Crabtree has been laid up several days this week with boils, which induced eresypelas. As was his Biblical namesake, our worthy contractor has been suffering much pain, but failed to call for death, as did the Job of old. One-Time Editor Calls Mn Jesslline Morrison, one time editor and publisher of The Times, ) came up from Battle Ground, Wash-' ington, last Sunday and made a fra-' ternal call on this print shop. Mrs. j Morrison is conducting a job printing j shop and school of printing at the Adventist academy at Battle Ground and is meeting with much success in that line. She drove up with a trailer and took her piano home with her. Shearers Leave M. I. Shearer and family left for their new ranch near The Dalles la.'t Saturday. The Shearer family have been with us a number of years and during their stay here made many friends, all of whom will regret their leaving. Mr. Shearer recently J bought a fine ranch on the Wren- tham road and intonds to continue in the dairy business as well as rai; ing grain. LOCAL MUSICIANS IN NEifCOIIlNITY Beginners FlfBre la Line-Up R. Doaae ! Power Plaat Diracts Rehearsals oa Fridays At last Maupin is to have a band. Effort looking to that end have been put forth before, but the fly In the ointment of organizing a band war, of force tufficent t o discourage th enterprise. R. Doane, employed at tho White River power plant, a musician of years' experience in band work, is the director and he is sanguine of whipping the various members into a real band, cne which will be a credit to members and the locality. Rehearsals are held each Friday evening at Tygh Valley, the follow ing members and , instrumentation attending: R. Doan, soprano aaxaphone. Vernie Wing, soprano saxaphone, Ed. R. Semmes, soprano saxo phone. ' Ethmer Light, melody saxaphone. Paul Light, Alto saxaphone. Claire NorvaL tenor saxaphone. Paul Muller, baritone saxaphone. Tom Woodcock, solo clarinet. Alfred Brown, first clarinet' Lloyd Claymire, second clarinet W. H. Staata, solo alto. Claude Robert,-alto. " , James Wray, tenor -slide trombone Dr. Short, slide trombone. David Campbell, slide trombone. Estel Stovall, snare drum. Arthur Mullor, "bss drum. B. N. Slusherbjss hor:,. K. A. Cyr, 8b cornet Clifford Brown, second cornet George Wing, first cornet ' Frank Brown, third cornet ,. Lyle Buzan, -cornet Several of the players are' old band men and their help will go a long ways in instructing the young players. Each member of the' or ganization is "full up" with music and each is industriously practicing so that soon 'the band will be able to make a public appearance. The need of a band has long been rec ognized hereabouts. - There . are many occasions when the services of such are required and now that we have a band in embryo it will be but a short time until it will be in a position to fill the air with real music, and that not having ', dis cordant note;. "SPOOKY SPOOKS" NEXT BILL Wigwam Players Return With New Play October 10 The Wigwam Players will play a return date at Maupin on Wednes day evening, October 13, when the comedy "Spooky Spooks" will be the offering. The company earned de served praise during its recent en gagement here and with the new piay will not doubt add to the laurela gained here before. The company will be at the Legion hall. Arrange to attend the Bhow. Driving Dandy Car Dr. Stovall, while in Portland re cently acquired a fine Marmon auto, The machine L the last work in au to construction and the doctor is well proud of it i C Crasher Moved. j - The rock crusher crew has con cluded ita contract here and thia week moved the outfit to near the Billy Hunt ranch at Criterion. The crusher supplied several hundred yards of rock for the new bridge, and will now finish the contract for crushed rock for the highway. Dyers Going East i Frank Dyer and wife are arrang ing to soon leave for an extended visit with relatives in the east They will start as soon as work ceases on the section and Frank is released for tho winter. - ? ; ? Special on box stationery 60 cent boxes 35 cents while they last at the Maupin Drug Store. : FOUND Pair of gold bow rimlesa spectacles. Owner may have same by calling at this ' office, identifying glasses and paying for this advertisement ' 48-tf t '4 CORNET BAND