The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, July 19, 1928, Image 3

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    - the ilkiimi ritiU
; Meat is a strength builder, and to get the
v full strength from that article of food only the
best should be cooked. In the harvest fields
a great deal of strength is required, therefore
we are prepared to conserve and" stimulate such
workers with young grass-fed beef. None
other dispensed at our shop: Come in and see
"Everything for the table"
Prompt and Courteous Service
j; Personalities
O. P. Webcrg has gone to the
ranch to help in harvest.
A. J, Connolly made tin auto trip
to The Dalle yesterday afternoon.
MIm' Jean Wilaon came up from
Portland and spent Sunday at the
parental home.
Mr. Lester Crofoot ta assisting tn
the kitchen at the Rainbow rcstau
rant for a few Hays.
Dr. Short and Mm. Jean VI ray
viaittd with Wamic frirnda a shirt
time evening.
Mra. Arthur Creighton. who hns
been working aa chef ft the Rain
bow for some time, lif. for her
horn at Portland Tii'fcdny. On her
way to the big city she visited a
a short time with h.-r alattr at The
Al. Gillis took sufficient time
off from hia harvexl work to come
in from Wamic on Tuesday.
Koad Contractor Brown and wife
were in from the road camp after
supplies yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. Ionard We berg and little
daughter spent Saturday at the
home of Leonard's parents in Mau-
Harry Weber han gone to parts
adjacent to The Dalles , where he
will work as sack sewer during the
wheat harvest.
Mrs, It. F." Bothwell, with her
mother, Mrs. Carrip May, drovo to
Portland uesday and will spend a
lew days there. Mrs. W. H. Stoats
accompanied them.
Dolph Coetjen and wife were la
tuwu from Tygh Valley Monday.
Dolph came in for the purpose of
securing harvest help.
Dave Donnldson and Ira Kestnr
are spending the time at Swim,
picking a few berries and otherwise
enjoying themselves.
Billy Heckman hJ accepted a
position at the Battle Axe inn at
Swim and is now employed there us
general man of all work.
"Butch" Copple came up from hl
make pasture at Sherars and spent
Sunday in Maupln. He went to
Portland Monday morning.
Henry Kramer and wife were in
Maupln this morning while the for
mer was selling our dealers goods in
the tobacco and confectionary line.
C. W. Wilson and Cleo Morris
were in from theirSmock ranch this
a. m. They recently returned from
trip to their old home at Silver
ton. Roy Batty took time off from
threshing this morning to bring his
wife in for consultation with Dr.
Elwood. Mrs. Batty is threatened
with a recurrence of the trouble that
bothered her la:.t summer.
Mrs. George Tillotson and Mrs.
Jim McCowan drove up from The
Dalles Monday morning and took a
load of household goods back with
them in the afternoon. The Tillot-
sons will be at home to their friend
hereafter at 1613 Riverside avenue
The Dalles.
Cut Head oa Ax
A. R. Cobbs, who is employed ty
Joe A. Graham on forest reserve
work, had the misfortune to severe-
ly ei.t his head with an axe last
Monday. He was chopping wood
when the axe caught on a line, de
flecting the blade which entered
the back of his head, inflicting a
wound which required several
stitches to close. He went to The
Dalles Tuesday morning, having a
residence there and where he will
remain until the wound heals.
In For V.g.tabl.s
Jack Buthala was in from the
berry camp at Swim Tuesday. Jack
and his cousin, Nick Karolus, ara
camped at the summer resort and are
locating huckleberry patchej for
later picking. Jack says the pros
pects for a big berry crop were never
brighter and that he and Nick will
pick a large amount of the luscious
Naw Cook at Rainbow
Mrs. Okerman, sister of Mr:.
Carl Pratt, is the new chef at the
Rainbow cafe, she having succeeded
Mrs. Arthur Crcighton, who left for
her home at Portland on Tuesday.
Mrs. Okerman is a finished caterer
and parons of the Rainbow will be
served food cooked just right by
a hand applied' rather forcibly to
that portion of their anatomy mad."
to sit upon might have a salutv.y
pffttt and cause them to ponder be
fore lighting more fires. ,
Prof. N'.:gle Is one ot those men
e.l.o f.ciight in viewin' territory
.tii-j- thin that inimei'ucly .
r.tundmg his home place, l.un
week ho, with his wife, went ta.
southern Idaho. He visited at
Boise and then turned his faithful
Ford's radiator toward Nevada, go
ing as far as F.lco, making the
round trip in one day. He says
' the roads over Snake river are
something fierce, and that Oregon
has them all beaten when it comet
to good roads. '
Wilson Painting Co.
House and Sign
; and ' : "
Call, Write or phone. Times Office.
Maapin, Oregon.
Dr. wm. Kennedy;
First National Bank BWg.
Tka Dallas, Oregon
PUm 391
Flies are a menace to good health.
Get rid of them. Cenol Fly De
stroyers will do the work. Al!
sizes, at tbe Maupin Drug Store.
For the Vacationist, the
Tourist, the Student
JWe have a very complete and up-to-date line of
Suit Cases, Hand Bags,
Pullman Cases, Overnite Bags,
Gladstone Bags, Wardrobe Trunks
Steamer Trunks,
and Large Storage Trunks
An assortment of each kind that you may select
your needs from and at the price you wish to pay.
Select them when in town at
iPoWERS Third and Washington Streets, The Dalles
Use Your Credit We Charge No Interest
Johnny Williams is still enjoying
himself in the mountains.
Mr. Henry Peterson of the Flat
is a guest at the L. D. Kelly home.
W. H. Williams is delivering fine
strawberries, grown on plants set
out this seaon.
Hollister McCoy, who is 'tendh.g
Johnny Karlen's sheep flocks in the
mountains, came out on a brief va
cation last Saturday night.
Tart of the oiling crew came to
Kant Maupin Tuesday and some
of the members arc at the camp
grounds while others found accom
modations at the Hotel Kelly.
Painter Wilson and wife and Cleo
McMorrii and wife called on friends
on this side of the river Tuesday.
They are now busy on their Smock
ranch getting in their wheat crop.
All the rooms at Hotel Kelly have
been occupied since the heavy tour
ist travel set in. Tourirts kt.ow
the b"ft places to put up, even if
one which is located in a small
placu like Maupin.
Andy Mann left for Milwaukie
thh morning. He has lately com
pleted the job of painting the re
constructed residence of F. D,
First Wheat Shipped
The first carload of 1928 wheat
crop of this section was shipiied to
Portland yesterday by the Maupin
Warehouse company. It has been
the practice of that concern to ship
wheat as it was received at the
warehouse and the shipments of the
carload mentioned herein was in ac
cordance with the practice of the
company in the part.
and Way Points and Way Points
Drake and wife Visit With Rev.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Drake, former
ly employed at Rimnasho, visited the
Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Matthews last
week. They were accompanied by
their son, Chester, and his wife, of
Los Angels, California. The former
government man and wif will make
their home at Los Angler, for a time
at least. IV 3ID
n;7 TTn About
I IVtl UpS Town
H Make Your Headqarters at
1 The Blak and White or
American Restaurants
H where every service aw;aits you.
Ed. Edmunds, a young man who
follows the races and fairs, has
been at Trincvillc for some time,
having assisted in pulling off the big
Indian congress there during the
Fourth celebration. He drifted into
Billy Hunt's home ranch la t week
and our hustling sheep man put the
traveler to work in the hay field.
Ed. manfully tried to pitch hay fTom
the ground to the wagon, working
about three days. Yesterday he
ambled into town, limping and rub
bing his hands. When asked about
his trouble he complained of blister
ed feet and hands. We know a fork
handle will blister one's hands, but
Edmunds' was the first time fork
handle blisters on the feet were
brought to our attention.
Pave Donaldson believes in tak-
55 Both Restaurants have been entirely remodeled for
your convenience.
E. J. McMahon
Stuart, and made a fine record I U? life as easy a-, possible. He is
there for his workmanship. j at Swim and is busy picking berries.
o I Just how Dave accommodates him-
W. C. Hawley, wife and little
son from Oregon City, were guests
nt the Hotel Kelly Sunday. They
had made a trip over the McKenzie
pass and were on thir way home.
Mr. Hawley is head of the Oregon
City paper mills which bears his
First Green Corn In
Phil Starr combines a
dening with his mail carrying job,
He lias reveral Maupin lots planted.
to , vegetables, all of which shows
the bestowed unnon them.
i s e- hy Phil dfiivncd a bg
bunch cl green can cars to ReBh &
Co.. ich well til! and as s"iid
as desired. That delivery was the
f r :, the seasm i s-
f r thh section.
Auxiliary Makes Quilts
The auxiliary -to , the American
Legion members were busv on Wed
nesday making quilts for the vet
erans hospital. The tocal ladies are
doing a big share toward making
the disabled roldiers comfortable.
They have donated many articles of
bedding and soldiers' wear to the
hospital and are ever awake to the
needs of the boys who suffered in
the late war.
Tutting In Transformer
The Maupin Power company baa
a force of men at work putting in a
big transformer on the twin poles
near the Phil Starr residence. When
that work is completed the work of
stringing wire from the Oak Springs
Vlftnt will go ahead with ; peed.
self away from, a trout in a puzzle
to his friends. Well, Dave knows
hi" vegetables and will acquit him
self with credit whercved he goes.
Billy Heckman has at last tired ot
city life. He went to Swim la. t
week and for the balance of the sum
mer will be chief hustler at the
Battle Axe inn. Billy will devote
little gar-1 himself to peeling spuds, cutting
wood, watering chickens, feeding the
pign and attending to the thousand
and one things demanded of a man
of all work around a summer hotel.
If Phil Starr fails to raise vege
tables it is not worth anyone else's
time to try that little thing. He took
two barren lots, plowed them, plant
ed various varieties of green things
and now is reaping tbe results of his
labor and attention, .
Ollic Weberg says he is getting too
fat for comfort. He went to the
ranch ye terday to help in the har
vest and if the weather Contisae?
hot we wirmise be will have reduced
to comfortable proportions when
his grain is all in the granery.
Those little kids who are re
3pon iblc for the grass fire in
Greene's canyon on Tuesday, might
have - precipitated a serious confla
gration by their prank. Matches
should be kept out of the reach of
little ones. They do not realize
what the ronr.equence. of lighting
promiscuous fires might be. Should
they continue in the use of fire
sticks a seauce in the woodshed and
We mean that now is the time to have your
Automobile Overhauled
-This is the place to bring it We have the largest
and best equipped machine shop in Wasco county.
Tka Dallas, Or.ioa
PkotM 383-J
Meeting Mail
Order Prices J
We have a large stock of No. 1 Tires and Tubes 1
which we are selling as cheap as they can' be h;'.d
of the mail order houses. Below we auote a few i
i prices, but invite car owners tx come in and see
just what they are before buying elsewhere.
Usco 30x3 1-2 - - $6.25
U. S. Tube, $1.90
Usco 29x4.40 - - $7.55
Nobby Tube, $1.50
Goodrich 30x3 1-2 - - $5.55
Goodaich 29x4.40 - - $7.45