10-Day Specials! Will end August 20 Tomatoes, large cans, 3 cans for 39c Hillcrest Peaches, large cans, 2 for .45c ISweet Pickles, glass jars, 1 gallon $1.0 Assorted Jam, 3 lb glas.i jar C9c 'Re'sho G. M. Coffee, 1 pound 48c Good Catsup, 1 gallon glass jar $1.39 A Dandy Good Broom, for 48c Sardines, 4 oval cans, 55c 0. P. RESM COMPANY "Everything for the table" GROCERIES and MEATS Prompt and Courteous Service MAUPIN, OREGON. as ' Per$onalitir.s :J Tom GnlUsr her and family npcnt last Sunday at The Dalles. J. H. Woodcock Mud wife vlhitcd friends at Wamic last umlay, o H. K. Wray and family took in the circus at The Dulles Monday. Oliver Rosh and wife kw tho hi? parade and circuit art at Tho Dulles Tuesday. The Tratt and Welch families re turned for a week's sojourn In the mountains Tuesday. o John Kubanks and son, Vivian, were over from Wamic on a trading errand on Wednesday. o Kvrrctt Ricmond went to The Dulles yeterdny and brought hiu wife home form the hospital. o ' Anionic those from thin section who attended the circua at The Dalles on Mondny was George Mallatt and family. Mrs. Jacob Marine, niece of Mrs. Cliaa. Crpfoot, came over from Pendleton Sunday und visited with DANCES GIVEN BY z :fu Will He Held on the Following Dates at The Ameri can Legion Hall during the Dance Season: September J Harvest Ball. September 22 Open date. October 13 Old Time dance. October 27 Carnival and dance. Noomher 10 Artrbtire Day dsnee. November 2J Thanksgiving dance. December R Smoker and dance. December 2S Chrlxtmas dance. December 31 New Years dance. January 12 Mask Ball. January 26 Old Time dance. February 2 Open date. . . . March 17 St. Patrick's dance. urn BrarriVE MAT SS TO WT. 90 BBTV9.N LIMIT OCT. SI. 1 IIS ROUND TRIP TO . dfnver 97.io 1 Low fares all parts of mid- KAN tiTV...: iIm west, south and cat. jF.s moimes ftt.sa Fine fast trains. sr. Louis ai.oo HCAGO 80.10 liMnmNfi CINCINNATI 110.4ft tout.!. M 85!S NHnal W ZMT ' Canyon Mnff'l Pk. WASHINGTON HwalMu piiiuadkLphia i":Si RMkjrllountatn NaflPk. BOSTON14 If V?2 E" nmh to" K BOSTON U1.79 tioni and Informal! ??. addreii Ait named b rtow. R. B. BELL, Agent EDW. H. McALLEN, T. Maupin, Oregon F & P. A., Band, Oregon Now that harvest is over and grain checks are in the bank those of our subscribers who know themselves to be in arreas will greatly favor ;us by coming in and paying up. Thank you her relative in Maupin a few day this week. o Mr. Frank Soddy, sister of B. D. Fraley, from Patterson, California, arrived Tuesday and will remain for an Indefinite visit. Mrs. Wayne De Janvier accom panied Wm. Miller to Corvallls on Tuesday to attend the funeral of the late Chas. A., Gill. R. A, Barton, who ha been mak ing connection between the Oak Springs and local electrical plant, left for his Portland home today. George McDonald, wife and Miss Ddna Ward, returned Tuesday evening- from a 10-days' vacation, spent at Portland and at the coast resorts. Lew Henneghan and wife return ed from the mountains, where they had been camping nad picking ber ries the past few weeks, arriving last evening. J.' W. Temple and wife spent Sun day with their daughter, Mrs. Cor don Metteer, and husband, coming over from The Dalles, where Jess is employed. A. B. Smith and wife visited with home folks at Roseburg last week. When they returned to Maupin Andy was driving a brand new Chevrilet coach. R. E. Wilson returned Sunday evening from Portand, where he spent the week attending the buyers' affair. His wife, who had been viiting for two weeks at Portland, returned with him. "Butch" Copple, the snake catch er for Portland Chinks, came over from Tygh Valley Tuesday evening and traded hia bug with The Times people for their Dodge touring car. Butch has a contract to deliver 100 live rattlers to the Chinamen. i 1 ! u :! ii arvest OPENING DANCE o) 1) 811111 i of the Season ' 'J: H A ILL EAST MAUPIN NEWS 4BB , m Signe FiHcher visited with East Maupin friends yesterday afternoon. Only High Class Music Will be Used at This Hall During This Season We have a big SURPRISE Mrs. Ed. Fischer is visiting for a Jfcw days at the home of her son, Billy rwcher. o 1 1 Verne Fisrher is sporting a new j r i i . i .1 '4' for you, to be announced during this dance Dance Tickets $1.00. Supper Served day in The Dalles. Rill Williams is dolling up his old tin lizzie preparatory to trading it in on a new mail wagon. Miss Sena Peterson, county nurse, called on fome orphan girls at the camp gronnd this morning. . One of Lester Kelly'a horses gave up the ghost yesterday, dying at Lester's Bakcoven garden ranch. The bridge gang of the O. W. is at work near here, placing concrete piers under nearly all the bridges. L. H. Townc and wife went to Portland this morning, taking ad vantage of the break down of the crusher. o Frank Klint and wife and Mrs. 0. J. Williams journeyed to the mountains last Sunday and picked some huckleberries. The rock crusher broke down again this morning and as a conse quence most members of the crew arc enjoying a vacation. The flour mill is buying largo quantities of wheat these days. The mill io operating quite steadily. turning out a superior grade of flour. The checker game Is still the pop ular amusement at Dad Fischer's. Just who is entitled to the cham pionship has not as yet been deter mined. -o Kex Rcxford, the Portland traf fic cop who enjoys fishing herea bouts, with two friends from Boring came up Tuesday evening and yes terday caught near tho limit of fine trout. o Mrs. Ed. Carter returned from a visit to her mother at Los Angles yesterday. She was called there by her mother's serious Illness, and when she returned reported her mother had given birth to a big baby boy. carbon blow out. and thus ret fire to the dry brush, timber, grass, or grain. Thj ground should be cleared down to the mineral soil for a dis tance of several feet around a sta tionary engine, and it is well to wet down the ground around it, at least twice a day. What was probably the first "sire exchange" in the United States was held this year at the State Fair ground in South Dakota, when live stock owners brought in their boars, rams, and bulls for trade or sale. To cover incidentol expenses there was a charge of 25 cents for each boar and ram and 50 cents for each bull. The exchange aroused consid erable interest and favorable com ment and created an opportunity for comparison and discussion of the merits of the various animals. Your Watch Haywire? If it is not doing its work brinf? it to The Times ofF.ce and Mr. Semmea will send GUY A. POUND mauitxa'uring Jeweler aud Watchmaker Suucmw la U. Lindquist THE DALLFS - . OR KG ON CRANDALL UNDERTAKING CO. QUIET SERVICE LADY ASSITANTS The Dalles, Oreg.n. Plten. 35-J WERNMARK SHOE STORE Shoes and Repairing Wasco County's Exclusive Shat Store thoea for th General Repairing Vbol Famttw The Ualies, Ore. WhiteRestaurant Where the best 35 cent meal is served in The Dalles Next The Dalles Creamery C. N. Sargent, Prop. PAGE, LINE AND PARAGRAPH A Oce-A-Week Service l Weeklies and Semi-Weeklies . Machinery that is used in tho field or forest, such as engines or tractors, should be in such shape that sparks cannot get out of the smokestack or burning particles of KwT If r SeHm! o' Qvn'ity Thtti 5ra th$ Enttrt Slat a thorough cultural nd proteionai KhoUnhlp ii th eutiUndinv char, ctcrtlttc of th Stntt University Tninint eftrei in 13 departments of the College ( Literature. Science and the Arts . Architecture sml Allied Arts Business Administration Kd ii latioa Journalism Urailiinfs Stmly Law Meilicine Mnsle -Physiflal Education 8oeio. ogy Social Work Extension Division. Couwe Yiu Open) Sept. 14. 1B29 For information if mtilnOHt vrtrt fA lUeutnr, Vnivtmtn Ongon, ctM. Or. wSchool Begins Soon We make a specialty of fitting comfortable and at tractive Glasses for Children. t DR. F. A. PERKINS V DE LARHUE OPTICAL COMPANY ' Suit. IS and 16, Vogl Block, Th. Dallas, Or.. ' - WHEN IN THE DALLES ' E5 Make Your Headqarters at 7T;V 1 The Black and White or j American Restaurants where every service awaits you. 1 m FREE PHONE , REST ROOMS Both Restaurants have been entirely remodeled for H your convenience. E. J. McMahon 1 PROPRIETOR