'Always working for the best Interests of Maupin, and all of si uthcrn Wasco County. ;!, I , .Publishes only. that news fit to pnr.tT Caters "to no particular ; T class,- but works for tSLi"'" . , i .. a ,i tt- MAUPIN, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEETEMiiEIl 20, 1928 ' v. . ; , Number 4l VOLUME XIV wis 5i'(iff 1- Hi i:-.r -I.':- . a) 3317 INTEREST jHIGH IN 4-H CLUB WORK q b-.d. This Mb raemberi rrem . ... ' d ' W IV 1 w wa w v mHwwg '' ''TrleO WfftMM '- ; ;- 0; it. i: :'- -qo ft ft fbtc'ii-; J - r-r Through, the courtesy of County Superlntendem.'',Cronewald The 'Time to this Week enabled "to give , a lUt of thoae cUib- members who flared oaf itf n ; ln tke? Various, project. Maupln and Crltetrion members carried off a far' share of prim and several fromthose placet will, attend tht Jtate fair W cauilr6f"lbTirxcUne .; of j, their sfowln.g'.aLthe iecent Wasco coun fjr. fair,, hf V'tarier' names, with tfcttrojects, fallow: r a'klv .Sewiog M Harry' Rutherford, 'Criterion. v 8 Theodore Kirecb, Criterion. -L"V.c J Brnert Klrsch, Criterion. --.'-:-.. '4hn Slusher,. Maupln. i ' CereProject--''' l-iArthur Appling, Maupln. fc a '2 Harry Rutherford, Criterion. ; jilEjlabetn Rutherford, Crlter ' -': Ion."'- 1 - ; potato Project ' . I Theodore Klrsch; Criterion. 'f .. 2 Erntat Klrsch, Criterion. ; ... 1 garry Rutherford, Criterion. Poultry Rockt, Ancoosa, ' Wim dtU ; ' 1-r-Ralph Kat er, Mauplit. 2 Certrude McCllI, Wamlc. 8Lena Turner,. Maupln. ' 4 Betty' Sluahrr, Maupin. t DacU i w '.1Heiin Gerlty. Wamic. . '.,..t Burton Hull, Wamic, ' Pltry RhoJ. M. nd Rtd ' , 2 Cari Kaacr, The Dalleii. ; i 5-EtU Urban, Wamlc. , 4--Pranklln Benick, Maupln. 1 Verona Adkiwon, The Dallea. Hma Maiilni Ir-Ruth Ward, Boyd, t Bethel Bolton, Boyd. 9Knv Hnrlln. Mnnln. 1. il l. ' r- ,4 -Lura Adkiion Boyd. Had Worli rf.'iW.t Theodore .JCirach, Criterion. ' , 2Kathleen Faley, Maupln. , 'yjSpimt-nij,. HI f . i7-Votma Crqfoot, Maupln. ' ' ' 2 Irene Mathews, Maupln. 3 Zclma Brown, Tygh Valley. .-iCapninf SpeUl . , . 1 Elizfibrth Rutherford, Crlter- i'-t . tn v . r Ion. . . 2 Botty. Slusher, '"Maupln. 1 Margaret Wiley, The Dallea. 2 Velma Cfoot, Mnupin. 5 Winifred Simon, The Dalles. , .Sewing Dlv. H J Klir.nbcth , Rutherford, ' Ion.' Criter- 2 Dorothy Hood, Tygh H T ll.ll...... Valley. Valley. fi vonry mit. I , r 1 Betty Slusher, Maupin. 2 -Ellon' Wilson, Maupin, f, ciiiapem rtuineriora, vriver- v i. . ... 1 iM ''on' foi, .4 Margaret Appling, Criterion. tJ-: iM?n-wi ,,., f 4l t.1 -Bethel Bolton, Boyd. , , .',.2-r-LHf Adklssbn, ";Boyd.'( fj '.JSMfargery. Ewett, Boyd.' JPnmnhip 2nd Grade' "" 1 TAiw.tH. tr.)M.. 1 rinri -Mildred Silvprtooth, Antc- lope. MU'mIK 3PJ'y.?; P'ckson, Antelope. 1 Reece Solleck, Boyd. . , 2-r-Elmo Hayden, Friend, : i r v '. 3 Helen Brock, The Dalles. t lK ,Crad U 1 ' r4-MAh S wtt,' B"od.N h : .t .0 2t,v,B,e 'Mfertyi bV"1, 3"'HCwl Kaser, The Dalles. '. twjwJ viiBethel Bolton, Boyd. ' 2 fouth Ward, Boyd.' Y 8-r-Mrjoty Swett,' Boyd. 1 Kazuo, Kanemasu, Mosler.i 2 Glayds Hayworth. Mosler, 3 Laurence Cott, Shanlko. ' l-Helenteuhor, DufuA r gDelmar cWard, , Boyd' . 1 S Maxifte 'tagkrde'n',? tfufur. h liijanet'HuVe, Dufur. 5 ' Mitfred.'Ball, Fairfield. ' 3. Gertrude .Hillgon, Dufur. Tin CluV Project-biv. I: ,!.'. 4--Vernon-Peterson, "The Dullos, Soclt Judginf Content , ,.,Wjlj ijesiie, wooncocK, w.nmic, ... ''"irtfes" Crlter SHEARER WILL HOLD AUCTION 1 Well Kaowa Dairy mmn o - 8-11 Part f Dairy Hrd Ilb4 Macblnery M. I. Shearer tha dairyman who ocuupka the Frank.; Fleming ranch five mllea northwest of Maupin, .on the highway, baa decided to hold an auction sale and same will It call ed on Thursday, ' Septetpbe 27. At that time Mr.' Shearer will iell soma dairy cows, brood cows, tight, head of work hor, aom eolU, aeverel pieces of farm .roacAoioary as; well as some household ' goodi.. ' F. C. Butle5 twjll cry? tio sale and Frank 9tnart wlJ Ink, as clerk. Mr. Shearer's stock is known as among the beat in thla section and success ful bidders wil surely pick up some rare bargain at the sale, The ma chinery la all in good ahape and should bring good "prfcos, A free lunch will biorved. ut'attcndant arc. requested to brlhg Hheir own cups. The usual terras, Will be of fered on stock and other things pur chased. . --v Beaght New Buek :.-.t;.:; Billy Hunt with his ; son, Billy, Jr., went to Juniper Flat on Satur day after a load of bucks, which Mr. Hunt purchased from John Davis,. ion. 2 Irene Sihlndlcr. Friend. 3 Raymond Kortge, The Dalles. 4 Walter Fcltch,, Dufur, , ! Calf Prpj.ft Di. I ; 1 Eugene Adklsson, The Dallas. 2 Mary Cesh, Wamic, ; ., ""' 3 Frank Faught, ; Dufur, 4 Walter Feltch, Wamlc ,, Calf Project Div. II -,.: j' 1 Alice Gesh. t , Lamb Club Project Die. I-A 1 Avis Crab tree, Maupln. 2 Jim Slu'her, Maupln. ' . ,; Lamb Projeot Dir. I-B r 1 Vernon Hill, Wamlc." 2 John Slusher, Maupln. 8 Avis Crabtree, Maupln. ; 4 Vernon Peterson, The Dallls. Lamb Project Dlv. II -A 1 Raymond Kortgci The" Dallas. 2 Rachel Kortge, The Dalles. - ' 3 Nadine Harvey, Wamlc' " Lamb Project Div. H-B , , 1- 3-Mary '.Gesh. Wamic. , ' 2 AnlU Whitrock, Friend. ' 4 Mclvin Whltrock, Friend." -Lamb Project Dlv. Ill , , , 1 Howard Crawford, Wamlc. 2 Jim Slusher, Maupin. . Pig Project Div. II . ; , 1 Carrol Bolton, The Dalles. 2 Carrol Bolton, The Dalles. 3 Fred Peterson, The DalleJ. Pig Project Div.lll .. 1 Leslie Woodcock, Wamic, f. 2 David Lcdford,. Wamip : : ' 3 Carl WrennWamicf '1 4 Vernon Hill, Wamlc. . : In addition to the regular winneri wc have the following specials to announce: :' Waico County ..Bankers' , Special Which Sendi the Club . Worker to gether With Hia or Hr Animal to the State Fain Frank Fanght, , Dufurt Calf pro ject. "' ' La-lie Woodcock, , Wamic, Pig project. , : Mary Gesh, Wamic Sheep pro ject: .: 'J, V.-i' .. . I Billy Hunt Special-Fer fine - wool orphan Umbat , ' Div, 1 . ...... ., 1 Mel vin, Whltrock,, Friend, 2 Harry .Rutherford, Critterion. . 3 Jim Slusher, , Maupin, t . ! i 4 Arthur Meyers, friend Div., II,,, !., ' 1 and 3 Ogden yfbf, Wamlc'J 2 Harry Rutherford, s ("riterion, : 4 Elizabeth Rutherrd,!! 1. Ion,-! ...,-,)!i';f h.o Criter- 6 Irene Schindler,: Friend. . In oddition , to. the three, winners j ho bankers arc, tending tq the state fair, Wasco, county ..wilj'j , be ; repro sented by ; ix, other 1) ! wclifti club , workers, .wjio , wl.puests: at the- boys'; and., girls' ,,c,rop at this atnte fair for three? days;, s Elizabeth Rutherford, Criterion; Betty; Sjush-i er, Maupin j Antone Schlndler, Frlnnd id: Vernon Hill, WAraies ?'$!, CWirf iMMxts OihBlSThecklore )Ar Klrach; both from' CrltoHen. wljl tnnd the State Club camp, as ,' po tato grading J teBni'fepi-ereniting Wanco.cnynty. ( f n '. ' There were 165 "entries of club Koya and S,Ii'M f Jhe'j county , foir, P7 of which were in the livestock dlvbion." This department'' !f has grown1 rapidly In' the county1 during the nast few years. In one claaa o orphan lambs alone ( thire (We'ro' 2 entries,:;, v,, ti ! ... , NOTES FROM MAUPIN SHOOLS .PUNCTUAUTY 1e ; (EditorUl by Crystal , Stuart) 1 Punctuality is inraluabU whether in icbool life or in business or so cial affairs.-: Tht habit of being oi time Li an easy on to ertabllah.- Se fur W have had no ' tardiness in school and we urge every one to help ue make a perfect record for f the year, if possible, , -j; Oar High school wecoraes Dofothf DarlJ into iU : fold. ' again. ; Last year Dorothy was forced to leave school' thru ' poor healtth. 1 8he weighed 84 pounds and now weighs 155 poundn. ' Three cheers for Oregon's health organization. ' The Maupin school rol Is still increasing. The Fifth and Sixth grades have two new students this week, Eunice Morris and Jessie Hpangcnburg. " Mrs. Cnn trail was absent from the school room one-half day. Mr:. N. 0. Hedin -taught in her place. The six members of the sewing class have planned their garments upon which they will begin work, thVwcek. They will have a choice of two garments. ' In th , mean time they 'are reviewing stitches and hemr. The girls have taken a great interest in their class and are doing splendid work. -.'A .,.: , f .. , "Two mornings a week, Tuesday and Friday ' have been set aside by the High school for singing. We started la. t Tuesday morning by singing vocal combat consisting of "IU a Long Way to Tipperary" and "A ; Long Trail Awinding." The students are very much en thused over the singing. ' ' The Mnnual ' Training clasi is mado up of sit boys 1 from the Freshman and 1 Sophomore classes. Thcyarc " Edmund Wilson, Tom Slusher.' Elden Allen,1 Glenn Alex anderHarry Rutherford, and Ivan Donaldson. The boys are very much interested In the work of ar ranging the shop and building work benches.' They have a new assort ment, .of standard tools and are putting two standard vises on each tenth. ' n n MrV Poling is setting np a volley ball. CouH or the girl athletes before basketball season comes in. He says that it they start playing basketball now that they will lose all interest In it, Volleybnll has the t peciol advantage that any number of gir'v can participate and is a most interesting game. The advanced bookkeeping class has been struggling with the "Cor poration" form of busineai during the past week. " All five members CITY. ELTCTION DRAWS NEAR Five Councilmen, Mayor, Recorder Marshal and Treaaurer. The, terms of the present city of ficials are drawing to a close and it will toon be time to nominate their successors. There is to be a mayor, city recorder, treasurer, five councilmen and marshal, to say nothing about a constable and justice of the peace, to be elected. Some of the prerent council have been on that body ever since the city was incorporated, while a few now on Jiavo served .In varioua capacities as city, off icials heretofore. j a ;?:As a matter ofeconomy The Times suffgestn that nominations : fof the !, various offices soon be made and thnt the election for such be ar ranged to fall on the same date as tjie regular election, November 6. By flo' doing it will be posslbe to rave election 'K expenses, as the two!, elec tlectiona can be talcen care of by the same board, .. ",' I -.' .'1, Suffered Broken Riba ; '-. i( A nian named Lyle R. Scott, cm X pieyed by Fred Ault in a piling camp, hnd two ribs fractured as well as an injured Bpiho' last Friday. He was loading piles on n, tmck and in some manner: slipped ).J from the .; load; striking some hard rubstance, with theresu It noted above. Dr. Elwood attended him "and lie Was then to his 1n. .1. UJl!i.!'! '.' .' . '" of the class will b glad , when the sets arrive, as Mr.. Poling says' it will not be as hard aa the work they are doing aow.. I Officers, for the ... Maupln ... Stu dent .Body , were ,., elected (. Friday morning. They ,arej . President, Clarence Hunt;',, ., vice-president, Merle Snodgrass; secretary,, ren Matthews; treasurer, Estel , Stovall; sergeant-at-arms, . Cyril . Fraley, rerjirjn; ansgtrovajIediri; student manger, Arthur Appling, ' Madge Shearer ha -entered The Dalles High school this year, after having spent three, j years ' in the Maupin High school. The senior class mt ses her presence, since she was a popular , member., of. that ' ... it. i,..,. -.Ah. . , Mr,' Davies reports to 6nt school news that the Seventh and Eighth grades are nicely orgamzed and do ing good work f Mable, Spangen burg is absent from, arhool attending the round-up at Pendleton.. The' EnglL h III class has begun, a short course in Journalism.,' It has consisted, thus far, of daily report) from newspapers. ' J write-ups, and dkcussions in class as to the .value of , hews. ., n fanporUy..pIia'Mi f the t nsista of , ney. nrrttfn up, weekly in The Maupin Times.! ; i :i-t' it : .... j j,;,, : ' ' : Miss Berta Matthews, a former graduate of the Maupin High cchool visited school Friday last, i';, ; -,s -.!.. fit )' .,-a ' ' 1 All the little pupils of Miss Har ris room have been there every day making attendance 100 per cent This room is beautified by three large geranium r plants in v bloom. Mrs. Turner rent each' room of the grade school a beautiful plant for this year.' ' '"'. ' ' " There are two new 'students Leona Hamilton Third grade, and Nellie' Marquis.' Fourth grade,, " The Fif thf and- Sixth grades have 1 f, ubscribea for- i"Current. Events," which they are etudying tljls': year. Maxine Hamilton is a new student. The room Is purchasing a chinning pole with money' made from -entertainments last" year. Ralph ; Kaiser, after bcinir crippled for a time, is able to walk to school again, in stead of being conveyed in hh dad's car. ,;''" ) h' t. y-y-.--,". I Mrs. Joynts' room looks ver at tractive with the two new pictures, bought from entertainment money The pictures are of George Washing ton and The Old Monarch by Roaa Bonheur. : - .1 i . . it The Misses Elaine Coachman anVi Dorothy Stafford viited school on Tuesday, f They are cousins of the Matthews girl. fy TILLOTSON ON STOCK RANCH Trades Garage .Here and Old Home ''.'.. Ranch for Moy Acrea . -.. . . . . .. George TUlotson and wife, dame and while' the wife remained af the home of her.parenti iphj Juniper. 'lat vieorge ana nis untie, uii Stakeley, went to the John, Joyce heep ranch after a load' 'of Wmbfcs Georee.ind .Stakeley.hava traded property for 72 ' acres' of stock' range on the GrtlliihJ-Shprma". coun ties line. The properly consisted of the Tillotson garage building in; Mad pin and the ranch just old Frank , Tillotson above Tygh '-Valley; George expects to move, onto, lys. new land some time next' week and- devote his talents tawjringj aheepj Elected S. S. SuperintendJf' y-j ,; At the last meeting of the U., p. Sabbath school the name' bf !Mrs. Ella Dyer wa.i voted upon as.supe intandeat.andeww duly jejected as such culding officer for the"ensu- ing yeak ''Miss Velma'iCtbfODtjwas chosen .assistant Superintendent, sr:y Went After Fru- '1 T ! R SlliRhfr Bnrl .'WlIa weiltt Dufur Tuesi.ay"nornfng afti;f Iruitii Miss AlilOMrl.aX Jtjufij Mr." Rlorher'a moth8r,..Mrs.-,WA.,.ttk Stoats, accompanied them anded-. nesday ' mbrntng-' went5 td TW Dulles for J)rief,)yisit. j Bill was left, at home to herd the f isht A I . .'I RECALL ' PETITIONS SENT - IN Three f Such ." Signed '"by Over Two Hundred Vetera 'V- ! ' The petkton "asking sthr- recall from office- of County Jadg Ad klsson tie meeting with the general response, each- being signed- by -vot-rs who' are-decirou of -seeing j a change 1rt 'th iofke-K)W eccopied W. E.-Hunt handled the petitions. -A. 1 ' ' 1,1 - county-tfek thrW 4och, ethey cpn-tamlf-g mora-thah 240 namOther petitlots'e lemg circirfated in var ious parts of thciutvtf and as lion as t ilfed wllt-ie .temedi evi j to th elerk ihklbg wttb .the' poll and tax iistfc' vX -u.hu tz'A I 711 PURE CUSSEDNESf 'KEMArICS tt.ii .-- ':A il ; ''' MallciouinetS " Sbowar' RarardiBf Cattle Auctioned by Feltch at ' Wamic Saturday Report hat It thai some- ene witin out a spirir of 'fairness or honesty n his makeup4 Circulated $tory te the effect that some of the tws of fered for sale' by Frank Feltch were abortive.' Therumor o5we - were told, had the effect of his dairy sows failing to' bring' the 1 prices "expect- ed; .The truth 1 is' that each ofj his cows ' were' -closely J inspected; were passed ort 't)y,; a competent "veterW. Brian and" reported" in perfect coh dition.",wo: t';,cl HS ,-. ',' Such reports' as: the one told her are the vaporm'ga 'rof 'ii" 'dfeotderedJ tnliid , and 'are lfcireulated 9 with the sole Idea of1 Workntg iftjury to trthera. Right ihinktng ''people''-' he-TC Igive heed to such stories,'cohsldering the source from which' they emenate nd" give the one attacked the benefit of the doubt'' '' r?,0','3 bnH try, ' " " " '"' s.eT FEW , TERSE 'FACTS ANENT! m" . ' CANDIDACY, All SMfTri Bert' Andr!oVo''Mctfiret :vPoK."i. lHOuLJiltiia'Atfeiilf :;bjf. Smithi Else: t ai Pre.M-n ' " Bert ,AndeffoB;ei,Mclfordhas the ii jJ'...i'-jj..,-.L...:;j.j luuywiHg III By mi-twut CHIlUlPECy. of ' AI; Smith or the jjrestdefjcy, amr just what may be epfc"iikaso h &ict :.p h his rmbiti'jsj;' iNapoleon Js quote'ii aaylng that ,'armie$ travel on tfirib'elllw." ft takes "this natibrialweampalgn 4HSfe"' rhat at lens'i)m",jirmies,b Vote on their eiHes. The gteat thirsty brigadai of .TammanyiteS and wet nullifiers h are marching un-. I Emnnticl Smith will cast a ballot ex- thirst and their gross appetites. I wish to point out to the Jackson bounty quota rih) vet'arniy that when they Vote! ib get W'drink the may be voting to miss a meal. In the, cold, dreary dawn of the rTf ? 'NjW itfw crowa is in complete control; wnen Lthe bars are let down and a tidal j wave of immigration frpm souhem Europe (juat iTietf fandj "'Tammany; wants tooldnize, thb country ithj, floods ou,r shores when money tightens up and your banker refuses to negotiate' that' Jittte.loan that;,ls so necesrr: whenlyouigo toitraid i in vour old car: when vnur business , ; TT Hnfff nrffw; t ajl f 5wheX jdfclf ate' ind junemplayed a tti' j xtL'j..' and' brend-lmes forming, and when the fear of loss and bankruptcy and p'overty walks with you by day and ;ioubl?s your dreanJ)f jjni.jt, will then be too late for you to re-; grei oi recall your thirsty (vote41AJ you, can do to solace yourself will be to nungeriy rememner oi tnnijyf: happyr fat years of rilcnt Cal. And don't forget this: It will be four long .miserable years before you can ? get a cnance to kick Al Smith, Jimmy .Walkdr, Judge Olvany and Raskob, et al, out of office and get back to 'three fmeals a day. Brought dock ueer flEraest Beeks and Frank Klint. lyrcju Jtojne cieer country in tne diub L A. At- J X I - XT. - Tti.JJ'. mountainTTaXwwnr season lopfmed. ;0d InKSpdj! .re; turned with a ,fin specimen of the minannoVthabitWH in iOt Teacher From AitdrlA 1 betrinnihtf t week. At present there Ire ceven pupils at that rthool. . amstpriauhas been engaged to I i, teach the young uJea a'tltTie"K'eT!yT .school, her term beginnih Jaitf MANY SETTLERS - COtlE TO OREGON ha lu-iifu n.iy ) jiii'-.'a . Milttoasl RaaeeaeeiUd by: rsWeaeaera '' m Oregoe State, Ckaat f c j-iuq 5 Uvito Settlers 1A "i-.The Oregonr State LOumAajr ot Coramerte! haw bee.:m4wtiaeti'e of f feti oadilrecttlt xrf ks. labers.Bowi that 241 new settlers have bts add ed to the state's population, ' The following UbieeJi9wa.oy .caia :rtHftthf mHa ob W9WS"1t) Jta, ffrfcnt ,Ir1n4T 43iregoD,r to he, . fttent uay ,wio jjdesirfT information jrjyjll< Number.of inqquuea' rfcVvedt. 7670. Signed .Questionnaire's returned.... 427. Number tUting 'tney 'Vek"cVming 1:td' Oregon to Iocate.:.:.:1....412. Witfi;s eeified B eapftol?s investment ,n'bi i:i!.i:iJLJ it,6w'ra.M Letters; maried ottt: .;;:.i.i:.L.!26,49l Packages of llteratuh? mailed-out... ' 'B,044v,:y',il:'-::1 'r: '-!"'"- w Cariers 'at' office 2,514 New settlera reported :;:-.... :24l Investmenta, approximately ...... Acreage', ipproiImatel.!:iM.21,72i WIGWAM PLATERS MAKkt'COOO Well Bl..ceJ CesBBaay Prodaeee Moat Acceptable Playa' -'i j . ;,i.. I The Wigwam , Playen, a small theatrical organization' wnlc uiowed tin Maupin last 'night, an goin to n jght ' pnje ot the ; 'best' that km ever, been, in Maupin. " The company if ye' balanced and the plays pat on, .are most interesting ' storiee. Their rendition would be feathers in the, caps of much larger and more ambrtous companies. A feature of the company's work is the' vaudeville the excellent piano music by t com. etent pignlR the whole the company i'one w1kh need hive no fear in appearing o(t any stage, and The Times takes pleasure in eom mendina. 'ft the Vjattentlbji of .theatre goers 1nnelghbiring cities. : : t ft fTYCH SCHOOLS ARE HUNTING WCf Student J Thaj Ever Blre oa Registration Book j ,...... f... .1 I 1 J y. . Tygh Valley schools are humming with student life, there being more names on the registers then at any previous opening. Clyde T. Konftey is again at, his post. as principal, with Mi s Mabel A. Peterson, as assistant. The tTygh; schools jiirei planmng a year of unusual activity, goine; in for basketball and baseball, aa pell to for theatricals. It is the indention to clean up the debt remaining on purchase of the- gymnasium, ind u those, schools rei among th4 best hustlers, no doiibt will soonj have ,tfier slate cleaned of all oblgatioaa and be on their feet in good shape. 8 arr r -y -j a ! FREE DANCE SAT AY 111CHT Legion Pee Will -Be Hoatiio AM The local gion Post promised a iirpri8 itb; all lovers of Jdancing and at their last entertoinnfjnt an noundeA' that &'.nextjdnncjjfe' would be a free .one. The post ha engag ed Hhe'-wtsll knoWrilolson orchestra of ShanIk9 .for the jpecasin, and tnaV ' ortahlzaVon',' c ' With everyone maice next aaiuraay nigni, jepwrn bor,??) bymethjnt 'to be rewember ed. There will not be aisunper. ib!)aeh; lady.isrVequested ito bring 1 t , rr w a . 11, a ipncn wixn ner. f. i.ne iepon ww furnish dbffee'.'ctigaand ffilk, for which, there will be no charge, thus making th'affafrra3free Sbne in every sen9?J Qf )urse a big crowd will be, at the "dance. r ft t J Bcqna J ( y Isltora ; t from California 'stropped at The' Times' office Mon day ;evening,';WAfB!iB thei way to thir-.-hm-.vi-Tha-J)anesCaJu:or-nia highway. Their ,hd Seen two gon and said that oi an tne rooo they had tra-reted "the highway pass ing', h)roVh Maupin M f5 exceed d tny other they5 ''had Jtraveled r A-,; -i'