The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, July 19, 1928, Image 1

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    BT A
Always working for the best
interests of Maupin and all of
Southern Wasco County.
Publishes only that news fit
to print Caters to no particular
class, but works for all.
Number 37
Three Weeks Big Time
By Indian Tribes at
Sbnasho Track
Opaa Gambling, Hart Racls and
Other Amusement ludulgad la
Indian Rid.r lajarad
Tha Fourth of July celebration
put on by tht Warm Spring In
diana at Slmnasho, terminated la.t
Friday, July 13.
Soma of tha Indiana began to
movo into tha camp ground!, where
tba ealebratlon wa held, aa early n
Saturday, June 80.
There waa a large number of vis
itor thla year, mostly Indian 1 from
tha . Yakima rrervation. rhce
brought a consiierable aum of
money with them, it la reported. H
la alaao reported that they did net
tale It all back with them. Ope,
gambling waa freely Indulged in.
the bone game, card gamed, anl
dice being the mean employed.
Hone racing not only provide I aomr
entertainment for the crowd but al
ao provided another mean of gunbl
lg During the celebration old mm
Wahenrka waa thrown from his
hone, auatainlng a severe cut on the
An infant, the child of Tiilman
Holoeuilla, paaaed away whilo -4 he
Indians were In camp.
Just what the Indian Bureau is
accomplishing with the Indiana in
problematical. Soma 14 or 15 yeara
ago auch a celebration waa limited
to 3 day on the grounds, that the
Indian ahould be working. Now
there aeemt to be no limit to the
duration of auch eventa, nor ia any
effort made to regulate auch vlcea
aa gambling. It ia raid that even one
of the white employee took a hand
in the bone game thla year.
Sammar Sattioa Had Bat Oaa aa
Lid From Wasco Five Foroign
' ' CoaatrU Listed
The annual report of the registrar,
E. B! Lemon, shows that out of a to
tal enrollment of 3,818 long -term
etudenta at Oregon State Agricultur
al college In the chool year 1927-28,
Wasco county was represented by
61. Total enrollment for the year,
Including the 1927 summer session
and various rhort courses reached
1,311 aa compared with 5,087 for the
previoua year. ;'y
Every county in the state aa well
a 25 other states jwere represented
in the total. Student were also tn
Corvallla from five foreign countries
China, India, Canada, Ruasla, and
Korea, and from Alaska. The Philli
plnea, Hawaii and the District of Col
umbia. The latest report for thla
year" rummer session aoowa stu
dent from all but four counties of
Oregon and 19 other states
registration is 1,385 in eluding epe-!
eial and junior session studenti and
707 regular adult students. Of the
latter one is from Wasco county.
Atmosphare Murky, Thunder Clouds
Rampant and Fish Refused
to Take Lure
Friday the 13th rolled out of the
eastern dawn with a que.- twist.
The wind, sighed ominously, thunder
head rolled up In the routheast,
threatening to bring hail and lightn
ing. Flags on high, poles hung
limply or wrapped around their
staffs; buffalo flies annoyed the
Cattle. The late moon arose in the
morning; dogs barked In answer to
the erratic coyotes; owls hooted In
the fore t fringes. Lucky was the
perron who got through tho day
without mishap. The fish took the
bait in, an uncanny manner but the
big majority of them refused to bite
deep enough to be hooked.
Lady Hauls Wheat
:,Mrs. Cha-'. Walker is taking the
place- of a man truck driver these
day and ia bring six truck loads of
wheat to the Hunt Ferry Ware
house daily. She has been at that
work the past week and as each
load weighs a little better
two tons the aggregate is somehing
to dt up and take notice of it.
Mr. Lucfle Caalrall Saadt Interest
in New of Conference to
Tha Time
Mrs. Lucile Cantrell, who is at
tending the rummer session of the
Monmouth Noruul school, send, the
following to fno limes, and men
tions the fact that some of the
speakers scheduled lor addresses are
known to rome Mauoln peopl. Mr.
Cantrell says:
The Annual Educational confer
ence will be held on the campus of
the Oregon Normal school at Mon
mouth, July 21. The conference is
being sponsored thl year by the
member of the "Round Table" cUhb
competed of eperienced teachers,
under the direction of Tho. II.
Past conferencca have been of
keen interest to educator through
out the state. Thla year'e program
worked out by the class under the
direction of Miaa Agnes Motlock,. of
Portland, chairman of the con
ference, promines to be of even
greater value.
The general topics will center
around the theme of "Raising Stan
dards of Teacher Training." Vital
topics will be discussed by such
. peakers as Dr. W. H. Burton of
Chicago University, and Dean Jss.
E. Jewell of the Oregon State Col
lege. Miss Julia Spooner, one of Port
lands outstanding class room teach
ers, will discuss the "Future Certi
fication of eachcrs," looking toward
the elimination of any with less than t
two years' training after 1931, and!
limiting certification for teaching
after 1939 to those with at least
four years work beyond High school.
Prof. Chas. E. Franseen of San
Jose Teacher' college, California,
will speak on "Entrance Qualifies-
State Superintendent C. A. Ho
ward has chosen "The Tourist Teach
er" for his subject ., , .....,
Rr. C. A. Fisher, president of
Belllngham Normal, will deliver an
addre.a on "Who Dares to Teach
Must Never Cease to I.esm."
Warld-Famoiu Caologlst Esprci.ei
la Findlnf Ooil In
Clarno Well
Col. A. G. Bruitt, nationally
known geologist, whose exploitation
of numerous oil and metal fields
with great success has caused him to
he looked upon as almost Infallible
In locating oil territory, recently
sent a letter to the secretary of the
Clarno Basin Oil company, in which
he reiterates his faith In the Clarno
basin as an oil bearing region.
Col. Bruitt states that the scdl
mentaries in the regfion seem to be
of proper origin and depth and with
prolific organic matter to jurtify the
j belief that commercial oil will be
found In some of the lower sand
stone layers. The structural condi
tion of the ground is favorable for a
gathering place and there ia a wide
area from which oil could be collect
ed, he declares.
"You have sufficient hydro-stat
ic pressure to act as a
agent With these facts in evident
it surely looks very favorable and I
hope you will have good success with
your drilling operations until you
will reach an oil sand," the, gcalog-
ist writei.
Col. Burritt is actively interested
In the development of the John Day
conl and oil lands, owning some
stock in this latter concern. Both
the Clarno and John Day projects
are financed largely by local capital.
Met Daughter
Bob Wilson went to The Dalles
last Friday night and met his
daughter, Jean, who came up from
Portland for a week end vi it at
home. Sunday evening Mr. Wilson
took Jean, with her grandmother,
Mrs. M. Hammond, who had been at
the Wilson home the past two
months, to The Dalles, from which
place they took the stage back to
Show Billed In
A traveling ihow is billed to ap -
pear at the Legion ball on the even
ing of Friday, July 27,
Just what
it is is left to conjecture, as the
posters only tell of "Kathryn,"
j whoifcr oho may be.
Work on Three-Mile
Section Finished Soon af Baker Coattruction
Co. Campleta Contract Baker
Now a B. C.
The Baker Construction com
pany's contract for clearing and
grading three miles of the Wapini-
tfa-Mt. Hood highway
Clear lake and Elk creek
will be i
completed this week. Mr. Baker
la now in Briti: b Columbia. His
1927 contract on the coast proved
to be a losing venture, and while
the local one was sound financially,
both contract! were taken over by
the bondsmen, who finished them.
Heller Brot. Lata Money ea Ball
Raa Job Bondsmen Now Com
pleting Contract
It (a reported that Heller Bros.,
who graded the Wapinitia to Clear
lake cut-off highway, failed to make
money on their Bull Run job for the i
city of Portland., their bondsmen1
now being engaged in completing
the contract for Heller Bros. Lick
man L Lewi, sub-contractors under
Joplin Kldn, also failed and the
main firm la now completing their
contracted portion of the Bull Run
The hand crews sent in to sub
contract a section of the highway
! near West's and Walters', worked
but one-half day and left the job.
Thus it seems that all is not gold
the construction bid on.
Morris Greene of Maupin ia to be
congratulated on the work he did on
the highway. His work was good
and he made some money out of the
Rab Jc Company
Beit Stock
Bay Noae
Oliver Resh has made a decided
change in hn meat market in that he
opoRcs to dispense none but young
beef , therefrom. Oliver recently
went to the Hay Creek section and
gathered in a fine herd of young
j catt,p, ,nd keel' them on 8nd
ing when necessary. He believes
that the best is none too good for his
customer, therefore will give them
just that. On Wednesday he killed
an eight-weeks old calf that weighed
nearly 200 pounds and was the,
tenderest critter sold at that market
In many moons. Mr. Resh has many
more such veal stock in sight and
will kill them whenever present sup
plies run short Patronize your
home market and get the best at
the lowest price.
Maupin and Hunts Ferry Companies
Hold Annual Meeting
The Hunts Ferry and Maupin
Warehouse companies held their an
nual meeting at the respective
hou-es last Saturday. Routine busi
ness was transacted at each meeting
' ,., i and officers were chosen for the en
gathering. ,, -.. ...v. !
suing year. The Maupin Warehouse
atockholders chose L. B. Kelly to
succeed himrelf as president and W.
E. Hunt was reelected director, L.
D. Woodside holding over. The
Hunts Ferry company will be di
rected by L. D. Kelly as president,
and Jess Fleming and J. S. Brown
will again serve as directors. George
L. Morris will mange the Maupin
Warehouse while Ernest Doty will
serve in the same capacity at the
Hunts Ferry house.
Combine Expert Here
George Steele, representing the
Case company, came up from Port
land and on Monday morning went
to the A. A. Brittain ranch and start
ed the new Case combine lately pur
chased by the Flat man Mr.
Steele has been with the Case com
pany for a number of years and
what he does not know about the
Case machine is not worth anyone's
time to learn.
j Visited Parents-
- 1 Sylvester Kramer,
who has
charge of the grocery department of
th big Johnstone store at Dufur,
with his wife visited with his par
ents at Lakcvjcw on Sunday.
Dalles-California Road
Leads Tourist Travel
Hotal Registration Show Caia Over
1927 California Rag istratioat
Caia 300 par caat At Bawd
A recent urvey of the touring
condition over the state made by
the Oregon State Motor association
show that tourists travel in Oregon
has increased 9.8 per cent in June
928 over June 1927
Hotel registration s were checked
in addition to the checkingrof traffic
on highways, and the result showed 000 bushels be'ow Jajt your ard the
that the greatest increase in tour-1 same shortage of srriiif; wheat ij re
iJ travel had taken place on The " ported, but the hard red winter
Dulles-California highway with the
Roosevelt highway ranking second.
Hotels along The Dallet-Calfor-nia
highway and the Roo evelt high
way show an increase in registra
tions, which conclusively show the
gain of 1928 over 1927 on those two
Bend alone showed a gain in Cal
ifornia registrations of 300 per
cent in June 1928 over the same
Pod of 1927.
Ceaae's Gulch Scaaa af Hot BUao
? But Na Damage Doaa
; A few little boys bearing matches
started a fire in an old tin bucket
in Greene' canyon Tuesday after
noon. The wind blew the bucket
over, the fire communicating with
dried grass and quickly covered a
large area. Chief Chalmers with a
corps of volunteers combatted the
flames, confining .them to the can
yon, except In one instance when the
fire reached the old road and burned
over the point back of the church.
The fire gave a chance to test the
siren, which, with the old bell, noti
fied all that their help was needed
to fight flamer-.
Kaylor Top Yield Wheat
37 Bushel Per Acra
Ray Kaylor got into his wheat last
week and from 30 aereo threshed out
500 sacks of wheat or a little better
than 37 bushels to the acre. The
kernels were large and fully ripened.
Taking that figure as a basis it is
safe to say than an average of 30
.bushel.-, per acre may be expected
rom eacn aere 01 Ial1 Krain on inc
Gam Away From Bend
Rally in Seventh
mere is nommg aweeier in sporv
ing circles then revenge for a sting-
Miff defeat. A week ago Bill For
j man's "colts" trekked to Bend and
j ok on a baseball team at that
iPare. 0SnK "y ig score, ine
uend team came here la't bunaay
and had the game, so they thought,
tucked away in their bat bag. The
score up to the sixth inning stood 4
for the visitors to a big nothing for
the Colts. In tha sixth, however, a
couple of good hit scored two Colts
.... .... . .
an ,l tn seventh they again pushed
runners over for counts, four mak
ing the circuit. Again in the eighth
two more Colts scored, the Bend
team in the meantime being held
scoreless. When the last man was
out the score was Bend. 4; Colt-, 8.
Yes, revenge is sweet, and the
Colts are gloating over their well
earned victory.
By Doing so Weeds Will Not Have
Chance to Seed
Most persons do not realise what
an enormous number or seeds are
produced by weed . The number
varies with different weeds, but most
kinds produce from a hundred to
several thousand seeds per plant.
Weeds such as wild carrot, burdock,
and sowthi tle may produce 20,000
or more seeds per plant. Not all
weeds germinate at once, hut delay
sprouting for some time, some of
them for several years,
This fact is
rcsponrible for the old saying, "One
year s seeding makes seven years
weeding." The only sure way to
prevent annual and biennial weeds,
from increasing is to prevent them
from going to seed,
Official Estimate Place Decline at
70,000,000 BashcU In porta
Little UncaHaia
A hte bulletin from the Stat
Agricultural college says regarding
the wheat crop situation for 1928:
The new official estimate indi
cates a total United States wheat
crop about 70.00'j.o00 bushel lew
then last year. 3o,a traders are In
cliiied to argue that tha cron will b
smrJler. The i.-'t red winter wheat
nop is figured at nearly 60,901.-
crop is very large. Heavy market-
of hard red winter i.i in progress and
this together with favor'Ie crop re
ports from Canada tended to depress
wheat markets la t week. Rye waa
dull and lower derpite unfavorable
prospects for the new crop. Crop
conditions and import requirements I
in Europe are little uncertain.
Thirty Fattest Plaaes oa Coast
Participate Hair RaUiag
Stua's Promised
A monster air circus in which
some thirty of the fa test planes on
the coast will participate will be one !
of the major attractions of the
American Legion convention at Med- i
ford, Auguest 2, 3 and 4. This will j
be staged under the direction of
Seely V. Hall, svte chairman of
aeronautics for the American Legion
and promises to be one of the most
compete aerial displays ever seen on
the Pacific coast.
Among the features to be shown
will be aerial races, loop contests,
dead stick landings to a mark with
motor cut off from 5,000 feet
aerial formations, wing walking,
acrobatic stunts, ruch as hanging by
toes and knees, from landing gear
from an airplane traveling one hun
dred miles an hour, wire work, rope
ladder act and a man changing from
one ship to another in mid-air at an
elevation of 5.000 feet at a speed of
100 miles per hour, cabin plane
races and aerial stunts of all kinds.
One of the irajor attractions and
possibly one of the most thrilling
stunts in mid-air will be a triple
parachute jump from an elevation
of 5,000 feet and bombing a minia
ture village by airplanes which will
give evidence of modern warfare
from the skies.
The'commission has also secured
the services of an aerial stunt man
who will crouch upon the centersec
tion of the upper wing of an airplane
and the pilot will loop the loop sev
eral times.
Among the dignitaries at this big
aeri., event be w Mc,
Crackeni Jr., assistant secretary of
i aeronautics, Department of Com
merce, Washington, D. C, as well as
the army, navy and marine corps.
Brother Stricken Blind
B. F. Turner made a trip to Pert
land lact week to see his brother.
Clvde ho is at " hosPital in the bi
citv- Clyde, who Uvea at Kelso, was
,latcly made blind- the cause being
hiirli klnnrl nmceitM Hna Bfu is an .
j - t - "7 "!
tirely closed to sight, while the af
fected man is able to di dnp-ish
light with the other. .
' Saw Doe and Fawns
Last Sunday the Shattuck and
George Morris families, accompanied
by Mrs. E. A. Cyr, went to Ollalie
lake. When near" Clackamos lake
the party saw a doe with two fawns
on the road, the animals seeming to
be not in the least afraid of the auto
mobile. Wamic Grain Looks Good
F. D. Stuart and family went over
to the Wamic country on an outing
last Sundny. Frank says the grain
in that cection is looking exception
ally good, and that a bumper crop
is expected. Harvesting operations
began there on Monday.
Traffic Director Busy
Foreman Addington has stationed
! a. traffic director at tre east end of
; the bridge, lu's duty being to warn
ui.toi ts that road oiling oblation
are going on the Criterion part of
the highway, and to detoui1 them
around by way of the Bakeoven and
Sherman roads. ' ,
Skyline Trail Attraction
For Hundreds Daring
Very Hot Weather
Teats Pitched From Frog Lake to
Broitaaba.h, Near Mt.
All the lakes on the skyline trail
from Frog lake to Breitenbush, near
Mt Jefferson, are now open for
angling. . The road in ia fair shape
and all the gates are open.
Many devotees of Izaak Walton
are piching canvas along the trail
and many intend to remain in the
mountains until the hot weather
sub. ides. Here is a pointer for in
tending campers. Before entering
the reservation be sure to procure
a fire permit These may be got at
Zig Zag, Government Camp, and at
Clackamas lake. Don't wait until
you further south, as you may
te brought up with a tound turn
if you start a fire without first hav
ing obtained a permit. There are
many forest ranger in the moun
tains, and each one has his eye
trained to detect fires, and those
who are setting auch, even for pre
paration of meals, are liable to ar
rest and fine if they are not in pos
session of the nece&ary permit. Be
sure and extinguish each fire after
using, as smoldering coals have
started many fore.t fire with mil
lions of dollars of loss.
Department Stare Lead ia Amount
Appropriated Ccaeral Stares
at Foot of Column
Contrary to some opinion, adver
tising costs to merchants of Oregon
constiaute but a small fraction of
total celling costs, according to the
report of "Operating Costa in Retail
Merchandising," just published by
, the . Extension, aervica of the. State
eollere. - The bulletin waa nrpnarinl
under the direction of the school of
commerce and contains reports pre
sented to the Oregon Retail Mer
chants' association in convention at
Corvallia last February:
Of the six merchandising groups
from which data waa gathered, the
department stores were found to de
vote the greatest amount to adver
tising, which was 3.32 per cent out
of a total operating expense of 23
.79 per cent At the other extreme
the general stores were found to use
only .45 per cent out of a total of
18.23 per cent
Furniture stores reported an aver
age of 1.74 per cent of a total ex
pense of 28.92 per cent u ed in ad
vertising, while grocery stores aver-
ajreri1 a mere Rft tipr rnnt. in a total
jof 12 8g Hardware stores also de-
voted a comparatively small budget
to advertising, the total being .73
per rent in a total of 22.05 per cent
Drug stores were about the same
with 1 per cent devoted to advertis
ing from a total of 27.06 per cent.
In general the Oregon figures
for advertihing were lower than in
other surveys throughout the coun
try with which comparisons were
made. Exceptions were that depart-
;ment stores here spent about athird
uiuie jur auveruBiug uuui muse 111 ail
extensive survey made by Harvard
university, and that grocery stores
here, even at their low figure, ex
ceeded the stores in Nebraska. Gen
eral stores in the Harvard survey,
devoted four times as much to adver
tising. '
General AWaro Obregon of Mexico
Victim of Assassin
President-Elect Alvaro Obregnp
of Mexico was the victim of an as
sassin's bullets Tuesday afternoon.
The murder took place in a cafe in
the town of San Angel, near Mexico
City, while the general and party
were partaking of luncheon. Five
shots entered the general's body at
cloce range, the victim dying almost
instantly. General Obregon was the
fourth Mexican president to be as
sassinated in a little more than 10
Fixed Horses' , Teeth
Dr. Stovall was called to the
George Mallatt ranch on Wednes
day to attend to the teeth of some
of the popular Bakeoven rancher's