The Haupin Times -; na - - - l- C. VV. Stmmet, Editor C. W. Semmes and E. R. Semmes Publisher Published every Thursday at Maupin, Oregon Subscription: One year, $1-50; tix months, $1.00; three months, 50cts. Entered as second class mail mat ter September 8, 1914, at the post office at Maupin, Oreon, undr the Aot of MarchS, 1879. LABOR DAY On the first Monday in September in each year the hosts of labor cele brate their annual holiday, dedi cated to those who toil. While prim arily by organized labor, the festivi ties are participated in largely by the general public and business is usually suspended to a considerable extent. Labor Day was first recognized by Congress in 1894, when an act was passed making it a holiday for the District of Columbia and . for all Federal establishments throughout the United States. Prior to that time it had been made a legal holiday in 27 states and one territory and it is now so recognized in all the states except Alabama and Wyoming, and even in these it is celebrated quite generally. The day is also observed in Canada. One of the encouraging signs of the times is the better relations be tween capital and labor which have been developed during the past few years. These two great forces in our national life are coming more and more to realize that the interests of both are better promoted through cooperation than through antagon ism. American labor is the most pro ductive in the world, as well as the best paid and best protected. Em ployers and the public have learned that prosperity for the workman con tributes to the prosperity to all. The high achievements of those who perform the nation's everyday tasks are fittingly commemorated on Labor Day. A number of Michigan men have organized what they call a "Hay Fever association" That state is known as one where the afflicition is prevalent and the getting together of sufferers from hay fever ,is nothing to be sneezed at Stores Closed- Recognizing Labor Day the Mau pin merchants closed their stores on that day Monday. The help made the most of the opportunity offered and many of them went to the river fishing. Stores Closed Friday Maupin stores will be closed all day Friday, that being the day set apart as Dallej day at the fair. Ic is expected there will be a complete exodus of Maupinites on that day and that the attendance at the fair will be the greatest in the history of the association. School Teachers Arrive Mr. and Mrs. DeVoe arrived in Maupin and this week have taken up their residence in the George Cun ningham cottage, Mr. DeVoe will be principal of the High echool while his wife will be his first assistant. their belongings into the Kakor building and hereafter will do their cooking and sleeping at home. Directors Met The directors of the Wasco Coun ty Fair association met at the fair grounds Sunday and perfected ar rangements for the officials to work at the fair now on at Tygh Valley. lafant rroVttii The Richard boys' the tiny a. -re-bats who will appear in free exhi bitions at the fair grounds this week are to be considered among the best in their line. The boys, Dickie and Billy Richards, are acro bats, doing all the familiar flops, limber back turns, hand stands, somersaults, and tricks seldom seen among older professionals. The little fellows take to their work like veterans and will prove to be a drawing card during the fair. They come from a family of theatrical poses was $47.95.377. oh icon xkws oti:s Salem Addition to be built to federal post office here. Salem Oregon statesmen, second oldest newspaper in Oregon, sells for $200,000 to Sheldon Sackett and Earl Brownlee. Oregon tourist business for June was 9.8 per cent above June 1927. Malheur county court leases 10,- 000 acres land to oil exploration company. v Burns Local dairyman bring 3 carloads Jersey cows from Boston county. Crane sheepmen have shipped 1, 000,000 pounds of wool this year. Klamath Falls Klamath Timber Products will build big sash and door plant. Marshfield Coos Bay Lumber Co. sells 23.000 acres timber, with 1, 100.000,000 feet cedar and fir. 1 Oregon" 1927 tax levy for all pur- Ontarlo Chicago capital secures control and will test 45.000 acres oil ami sas claims. Wallowa Bowman-Hicks sawmill reopens with 40 more employ. John Day Grant county bank opens new bank house with 1600,000 deposits. I Arlington Work begins on new tun.stnrv si n rt 111 An finil hllllit. ...V.-.V'.J r ..... .. . w.v.w - -" ing. people, their father having been on the boards for many years and bears a reputation for furnishing clean, entertaining and snappy acts. to New Daughter Dr. Elwood was called to the Frank Blakeney ranch on upper Bakeoven Monday night to aUemi the birth of a new baby daughter, who made her advent in the Wm Messengale home. The little Mis is a lusty youngtcr and the doctor reported that both she and her mother as doing the best eved. Burns Corporation formed build $50,000 Ogden hotel. C. M. Brinton buy's North Fowder News and Haines Record. . Bend Tin mining boom In pro gress at Bear Butte. Crook coun ty. Klamath Falls Lakeview high way will be practically completed this fall. Portland Texas Co. has 200 men working on new $1,000,000 oil station. The Dallec Libby-McNeM can nery will handle 1100 tons local pears. Breakage of milk bottles In the United States runs into lost of about $30,000,000 annually, and studies are being carried on by dairy specialists of the Department of Agriculture to find means of re- Maupin State Bank (INCORPORATED) Cone to Odell A. N. Schantz, who has been act in? engineer at the rock crusher since it moved to this part of the highway, has resigned and with his wife left for Odell, where he has a situation as head checker in a fruit packing house. The Schantz's hiv' made many friends during their sUy m Maupin, all of whom will regret their departure. Gone to Lakes Lester and Clifford McCorkle left this morning for an outing and fish ing trip to the lakes in the southern territory. They expect tto visit Paulina, East and Diamond lakes, trying their skill in each and will be gone about 10 days. Mershon In Kentuck In a letter to The Times Rev. W. A. Mershon states he is now located at Reynolds, Kentucky, and desires the paper sent to him there. Rev. Mershon lately resigned'a pastorate near Salem, going from there to In diana, and from that state to the state opened to civilization by Daniel Boone. FOURTH ANNUAL Old Fort Dalles FROLICS! SEPT. '13-14-15 THE DALLES, OREGON The American Legion presentation of the play time side of Pioneer Days. ducing this breakage, especially in milk plants. At one time in Scotland the smok ing of a pipe was considered an an tidote for rheumatism. Klamath Falls Southern Pacific will build new freight loading plat form. Klamath Falls Modern ch.vo factory proposed here. Mammoth Parade Fashion Revue Whisker Contest Sept, 13 Sept. 11 Sept. 15 Free entertainment nightly. Dancing in Audi torium Ballroom. CLASSIFIED LOCALS PEARS FOR SALE At John Ayers place at Wamic. $1.00 per bushel. Bring your own basket. 41-t2 WOOD FOR SALE Ouk. Pino, Cot tonwood. Inquire of Ous Bahar, Shady Brook, Tygh Vulley, Ore gon. 42-14 riuvic rrugram AT THE Killed rack Horse rc One of the Fargher pack horses was killed by someone shooting near '. Swim yesterday. There has been f much indiscriminate shooting in that $ neighborhood all' season, at one time j? being so strong that picking berries ; p was made impossible through fear ; of being shot. Came From Minnesta The Misses Ethel' and Charlotte Peter, nieces of Mrs. Joe Kramer, j arrived from Brainard, Minnesota, i 2 Tuesday and are visiting at the ;g Kramer home. They accompanied j $ the Kramers to Portland yesterday. i The visitors will make an extended f visit in Maupin. Home From The Mountains Alvis Martin and wife and the family of Harrison Young returned i from a two-weeks' outing on Salmon river on Sunday. While there the TEACH IT TO THE CH1DREN PIANO SACRIFICE near Maupin. Partly paid for piano like new.' Free delivery. Fully guaranteed. Will accept phonagraph, snxa phone or other instrument part payment. Balance your own terms. Write at once to Geo. Robinson, piano adjuster, 208 Oak street, Portland, Oregon. 41-13 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE OP PERSONAL AND REAL PROPERTY FOR SALE Durock Boar two years old last June, good grade hog, weight, 300 lbs. Price $26.00 S. G. Lcdford, Wamic, Oregon 40-t3 Missouri's Governor Suggests Public Utility Courses I folks gathered all the huckleberries Sam A. Baker, governor of Mis they wanted, caught some trout and sown, in a public address at Jef enjoyed themselves asvthoroughly as 'ferson City recently, made the fol though they had gone to a 'circus. Cyrs Keep House Kelly Cyr and wife have decided that keeping house is preferable to boarding, consequently have moved ALL THE NEW Paul Whiteman Columbia Records -AT- , Crosby's Everything in drugs and Kodaks time ji f owing interesting statement: "My hobby is education because I known what it means. I believe the public school's curriculum should be so modified as to have a place in that curriculum for public utilities. ' "I do not have to call it that, but teach the children from the they know anything to respect pub lie utilities, and to have some knowledge of them. "There are still some of our great educational institutions that never undertake to teach anything about public utilities in the univer sities or colleges. "We have the School of Journal ism, we have the school of Engi neering, we have the School of Pharmacy, we have the Medical school, and all these different kinds of rchools, and so we should right along side with those activi ties, teach the benefit of public utili ties. "The time is coming when the people will be educated up to tho necessity for pubic utilities, and do away with some of thin little pusillanimous kicks that you get e-sry once Li a while wUcut inv caw whatever lor them. 1 Grants Tass C. A. Wlncstout buys site for ? 10,000 garage; WASCO COUNTY FAIR TYGH VALLEY, OREGON In the Grandstand, three evenings, each perform ance beginning at 7:30. The biggest movie program that has ever been shown at any previous fair. ..All the movie progfams are guaranteed by the mana ger, C. M. Plyler. BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER Admission 25 cents and 50 cents FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7. "Hills of Kentucky" Starring Rin-Tjn-Tin, the Wonder Dog, a story of the Famine-Stricken. Hills, when the farmers had to turn their dogs out to shift for themselves, and how the dogs packed up, reverted to savagery and foraged for their food. ..The last to join the pack being a mere puppybut see the picture and learn all about the "Wonder Dog, Rin-Tin-Tin. OUR GANG COMEDY . SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 8. "&e Golden Snare" By James Oliver Curwood, a story that sets you thrlling that vivid adventure of the Royal North west Mountie who tracked a mad man into the Arc tic and then couldn't take because pf a woman and a golden-haired baby. A CHARLIE CHAPLIN COMEDY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9. The mightiest picture in the history of the screen is is on for this date "BEN HUR" Three years in the making; cost $4,000,000, with 150,000 players in the cast. The most tremendous I success of stage records has been made into the wonder production of film history. The one pic- I ture you cannot afford to miss. FOR SALE 12-foot McCormlck header, in first class condition. Price $180.00. Ed. Ikrrting, Shaniko, Oregon. FOR SALE New Zealand sheep Romney buck, five two-year-olds, three Ramboulctsj two Guernsey bulls, one yearling, one two-year-old. Albert Hill, Wamic, Oregon. 41-tf SEED WHEAT FOR SALE 128 Hybrid, about 400 bushels certi fied. Also one thorobred Ham shire buck for sale. Call on, write or phone H. II. Ccsh, Wamic, Ore gon. 43-t2 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of The Interior U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, August 21, 1928. - Notice is hereby given that Julia Spalinger of Shaniko, Oregon, who, on Sep tember 15, 1025, made homestead entry act December 20, 1916, No. 024003, for SEK NEK, NEK SEK Section 8, SK NWK, EVt SWK, W SEK, Sec, 9, T 6, S. R. 16, and on March 2, 1927, made additional homestead entry No. 025321 for SW K, SWK SEK, Sec. 3, SEK SEK, Section 9, E NWK, Sec tion 10, Township 6. S., Range 16, E., Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before J H. C. Rooper, United States Com mlrsioner, at Antelope, Oregon, the 9th day of October 1928. Claimant names as witnesses: Edwin Wakerlig, of Shaniko, Ore gon, Peter E. Conroy of Shaniko Oregon, Andrew Brown of Shaniko, Oregon and John Joyce of Maupin, Oregon A30-S27 J. W. Donnelly, Reg. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, John Cavln. Trustee in Bankruptcy Docket No. 11428, pur suant to the order of Referee In Bunkruptcy made and entered April 4, 1928, will, on and after the 25th day of Augut, 1928, at my office 502 First National Bank building. The Dallei, Oregon, sell at private sale, for cash, the following personal property: 1 Farm Wagon 1 Garden Drill 2 Walking Plows . 1 Mellotte Cream Separator 1 3-Polo Stacker 1 Hay Unloadur and Reversible Slip 1 Grindstone 1 Scythe I Share of Stock In the 'Tygh Val ley Farmers Telephone Line and will sell at private tale: the Southwt.t Quarter of the North west Quarter (SWK NWK) and Northwest Quarter Southwest Quarter (NWK SWK), Section Twenty-fivo (26) ; tho South Half of the Northeast Quarter (SH NEK), Southeast Quarter North, west Quarter (SE'4 NWU), Northeast Quarter Southwest Quarter (NEK SWV.) and Southeast Quarter (SEK) Section Twcnty-six (26) ; tho North Half of the Northeast Quarter, the South eiiit Quarter of tho Northeast Quarter (SEK NE'4) and the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NEK SEK), Section Thirty-five (35). containing 660 acres in Township Three (8) South, Range Thirteen. (13) East of Will ametto Merdian, located about three miles cast of Tygh Valluy post of fice. Said land will be sold for one fourth rash and the remainder pay able in long time annual install ments, with interest at 6 per cent Bids may be submitted In writing or personally. JOHN GAVIN Trustee In Bankruptcy. Dated August 1, 1928. Publication date August 9th, lGth and 23rd. wAPiNrru I. O. O. P. Lodgn No. 209, Maupin, Oregon meets every Saturday night in L O. O. F. hall. Visiting members alwayi welcome D. L. Rutherford, N. G. O. F. Renick, See'v. on Wilson Painting Co, House and Sign P-A-I-N-T-E-R-S-I PAPER HANGERS .and DECORATORS Call, Write or phone, Times Office. Maupin, Oregon. ZELL'S FUNERAL SERVICE Undertaking and Embalming AMBULANCE SERVICE Call Maupin Drug Store Phone-343 &fe Dalles Floral Co. FOR ALL OCCASIONS When you desire Flowers for a party, wedding, funeral or any other purpose, phone 710, The Dalles, or leave your order at The Maupin Times office and your order will be delivered on the next mall or stage. BULBS NOW IN BLOOM "1