IBS SlAtK.N XIMi " fcrsoiaiff es ltt.i-u-i.1 r .ry v-u-j-l- tru-u-j-u-iJTnu Mark Stuart, wife and little son, Dale, motored to The Dallea yester day. J. W. Davidson van a fuest at the Bank Hotel, The Dalles, Monday night Dr. Stovatl, wife and aon, Eatel, went to CoryallU Saturday and visit ed a day or to there with relatives. Supt Croncwald, with tome frlendi from The Dalles, spent day recently fishing' in Deep Creek with fair euc cwt. Bert Brown and wife were on the river Sunday.' Bert la now employ ed at a machine shop in the county teat town. Anna McCoy and sls'tr were busl new visitors from these part at The Dalle, yeterday. Nate Alexander and wife spent part of lust week at the home of Frank Creagcr, coming" down from Juniper Flat. Mrs. Win. McClure and children are in town from Fairview and will spend a month here visiting with friends and relative. Floyd Richmond came up from Portland last Friday and remained at his parents home from that time until Monday morning. George TilloUon and wife came quarters at the Maupin camp ground. Mm. Eva McClure i at the home of her slater, Mra. Andrew Cunning ham, thlg week, coming up from Fairveiw. Tom Gallagher and family have left Eaat Maupin and are now oc cuplng the Woodcock cottage on the West aide. "Shorty" Miller, of the Wllaon Painting Co., went up the river Sun day and aucceeded In bringing in a nice catch of fifth. Johnny Williams tried put his new "WUllama' Special" trout fliee last evening with the result that he Lrought In a nice mesa of trout. ' Criterion News Notes On Thursday last Mesdamea Appling, Klrsch and Wilson were at Maupln, helping to make costumes fur the coming school play by the grades. Leslie and Albert Troutman spent Thursday night at the Klrsch home. D. B. Appling wa, fishing on the river Sunday. He made a fine catch, but lost four of the best trout on the way home and" that's no fbh story. "Buster" Skinner of Cottage Grove wa, visiting friends in Criter ion last week. Gertrude Klrsch spent last Sunday afternoon visiting with Margie Ap pling. Mrs. Appling and Dale Patrick visited Mrs. Klrsch one afternoon last Lane la at work on the D. D. Wilson ranch. Mra. Lucile Cantrell and daughter, up from The Dalles yesterday and j Sdna. spent Saturday last with the B. C. Scott motored business trip last Mr. and Mrs. to Dufur on a Thursday. Tom Beatty and wife of Hood River are visiting at the J. E. Wood cock home at this writing. They will make their return trip to Maupin Wednesday a. m. Cecil Mayfield and wife made a business trip to Maupin last Thurs day. - Mrs. Bradway and Richard attend ed church services at Wamlc but Sunday. After an enforced absence of some week, Miss Lammeroth is again at her school work. She wsa injured in an auto wreck while on her way home at Boyd, having had an arm broken when the car overturned. Miss Crystall ; Wrenn spent the week end with her parents, return ing to Tygh Sunday evening. She is attending school at tin latter place. J. E. Woodcock and wife attended the Heilmeier sale last Saturday and reports prices as being good on live stock. Edwin Dlsbrow found a den of coyote pups, there being seten In the famlily. The mother escaped. Henry Kramer I, cleaning up brush and burning trash around the saw milL remained over for the meeting of the Rebekahs lodge in the evening. Sylvester Kramer came over from Dufur Saturday night and spent Sunday with hlB parent at Lakeview, He is employed at tho Johnston store In Dufur. Maupin people registered at the Bank Hotel at The Dallea Monday were L. B. Woodsidc, Lewis May hew, Bobby Davidson and Alfrod Pearson. The Kramer, were in town from their 'Lakeview ranch on Tuesday inorninjr. Joe is rnnchmc tn his own place this summer ond anticipates a bumper crop this season. Roy Crabtree has finished his spring plowing and now has some leisure time in which to make gar den. Ho, with his wife, and father were in town Monday laying in a supply of garden tools. EAST MAUPIN NEWS Signs Fischer was visiting with friends at East Maupin on Monday. Doings at Pine Grove Rutherfords, Will L. Doud and wife of Dufur visited at the Rutherford and Klrsch homes Sunday last. John Slusher spent the last week end at the Klrsch home. On Sun day he accompanied Mr. Klrsch, James Appling and Theodore Klrsch to Deep creek ( where they investigat ed a bee tree) with the result they brought home a swarm of bees and some honey. They also went fishing, John caught three trout, one of them being the largest caught by the party. He wore the fish out that evening showing it to friends, but when he went home had enough trout for a fish feed for the family. C. A. Duus and Jerome Kidder were on the sick list last week. The Duus family visited with R. H. DeCamp In Maupin last Sunday. D. L. Rutherford shipped a bunch of fine porkers to the Portland mar ket last Saturday. D. D. Wilson ha, sold his swine to Ed. Herding. ! Relatives visiting the Rutherfords on Sunday last were: Mrs. M. K. McLeod and daughter Olive, A. H. McLeod and daughter, Janet, from The Dalles, and W. Bartley and wife from Roscville, California. W. E. Hunt made a business trip WilV ! 10 ne "N"1 on Monday. s- Mrs. D. L. Rutherford recently re ceived word of the marriage of her tJcorge Richardson is putting in a "". wr "J 91 time of work at th Maupin camp ' f nclsc. t Mr. Walter Eklund of ,j i the same city. iiiv wum vi uiuiig me mgnway in this section is progressing rapidly. ' A baby Porcupine is the particular pet of Mrs. O. J. lams. " - one ! Mrs. Ed. Fischer of Bend is visi ting her son, Billy, and will remain couple of weeks. ' , N Workman are tngafred In building coffer dam for the foundations of the new bridge. Bob Bell concluded his vacation yesterday and is again at his post t the 0. W. depot Mis, Gladys Martin entertained her friend, Fannie Derthick, at her home Wednesday afternoon. o ' Supply Man Doel returned to Portland yesterday, after substitut ing for Bob Bell at this side's de pot s o Mrs. Mary Nelson came over from Grass Valley and is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Nancy Martin, this week. " ' ; , ,-o- y , . The oiling crew, at work on Cri terion hill, is making their head- Today (Monday) they are near the Lakeview school houe, and by the time The Times is Issued Maupinites may be noticing track on rug, and floors, to say nothing of oil on the ol' car. Tom Slusher spent Monday night at the Rutherford home. Mrs. Austin and Mrs. Kirby and daughter are visiting with Mrs. D. D. Wilson. Mr. Austin is Mrs. Wil- on's mother. Doings At Smock Weather cool. Farmers busy plowing for summer fallow. Mrs. Bradway returned from Kan sas last Thursday. She reports fruit killed by heavy frosts on April 12, also that young alfalfa frozen black, The season is very backward, the farmers Just beginning to plow. S. G. Ledford and D. M. Stanch iff attended the JHeilmeler sale on Saturday last , I v j A - 7 Life Resident. Taxpayer. Farmer. World War Veteran Harold Sexton Candidate for the Republican Nomination for ' SHERIFF Wasco County PRIMARIES MAY 18, 1928 The Dalles, Oreson ' Benjamin F. Richardson gave a dance last Saturday night at his hall at the First and Last chanch auto park. A good time wan reported, as dancing continued until dawn. Roy Batty and family visited at Pine Grove Sunday. Wm. Moore and Carl Powell vis ited the John Powell home, where Mr. Moore got his horse after wintering it at Powells. Julius Shepflin wa, taken to The Dalles by Mr. Hall, the Raleigh Pro ducts motor route man. Julius' in jured foot was lanced again, also the calf of his leg. He was brought home by Ben Richardson. Julius will have to keep off his foot for 30 days or more, to prevent possible loss of his leg. ' J. C. Sanford, joint owner of the old Sam Brown 960-acre farm, now operated by Julius Shepflin, brought a new man up from Portland to drive a team in plowing. His Ford son tractor is running daily. Frank Nutt of Portland i, plowing for Roy Batty. Roy is hand feeding 40 orphaned lambs, with good re sults. ... - ' j Pine Grove grammer school gave a successful social last Friday j night with attendance from all over1 Wapinitia Plains. Good music, games and contests featured the evening', gaiety. Harry Lewis won the prlxe for the best sock darner, he defeated .0. Bronner and 0. S. Walters. They, however, have no time to darn socks. Welton McCoy is a good judge of neatly shod feet, a, he took first prize in the curtain-judging foot game. Mr. Howard defeated Alva Hammer in the finals of the track sack races. Charles Davis and Robert Shcpfin discovered that the law of gravity still is in existence when they run at diziy speed with their No. 9's in a spud sack. Calvin Burnside spent the week end with friends at .Wapinitia and Pine Grove. Mr. Wiesbeck made a trip to The Dalles from the Beaver Creek camp. Mr. Meyers, powder man, Andy Booth, Carl Powell, W. A. Dane, Ben Richardson and Frank Richardson are working for Mt Hood National For est department under Joe A. Gra ham, ranger. They are slashing out a cattle lane and doing road work. John Sinclair in conditioning the baby truck tractor to duty in 1928 A 1 A ioe a. oranam reports more money for various road projects than the average year has had, par ticularly for the High Rock road that will connect with the road near Estacada. This new fire line road taps one of the finest huckle berry field, between Hood .and Jefferson, but if T. H. Sherrod, superintend ent of Mt Hood National Forest, prevails, will be a closed road for tourists and berry pickers. This strange policy iB to be follow-' cd in the name of "fire protection" we can't understand why the parti cular area needs more protection than the rest of the numberless Cas cade hills. , We believe the average people who pay for roads, county and state, or federal, are entitled to their use. We believe that lightning-caused fires, exceed man-made firch Rnd that the general public is now edu cated to fairly good conduct while in the forest At any rate we feel ; that T. H. Sherrod should not ex j reriment to the closing of sccenic, . hunt and berry or fishing roads, opened at tne public cost to the tax payers and particularly to the local j pioneers. Indians visit the High hurricane deck of pinto, fuzz-tails. Why keep out white folks? We be lieve it can't be dune and ar willing to predict that it won't work. Wapinitia Sunday school C. E. and church issue a general call of welcome to all Wapinitia Plains folk to join them in service on Sun day, May 6. A basket dinner to be enjoyed at noon. Music and de votional excersiws and service by Rev. Everett Hazen to feature the days' get together. Vergil Mayfield had the bad luck to burn out the bearing in his Ford car. While he and Cecil were loco moting over the new macadam re cently. R. W. Richmond and family vis ited with Mr. and Mrs. Andy Booth at the "First and Last Chance" au to park, Sunday. Alice Davis and Verla Lewis spent the week end at the Harry Lewis and family home. Mrs. Lester West teacher at Wapinitia. has been hired to teach at Pine Grove for the fall term. Miss Flossie B. Overman, teacher here for three years, did rfct re apply for the next turn. She plans to be near her parents at Philomath. Bruce Hull, principal of the Wap initia High school, who formerlly taught in The Dalles will oppose Wm. Crichton for county clerk. Mr. Hull has all the qualification, to fill the office with credit and efficiency. He enjoys a host of friends who will vote and boost his candidacy "Wipe the Slate," should be the general slogan of the present cam paign, to be sure of a new broom. Complete renovation of all depart ments of county affairs and noth ing lesg will do the" job. Mr. Hull comes to the front us a good corner stone on which to build up from the bottom. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cunningham drove their Angus herd to Sunflower Flat to pasture the Glass homestead range before general release of the Wapinitia cattlemens stock, May 6. Fred Ault and Co., timber owners, were at Pine Grove Saturday and Sunday on business. Tim Linn went to Portland to buy a sawmill He will build on the Hedin umber Co. Dane claim and will start sawing at high-gear for the local demand as soon as he can set up his mill. Lester West and N. G. He din were surveying on the H. V. Rutherford ranch when Lester became stricken j with an intenae pain in his knee at tended by swelling. Hedin took his team to the barn and drove his auto into the field, carrying West to and from the car on his back. After sev eral hours of administering hot wa ter applications and liniment, he finally obtained relief for Mr. West who was turned over to his wife up on her return from school. Autos can now drive to Camas ranger station and to Cedar Post camp on the new road. WHEN IN THE DALLES Make Your Headqarters at The Black and White or American Restaurants where every service awaits you. 1 S FREE PHONE REST ROOMS 1 Both Restaurants have been entirely remodeled for your convenience. E. 3. McMahon PROPRIETOR aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! Matipfa (parage J E. W. SHELLEY, Manager EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING Battery Work, Oxy-Acetylene Welding GASOLINE, OILS, TIRES, TUBES, AUTO PARTS AND AUTO ACCESSORIES ON HAND Our repairs speak for themselves and when a job leaves this garage it carries the motto that All Work Guaranteed or Money Back OPEN DAY AND NIGHT De Larhue Onhcal Comnanv Q HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED EXPERT OPTICAL SERVICE 21 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Voft Block, Tie Dalles, Orcfoa COMING TO THE DALLES DR. MELLENTHIN SPECIALIST In Internal Medicine for the past fifteen years NOES NOT OPERATE Will be at DALLES HOTE.L WEDNESDAY MAY 16 , Office Hours: 10 a. m., to 4 p. m. ONE DAY ONLY No Charge for Consultation HAVE IT DONE 1ST N O W! -til We mean that now is the time to have your Automobile Overhauled This is the place to bring it We have the largest and best equipped machine shop in Wasco county. . jgAD QALLOWAY Xkm Dallas, Oraaoa 3S3-J s!spsep Dr. Mellenthin is a regular gradu at in medicine and surgery and is licensed by the state of Oregon. He does not operate for chronic appen dicitis, gall stopes, ulcers of stomach, tonsil, or adenoids. He has to his credit wonderful re sults in diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kidney, bladder, bed wetting, ca tarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal ail ments. , Below are the names of a few of his many satisfied patients in Ore gon who have been treated for one of the above named causes: H. H. Blake, Marshlield. Elmer Booker, Condon. V Besie Eckles, Empire. D. G. Horn, Bonanza. W. C. Helyor, Kent. ' ' P. M. Roster, Mt Anffel. , Mrs. L. H. Martin, Moro. " Davis Steinon, Allegany. Fred Shields, Klamath Palls. Joe Shoeships, Gibbon. " Dt'I. Waeenblast, Portland. Remember the above date, that consultation on this trip will be free and his treatment is different. Married women must be accom panied by their husbands. Address: 224 Bradbury Bldg., Rock berry fields every year via the. Lbs Angeles Caliiarnia, SHI P BY TRUCK REGULAR FREIGHT LINE SERVICE ,.t'-' y Between ! ; v PORTLAND - THE DALLES - MAUPIN THE DALLES TRUCK LINE Inc. SPICKERMAN'S TRUCK LINE PORTLAND-THE DALLES THE DALLES-MAUPIN and Way Points ' and Way Points BONDED & INSURED CARRIERS ii j i UTLEIR' O.P.RESH MARK STUART TalAUPIN'S LEADING Groeery amid, 1