The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, July 26, 1928, Image 3

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. Meat is a strength builder, and to get the
full strength from that article of food only the
best should be. cooked. In the harvest fields
a great deal of strength is required, therefore
we are prepared to conserve and stimulate such
workers with young grass-fed beef. None
other dispensed at our shop. Come in and see
"Everything for the table"
Prompt and Courteous Service
j Personalities :J
J. P. Abbott was In from bis bit;
sheep ranch on Monday.
II. A. Muller of Tygh Valley was
In Maupin on business thin morning.
Otto Herri Ing was In from hi
Criterion ranch on business Tuca
John Joyce was in from tho Old
Maya ranch on Buck Hollow last Sat
urday. Wlli L DrUd"aiI7F.ditor Wyall -,f
the Dip'it'h Mere calling on fri'nds
in Maup n Sitnrday last.
R. W. Richmond and wife with
Mr. R. K. Richmond and children
went to Clear Lake yesterday morn-
ing. The latter lady haa been advis
ed by her phydciun to livo In the
mount alnn during the extremely hot
Miss Gladys Martin came home
from Abbott'a on Monday, she hav
ig born taken with a alight illneai,
Ben Fi ;!.; and wife left for tJv
ViIlame'.'! alley the luttcr part of
lant week for a vlalt with rclativt s.
Johntiy Williams visited the Linn
mill at the timber line yMcrday
fronting, going after a load of saw.
Floyd Richmond came up ftom
Portland yesterday evening and will
remain with his home folks for a
few days.
Carl Dahl, Roue Dabl and Harry
Haimcr graced Maupin with their
presence la t Saturday night. Mra.
Dahl lately entered the sheep game
receiving a large number of wool-
lea from Eastern Oregon, which she
la ranging In the mountaina,
P. S. Hamilton ond wife, who con
duct the Stllwell hotel ut Tygh Vol
ley, were in town on a trading er
rand yesterday.
Mia Lelah Weberg went to a
ranch on Tygh Ridge on Sunday
lat and will at flint In the houaework
during the grain cutting
Frank Fleming came in from
The Dalles Tuesday and went out
to hia Bakeoven ranch to aee what
hia wheat harvest portended.
' ' o
J. W. Hillstrom came In from his
company's road job on the Roose
velt highway ycrtcrday to look after
his rock crusher plant in Maupin.
H. C. Chanman. the fox man. with
hia wife came in from Portland this
morning and will look after burlness
In his line in Maupin for a day or
so. v
. " 1
L. n. Townes and wife, the for
mer truck driver for the rock crush
er crew, took advantage of the
break down to motor to Portland
Mrs. Gus Derthick and daughter,
Fanule, accompanied "Whitey"
Dorme to Hood River on Monday
for a day's visit with the former's
sister, returning Tuesday,
Wallace and Art Farghcr came In
from Swim Monday. They were ex
pected home Saturday night, but
car trouble compelled their delay
until the. first of the week.
A. J. Conroy of Grass Valley was
in Maupin a short time on Wednes
day, being on bis way to the moun
tain to look after his sheep flocks.
Mis.-' Sammy Creichton joined her
mother at Portland on Friday, leav
ing Maupin on the morning stage
and continuing from The Dalles on a
Mid-Columbia passenger carrier.
For the Vacationist, the
Tourist, the Student
!We have a very complete and up-to-date line of
Suit Cases, Hand Bags,
Pullmap Cases, Overnite Bags,
Gladstone Bags, Wardrobe Trunks
; Steamer Trunks,
and Large Storage Trunks'
An assortment of each kind that you may select
your needs from and at the price you wish to pay.
Select them when in town at
Powers Third and Washington Streets, The Dalles
1 Use Your Credit We Charge No Interest
A Big Bouncing Girl
Ted EndT by dosn't care how bet
the weather gets jut now, for his
attention Is centered in a band new
baby girl which arrived at his home
I on Friday last Dr. Elwood reports
jtbnt both infant and Mrs. F.irderKby
are ding finely, also that the new
I comer weighed JO pounds at birth.
I '
j Si'r Viiil B.oiber
1 Mwire Staples and wife, b'
iniv':i iifu 1'innT ni I . u, muri., HUM
I John Gates and wife, son and
j daughter, all of Cbesaw, Washing-
ton, arrived Tuesday morning and
will spend the rest of the week with
he Stuarts in Maupin. This wi-
the first time Frank had seen bis
sister in 20 years. Mr. Staples says
that, crop prospect" in the Okanogan
Valley were never brighter, as that
section wa visited with 15 inches
of rainfall since the snow went off
in the rpring, and that that clement
onducfd to a better than average
Pick Ups it"!
Evans Parish took the child to
Tygh, where Dr. Shannon set the
broken limb. (The corrcepondent
failed to state whether it was a
limb of a tree or of the child that
was broken.)
Willie Aldridge and Miss South
ernl&nd were married a couple cf
weeks ago and are now at home on
the Bakeoven farm.
Farmers, merchants and officials
of the Waplnitia' Irrigation 'com
pany are planning a harvest gather
ing at Pine Grove about September
t. Several notables of the state
are exepected to be present and the
affair enlivened by music of The
Dalles band.
Wilson Painting Co.
House and Sign
Call, Write or phone, Times Office.
Maupin, Oregon.
First National Bank Bldg.
Tfc DalUs, Oregon
PboM 31
Picke up around town.
"Shorty" Miller with the help of
Signe Fischer, is the whole thing at
the Rainbow this week. During the
extremely hot days of last week and,
this, Shorty has showed thei tuff
of 'which good men are made
working 20 hours each day and tak
ing care of a horde of customers.
Maupin presented quite a metro
politan appearance last Saturday
night. What with the rock crush
er and road oiling crews, augmented
by a big bunch of tourhts and fish
erman, our streets took on the effect
of a much larger town, and business
In some lines profited accordingly.
Tom Gallagher of the Red and
White store likes to commune with
nature. Each Sunday sees him di
recting the nose of his car toward
the high spots where he, with hia
family, enjoys the delights of the
balmy atmosphere and the beautiful
scenery afforded by mountains, val
ley , and timber. Last Sunday he
went to Government Camp and on
the way there accumulated one of
the moit beautiful coats of tan and !
sunburn it has been our chance to j
see. As a result Mr. Gallagher Is
now a victim of all kinds of blister
remedies and for tr.c removal and al
leviation of sun effects.
Vallate Conley of White River
has a rtring of relay horses in train
ing for the coming fair. He lately
acquired a couple of fast gallopers
and proposes to sweep the board at
the next race meet. Wallace knows
the relay game as well as the next
one and if it comes to the point
where more and better horses are
necersary to win with, well, the
sporting instinct of the man asserts
itself and ho goes out and brings
home a few.
x .
Stanley Wood came up from The
Dalles last Sunday and spent the day
with friends. In order to better
pa s the time Stan, brought his saxa
phone along and the neighbors were
regaled with some music, some of
which was more doleful than real
jazz, permits.
x "
Some tourists are populating
Maupin with a variety of dogs and
their homes with our people while j oth Restaurants have been entirely remodeled for
and Way Point and Way Point
H Make Your Headqarters at
The Blakand White or
A merican Restaurants
j where every service awaits you.
Mad. Trip to Portland
A. J. Connolly made a business
trip to Portland last Thursday, re
turning on Monday. Tony remark
ed that while at Cascade Locks the
weather was all that one could de
sire, but that he traveled over the
hump the atmosphere grew more
humid until the approach to Mau
pin he found things sizzling hot
Home From California-
Mrs. Signe Fischer returned last
Friday afternoon from a two-weeks'
visit with her mother and other rela
tives at Lot Angeles. While away
our popular waitress visited one day
at Tia Juana. Mexico, and was much
surprised at the customs of the peo
ple of the republic joining us on the
the d"g- arc usually finding abiding
places with considerate ranchers. It
is very easy to drop a kitten or
nippy in town and then drive off,
forgetting that buHi a thing as a
younster's pet was not of the party
on the continuation of the journey.
"Curley" Hrt, mechanic at the
Maupin garage, has a problem which
he would like rome mathematician
to solve for him. He worked all day
Mondays fixed up two or three cars,
made a dollar for himself and then
figured he was all of 912.00 out of
pocket We wonder how come?
"Dad" Richmond's hypnotic chair
has lost its power, at least it failed
to woo sweet slumber to its occupant-
the past few hot days. Those
who occupied it soon left it for more
congenial parts, as the chair took on
all the attributes of a furance and
compelled a vacation of its enticing
seat and arm-, because of soaked up
your convenience.
E. J. McMahon
Mark Stuart Injured '
Relatives of Frank and Mark
Stuart bring word from Spokane
that Mark recently injured one of
his hands on a bone and was laid up
for three weeks with a case of blood
poi on. Ho has sufficietly recover
ed as to be able to return to work
this week Monday,
TouritU Step Over
Win, Moss and wife,' Chn'. Kess
ler and wife and George Kessler and
wife, all of Banks, stopped over
Tuesday night for a short visit with
the Frank Dyer family, they being
relatives of Mrs. Dyer. The rl itors
were on their way to Yellowstone
Park and will also visit various cities
in vVoniing nd possibly Nebraska,
before returning home.
'""1 "'""
Home Frtm Hotpi'al
Mrs. Erne3t Becks eme home
from a Dalles hor-pital late last
I week, having partly recovered from
I the shock of a serious operation,
j While the lndy is r till weak she is
making good stride toward regaining
her usual good health, which 13 good
tit'. rs to her many frienda.
From The Times July 27, 1917
Hot weattie? til' continue, hav
ing coiwricrd June 20, and tiiin-.'s
are gekin pdner and drier. The
ihuroio'ncter roaches 96 to witn
nights also hot, something unusual
for this time of the year.
V'edne d'v' "noon a 'ird-
li mi enmc '(. ;ttiicd wit!' '
Jr-1 if r'.:i. Verioits fro ' etc
tell of a heavy downpour of rain for
a short time.
The O. W. has constructed a side
track to the new flour mill which is
looming up, owing to the efforts
of Contractor Wilhelm and his
force of carpenters.
While cutting grain on hi- father's
place at Wamic on W?dneday
morning, Wlili" Norval was thrown
from the binder by the team run
ning away. He suffered a broken
leg as a result of the accident.
Water in the new canal on the
Fht is advancing at the rate of
one-fourth mile daily. The ditch
being dry ahorbston of a consider
able quantity of waiter takes place,
thereby making advance of the ir
rigating fluid rather ilow.
A little son of Mrs. Minnie Gray
fell from a tree at the J. Emhry
place where Mra. Gny is working.
We mean that now is the time to have your
Automobile Overhauled
This is the place to bring it. We have the largest
and best equipped machine shop in Wasco county.
Tka Dallaa, Ora-
rM 383-J
Meeting Mail
Order Prices
We have a large stock of No. 1 Tires and Tubes
which we are selling as cheap as they can be had
of the mail order housea. Below we quote a few
prices, but invite car owners to come in and see
just what they are before buying elsewhere.
Usco 30x3 1-2 - $6.25
U. S. Tube, $1.90
Usco 29x4.40 - - $7.55
Nobby Tube, $1.50
Goodrich 30x3 1-2 - - $5.55
Goodaich 29x4.40 - - $7.45