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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1928)
th MAtipiht J. S.' Brown and wife were down from thalr Pint Grove ranch lust Saturday. ' Emll Heckler of Waplnltla -was registered at the Dank hotel at The Dalles last Sunday. Mr. Rose Duhl and Mlw Edna Derthlck were in from the Tygh Val ley country lait Friday. Dee Woodslde attended the meet ing of itockholder, at tht Maupln Suta Bank on Tuesday. Prof. Nagel and f ho Time man called on Prof. Clyde T. Bonney at Tygh Valley Sunday afternoon. A. A. Derthlck and wife were over from Du'fur Sunday, being guests at the home of their aon, Una Derthlck. Mlta Leona Martin went to Gate way Friday to spend the weok end with her parents, returning Monday. Hen Cooke arrived from Portlnnd luxt week and in spend'ng a few day visiting with relatives .nd friend in Maupln. Mr, Slgno Fischer came over from The Dalles Monduy and visited with' friend a couple of day the first of tho week. L. B. Kelly went to The Dalle Tuesday o a to be prcnt at a meeting of tho county court Wodnev day morning. Frank Fleming came over from the county teat Tuesday and attended the bank meeting that day. Mr. Flem ing la a director of that Institution. Mr. Lester Crofoot came down' from Two Spring Monday and went to her father', ranch on Bakeoven. going to ee her father, recently In jured by the kick of a horse. MIr Marjorie Tillotaon went to Bend on Friday's 0. W. train, going there to make personal application for a position on the Bend teaching force. Shej-eturned Monday morn-In. EAST MAUPIN NEWS Mr. LcRtcr Crofoot of Cove creek wa a guert at the L. D- Kelly home lust Friday.. Frunk Richardon of line Crove viitited with East Maupln relative the laitt of last week, Hugo Fischer wife and aon, Verne went to The Dalle last Friday on a business miwlon. Billy McCkire ha returned from Portland and will remain here with relative and friend a ahort time. Mr. Signe Fischer was in East Maupjn several days this week. She it stopping at The Dalles tempor arily, , George Richardson came down from the Connolly aheep ranch Mon day and ipent a few hours In East Maupln. , Frank Klint, section foreman on the 0. W.., with his wife, went to Portland on a business errand on Wednesday. The William service station is now connected with telephone, an instrument having been retailed last Monday. Ring 4-F-88. An operator named Doel Is taking Bob Bel)' place at the O. W. depot while Bob 1 away on a month' va cation. Tom Gallagher and family are In habiting two of the Maupin Camp Ground cabin while awaiting a chance to rent a house. Mr. and Mr. Gallagher are employed at Shattuck's. A fewEaster novelties left. Get them for 10 cent at the Maupin Drug Store. .V v -fS"' -J ' v . . v i! "NX 7 Announcement! To the Voters of Wasco County: In announcing my candidacy for the of fice of County Sheriff, subject to the Re publican primary election, I desire to state: I have resided in The Dalles the last 20 years, locating herfe in 1908. I served the O. W. R. & N. railroad in various capaci ties of trust for many years. In September, 1921, I opened the res taurant known as "Mack's Cafe", which has become known far and wide as a good place to eat. I advance my solicitation for your sup port in the coming primaries, pledging that v if I am nominated and elected to the office of Sheriff that I will give the people of Wasco County an efficient, courteous and economical administration. I owe no po litical debt to any group or individual, and if elected will carry out my duties without fear or favor. Respectfully submitted for your consid eration, ' . C. W. Iclahon . Cabins All Painted The tourists cabins at the Maupin camp grounds have been given a coat of paint this week, the work having been done by the Wilson Painting company. The roofs bear a brilliant coat of red, while the buildings shine resplendant In white. As soon at the screen doors arrive, which are expected this week, the new cabins will be at the disposal of tourists. Lately each of the ca bins already in commission has been occupied, travelers seeming to realize that more re- was to be obtained In a good bed there than by continu ing their journies. Accepted Road Job ,' - J. W. Temple has vacated his posi tion at the Maupin garage and has accepted a position with the state as truckman and mechanic on the road oiling division. Je went to The Dalles Sunday morning and there Joined Engineer Stewart and the two continued on to Salem, where. Temple was given a truck. He ex pects to be stationed either at Mau pln or on the Kent section. was organized at th school house Friday. It membership consists of eight student. Lejter Crofoot is president! Vera Canfield vice-president and Louise Morjanren secretary. ; Evangelist W. T. Xlotzback of St. Louis, will begin a serio of revival meetings at the church en Sunday, April 8. J. A. Lake installed a telephone in hia store this week. In addition to connecting the with Tygh, he has a switch and a private line to the drug store central. Joe Graham returned last week from a trip to Clackamas. He reports the snow there as being nine and one-half feet deep; four feet at Clackamas Prairie; three feet at Bear Creek. He made the trip In from the Dane ranch on skis. The baseball game between Mau pin and Tygh at that place was stopped last, Sunday by rain In the fifth innfng. Tygh agin next Sunday. will play here Nine homesteaders of this section have made intention to make final proof of their claims. They are Isaac N. Winfrce, Wdliam F. John-' son, Moses F. Goodenough, Thomas A. St. Dennis, Burtle 'O. Nosker, Herbert M. Greene, Jame9 Baxter, Rufus II. DeCamp, Chester A. Bar-genholt. E. C. Huntington, representing the Valley Produce company, was here several days recently baying potatoes. He shipped two carloads from here on Wednesday. An elaborate Easter program has been prepared and will be rendered at the church Sunday morning. The building formerly used by Shattuck Bros, as an oil and paint room ha been moved north of the bank and Mr. Cilbert it remodeling it for a garage. ' Bateball Season Open The season of baseball for the Pa cific league was formally opened on Tuesday. Portland pUys this week at Los Angels, and now fans will be all agog to see the papers and find out just how our state team went On Business in Portland Mrs. Henry Seethoff, with .Glen Graham as driver and hf r daughters, Cretrhen and Jean, accompanied by Mrs. Martell, went to Portland last Saturday on a business trip. They returned to Maupin Tuesday after noon. . ', " "Vjfaupin fiage I E. W. SHELLEY, Manager EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING Battery Work, Oxy-Acetylene Welding GASOLINE, OILS, TIRES, TUBES, AUTO PARTS AND AUTO ACCESSORIES ON HAND Our repairs speak for themselves and when a job leaves this garage it carries the motto that AH Work Guaranteed or Money Back Danced at Willowd.le ' The Tygh Valley High rchool or- rh j cnostor played ror a dance at Willow- $ H1n hall lau Rtiir.) .4....UUU j .... "v .r-nutunj 11') lib, lt WIHVII a number of Maupin young 7eople (attended. Those from here were: (Ernest and Sylvester Kramer. "Budge" Greene, Cyril and Orville Fraley, Clarence Hunt, "Dubbs" Doanev Ira Kidder, Ivan Mott, Gus Derthick, Misses Ailcne and Mary Greene, Besrie Starr, Adeline See thoff, Ella Shepflin. Ethel Kidder, Dorig Kelly, Fannie Derthick. "US Taking Journalistic Courte Claude Hall, who will be remem bered as a clerk at Butler store a couple of yours or more ago, has entered O.' A. C. as a student in journalism. Claude was here a matter of two years, and made many many acquaintances, 11 of whom will be pleased to learn -f his ambition to shine as a writer. . New Baby Girl , Mrs George Miller of Tygh Val ley presented her husbnnd with a new baby girl at The DtJles hospital on Sunday April 1. While the date might have some significance with Fome people, yet with George it means that his household has been gladdened and that tho little , Miss Miller will fill a long-felt desire on the part of her proud parents. Da 1 or fin a Ontiral Cnmnanv HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED EXPERT OPTICAL SERVICE , 21 YEARS''EXPERIENCE Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon , HAVE IT DONE We mean that now is the time to have your , - Automobile Overhauled This is the place to bring it. We have the largest and best equipped machine shop in Wasco county. , &EAD& QALLOWAY Tk Dallas. Oraa-M Pkoae 383-J - Visiting Parents Floyd Richmond drove up from Portland Tuesday evcrin,g and from I that time until this morning visited , i with his parents in this city. Floyd is conducting a service station and storage garage at the metropolis and any8 that his business -is increasing daily. Cut Up Veneer Blocks Fred Ault was in Maupin several days recently, cngnred in cutting the ; i supply of veneer blorks, which had been delivered to Hip O. W. Rail WAV. into stove wood. Trouble with the Vancouver Veneer company compell ed holding the timber here, so Ault took advantage of the time and made stove wood out Cf it. . - , ? TAID ADVERTISEMENT . . . , , .. - . . . v & Coleo Toilet Sonp. Nothing better fir the face and hands. 3 for 25 cents at the Maupin Drug Store. ELEVEN YEARS AGO (From The Times April 6, 1917) The Hunts Ferry Industrial club SHIP BY TRUCK REGULAR FREIGHT LINE SERVICE - .Between ., ' PORTLAND THE DALLES MAUPIN THE DALLES TRUCK LINE Inc. PORTLAND-THE DALLES and Way Point SPICKERMAN'S TRUCK LINE THE DALLES-MAUPIN and Way Points BONDED & INSURED CARRIERS RUTLEE' S 0. P. RESH MARK STUART mmm . MAUPIN'S LEADINC -mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmm&