All these dbsed cats hsvz FISHER BODIES THE mechanical performance of General Motors cars is tested and proved on General Motors' 1,245 acre Proving Ground. Before any new model is put in production, it must pass more than 135 different tests for power, speed, durability and general per formance. As to the appearance and comfort of General Motors cars, we invite you to be the judge. Every closed body is built by Fisher the largest builder of automobile bodies in the world. The experience and the vast production of the Fisher Company mean more beauty, more comfort, and more luxury than you will find anywhere else at corresponding prices. We invite you to check, on the coupon be low, the cars that appeal to you most. Com plete literature will be sent to you, without any obligation. CHEVROLET 7 model. $495 to $713. Bigger and better than ever before. 4-wheel brakes. More powerful engine. Luxurious Fisher Bodies. New hood. New Duco colors. Also truck chassis; H-ton. $395; 1-ton, $495. PONTIAC 7 models. $745 to $875. Lowest-priced quality "six." New models improved from radiator to tail-light, i-wheel brakes. Bodies by Fisher. New GMR cylinder head. Increased power. Duco finish. OLDSMOBILE 7 -models, $925 to $1085. Fine quality car at moderate price. Redesigned and improved by General Motors. Longer, roomier, more powerful. Fisher Bodies. 4-wheel brakes. OAKLAND 7 models, $1045 to $1375. The All-American "six." Smooth, powerful engine. Longer, lower and more beautiful bodies by Fisher. 4-wheel brakes. Every convenience. New Duco colors. BUICK 16 models, $1195 to $1995. Largest value in Bukk'i history. Beautiful low bodies by Fisher. Getaway like an arrow. Vibrationless beyond belief. 6-cyI-inder "valve - in - head" engine. Duco finish. LaSALLE 16 models, $2350 to $2975. liea utif ul car of Cocti nental lines. .t4vyy .'! ?2 Comtanioncar 10 unu'.iiac. V-ivpt;, 90 de gree tt-cytinder engine. Marvel ous bodies by Fisher. Striking Duco combinations. CADILLAC 26 models, $3295 to $5500. Standard of the world. Famous 90-degree V-type 8-cylinder engine. Sumptuous bod ies by Fisher and Fleetwood. 500 coior combinations to choose from. (ALL PRICES 7. 0. B. FACTORIES) GENE RAL MOTORS -on ma KM CLIP THE COUPON tssst m. General Motors (Dept. A), Detroit, Mich. CHEVROLET Q Pleaefehd,withoutobligationtome,illiMtrated literature describing each General Motors Product PONTIAC O I have checked together with the booklet, "Principlei and Policies." j OLDSMOBILE OAKLAND Namc BUICK U LaSALLE ' CADILLAC ' FRIQIDAIRE Automatic RcfWjmrtorQ DELCO-LIGHTEletfrte Plant. Address- The Maupin Times C. W. Semmes, Editor C. W. Semmet and E. R. Setnmel Publihr Published vcry Thursday at Maupin. Oregoa Subscription: One year, $1.50; ilx months, $1.00; three months, oOcts. Entered as second clas8 mail mat ter September 8, 1914, at the post office at Maupin, Oreon, undr the Act of March8, 1879. A WINNING PAIR Hoover-Curtis, a winning pair in the political game this year. A combination that cannot be beaten; names to conjure with, but names of men who stand out before the whole world as being of the staunch e. t most capable and cleanest of any pair of aspirant8 to the greatest of fices within the gift of the Ameri can people. Truly the convention at Kansas City was awake to the fact that none but the strongest men available should be chosen as can didates forthc offices of president and vice-president of-the. e United States. They're winners, and that will be shown at the election in No vember. More of Harry Thaw is to be given to the world. His ex-wife, Evelyn Nesbit Thaw, promises to make pub lic many things regardnig one of thb country's most notorious char acters not yet known. That's right, Evelyn, stir up your dirty mess and pollute the social atmoiphere a bit more. ' Some people may like that stuff, but a big majority would rather you kept your dirty linen in the closet. ' In Korea, 1,200 years ago, when slaves were sold to new masters an imprint of thumbs was placed on the deed of transfer. Tn Va Inland t SIimIv tlm nntlvfta do not believe in radio, thinking the operator Is playing tricks on them. The United Statet army has more than 1,500 carrier pigeons scattered throughout the country as well as in the Panama canal tone and the Hawaiian and Philippine island:. Quebec is still the pargest pro ducer of asbeUos. , Of the world's production of 840.000 tons In 1925, about 266,000 tons were produced there. Andrew Payne of Claremore, Okla., recently won the $25,000 prize for the coast-to-coast foot race given by C. C. Pyle. MarK Kayaen oi inicago neia , three policemen at bay with a toy pistol for an hour and then sur- i j i renuvrvu. A horse meat dinner was recently srrvpd in Paris. Not horse meat ! alone wa; on the bill of fare, but (donkey and mule flesh occupied a 'nromtnent place thereon. If the Parisian,, really desire some thing rich in the line of hor:e meeat they should, have imported some of East rn Oregon's bunch grass fattened fuzz tails. Herbert Harris, senior in chemical i i .l. r ofA I engineering at. me vicguu uu univerary, has just completed a serie9 of tests with mercury which he claims has resulted in the produc tion of pure gold. Why not try to perfect perpetual motion next In Key West some of the primary election inspectors were paid $80 jach for counting the votes. Time was when a whole election could have been bought for that much money. It i;i said that wool is now being made from pine needles. It has al- wayg felt that way to a sensitive epidermis. Italy new tennis champion is named Gasolini, and they say he does step on it. FARM "REMINDERS Mi: s Edith Graham of St. LouU was so intent on a cross-word pusile that she didn't know her home was burning and was rercued with dif ficulty. Small grains and are cut for hay in Oregon not later than the soft dough stage for highest grade product, says the experiment station. As a general rule, the right time for cutting most kinds of hay is just be fore it loses its green color. Hay of good quality is frequently reduced in market value because bales are ragged in appearance or are bo poorly tied as to be easily broken, Oregon specialists find. Any muLty of moldy hay from the stack allowed into bales raises a question in the mind of the buyer or inspec tor as well. " Fluid in the abdominal cavity of laying fowls is not an indication of a contagious disease, says the poul try patholgist of the experiment sta tion. This material is found not un commonly when eggs of parts of eggs have been t mi. placed. Losses from thi source are expected in con nection with 10 to 15 per cent mor tality usually accepted by commer cial poultrymen as normal for the first laying year. When farmers are in doubt 83 to what fertilizers are best for vege table growing in their locality, it is better to send details concerning the noil and nature of previous crops than to send a. soil sample for analy si3 to the experiment station, says A. G. Bouquet in a recent bulle tin, ''The Farm Vegetable Garden." PICKED UP HERE AND THERE A Few Items of General Interest to Timet Reader Charle3 Dicken's old meerchaum pipe wag sold at auction in London for $270 recently. Justice Salter of Leeds, Eng., heard 103 dirorce cases in ten and one-half hours. V w . m t III M . n L : -J u Maupin State Bank (INCORPORATED) John Mead is conductor of a Great Western railway train on which his three rons are respectively engineer, fireman and brakeman. Mrs. Sarah Bampton, aged 61. of Crossville, Cal., crawled a mile to a - ignal box after falling from a train and breaking her leg. Albert Bradshaw of Sutton, Mo., has been sentenced to prison for the third time for threatening to kill his mother-in-law. Rev. C. It. Hasron of New York City forgot a scheduled wedding and went to bed, but was awakened and performed the ceremony an hour later. Taken for a patient when he call ed at a hospital to visit his fon, James Graham of London, aged 72, was bathed, shaved and put to bed for the night, derpite his protests. DE LAKIIUE OPTICAL CO. 4 ' DR. F. A. PERKINS, OptomelrUt , Comfortable vision is estential to Health and Efficiency 15-16 Votl Block, The D.IUs, Ore. Wilson Painting Co. House and Sijrn P-A-I-N-T-E-RS-I - PAPER HANGERS and DECORATORS Call, Write or phone, Times Office. Maupin, Oregon. Dr. WM. KENNEDY DENTIST DENTAL X-RAY Fir.l National Bank BIJ. ' The Dalle Oregon Phone 301 During a betting craze, several members of a Cardiff congregation were expelled for making wagers In church. At the funeral of Mrs. Janet Run yon at Leeds, Eng., all the mourners wore bright colored clothe3 as she had requested. WHAT'S NEW A( machine which destroys organ isms in cream, ro that it will not sour for a week or more, has been invented in Glasgow, Scotland. A giant searchlight has been made which will blister the Bkin at a dis tance of 1,000 feet. ' Scientists at the Middlesex Hos pital, London, have found a way to capture and bottle gas emanating from radium. By use of the X-rays in England two generations of tobacco planti were grown in the past 12 months. An aerial camera has been de veloped with a range of more than five miles and is de.igncd to photo graph an area as large as four square miles. It will reproduce objectn be yound the range of anti-air crafi guns. Cop li Fliherman , Rex Rexford, a Portland traffic cop, was up from that city Monday and on Tuesday left with a limit catch oftrout. He fished in the vi cinity of Nena. Rexford was at the Camp ground while here. CLASSIFIED LOCALS PASTURE TO RENT FOR HORSES. Write or phone J. G. Kramer, Mau pin, Oregon. 27.t4 FOR SALE Sudan grass seed at the Hunts Ferry Warehouse. One sack of spring rye. 31-tf FOR SALE 300 head of black face ewes, mostly two years old. Can be seen at the A. B. Mathews ranch at Shearers Bridge. 33-t3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS ' Death Valley California, the driest and hottest place in the world, is 76 feet below sea level, 150 mile3 long and 15 to 20 miles wide, jpersons having claims against said The undersigned having been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Wasco County, Administrator of the es tate of John E. Dyball, deceased, and having qualified, notice is here by given to the creditors and all SHIP BY TRUCK REd'ULAR FREIGHT LINE SERVICE Between PORTLAND THE DALLES - MAUPIN THE DALLES TRUCK LINE Inc. SPICKERMAN'S TRUCK LINE PORTLAND--THE DALLES THE DALLES-MAUPIN and Way Poind and Way Points ' t -' ' " BONDED & INSURED CARRIERS deceased to present them, verified as required by law within six months after the first publication of this notice to me at office of Gavin & Gavin, , Attorneys, 602 Bank Bldg., The Dalle, Oregon. JOSEPH J. DYBALL, Administrator. Dated June 19, 1928. NOTICE The Hartford Fire Insurance com pany, of Hartford, Connecticut, hereby gives notice that its ware house policies numbered 19 to 20. :erial 13336 heretofore furnished ts agent, Morris Brothers, Maupin, Oregon, have become lor t and that !t will not be liable for losg under uiy of said policies should they be ':ued by an unauthorized person issuming to be agnt for this com pany. JOY LICHTENSTEIN Manager of Pacific Dept. San Francisco, California, let publication, June 21.1928. Last publication, July 5, 1928. ' a( such executor, and that Monday, the 25th day of June, 1028, at tha hour of 10:00 o'clock a. m., hai been fixed by said court ax the time for the hearing of objections to aid report and the settlement therof. W. A. KLINDT, Executor. TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS Notice is hereby given thaat the County Superintendent of Wasco County, Oregon, will hold the regular examination of applicants for state certificates at The Dalles a, follows: Commencing Wednesday, June 13, 1928 at 9 o'clock a. m. and contin uing until Saturday, June 16, 1928 at 4 o'clock p. m. Programs may be had upon application. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The undersigned having been ap pointed by the" County Court of the State of Oregon, for Warco County, Administrator of the estate of Henry Gosh, deceased, notice is hereby given to all per:;ong having claims against said deceased to present them,' verified as required by law within six monthg after the f ir.t pub lication of this notice to me, at 9 :00 Court Street, The Dalles, Oregon, i LENA GOSCH, Administrator., Dated May 24, 1928. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice lB hereby given that Walter A. Klindt, executor of the will' and estate of Doris Klindt, deceased, has filed in the County Court of Was co County, Oregon, his final report WhiteRestaurant Where the best 35 cent meal is served in The Dalles Next The Dalles -Creamery C. N. Sargent, - - Prop. Ufye Dalles Floral Co. FOR ALL OCCASIONS When you dtiire Flower for a party, wedding, funeral or any other purpoie, phone 710, The Dalles, or leave your order at. The Maupin Times office and your order will be delivered on the next mail or stag. ' BULBS NOW IN BLOOM 133 f 133 EE3 DD OM COB USB K3E3 EBB EE E3