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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1928)
V Protect Yous? Investment i n Yo.u r Model 1 i in u .rora THE Ford Motor Company is making a new car, but it it still proud of the Model T. It wants every owner of one of these car to run it a long as possible at a minimum of expenw, , Because of this policy and because of the investment that millions of motorists have in Model Tears, the Ford Motor Company will continue to make ' parts 'until, as 1 lenry Ford himscl f says, "the last Model T is off the road." ' More than eight million Model T Fords are still in active service, and many of them can be driven for two, three and five years and even longer. v ; So that ou may get the greatest use over the longest period of time at the lowest cost, we suggest that you take your Model T Ford to the nearest Ford dealer and have him give you an estimate on the cost of any replacement parts that may be necessary. You will find this the economical thing to do because a malt expenditure may enable you to maintain or increase the value of the car and give you thousands of miles of - additional service. No matter, where you live you can -get these Ford parts at the same low prices as formerly and know they are made in the same way and of the same materials as those from which your car was originally assembled. Labor cost is reasonable and a standard rate is charged for each operation so that you may know in advance exactly how much the complete job will cost. Ford Motor Company Detroit, Michigan "INSIDE" INFORMATION HOME COOKED COODS SALE Can only fruit, and totatoes by the water-bath method; uw the pres sure canner for the non-acid vege table, for meats, fish, chicken, or mixture of these foods. To keep the of your rhubarb pie from becoming noirtry. pre-bake it until it is delicaately rolored, but not brown, before you put in the filling-. If you have a glass or eartenware pie plate, you can tend the pie In it to the table. When fitting a garment, try the Ream in different pesitions, expeci ally those of the shoulder. Study the figure to find the position which will emphasize the best features and con ceal those which are not so good. It i, tetter to put the attention on the, figure, rather than on keeping the the lines of the pattern. Spring onions ccan be served on toast in the same manner as aspara gus. Allow six or seven finger-sized onions for each person. Trim off the green tops, and cook the onions in tlightly salted boiling water until tinder, in an uncovered veasel. They bhould be cooked tender in about 20 n inutes. Drain, and season with melted butter, salt and pepper. Have the toast ready and serve at once. In ordrr to make the first straw berries, go a long way, cream to gether a third of a cup of butter, three-fourths of a cup of powdered sugar, and one-eigth teaspoon of salt When thoroughly mixed, add the stiffly beaten white of an egg and one cup of fresh crushed straw berries. The acidity of the berries cause, the sauce to seperate some what, but this can be overcome by warming it slightly over hot water and stirring until smooth. Serve at once on cup cakes or cottage pud ding, or chill to make thicker.! Will Be Held at R..h It Smart's ea Saturday of Thi Weak The ladies of tiie Community club will hold a ihome-cooked good, sale this week Saturday at the Resh & Stuart store. At that time such edi bles as pies, eaakes, cookies, buns, fruit and vegetable salads, baked beans, cottage cheese and other de lectable articles, of food will be of- fered for sale. Ladies, spare yourselves the wor ry and stew of getting up a Sunday dinner. Patronize the Community club's sale and lay in sufficient to do you over Sunday, thereby giving yoa the day for enjoyment and recreation. The Maupin Times, $1.50 for a Whole Year. Let us put the sheriff's office on a businesg baais. Vote for McMahon for sheriff. STATEMENT of Ownership, Mance. meal Etc., required by the Act of Congress of August 24, 1912. Of The Maupin Times, published at Maupia, Oregon, weekly. Publisher Semmes & Semmes. Editor C. W. Semmes. Mortgagees -Jct.iline E. Morrison, Marganthaler Linoijrp Co. WRITE IN TIIE NAME S. E. Notson REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR Representative in Congress Second District ? . PRIMARY ELECTION MAY 18 S. E. NOTSON FAVORS-Construction of Umatilla Rapids project. More liberal forestry policy. Unflinching enforcement of 18th Amendment. Court to settle internatonal disputes, with proper protection of national integrity. More liberal federal support of good roads. Development of resources of .Northwest. Outlawry of war. Just treatment of former soldiers. Was born and reared on a farm and is familiar with farmers' problems. Write in and mark" thus: X S. E. NOTSON. MOTTO: Just and fair treatment for all in all things. i i Taid adv., by Notson-f or-Congrss Club, Spencer Crawford, Secretary, Heppner, Oregon OREGON NEWS NOTES jiaA aaa f - J. AAA AAA J V uuu.uuu in roaus; iu,uuir,uuu ' eral 3. C. Penny company buys site in j Madras street being improvtd. Bend for f 100,000 new store. 0od River nd Mosler fruit dis- Columbht River' wheat shipment tricts promise a bumper wop. Klamath Falls Two log trains a day will run on a Sprugue river rail up to March 31 total 88,340 bushels. Klamath FalliH-Great Northern nni Southern Tacific will rebuild and operate Strahorn-Sprague river line. ' Bend Vellow pine being planted in lodgepolo areas;1 as forestry ex periment. t ' , . State releases 2,300,000 yonng silverside salmon' from 'Clastkanim hatchery, v : Oregon banks had $292,175,336 deposits, February 28. ' Klamath Indian, will offer $100,. line. Enterprise State telaases 8,400,- 000 soekeye, salmon from hatchery Condon Twentmen arc at work here oiling John Day highway. Condon Webrli canyon road to be resurfaced before gruin harvest ' Wheeler Westwood sawmill has capacity of 175,000 feet a day. 'Rcedsport Petro Moran pians fish packin g plant at Winchester Bay. "Sid" Johnson For Democratic Nomination FOR SHERIFF Vote 48X Johnson, A. S. OF THE DALLES ' 43 years a resident of Wasco and Sherman coun ties. Will enforce the law without fear or favor and will always recognize the rights of our citi zens; will keep a ti;ue accounting of fees Receiv ed. . Paid Advertisement Oregon City New Zion Lutheran church will cost about $24,000. Oregon will oil 380 mille. of new roads this year, and re-oil about 450 miles. LET'S 35v Frr AT Thousands of New Words spelled, pronounced, and defined in WEBSTER'S NEW KJTERMATICNAL DICTIONARY Th"Supnmi Authority" ere ore a ftu) tampln t hot pursuit Rsd8tar Air Council capital ship mud gun mystary ship 8. P. boat ' irredanta aerial cascade Eathonia American Legion Blue Cross girl scout airport cyptr crystal detector alpplo ' superheterodyne shoneen ' f M t lerakaaaa. efitarmaUo nrvlngynf 2700 PaM 6000 Mi tfatiom 407.000 1 Word, and Phrasse CaiattaaraadBtotTapUealDtetleaary Gt In fi Writs for a asmpls past f III New Word, apKlmta of RetuUr and India Papers, FREE. a&CMERRlAM CO. ' Sp'riiiafleM.Maih.U&A. ' Legloiv Hall Saturday Even'g, with the May 12 of The Dalles in unequalled DANCE- DYTH M The above Orchestra conies-with a repu- best time of the season. Hear them. , 7f! 1 I