The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, April 05, 1928, Image 4

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California Electric Company After
New Buiinet
The Pacific Gas and Eelcctric com
pany will use only daily and weekly
newspapers as advertising mediums
in its million dollar campaign, J.
Charles Jordan, publicity director
for the company says that news
rupern linve boon found most satis
fcutory. Three hundred salesmen will be
employed in the company's sales
campaign, the largest in its history.
The company estimates that an ad
didtional million dollars will be nec
essary for supplis for linrs and add
ed facilities to "take care of the new
business. '
"Electricity is cheap you can use
it freely" is the slogan being used
in the campaign.
Star Ha Eclipse
Walter Sharp's new &ar car went
into an eclipse last Saturday night
when he was on his way home. Wal
ter heel-burned it into Maupin, where
he prevailed upon Everett Richmond
to go out and tow the ill-fated Star
to Maupin, where it was placed in its
proper place in the Automobile
firmament The Linns, who were at
tending an Odd Fellows meeting at
Maupin that evening, conveyed Wal
ter to his Juniper Flat borne.
Poj Shot In Leg
Someone, who evidently mistook
Bates Shattuek's German police dog
for a coyote, took a shot at the ca
nine Tuesraw forenoon, the shot
taking effect in the left elbow joint.
The dog was found opposite the
Richmond service station sign on the
Maupin grade about noon. It evi
dently had been hunting in the vi
cinity of the garbage dump when
shot ,
Baseball Meeting In Maupin
A meeting will be held in Maupin
Sunday . afternoon for the purpose
of considering the feasibility of or
ganizing a local leuU; r the com
ing season.
It is proposed that the towns of
The Dalles, Pufur, Maupin, Cross
Valley -.and j?f.;ro hive teams and
that a repriifar r hcdulc be drawn up.
C. W. McMahon, mamger of last
year's Dalles team, is sponsor for the
movement and indications point to an
organization and 6ome ;ood baseball
shown in the proposed circuit.
Sheriff Candidate H
C W. McMahon, the popular res
, taurant man of The Dalles, who is
running against Sheriff Chrisman
for the latter's office, was a visitor
in Maupin Tuesday afternoon Mac
reports all signs jointing to his nomi
nation and election, which concurs
with sentiment in Maupin.
Shoot Again Postponed
The gun club shoot scheduled for
last Sunday morning was not a
shoot, for there was not enough
shooters present to shoot. We were
requested to announce the shoot,
but not being a gun shot, and al
though we told the shooters of the
shoot, no shoot was held, which caus
ed some of the shooters to say "Oh,
Tygh Valley Doings
. 1
The Freshman class has organized
with the following officers: Lawr
rence Knighten, president, Crystal
Wren, vice-president and Ada
Knighten, secretary-treasurer.
The Student body of Tygh High
school have voted to give a dance in
the High school gymnasium on Sat
urday evening, April 21, the night of
the track meet.
Wednesday afternoon the students
went to Dufur, the oceation being a
baseball game between the Tygh
Valley and Dufur High school base
ball teams. The score was 18 to 17
in favor of Dufur.
The young people report a good
time and are looking forward to their
trip to Wapintia on Friday, the
6th. The return game with Dufur
will be played at Tygh Valley on
Friday, the 13th, and the Wapinitia
boys will play the return game at
Tygh on Friday, the 20th.
Because of baseball very little has
yet been done in preparation for the
track meet. Plan3 for a try-out and
ether details will bo worked out as
fast as Mr. Light, th athletic coach,
can get around to it.
News Of Busy Shaniko
A preliminary tr?:-k meet be
tween the f.haniko, ar,d Antelope
nchools will be held at Antelope on
April 11, in the afternoon. Dr. Po
ley of Grass Valley and Miss Sena
Peterson, county nurse, will be pres
ent to give an OK on the physical
condition of the contestants.
Gail Guyton celebrated her seven
the birthday last week by invit-
ing sorveal of her girl and boy class
mates to a two-hour session of games
eats' and general fun at home. The
visitors carried with them several
tokens of good will, and all wished
Gail many more birthdays. The
party ended at 5:00 o'clock, but the
parents noticed the children did not
ask for any additional lunch before
going to bed.
The History class is now studying
the "Industrial Revolution." Time
may prove this to be the most im
portant decade ofsthnt period.
The members of the Algebra class
burned some midnight oil in getting
the review of the last six weeks.
John Reeder is thus far our
champion pole vaulter.
Jack Reea is our ' coming high
The midgets of other schools are
going to hustle unusually fast if they
get ahead of Gail and Victor in the
j 50-yard dash. -
i In the class C girls, Marguerite
Reeder promises to break the Wasco
county record in the 50-yard dash.
Jesse Fine says: "Shut your teeth
: and errin tfrion vstii win fta valav "
hi i va in niivii j vru iuit uv a mwj
i" m
I Announcement :
S We take great pleasure in announcing to our many
Maupin friends that the ,
I 'Black and White Restaurant
5 is now under the management of
I E. J. McMahon
H Special Sunday Night Dinners with Music by the
I The Black and White
Second and Court Streets. The Dalles, Oregon
If yon smoke
for pleasure
fpciii j
1928, B. J. RernaMi Totiet
Company, Wlniton-Salem, ti. C
the MaWpW times'
T. 1 1
Services were conducted in the
school house Sunday evening by
Arch-Deacon Crcaaey of The Dalles.
Rev. Earl B. Cotton of Madras
will give a stereo pt icon lecture of
fifty pictures, on the Children's
Farm at Corvalli at 7:30 p. n.
on Friday of the present week.
Everybody welcome.
Doings at Pine Grove
Benjamin Franklin Richardson
gave a dance on honor of his close
personal friendM and neighbors at
the service station dance hall last
Friday night
N. G. Hedin drove his Dodge car
across the upper White River grade
last Saturday. He reports the road
85 being passable, but recommends
new plank decking and the remaval
of stones from the grades.
J. S. Brown has been reen lately
working at his trufs that of con
veying fun tails via the saddlle
horse mode to the blnckimith shop.
He lately delivered a mare to Chas.
Walker, the latter having purchased
the animal.
Julius Shepflin and N. G. Hedin
ning answer is
The cigarette best-liked by so many
smokers, it leads by billions
are cutting up the veneer blocks on
the Ault timber claim. The wood
derived is practically clear of knots
and about half seasoned.
When Linn & Son take ths Hedin
cow out hunting they get into the
wrong herd and have to walk home.
Pine Grove students are limbering
up and getting ready for ths track
Ben and. Frank Richardson attend
ed the play at Wapinitia last Satur
day night They say It , was the
"best ever." '
Virgil Mayfield and fimlly spent
Sunday at the Julious Shopflln home.
Mis, Flossie B. Overman paid Mau
pin friends a visit last Sunday after
noon. J. S. Brown and Harry Lewis lost
11 young pigs during ths recent
snow storm.
A Mis, Howard has applied for a
position in ths Pins Grovs school.
John Sinclair has sold his entire
goat herd to Virgil Mayfield. (Vir
gil, we are advertising a goat for
sale in this Issue of Ths Times; see
Lewis Walters has been hauling
wood from Linn & Son wo'odyard.
Oscar Walters took the M lanes
Verln Lewis and Alice Davis to Mau
pin last Sunday.
Ben and Frank Richardson expect
to soon make a trip to Prlnevllls to
look after their grazing claims.
James P. Abbott, Jr., while in a
great hurry In passing thru Pine
Grove recently, ran over some
poultry which since that time have
not been delivering their usual
quota of eggs. Why the extreme
hurry, Jimmie?
W. A. Dane has been making re
pairs on buildings and fences at his
Webber ranch.
Easter dinner, to bo given by the
Pine Grove Sunday school, has
broadcast an invitation to the Waplnl
tia school to aid in the special music
nnd help dispose of the dinner. Rev.
Everett Hazen will make an address
following the meal.
Snow fell at Pine Grove Sunday
night and Monday morning. It seem
ed to us that fully three inches of the
beautiful fell. '
Mary Sharp celebrated her birth
day on Sunday All Fools Day.
Fred Ault, Linn & Son, W. A.
Dane and N. G. Hedin are planning
to put a saw mill into active opera
tion at Pine Grove. - I,ocal demand
will take at least 409,000 feet to
start off with, as everyone has put
off building all but absolutely neces
sary structures, hoping for a local
mill to furnish lumber for building
lead the
The win
I Week-End i
Heavy Hickory Shirts : . SDc
Work Shirts, Blue Cambric 65c
Work Sox 10c
Dress Shirts 95c
Suede Flannel Shirts $1.95
Army Khaki Wool Shirts' ....$2.45
3 Overalls , :..................$U0
H Boys' Overalls 95c
a Union Suits 79c
1 3 Khaki Pants, Heavy $1.95
U Khaki Pants, Medium Weight .....$1.45
3 Sailor Wool Pants $3.95
S Moleskin Pants $2.93
I Moleskin Coats .......$1.95
J White Corduroy Tants ....$3.95
ss Athletic Running Pants 50c
3 Powder Grey Corduroy Pants $3.75
S ' Army Khaki Breeches $1.93
H Whipcord Breeches $3.93
3 Genuine Officer's Serge Breeches $7.50
3 Bell Bottom Overalls $1.43
3 Scout Shoes $1.95
3 Canvas Shoes $1.10
1 Heavy Work Shoes $2.93
3 Officer's 16-Inch Dress Shoes $9.85
3 14-Inch Plain Toe Shoes $8.95
3 12-Inch Plain Toe Shoes $7.95
Army Marching Shoes $3.93
S Pack Sacks, Regulation 93c
3 Black Dress Oxfords $3.95
H Tan Oxfords $3.93
Colgates Shaving Soap, Bar 5c
S3. Army Velvet Tobacco, 3 for 25c
3 Auto Trunks $3.95
3 Suit Cases as low as $1.25
Salem will start work on new
$40,000 garbage incinerator.
Nyaa Bids will be opened June
1 for Owhee dam, 860 feet high.
Klamath Falls Construction be
gins on $75,000 new G. N. railroad
$100,000 Is available for Joaquin
Miller Trail highway, Harney county.
Bums Hansen-Wylie timber com
pany plans big sawmill In Bear Val
ley. La Grande Five buildings will be
erected to house state highway shops.
Hood River will vote on $250,000
Cold Springs water system bonds.
Portland $50,000 flying school
home to be built at Union 'and Hal-
Undertaking and
Call Maupin Drag Store
Wilson Painting Co.
House and Sign
Call, Write or phone, Times Office.
Maupin, Oregon.
First National Bank Bldg.
Tho Dalles, Oregon
Phono 111
Nyssa Contract will be let in
June on Owyhee dam, 200 feet high
to store 600,000 acre feet of water.
Loreni Bros, will build modern
pine mill 40 miles east of Klamath
Shoes and Repairing
Wasco County '$ Exclusive
, Shot Store '
hoos for th c:nrsl Repairing
'VhoU Hmii . Tho Hallo.. Or,
Your Watch Haywire? !
If it Is not doing its work
bring it to The Times
and Mr. Semmes will send
it to '
MM!'"4Hng Jewsler
w.d Watchmaker
1 I). Llndquist
The Dallti, Oregon. Phono 35-J
I. 0. O. F. !
Lodgo No. 209, Maupin, Oregon
meets every Saturday night in I. O.
0. F. hall. Visiting members always
James Chalmers, N. G.
O,. F. Ranlck, Se'jr.