The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, September 06, 1928, Image 1

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Always working for the best
Interests of Maupin and all of
Southern Wasco County.
Publishes only that news fit
to print Caters to no particular
class, but works for all .:
Number 44
Twenty Four Beautiful Young
Ladles WUI DUplay Styles
Mpjr Novel Feature
One of the novel features of the
coming Old Fort Dalit Frolici,
which !( on the boards for Septem
ber 13-14-15, will be fashion ahow,
at which all the latent conceit In
ladlet garment will be displayed by
24 of the moiit beautiful ladle
of the town. Every merchant of the
city will contribute garments for the
chow and they will run the gamut
from the very plainest to the highest
conception of the drctsmaker's art.
'This feature will be on at the public
auditorium on Friday evening, be
ginning at 8 :00 o'clock.
The Legion parades, designed to he
an attractive feature of the Frolici,
will take place ench day of the show.
In the auditorium there will be high
class vaudccllle shows, In which som?
of the best and most expensive talent
in that line wil appear. There will
be several acts of this kind each
evening. There also will be many
musical features during the show
these being renditions by well known
violinists, pianists and other in
strument players. Soma of the brut
vocalists of the country will on hand,
and contrubut their offerings to
ward making the Frolics a great
In the gymnasium will be played
all the old-tome gambling games.
Real old-time faro, monte, fhurk-n-luck,
hazard, as well as poker tables
will be In evidence. The whisker
contest promises to be one of tho
greatest features ever attempted by
any body of men. Members of Tho
Dalles Legion pout are growing
beards, and 'at thin time they range
alt the way from a mere fuzz to a
House of David adorment
WamU Rancher Will Sell Slock and
Farm Implement
Frank T. Feltch, Wamic rancher,
has decided that hns too much stock
and too many farm implements on
hand, so will hold an auction sale ol
rame at his ranch on Smock Prairie,
nine miles southweit of Wamic, on
Saturday, September IB, The stock
offered for sale is all good stuff and
the Implements are modern and in
good condition.
Viiitinf Daughter
Lloyd WoodsMc and wi V went to
The Dalles on Tuesday, being ac
companied by Miss Florence Wood
side and Lloyd's mother, v. ho will re
main at the county seat for somo
time, visiting her daughter, Mrs.
Walter Driver.
Wat la Auto Wreck
W, C. Kimsey, who is here Visiting
with his son, Mike Kimsey, and com
ing from Sioux City. Iowa, figured
in an auto wreck on the highway
near The Dalles ono day lost week.
A careless driver ran Into him while
attempting to pass, badly demolish
ing the Kimsey cnr. The other car
was from Oswego, and the driver
promised to make repairs on the lo
cal car, but so fur has failed to show
"Dad" Griffin In Town
F. M. Griffin, the leading fisher
man of the lone section, came over
from that village the flr;t of last
week and la spending tho time In
Maupin coaxing finny beauties from
the depths of the Deschutes. Mr.
Griffin has a fine ranch in the lone
country and when not. taking care
of bumper chops thereon usually
spends his time with his daughter,
Mrs. II. R. Kaiser, in this city.
Auction Forecasted ,
, Several auction sales of live stock
and farm implements are in tho air,
among them being ono by Dick
Stakeley and one by , M. I. Shearer.
The Stakeley sale will most likely
' be called on September 25, while the
; Rhearor sale hns not been definitely
' Copper carbonate, blue stone o;
formaldehyde for treating soed
wheat Get your supply at the Man-
pin Drug State.
No Floor Commendation of Man's
Best Friend Ever Given
Maiterly Effort
Probably the finest tribute ever
paid to dogs was that embodied in
an address to a jury In Missouri by
Senator George C. Vest many years
ago. The circumstances surrounding
this bit of oratory are these: A feud
Lroke out between two neighbors
and one shot the other's dog. 'The
dog was of that type which might be
bought for f 10 a dozen almost any
where, yet the owner sued the killer
for 200. The defense maintained
that tho dog a mongrel hound
was virtually without value.
The courtroom was crowded for
the trial for Senator Vest was known
not only as a lover of dugs, but as
a fluent orator as well. His address
to tho jury was a masterpiece of its
kind. It is recorded thut thero was
not a dry eye in the courtroom at
its conclusion. Tho jury awarded
tho owner of tho dead dog $500
and somo of the jurors even wanted
to hang the offender.
An extract of the address which
has been widely circulated and which
hangs, framed, in the homes of many
dog lovers follows:
"Gentlemen of tho Jury: Tho
best human friend a man has In the
world may turn against him and be
come his enemy. His son or daugh
ter that ho has reared with loving'
care may prove ungrateful. Tlwc
who are nearest and dearest to us,
those whom we truht with our hap
piness and our good name may be
come traitors to their f;tith. The
money that a man has he may lose.
It flies away, from him. perhaps,
when he needs it inont. A man'e re
putation may lie sacrificed in a
moment of ill-considered action. The
people who are prone to fall on their
knees to do us honor when succors
Is with us may be the first to throw
the stone of mnlicc when failure set
tles its cloud upon our heads. The
one absolutely unxolfiHh friend tlmt
man can have in this selfish world,
the one that never deceives him, the
ono that never proves ungrateful
and treacherous. Is his dog.
"A man's dog stands by him in
prosperity and in provcrty, In health
and In sickness. He will deep on the
cold ground where the wintry winds
blow and tho snow drifts fiercely, if
only he may be near hut mnster's
side. He will kiss the hand that has
no food to offer, lie will lick tho
wounds and sores that he may en
counter with tho roughness of the
imiih, inwr'wrf"-ytiwnl'1ilnanin wr"T ' lSyif mlmmi -iyfr
1. On Angtist 10, 1874, Herbert Clarke Hoover was born
In West Branch, Iowa. He had one brother and a sister.
I. Herbert's father died when he
Aunt Agnes took him on a visit
Let the Waves Roll On
Vititors From Ateria j
Jake Davidson and wife went to
The Dalles on Tuesday for tho pur-
pose of meeting some friends from
Astoria, who will make an extended
visit at the Davidson home.
world. He guards the sleep of his ;
pauper master as Is he were a prince.
When all other fronds desert he
tcmains. When riches tske wing
mid reputation falls to pieces, he is
as constant in his love ss the sun in
its journeys through the , heavens.
If fortune drives the master forth
nn outcai.t in the world, frlendlcrs
and homeless, the faithful dog asks
no higher privilege than lhat of ac
companying, to guard against dan
ger, to fight against enemies, and
when death takes the master in its
embrace and his body is laid awav
in the cold ground, no matter if all
friends pursue their way, there by
the graveside may the noble dog be
found, his head between his paws,
his eyes sad but open in watchful
ness, faithful and true even in
death." ,
was s'.t. end
to Oklahoma.
1ST- 1 II IU mar-' , .H
Blue Mountain Deer Liable to Bo
Decimated By Them
Several deer hunting pirties are
preparing to go after deer in the
Blue mountains, starting next week;
Bob Wilhon and "Shorty" Miller
will leave Monday early and will
bunt in Bear Valleey, in the Snow
mountain section.
Bates Shattuck, George Morris
and E. F.. Slcrct of Vancouver,
Washington, will go to the Wolf
mountain country, doing their hunt
ing on Cougar creek. Each of the
hunters intend to remain until they
get at least one deer, and that with
After Concrete Mixer
Tom and Willis Driver were over
from Wamic Monday after a con
crete mixer. Willis Driver is erect
ing a new residence on the old home
place and needed the mixer to com
plete the foundation.
No. 3
By Satterfielc
t. As s boy, Herbert loved ail sports and outdoor
pastimes. In winter he delighted in snow sports.
4. The boy's playmates during this visit were little
Csnjfo Indian bojs, wbo taujht him many Indian sports.
Mrs. H. F. Bothwell Prepare far
Increased Student Number
Mrs. H. F. Bothwell has added
another piano to her music studio,
thus enabling more student to havt
the advantage of ensembla work.
In the up-to-date studios it is a
recognized fact that music student
make a marked improvement when
they play with other in group play
ing. Mrs. Bothwell announce that
at all times during the winter musi
cal season there will be students
ready to play at a moment's notice
at any public or private entertain
ment There will be a small fee
charged and the money Is to be paid
to the student rendering the musi
cal number. Advanced students as
sisting Mrs. Bothwell in her be
ginners' class also will be paid by
t'le hour.
Aribtration Fails and Strike May
Be ceiled Thi. Week
The Brotherhood of Railway
Trainmen and Conductors has been
in conference with the manners of
wtslern railroads relative to a raise
in pay and a change in working con
ditions. Arbitration has been going
on for some tirr.e, the tra'nnen re
fusing to accept an award made,
which would have given them a 64
per eent raise in pay. The unions
took a referendum vote lat eek.
Should a strike be called -at this
life on western lines it wouM s?
relv :;M ?e the movement of farm
en ps from the northwest and cr.use
the loss of millions of dollars to tir
"vi. P'cause of this critijU situ
ation it js thought that govetunwnt
f.clion nil! intervene in case the vote
nn.oMg iht trainmen is favorable to
the stre.
New Roof on Retideni
Frank Dyer , had a new shingled
roof put on his residence last week,
Frank says that building paper ha:
its uses and place, but that as a roof
covering it is a failure. The new
covering has been painted an emer
n!d green and is a great improve
ment to the Dyer residence.
Albright Commission Co.
The Albright Commission com
mission company of Portland has an
advertisement in this issue of The
Times. The company is advising
ranchers to rhip their livestock by
truck, thereby being on the market
the same day the shipment is made.
The company appointed R. C. David
son as its representative in Maupin
and Bobby will keep all informed as
to market conditions daily.
Some Muik Melon
G. J. Burlinghame came to town
Saturday last with a load of the fin
est musk melons ever brought to
Maupin. They were raised on his
Tygh Valley ranch and were large
perfectly formed and rich in flavor.
Mr. Burlinghame planted about
one-eighth acre to musk melons and
says; he will harvest about five tonr.
from the patch.
Ordered New Ford Truck
' Bobby Davidson has taken a step
forward. He is about discard his
old wheat carrier and will coon have
a new Ford truck in operation.
Bobby has made connection with a
Portland commission house and will
receive market cattle quotations
daily, thus being able to apprise
ranchers of the market prices or
cattle, hogs and other livestock.
Stakeley Raiting Melons
Dick Stakeley does not confine
his ability to the raising of wheat
alone on his Tygh Valley ranch. He
has a fine patch of watermelons,
some of which he rays will weigh 36
pounds, each one being finely shap
ed and full of the nectar which
makes good melons a demand.
Roc), away Teachers Visit
Chas. Stovall and wife, teachers
in the Rockaway schools, visited
with the former's brother, Dr. L.
3. Stovall, and wife from. Sunday
until Tuesday. They were on a trip
which would take them to Pendle
ton, where tbey taught a couple of
years, after which they will return
to thoir homo in time to begin their
school duties.
Stsrt the hens laying. Dr. Hess'
Poultry Panacea will do tho work.
All sizes at the Maupin Drug Store.
Heat, Light and Power Simplify
Work the Farm and Take
Drudgery From Women
Secretary Hoover in Ms speech
accepting ths nomination for the
presidency referred to soma of ths
indications of American progress
one of which was the fact that dur
ing the past eight years 9,000,00(1
more homes have been equipped with
Naturally most of these homes
were in Cities and towns, but during
the past four or five years great
strides have been made toward ex
tending electricity to the rural dis
tricts as welL
In a majority of the states of the
Union, as well as in many sections
of Canada, a practical program of
rural electrification is being worked
out Thi program is generally pur
sued through the cooperation of ag
ricultural colleges, fanner organisa
tions and electric companies, and no
problem of the electrical industry is
today receiving more attention than
that of bringing electric service to
the farms and farm homes. '
While the resulting benefits have
been general, they have perhaps
meant most to those farm women
whose daily burdens have been
lightened through the introduction
into their homes of electric light,
heat and power. Every new rural
electric line which threads its way
across the countryside mean3 eman
ripation from drudgery for man
farm housewives.
Will Fumbh House
Linn & Son have secured the con
tract to supply the lumber for the
forms and other U3cs of the new
bridge. That enterprising Wapini
tia lumber, which is cutting a grade
of lumber, which is in demand by
ranchers all over this section.
Badly Affected Elbow
Harve Morriss is suffering with
an affliction which somewhat re
sembles "nurse's lmee." A while
back Harve struck his right elbow
against a hard object He paid no
attention to the hurt until it began
to pain him, then went to The Dalles
to have the injury given medical
Called to Californii
Mrs. Oscar Renick was summoned
to Los Angeles, California, last
Friday by a message which stated
her father had suffered a second at
tack of paralysis The lady will re
main in the southern city until her
father shows improvement, or until
his condition is such that she can
return home.
"Dead Man's Curve"
, "Dead Man's Curve" on the Wap
initia cut-off was the scene of an
other auto wreck last Saturday.. A
Portland man named Boyle, driving
at a rapid rate struck the curve with
the resut that his car turned over,
throwing the occupants, three men
and a women out. Boy Batty took
the women to Ben's rervice station
where a doctor attended her, he
finding she had sustained some
bruise and a slightly sprained back.
Entertained Relatives
Mrs. Jean Wray had as visitors on
Monday her mother and sister, Mrs.
and Miss Jones, from Prineville, The
younger Miss Jones in a teacher in
the Prineville schools and madd the
visit before time to begin her teach
ing, work. . "
Clearing Away Rock
The contractorse on the bridge
have a force of-men at work clear
ing away the big boulders" from a
considerable space on the Flat be
low the old bridgo across the river,
The -Vared space, will be used to
pile crushed rock on.
Added to Road Crew
MOse Addington has added a
couple of men to his road crew, they
being 'Budge" Greene and Fressio
Martin. Mose is getting the highway
in shane or the winter rains by
cleaning out ditches and patching the
j roadway where it has broken by the
' heavy wheat vehicles.