the maupin tiMeS t!!. nkte -of The Times ; '..i , j,.n over a large rock last evening, failed to take cogniz ance of its dimensions, stepping on top of the obstruction and sprain hi ankle. Since then he is travel ing on a "flattire." OREGON NEWS NOTES Jno A. Graham as soon as the Wap ivV'u school year claes. "V". A. Dane 1 ft for the Grahp.m camp loot v cek. Oregon state game protection ex pirnes for 10 years vill reach $5, C00.0C0. P.aVer Gold Coin mining com pany will do much work in Mormon Basin. "Nyssa Good progress made on 22-mile railroad to Owhee Dam. Condon Modern hospital to be opened here by Mrs. Alma Carpen ter. , Pick Ups Z"n John Mannion recently attempted to break a pup to sheep.1 He took the dog with him to the grazing ground one day for instruction. The day was warm and John felt that a little sleep wa; the one thing needed to put pep into hm. He lad down in the shade of a juniper, but had no sooner closed hg eyes when the pup attempted to chase him from the shade. So persistent wag his dog lets that John took him back to the ranch, declaring that herding sheep alone was easier than breaking in a dog. Chester Crabtree attempted to gentle an old dobbin recently. He saddled the equine and mounted. In a short time Chester was on the ground. He says he was alright so long as the horse pursued a straight course but when it made a short j turn he insisted that repose on moth er earth was the safest and mott sensible thing to seek. Billy Heckman is some man with a pick and shovel. He is engaged in digging a cess pool at the Wilson store and after decending a few feot wag brought up short by a ledge of boulders. Billy says that elevating rock from a hole might appearl to some men but as for him it has a deteriorating effect upon "me mus cle." The boomer barber who recently afflicted Maupin with his presence, folded his tent and quietly slipped away last Friday night IL wa-t possessed the greatest amount of gall ever shown in Oregon, and when called for some of his assertions ;howed the yellow in him by kavin? between hours when all dec .nit peo ple a?e wrapped in slumber. Abas on such cattle! x Ollie Weberg keeps hard at work extracting the weed, from the High school lawn and coaxing the grass to grow. He says that it is harder work than putting the winter's wood into the school basement, and at that the green carpet on the school lot shows his close attention. "Dad" Richmond has been off his feed for some time. He has been moping around wondering just what ailed him. At any rate he has gone over to warm Springs and we expert to greet a new man Saturday when he comes home. x There is a certain roadside inn near Springdale whose proprietor should wax rich. Travelers stopping there are regaled with stories of su perior cooking, how the table is sup plied with fresh home-grown fruits and vegetables and promise such if they will only sit down and order. When the orders are brought on then it is discovered that the viands come out f tin cans, are served sfter the manner of a jungle camp. But when paying timo come., then is the big surprise, for a dollar a plate is exacted, and the tourists leave with a bad taste in their mouths and a void in their pur.C3. News of Criterion I Mr. and Mrs; DuPriest and son last week from the G. F. McLeod Leod home Sunday. While here the men spent the day camped on Bake oven fishing, and said they caught the limit. They were joined by Hugh Knight, who came down from Far gher's. Dave Wilson built a cabin for Mr. McDonald recently. Hoot, Mon! we're glad that you have again join ed the homesteaders. C. A. Duus and family are visit ing with friends at Portland and at Estaeada. Mr. and Mrs. Aldridge, Mr.:. Rose and Mrs. Plaster visited Opal Spring on Decoration Day. With a long handled dipper they secured several opal.; from the spring. D. B. Appling took the school bus to The Dalles Saturday last for the purpose of having the oil cleaned from it. When he returned in the evening the "Ole bus," looked fpic and span. Jame3 Appling went to Maupin on Monday and the next morning ac companied Noel Shearer to Cor- vallis, where they met Freddie Shear er and brought him home from col lege. Art Appling plowed for Verle Bonney a few days recently. Mrs. D. D. Wikon was in Maupin last Wednesday and Thursday on a business mission. Mr. and Mrs. Cook and son, Harry, visited at the Kirsch home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford had T. B. Slusher and wife as guests last Sunday. Ernest and Theodore- Klrrch have been helping Bonney Duus keep house during the latter' parent's ab sence from home. The Fargher theep took a walk last week from the G. F. McLeod ranch, where they have been feed ing for several weeks. Mrs. Profit of Portland, owner of the McLennon sheep ranch, has been vi. iting here for several days. Mrs. I). B. Appling and brother, Mr. Patrick, returned from a visit with their mother in Washington Little Dale Patrick, who has been staying here for several days with his aunt, Mrs. Appling, remained with his mother in Portland while on the way back here. Genevieve, Clarence and Billy Hunt, Jr., visited in Portland over the week end. J. G. Kramer and wife vi: ited with their son, Sylvester, and wife ai Du fur on Decoration Day. Bessie Bonney from Nevada, is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Emma Bonney. Kirsch, Bonney and Rutherford shipped a carload of cattle Saturday. Elmer Snodgrass was a vecent visitor nt Pine Grove. Calvin Burn.lde spent Sunday with friends nt Pine Grove. Robert Shepfllu U harrowing with a FordHou at this date. Klamath Falls will sell, bonds for $000,000 newer project. ' 1 Big Celebration! Southern Wasco County Fair Grounds JULY 3-4, '28 WE HiVVR IT VOU WILL LIKE IT COME AND SEE IT C. M. PLYLER, Mjjr. AL GILLIS, Asst. Mgr. DOCHERTY-POWERS1 V 62nd Anniyersary Sale From Top Floor to First Floor Wonder Values to Attract Folks to The Dalles. Greatest Sale of Furniture Round-Up! at Grass Valley, Ore., SATURDAY and SUNDAY JUNE 16-17 TYGII VALLEY FAIR GROUNDS DUCKING CONTESTS BAREBACK RIDING LADY DRONC RIDING Horse Races, Novelty Race, Chariot Race and Other Attractions EVERETT WILSON, Manager. 75Q Pieces of Furniture Reduced 10 to 50i 56e Maupin Times Mers ItsReaders 1 JliisWeekOnlv I W7 J: Kkf k mi tn r inn t 9x12 Felt Base Rugs $5.85 Choice of Patterns Guaranteed Electric Irons $2.19 Odd Chairs, Rockers $15.50 Living-room Rockers with Jacquard velour spring seats, mahogany finished frames, very comfortable pieces, Qin nr choice of two coverings iJlZ.UJ $65.00 High Back Hall or Living Room Chair, covered in mohair with fringe trim. Combi nation mahogany oin cn 'WZ.5U $65.00 Comfortable Cox well Chair covered in combined veourtapestry, loose Q h Q Cft spring filled cushion seat UtU.OU Homefurnishing Items Representative Values Chemicallly treated Dust Mops, com plete with handle, wonderful value.... 32-Piece Open Stock Dinner Sets $5.75 Floral Decorations Pint Size Cedar Oil Polish, special value n Drop-Leaf Unfinished KITCHEN TABLES $2.49 Good Quality Glass Tumblers, set of six, very special 50c 25c Used Oak Frame Davenport Beds $24.50 Values to $37.50 USED FURNITURE Enters the Sale 25" to 50 Reductions Our entire stock of used furniture is entered in the sale. . A number of desir9ble pieces for the beach, or mountain home. A very large assortment. $19.75 Full Size Steel Beds $14.85 Ivory or Brown Finishes 1 l" II J 1 1 vi ml ) Vx I -J in 1 (W. 02 HI our Choice Of Any ftfeazinesand liisNewspaper s Y0UR CREDIT DOCHE GOOD POWER WE CHARGE ' NO INTEREST An unheard of bargain. Enough read, inn for the whole family a wide vari ty of high clan magazine all at a price to fit your pocket book. Don't fail to take advantage of thia money, nving opportunity. No need to wait at Renewrlt will be extended from data of preterit expiration. Third and Washington Streets. Phone 300. The Dalles, Oregon I Centlemeni I with to take a-lventage of your Magazine Bargain Offer. I arn enclofng the ebtjvn amount In payment for a one yaer aubiciiptlnn to ynur paper end the FIVE Magazine! I have marked with an X below. All ubicrlptioni are tor a full year, Name , Town St. or R. F, D D American Poultry American Swineherd Capper's Farmer 0 Dairy Farmer Everybody' Poultry Magazine Farm & Fireside Farm Life Farm Journal O Fruiti & Garuene P Gentlewoman Magazine CHfif) Mark f.hi.' coupon KIlJJJE or ml it to our Stale.. D Oood Stories D Household Magazine , Cj .tlcdsrn Homemaking D Ncedlecraft Open Road (Boys) People'a Home Journal People'a Popular Monthly D Sportsman' Digest n Succeinful Farminjj Woman World now and bring Butinea Office TODAY