ih iiAtfriii Ttirii 0 HARVEST time will goon be here. We haue antici pated your harvest needs and have laid in a fine line of all kinds of Groceries, Meats ( i, ) Package Foods, etc. GET OUR PRICES before placing your orders. We can save you money on anything you may need. 6. P. MSB & COMFY "Everything for the table" GROCERIES and MEATS Prompt and Courteous Service MAUPIN, OREGON. SJ over from Dufur a short time on sunuay. John Joyce was In from hit Buck Hollow ranch after a aupply of cat tables yesteray. Joe Kramer, Sr., Wife and ion, Harold, were In Maupin "on business last Saturday. ' Mrs. H. II. Gesh, of Wamlc, was a welcome caller at Th Times of fice on Tuesday. Stanley Wood came over from The Dalles and spent Sunday with friends in Maupin. Dolph Goetjen and wife were in town from their Tygh Valley ranch home on Monday. Thomas Lindstrom has moved his family to Maupin. They occupy the Hedin "shoe box" apartment. Mint Doris Bonoey is visiting" at Portland. Later she will resume her work at Monmouth Normal school. J. 8. Brown and wife of Pine Grove made a flying trip to The Dalle, one day the first of the week. K Mr. R. B. Bell, with a lady frind, ' hay pitchers from Juniper Flat. is vkiting with Bob Bell at the 0. ! W. depot imond, but were outclassed by the is safe to say that if apprehended Three men employed at the rock : cruher, with their families, are oc-'. cupying caoins ai me camp ground. Doris Kelly improved her time on Tuesday by helping; gather the cheerry crop at the Greene orchard. Mrs. Clark Richardson visited with her daughters, Mesdames St. Dennig and Williams, a couple of days the first of the week. Marion Li ter ha, Concluded his work at Oak Springs and is at home on thk side again. He it employing hi, time in enjoying rides in a newly purchased Ford Coupe. ' The smoke tree et out by W. H. Will iiams several years ago, is now in blosom. From a ditance the 'tree resembles tmoke from a camp fire, and it a rarity in this section. p w m . Clarence Farghcr and wife vi it- Personalities ied at Wimic 1!LZhu.dy- 11. L. Morris transacted buninnss at The Dallea on Tue. day. W. E. Woodcock and wife were viilorg from Wamic Monday. Emery Crofoot spent laat week at o , Cove Creek, the guest of relatives W, A. Cha. tain wag an over-ilghl there. guewt at the Bank hotel, The Dalle, I o last Friday. Sylvester Kramer and wife were I pARLOR L $ Insist upon quality as well as price when purchasing $ I your groceries. When you order from the Parlor Grocery you know that you will receive courteous 1 and efficient service as well as Quality and Prio;. Sam Brown and wife were in town from the timber yesterday, laying In a eupply of things for the ranch. Prof. Nagel has visited Tygh,-Three-Mile. Pine Grove and Red mond lately in a search for a piece of land. o Hank Harpham blew in from Cal ifornia the first of the week and will vinlt with friends and relatives for a time. Rev. EJverctt Hazen went to Wa mlc yesterday, where he preached the funeral sermon over the late Mrs. Maud Ccrity. . Miss Mahcl Wcberg, after spendi ing the better part of last week at the Wcberg ranch on the Flat, came home Sunday. Nick Karolua will go to the mountains next 'week and will re main there throughout the huckle berry reason. A I. Gillia was over from Wamic Saturday, arranging for the big show at the county fair August 30 31 and Sept 1. Carl Putig and family were in from Criterion yesterday, coming in for the purpose of trading with Maupin merchants. Ninty Acr. of Alfalfa J. S. Brown has 90 acres of al falfa in the cock. It wan caught by the rain of Tuesday but s not in jured in the least' Mr. Brown ex pect to supply the gravling camps on the cut-off with hay this season. Billy Hunt raise sheep. He shearers them and rhips the wool. Sometimes he store the fleeces be fore chipping. He does thaat in or dr to realize a profit Hig profits on about 600 pounds of good wool were knocked into a cocked hat last week when some thief helped him- relf to that amount of wool from the house wherein it wa, stored. It that thief will receive all the law allows for such work. Andy Mann ig painting the new home of Frank Stuart, and is mak- ing a good job or it Andy says 'that packing for a sheep camp is not ' in it as compared to decoration 'work, and that he will devote this jceaaon to the work of making over interiors and exteriors of many resi dences here and at Portland. i I $ W. E. Hunt, wife and sons, Billy 7", and Clarence, and daughter, Gene ivieve, visited with friends at Wa ( mic on Sunday la--t. ELEVEN YEARS AGO From The Times June 22, 1917. Beavers have caused much dam age to the water ditch in the neigh borhood of Smock. Men from that place recently repaired several stretches of the ditch and found some havoc wrought by the fur bearers. Tlie work train crew has done some work leveling off the site for the new Woodcock flour mill. Work is also progressing on the new ele vator on the O. T. track, the pit having been completed and is now ready for the cement, a carload of which came in Monday. A delegation from The DhIIcs was here Wednesday nnight and at a meeting held at that time succeeded in adding to $600 already subscribed for Red Cro: work $200.00 more, making fBOO.OO for Maupiin. Judge Gunning and Attorney Dick were out from The Dallea yes terday holding court t Hotel Kelley in the Philip Winifree divdrce care. The Best Time Ever at the big Ceiebra iioini! ' Southern Wasco County Fair Grounds JULY 3-4, '28 Wamic was visited by another heavy fro t the first of the week. It ia .feared fruit has suffered to a considerable extent thereby. . Little Marjorie Gallagher went to Portland Sunday and will remain ; there a time as the gust of some of her former schoolmates. Sol. Hauser came over from Ellensburg, Washington, this week and will spend a few days at ffce nome piace at lygn vaney. Sperry's White Down Flour, per bbl $7.69 I Cane Sugar, (Best Grade), per cwt $6.29 I Half Ground Salt, 125 lb sack... $1.15 Red Mexican & Small White Beans, 13 ibs....."....$1.00 Emmett 7.umwalt, postmaster at j Wamic. with his wife and mother-in- Curve Cut Macaroni, 13 lbs $1.00 1 w Mrs- Jnson in mu- pin on DUHinerg iasi caiuraay. ' Dr. Arthur Clarke, optician of Portland, and an old friend of The Times man, was correcting the vision of several Maupinites on Monday. Bate:. Shattuck and wife left Mon day' morning for the Bend country, where they will enjoy an outing. They are expected back tomorrow. o Mr. and Mrs. Carrigher, the for- Fancy Blue Rose Head Rice, 13 lbs $1.00 Bulls Eye Tomatoes, 2, per case .. $2.99 Tender Sweet Corn, per case $2.99 Bulls Eye Peas, per case $2.99 K. C. Baking Powder, 5 lb. tin. .. I......... 70c, Calumet Baking Powder, 10 lb.'tin.......:............$1.65 Good Bulk Tea, Green & Black, per lb.... 40c Ghiardellis Chocolate, 3 tb tin. ..$1.00 I mn, highwy enfrinecr in charge of 1 2 wor on the cut-off, have moved to Golden .West Coffee, 5 lb. tin ..$2.65 Cream Pail Coffee, 10 tb tin ;......$4.75 Parlor Blend Coffee, 51bs............ ...$2.15 1 1 Staley's Golden Syrup, 10 lb. tin 75c 1 Rock Dell Cane &' Maple Syrup, No. 10 tin $1.40 M WUi-r Wnnn inn TJ An j ttiuw Tujiut-i uuttp, ivu mxrs JfO.i'J Chas. Crofoot and family, with the former's sister, Mrs.Lester Kelly, at tended the funeral of Mm. R. L. Gerity at Wamlc yesterday. n:u rr About riUll Up Town W'apinitia and are Cunningham houBe. occupying the Parlor Grocery T. H. Woodcock and son, Vernon, came over from Wamic last Satur- ! day and accepted delivery of two Jersy calves, which had been chipped to them from Tillamook. o E. , C. Copple, attendant at the Maupin garage, j returned Sunday evening from a week's visit to New port and other points. He made the circle, going around by way of Med ford, Granta Pass , and Klnmath Falls on his way home to Maupin. ' 1 110 EAST 2ND, ST. THE DALLES ORE. 1 EAST MAUPIN NEWS Mrs. Jim Rusic 1" suffering from a severe cold this week. ," .' ' o Mra. Signa Fischer visited with fcicmHeBbW 1 East Maupin friondj last Saturday; E. S. Copple, the "dimunative" ervice man at the Maupin garage, recently made a trip to the sea shore He returned last week, but we have failed to see any improvement in his physical condition. He went away with a surplus of averdupois and re turned with the same "heft." Fresfie Martin is a working fel low. He recently completed a :iege of summer fallow wprk and this week proceeded to sink a hole toward China. Fressie say." digging is not so har, it h the rocks en countered that makes the hole go down, so slow. Nick Karolua will soon seek the Wgh Epots. He goes there for the dual purpose of taking a rest and at the tame time to gather in a supply of huckleberries; He has given his dog away and will not be bothered by anything, unless his cousin, Jack, who goes along, can be considered bothersome. Dr. Elwood rays that "Dad" Richmond is the most accomplished mathematician in this section. Dad in a cribbage player par excellence, and can make more fifteen-twos than any player, in thici neck o' the i woods. . Oliver Resh believes in :igns. At least one would be led to believe that whfn he gazes upon the huge sigm on the side of the Ilrsh store buildiing, which denotes that "Meats a.nd Groceries" may be ob tained within. : x The Times man like- his rest, es pecially in the morning. But who can sleep when a flock a dang f oozeled trucks keeps up a contin ual grind, starting at rix o'clock in the morning? Wapinitia Baseballista took the Metolius players into Camp to the tune of well, won the game by a big score. The visitiors numbered in ti th' line up several players vhr had, seen better days on the dia- With the Big Attraction Leut. B. Mounce lane Airp btumfe flying daily and performingin the air every stunt ever done byany; other flyer CONCESSIONS, RIDES RACES, DANCES,- SHOWS, AMTTKF.MENTS OF ALL KINDS Xf Make Arragements fo Take in The . Celebration Both Days It'll Sure Please You. f . C. M. PLYLER, Mgr. AL GILLIS, Asst. Mgr. WHEN IN THE DALLES Make Your lleadqarters at 2lt The Black and White or A merican Restaurants where every service awaits you. f FREE PHONE REST ROOMS EE Both Restaurants have been entirely remodeled for 5 your convenience. 1 E. J. McMahon jj , , PROPRIETOR 5" " nsassamaisaKH&ssKSB HAVE IT DONE NO W! We mean that now is the time to have your I Automobile Overhauled 8 This is the place to bring it.1 We have the largest and best equipped machine shop in Wasco county. EAD. GALLOWAY Tka OalhM. Oraart PhoM SSS-J 1 -Twwgit'iiw3''.ui.i' .' ''IT-' T bO turn .1 tvt 1