The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, September 20, 1928, Image 2

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The Maixpm Times
C W. Semmcs, Editor
C W. SaiAmei and E. R. Sinmn
Published every Thursday at
Maupia, Orego
Subscription: On year, 11.50; six
BtObUia, $1.00; three months, SOcts.
Entered as second clast mail mat
ter September 8, 1914, at the post
office at Uaupin, Oreon, nndr the
Aot of MarehS, 1879.
flak at OllaUie ,
A party of Portland people con
listing of Cliff Ingham and wife,
with a friend, and W. H. Williams
of . Maupin, made a trip to Ollalle
lake last Friday for the purpose of
fishing. They found the fish rather
bashfal of their lure and came home
wih small catches. Mr. Ingham's
wife b a sister of Mr. Williams.
The visitors left for Portland Tues
5hea Came Out
John Fitzgerald came out of the
mountains with the flocks of the
Mutton Mountain Sheep company
' on Monday. The cheep summered
well and are all in fine shape. They
arc now at the ranch corrals above
Called Staata
, -Theo. Luckley, son of a former
agent at the Warm Springs agency,
called en W. H. Staats this morning.
Kr. Luckey is engaged in the jewelry
badness att Eugene and was on his
way around the highway loop going
koine by way of our highway and
the Mackenzie pa?3..
wanted and she was returned to her
home at Tygh none the worse for
her ride. The charge was nonsensi
cal and embroiled two men whose
standing in the community is un
challenged as being upright and de
sirable citizens.
Leal VaJaaU Cow
One of the best cows of the Job
Crabtree dairy herd suffered frac
tures of the hips Sunday and had to
be killed. The loss of that mik
giver cuts down the production of
the Crabtree dairy for the time be
Teacaiag Bakeavea School
Miss Lenore Woodcock has been
installed as teacher of the Bakeoven
school, near Mallatt's ranch, she
coming from Wamic. Miss Wood
cock is making her home with Mr.
and Mrs. Mailatt.
Flaming School Teacher
Miss Barbara Henricks, who
taught In the Shady Brook district
last year, is now filling a like posi
tion in the Fleming school With
Miss Francois, Mks Henricks is
keeping bachelor hall in the Fryman
house, near her school
Watched FUhcrtn
, Morris Greene went to The Dalles
I'tt J ! .md from there to V sh
ain. At .:, latter place he watchco
aalKvfi ;'ishe' men draw in their nets
. says awny fine fish are Iciu
lake, tome of which reached 45
f - in wiu'eV
fceaaaasical Charge
V" Joe Kramer was called by a Tygh
Valley nan one night last week and
S-is'rirted to arrest a trio who were
Pi -v vi'.h V.onsebreaking. The
' of 1'ic rrrty'were apprehended
. -.;!. ! proved they had
...' connection with the reported bur
glary: A third member of the party
a young lady, was the one really
Hart ia Practice
While at football practice -yesterday
Clarence Hunt had his right
leg badly wrenched. Ira Kidder suf
fered a broken nose and Richard
Crabtree a sprained finger. All for
the sport of the game.
Constructing Basamcnt
Dr. Stovall has Billy Hockman
at work excavating for a basoment
under the Stovall residence. If the
digging is hard the doctor w ill have
jat sufficient earth removed to ac
comodate a heating plant, but other
wise will build a basement under the
whole structure.
Back to O. A. C.
After spending ail summer and
part of last spring at home working
on the ranch, Bobby Lewis returned
to 0. A. C. this morning, lie is
taking the electrical engineering
course and will remain all through
the school year.
I have for sale 100 head of Hay
Creek Ramboulet bucks, also 100
head of quarter-blood lurks on the
A. C Buckley ranch at Tygh Val
ley. The supply is limited, so get
what you want early. Inquire of
Buckley of Carl Dahl. 66-tl
FOR SALE A No. 6 Melotte cream
separtor, $50.00; Vaughan wood
saw, $50.00; set of heavy harness,
cheap; one light harness, also
cheap.. Mrs. Anna Bradway,
Smock Prairie. 45-tf
8. SH KE l , N'i SEH, See. 14,
SV NWVi, Sec. 20, Town.ihlp
7 South, Range 17 East, Willamette
Meridian, ha filed notice of inten.
tun to make final three year proof,
to establish claim to the land above
described, before II. C. Rooper,
United States Commissioner, at An
telope. Oregon, on the 8th day of
November, 1928.
Claimant names ss witnesses:
Omar'H. Borthwick, Charles E. Her
man, Louis E. Ransdell, James Bax
ter all of Antelope, Oregon.
S20-O18 J. W. Donnelly,
Takes Oat Liceaao
A marriage license was issued by
County Clerk Crichton on Wednes
day to Kenneth G. Urfer of Portland
and Miss Alma Darlene of Arlington.
Mr. Vrfer is n mining engine., n
sn.duate of 1 ngon State co' vN
and a frnterny brother of Dan Pi i
iig of the Ma-pin school faculty.
Boutht Dairy Cows
Job Crabtree went to Portland
and Valley points Tuesday and while
there purchased ceveral fine dairy
cows. Everett Richmond left with
his truck yesterday morning nii-i
brought ' several of the cows to
Maupin today.
Returned From California
Mrs. Oscar Renick. who was called
to the bedside of her father a couple
of weefcs ago, returned to her Mau
pin home last Saturday. WThile she
was away Oscar played housekeeper
and looked after the youngsters.
At the Bert Scott ranch, Smock
Prairie, at $1.00 the box if you
bring your own boxes. Fine
fruit 45-t2
FOR SALE 180 bushels of 12S
hybrid wheat at Hunts Ferry
Warehouse. 45-t3
FOR SALE 12-foot -McCormick
header, in first class condition.
Price $160.00. Ed. Herrling,
Shaniko, Oregon.
FOR SALE New Zealand sheep
Romney buck, five two-year-olds,
three Ramboulets; two Guernsey
bulls, one yearling, one two-year-old.
Albert Hill, Wamic, Oregon.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, September 18, 1928.
Notice is hereby given that
A. Vernon Ransdell
of Antelope, Oregon, who, one Sept.
21, 1923, made Homestead Entry
under Act Dec. 29, 1916, No. 022912
for EV4 NE, NEVi SWVi, Sec
Department Of The Interior '
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, August 16, 1923.
Notice is hereby given that
Charles A. ArneU
of Wapinitia, Oregon, who, on Octo
ber 30, 1923, made homestead en
try, act December 29, 1916, No.
023350, for SH SW4, Sec. 4, EH,
Sec. 5, NWK, NWK SWK. Sec.
3, NEVi SEU, Sec. 8, Township
6, S., Range 13, E., Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of inten
tion to mae final three year proof,
to establish ch.m to tho land above
described, before F. D. Stuart,
United States Commissioner, at Mau
pin, Oregon, on the 6th day of Octo
ber 1928.
Claimant names as witnesses:
John Davis, of Wopinitia, Oregon,
Ed Gabel, of Maupin Oregon, John
Boon, of Wapinitia, Oregon, L. T.
Wood ide, of Wapinitia, Oregon,
S 20-018 J. W. Donnelly, Reg.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Wasco County
State Land Board of t!.e State of
Bert McCready, Carrie F. McCready,
D. B. Appling, Thomas Moss, Mag.
gie Moss, E. K. Moss, and the
First National Bank of Hanford,
California, a corporation,
To Thomas Moss, Maggie Moss, E.
K. Moss, and the First National
Bank of Hanford, California, a
OF OREGON: You are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the
complaint tiled against you in the
above entitled suit within four weeks
from the date of the first publica
tion, or within four weeks of the
date of personal -ervice of this sum
mons upon you outside of the State
of Oregon, and if you fail to so
answer, for want thereof, the plain
tiff will apply to the court for the
relief, prayed for in said complaint,
towit: for judgment and decree
against the defendants, Bert Mc
Cready. Carrie F. McCready and D.
5 miles northwest of Maupir., Oregon, on
Thursday, Sept.
At which time the following cattle, horses hogs, im
plements and household goods will be sold:
When in The Dalles drop
in and hear the latest
records. Every Saturday
we give one Record Free
with each purchase ot
Two Records.
The Dalles, Ore.
Pure Bred Sires Increaje Butterfat Production
When Dave Fitzpatrick, President of Tillamook Cream
ery Association, first started to raise the. standard of
his Jersey herd, by introducing pure bred sires, his but
ter fat production was only 3 per cecnt. Today the
milk tests 5.4 per cent. The present herd sire in a full
blood brother to L. C. Daniel's world-record cow.
The Pacific International Livestock Exposition to be
held in Portland, Oregon, November 3-10, affords an op
portunity of seeing and studying dairy cows with
records of 500 pounds of butterfat per year, and more.
Maupin State Bank
. 2
rTilillllll iiiiimf
B. Appling in the sum of $7U0 with
interest thereon at tho rate of six
per cent per annum from April 13,
1927, until paid, and for the further
turn of 75 attorneys' fees, and for
its costs and disbursements herein
expended, and for a further decree
that the mortgage described in thy
plaintiff's complaint be foreclosed,
and that the property included ' in
said mortgage, namely; The west
half of the fouthwest quarter (W4
SE4), the east half of the south
west quarter (EH SW'4), Section
Five (6) ; the north half of the north
east quarter (N',4 NEU), Section
Seven (7)i the north half of the
northwest quarter (N'i NVi),
Section Eight (8); Township Seven
(7) South of Range Fifteen (15)
East of the Willamette Meridian, in
Wasco County, Oregon, containing
320 acres, be sold In the manner
provided by law, and that the de
fendant and each of them be barred
and forever foreclosed of all right,
title, interest of claim to said real
property, that the purchased be plac
ed in immediate possosrion of said
premi es at sale.
This summons Is published by or
der of Honorable Fred W. Wilson.
Judge of the above entitled court by
order, made and entered under date
of September, 1928. First public-
tion of this summon in Maupin '
Times under date of September 20,
1928 and last publication under date
of October 18, 1928..
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Residence and postoffijn address:
502 First National Bumc Bldg.,
The Dalles, Oregon.
Second District
property embraced in such decree of
foreclosure mid hereinafter describ
ed, I will, on the 29th day of Octo
ber, 1928, at the hour of 10 o'clock,
In the A. M. noon of said day, and
at the front door of the County
Court House in Dalles City, Waco
County, Oregon, sell at public auc
tion to the highest bidder for cull
In h i visa., O - rihl title an inter
est t.ich Defendant August liarsch
had on the 30th day of August,
1919, the date of the mortgage fore
closed herein, or which such De
fendant has since acquired, or now
has In and to the following described
real property, situate and being la
Wasco County, Oregon, to-wlt;
West half of the West half
(WH W4), southest quarter of the
southwest quarter (SE14 SWV4),
south half of the southeast quarter
(SH SE), and the northeast
quarter of the southeast quarter
(NEVi SEU), Section Twenty
Six (26) Township Eight (t),
South of Range Seventeen (17)
East of the Willamette Meridian, or
so much of said property as will
ati fy said judgment and decree
with costs and accruing costs.
Said pripcrty will be sold subject
to confirmation and redemption aa
by law provided.
Dated at The Dalles, Oregon,
this 12th day of September, 1928.
Sheriff Wasco County, Oregon.
In The Circuit Court of tha State of
Oregon for Wasco County.
3 Dairy Cows 1 3 -inch Wagon
4 Brood Sows (to pig this fall) 1 3-Bottom John Deere Plow
5 Brood Sows (with pigs) 1 2-Bottom Oliver Plow
8 Head Work Horses 1 Disc Plow
2 Saddle Horses 1 Bean Thresher
1 Three-Year-Old Colt 1 Kimble Weeder
3 Yearling Colts ' 1 Sewing Machine
1 Yearling Mule 1 Library Table
1 Hay Baler 5 Iron Barrels
1 McCormick Reaper 1 Oil Stove
TERMS OF SALE $10.00 and under, cash. On purchases of $10.00 or over
bankable note due in one year, drawing 8 per cent interest will be accepted.
Free Lunch at Noon Bring Your Cups
F. C. Butler, Auctioneer
F. D. Stuart, Clerk
r '
'4t "'H
& y if
-Paid, Advertisement
State Land Board of the State of
. vs
August Barsch,
By Virtue of an execution, decree
and order of sale, duly issued out
of and under the real of tho Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon, for
tho County of Wasco, to mo execu
tion being the 12th day of Septcm
tion being directed, dated the 12th
day of September, 1928 upon a de
cree for the foreclosure of a certain
mortage, and judgment rendered and
entered in said Court on the 30th day
of August, 1928, in the above entitl
ed cause, in favor of tho Plaintiff
and against the Defendant, August
Barsch, ao judgment debtor, in tho
sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars,
With interest thereon from the 6th
day of August, 1027 at the rate of
six per cent, per annum, and the
further sum of One Hundred, Fifty
Dollars, as attorney's fees, and the
further sum of Thirty Six and
80 1 00 Dollars, costs, and the coats
of and upon this Writ, and command
ing me to make sale of the real
Department of The laterW
U. S. Land Office at The Dallea,
Oregon, August 21, 1928.
Notice la hereby given that .
Julia Spallngar ,
of Shaniko, Oregon, who, on Sep
tember 15, 1925, made homestead
entry net December 29, 19H, No.
024003, for 8EV4 NEK, NEK 8EK
Section 8, SVfc NW1, EH SW,
W',4 SEU, Sec, 9, T 8, S. R, 16, and
on March 2, 1027, made additional
homestead entry No. 025821 for SW
U, NWV4 SEU, Sec. 3, SEU
SEV4, Section 9, EH NW14, See
tion 10. Township 8. 8., Range- 16.
E., Willamette Meridian, haa filed
notice of intention to make final
three year proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
H. C. Rooper, United States Cont
ml sioner, at Antelope, Oregon, on
the Oth day of October 1028.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Edwin .Wakerlig, of Shaniko, Ore
gon, Potcr E. Conroy of Shaniko
Oregon, Andrew Brown of Shaniko,
Oregon and John Joyce of Maupin,
A30-S27 J. W. Donnelly, Reg.
Wilson Painting Co.
House and Sign
i. o. a r.
Lodgn No. 200, Maupin, Oregon
meets every Saturday night In I. O.
O. F. hall. Visiting member alwayt
D. L. Rutherford, N. C
O. F. Renick, Sec'.
Call, Write or phone, Times Ofice.
Maupin, Oregon.
Undertaking and
Call Maupin Drug Stare
, Phona-345