. i The Maupin Times Legion Hall, Maupin n gj C W. Stmmet, Eaitor , C W. Sinnrn ani E. R. Sranii Publisher uesday Night, Sept. 21 M, i Published every Thursday at Msupia, Oregon Wigwam Players Subscription: One year, $1.50; six tooths, 1.00; three months, 60cts. Entered at second clas, mail mat ter September 8, 1914, at the post otfke at Maupin, Oreon, undt the Aot f MarchS, 1879. rit'-J.Vc ,C , rJ PRESENT ammy Lou5 ; . I-,... '"--r:-t IQ felL 1 -. x-, . ; " - ' - ' M i x-Governor Pierce promises, if elected to congress, to work out a plan of salvation for the farmer. If Mch able men aa Senators McNary and Haugen failed in that respect. what chance has our friend Walter la putting over what he promises to do? ' . ' . ' ' ' AaotW Halting Party Joe 'Kramer and Art Morris left this morning for the haunts of deer. 0. B. and Elxa Derthick are report ed to have gone aftter some veni ea. I ' t Cknrck Reaps Harvost ' There are six acres embraced in the U. B. church property at Wap lotla and those acres were town to wheat last season. The crop amount ed to better than 80 bushels to the acre, being taken care of by Wm. Sturgis. The grain has been hauled t this place and is being held in storage pending sale negotiations, Jim Hartman bringing it to Maupin. Mot Is The Parade i One of the noticeable things at the fair la$i Saturday was. the prence W Sheriff Chrismun and several as pirant for his office. They were expected to march in the stock parade, but that action was called off by a remark by a timid back-in-the-etkks resident that such a for midable force would frighten the .'women and children. Cot Blackberries Tom Ashley and family went to the mounSonsa t aawralinschrdilnt the ' mountains Saturday last after evergreen blackberries. They found (.plenily of the fruit but Tom remarks mat gerang in 10 me uem Uiing but getting out of the grasp of "'.he thorns is more than one bargains ftaia Cama at Last .. After a drought lasting " about three months the blessed rain came J on ' Tuesday. The temperature dropped down in the tube and many ,of pur people, especially those whose t bodies were wrapped in BVD's, bustled to get into, warmer under wear. It is the hope the rain may 1 continue so that seeding may be begun and there will be moisture enough in the ground to sprout the gram. Deer hunters are also pray ing for more wetness, as all have their guns oiled, camp equippage 7 packed, all ready fo Tthe proclama tion calling off, the closure of the game protecting forests. Get Sand Contract "Swede" Mayhew and Bobby Da vidson have secured a contract to : haul the sand for the new bridge, j the amount being 1,100 Oyards! The t'-'A" extractors, will build a load : t pit with J. O. Chastain doing the If ading, the sand coming from near he Tygh Valley cemetery. The . i j - I boy. are placing dump , beds onr I trucks and will be ready to begin hauling tomorrow, Gene to Homestead M. F. Roberts, was spent the sum mer at work for Contractor. Brown on the Wapinitia highway, left for Mitchell yesterday. Mr. Roberts re cently made filing on a tract of 480 acres near that place and will go there to establish legal residence thereon. ALL THE NEW Paul Whiteman Columbia Records -AT- Everything: in drugs and Kodaks ' Crosby PRICES: 25 ttnti and 50 cent Curtain 8:00 o.clock Fitted for Spectacles L. C Henneghan and wife were at Salem several days of last week visit ing with relatives. While at the capital city Lew consulted an oculist regarding his eyes, which had been giving him trouble for some time. The specialist fitted him with glasses and now our popular member of the city council is greatly relieved from pain in his ocular organs. Helping Father Build Rev. Everett Hazen is at his father's place at Eight Mile, help ing in the construction of a resi dence for his parents. The elder Hazens lost their former home by fire during the summer and are erecting a new home on the site of the pne burned. CURTIS PLEDG PROMPjJp AID Vici-Presidential Candidate Asks Non-Partisan Solution Under Hoover Leadership. URGES JOINT COMMITTEE Agricultural Situation, He Ex plains, Is of Deep Economic Importance to Citizens. U. S. SENATOR CHARLES CURTIS , Republican Tict-Presidential Candidal, i Senator Curtis, In his Address .of Acceptance, stressed the impor tance of prompt action on the question of farm, aid. "The prob lem," he declared, "Is of deep seated eeonomie Importance to every citizen without nari to oc cupation or political prrty." He added the significant thought that "properly its solution Is and al ways should be, non-partisan." For the leadership of such a non-par-'tisan movement, Invo.ving the ex penditure of hundreds of millions of dollars by the federal govern ment, he declared that the leader ship should be Hoover's a man well worthy of the party's choice. HE question of the proper re lief for Agriculture is a try ing and perplexing one. The problem is of deep-seated economic Importance to ! every citizen wiinoui regaru io uib or p&rty citizen without regard to his Properly, lta solution is and always hould be, non-partisan. I am con vinced that it a small joint committee of the House and Senate were ap pointed to study the problem and to find Its proper solution, the necessary relief quickly could and would be af forded. The Committee could be as sisted in its task by the advice and experience 'of,, the most capable ex perts on the subject whose services can be obtained. It will be remembered that tor years we had great trouble with the problem ot settling our standard of value. The failure to settle the ques tion .had brought forth the Greenback Party, and later the Free Silver party. In 1899, that great and able statesman from Maine, Thomas B. Reed, appoint ed a Committee of Eleven to draw t measure fixing the standard ot a Comedy-Drama in Three Acts Laughs! Yells! Screams! Hear Mammy Lou and Topsy sing "Hallelujah" Tame, la tore wets tne committee had agreed upon a draft of a bill, and the Gold Standard Act of 1900 was the result We have bad do trouble with that questloif since then. It such i committee could settle so satisfactor ily that great and vexing question, surely a similar committee of able leg islators specifically charged with the task could agree upon an agricultural relief plan which would be equally satisfactory. The solution will bt$ found, and found promptly. Our party has pledged Itself to the development and enactment of measures which will place the agricultural Interests of the United States on a basis or economic equality with other Industries, to In sure Its prosperity and success. Philosophy ot Farmlnj Encouragement of Agriculture al ways has been a Republican doctrine. It Is a necessary part of our philos ophy of government. Agriculture Is the basic Industry of the country and In the very nature of things will ever be so. Whatever Is to the detriment ot the farmer Is, eventually, to the detriment ot all our citizens; his wel fare and prosperity are Inevitably re flected In the welfare and prosperity ot the whole nation. Many plans for the encbi raqement of Agriculture have been proposed, and many have been given effect by our party. In the course of my polit ical lite every one which In my opin ion promised an appreciable measure of sound relief has had my whole hearted and active support. Of recent years, two farm measures have been Introduced by me Id the Senate. Two Democrat members ol the House Joined Id their preparaton and introduction. The first wai known as the Curtls-Aswell Bill. .It created an Interstate Farm Marketing Association. Its purpose was to pro mote and stimulate the orderly How ot agricultural commodities In com merce; to remove, burdens and e straiuts on such commodities In com merce; and to provide for the process lng, preparing for market, bend ling, pooling, storing and marketing of au ricultural commodities through io op erative marketing associations. The object of this measure was to place the marketing organizations under the ownership and control of the farmers themselves. The other measure was known as the Curtis Crisp Bill. Its object was to enable the farmers' to stabilize their markets against undue and excessive fluctuatloas; to pe serve advantageous domestic . mar kets; and to minimize speculation and waste in marketing. ' Republican Record ! Without the help Which the Re pub licao party has given, the agricultural situation would be infinitely worse than It Is. The Capper-Volstead Act gave to the farmer the right to engage in collective buying and co-operative selling. In every possible way the Republican administration bas en deavored to give practical and sub stantial effect to that right. The Department of Agriculture fills an Important place In the work of aid lug and "Ivlslng the former, it is our policy to widen each year as much as possible the scope of the Department's effectiveness. In the last year alone, $2,298,172.00 was spent in particularly valuable research work covering nu merous classes of agricultural prod ucts, lnclullng cattle and swine It Is estmated that $4,157,887.00 will be re quired for tbis work for the c mlng year. Nearly $3,000,000.00 is expend ed annually by the Department -of Agriculture In broadening agricultural nr '.ets. , . The development of Inland water ways, and water transportation i In general, Is of great value fo the agri cultural sections of the country. An extensive project in this regard Is now being executed. The last Congress bas provided tor a barge line to ex tend from St. Louis to Missouri River points, which when in full operation will bring decided relief In the difficul ties and cost of transporting farm products. When the loss of the for eign market for our products as imminent because of Insufficiency of ships In which to transport them, ves sels of the United States Shipping Board were reconditioned and placed In service, thereby saving the market. Tariff protection against foreign competition always bas been given to farm products. The Fordney-McCum-ber Tariff Act carries higher rates of duty on agricultural products than any tariff law in the history of the nation. It has been found that cer tain of the duties are not high enough ta clve adequate, rirQ.te.cUcn to aome ot the products ot the farm, and 1 be lieve It Is the duty ot Congress to provide rates high enough to protect such products against foreign com-' petition. In addition, by this act, the duties have been lowered on most of the articles the farmers buy or they have been put upon the tree list Appropriations have been made freely to aid the farmers la time ot crop failures. The Federal Farm Loan System and the Intermediate credit banks have made available to farm ers, on loans at a low rate ot interest, more than $2,500,000,000.00. That effective help has been given to the farmer by the Republican party since It took charge on March 4, 1921. Is Indicated by the statement ot the Washington office ot the American Farm Bureau Federation. On page one of Its Annual Report dated April 6, 1923. there appears the following: "The passing ot the 67th Congress Into history marks an epoch in the undertaking of the American Farm Bureau's nations! legislative cam paign, (t Is not too much to say that the twenty-six laws passed by that Congress, which were Initiated and supported by us, are of far more Im portance to American agriculture than all the legislation relating to Agri culture passed since the adoption of our Constitution." Tfcougli much bas been 4one to ame liorate the farmers' situation, still more remains to be done, for there ' exists today a depression In Agricul : ture which In the best Interests ot all i ot the people, must be relieved. Women In Government Since the beginning ot civilization, the right to vote, which Is the right to have a decisive voice in the affairs of government, has been coveted and fought for. When obtained. It bas been cherished by Its possessors; hedged around with restrictions and qualifications; and extended to others only with reluctance. During the early period of our own government It was not every free man who was entitled to vote. Our present policy ot universal suffrage is the growth of the years, and the recognition of woman's rights was particularly slow. My personal stand on the question was at all times firmly and openly in favor of permitting women to vote. It Is known aud recognized that my active aid and support were Instru mental to no small degree In procur ing the action ot the Senate on June 4, 1919, by which the 19th Amendment to the Constitution was proposed to the legislatures of the several states, and woman's rlgbt to the ballot be came effective August 26, 1920. The mere right to vote, not exer clsed. Is useless. As a matter of duty, women as well as men should exercise that right. There are In the United States today between twenty-six and twenty-seven million women over the age of twenty-one, entitled to vote. As the years pass, these women are becoming Increasingly alive to their opportunity to take a large and Impor tnnt part In the management and con FOR UNITED STATES CONGRESS Second District , WALTER M. PIERCE -o HIS PUBLIC RECORD SHOWS HE IS ABLE, PROGRESSIVE and UN. CONTROLLTD. Paid Advertisement v i ' Maupin State Bank (INCORPORATED) troT of the country's affairs; to en force recognition, change and im provement In their own particular problems and those which most Inter est them; and to become a distinct power In deciding all questions of vital concern to every citizen regard less ot sex. OREGON NEWS NOTES Lebanon $104,873 contract awarded for rocking 7 miles of Santiam road. Silverton Mile of asphalt paving being laid on Silver Creek road out of here. Klamath Falls New $275,000 union High school here opened. Corvallis Plans for new street lighting system completed. Springfield State highway crews arc keeping McKenzio route in good condition. Wallowa W. A. Ceorgc, gladiol us grower, will harvest 10,000 bulbs this fall. Umpqua Construction being pushed on South Umpqua road. Newberg1 Very high grade pulp turned out by local mill. Future outlook good. Quincy Carload of pent shipped to Portland; propecta good for new 1 industry. Reedsport Railroad nenrs com pletion. Umpqua logging operations start. Warrenton Crab concern will expand operations here. Tillamook $12,000 paved road between here and Bclluvue complet ed. CALL FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of School District No. 46 of Wasco county, Oregon, will receive sealed bids for the transportation of the six pupils of the Hachler school to the Wapinitia school and back each dy. School contractor to be paid by the month. The bids to be opendeef September 22, 1928. The directors reserve the right to reject any or all bids. L. B. WOODSIDK, Chairman. J. M. O'BRIEN, Clerk. 46-t2 STAYED HORSES Strayed from my place near the White river bridge, about May 1, three inares, two black and one brown. The blacks are unbranded but the brown is branded with a "Swastika" on left hip and shoul der. Will pay $5.00 each for Infor mation that will lead to their re covery. J. O. CHASTAIN, Tygh Valley, Oregon. 4B-t2 CLASSIFIED LOCALS FOR SALE A No. 6 Mclotte cream separtor, $50.00; Vaughan wood saw, $50.00; set of heavy harness, cheap; one light harness, also cheap.. Mrs. Anna Bradway, Smock Prairie. 45-tf PEARS and APPLES FOR SALE At the Bert Scott ranch, Smock Prairie, at $1.00 the box if you bring your own boxes. Fine fruit. 45-t2 House and Sign P-A-I-N-T-E-R-S-! PAPER HANGERS and DECORATORS Call, Write or phone, Times OL'Jco. Maupin, Oregon. ' Wilson Painting Co. FOR SALE 180 buabeli of It hybrid wheat at HurtU Ttrrf Warehouse. , 4$-t$ PEARS FOR SALE At Ma A vers place at Wamlc. f 1.00 per bushel. Bring your own Basket 44-t2 WOOD FOR SALE Oik, Pine, Cot tonwood. Inquire of Qui Balxar, Shady Brook, Tygb Valley, Ore gon. 4S-t4 FOR SALE 12-foot McCoralck header, in first class condition. Price $160.00. Ed. Berrllnf, Shaniko, Oregon. FOR SALE New Zealand sheep Romney buck, five two-year-olda, throe Ramboulets; two Guernsey bulls, one yearling, one two-year old. Albert Hill, Wamlc, Oregon. 4Mf SEED WHEAT FOR SALE III Hybrid, about 400 bushels certi fied. Also one thorobred Ham shire buck for sale. Call on, write or phone II. H. Gesh, Wemie, Ore gon. 4S-tJ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of The InterUr U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, August 21, 1928. Notice Is hereby given that Julia Spalinger -of Shaniko, Oregon, who, on Sep tember IS, 1025, made homestead entry act December 29, 1916, No. 024903, for SE'4 NEK, NEK 8EH Section 8, SV4 NWK, EH WW SEU.Scc, 9, T 6, S. R. 16, and on March 2, 1927, made additional homestead entry No. 02(321 for 8W U, NW'4 SEH, Sec. 3, SEK SE'i, Section 9, EVi NWtt, See tion 10, Township 6. 8., Range 16. E., Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before H. C. Rooper, United States Com mirsloner, at Antelope, Oregon, on the 9th day of October 1928. Claimant names as witneseeei Edwin Wakcrlig, of Shaniko, Ore gon, Peter E. Conroy of Shaniko Oregon, Andrew Brown of Shaniko, Oregon and John Joyce of Maupin, Orcgon A30-S27 J. W. Donnelly, Reg. WAPmmi i. o.o. r. Lodgn No. 200, Maupin, Oregon meets every Saturday night In L O. O. F. hall Visiting member always welcome. D. L. Rutherford, N. C O. F. Renlck, See'. ZELL'S FUNERAL SERVICE Undertaking: and Embalming AMBULANCE SERVICE Call Maupin Drug Store Phon-34S 57e Dalleo. ) Floral Co. FOR ALL OCCASIONS When you desire Flowers fer e party, wedding, funeral or mmf other purpose, phone 710, The Dallei, or leave your order at The Maupin Times office and your order will be delivered en the next mall or stage. . BULBS NOW IN BLOOM : r- U