The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, March 22, 1928, Image 4

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Dr. W. A. Short Pleases with Solo
Sunj Between Acti
"Those Dreadful Twins," present
ed at the Legion theatre Wednesday
evening by the Ametienii Legion
Auxiliary of Manpin, wan greeted by
n fair house which gave frequent
evidence of its enjoyment of the
The "twins" lived up to their rep
ptation for cusaudnests, while the
deacon fell fur short of hifi best
church manners on several occasions
nnd even the sheriff took a tumble
off the water wagon. But Lynx,
the great detective, finally untangled
a badly snarled situation and every
thing ended happily in true dramatic
A pleasant surprise to his ninny
Dufur friend: was the appearance of
Dr. W. A. Short who sang two solos.
The Doctor was one of Dufur's main
stays in all kinds of entertainments
for many years and his contributions
Wednesday night were enthusiaati
cally received. Dufur Dispatch.
Wednesday and Thurhday, May 16
and 17, are Dates Set
News Of Busy Shaniko
The boys und girls ire nil training
for the coming athletic meet nt the
Tygh Valley fair grounds onyvonl
21. Mrs. Harris Is training tH Rivl
and Messers Pratt and Broughton
have charge ot the boa. rf.u fr
dly the 'e:i.'.e8 are use- f . ie
training per1 but a H i e mer
f me school '.i.i.c will us '.
Adrian Holt, a third grade bov
died suddenly Inst week from a
hemmorhage. He, was abent from
school but one day before his death.
The funeral was held in the school
house on Saturday, burial being
made in the cemetery 18 miles, out
on the Bnkeoven road. All the
boys are girls contributed to a 1
flower fund and were present at the I VWJ
The Shaniko juniors drove to Tygh
Valley Wednesday and played a bus
ketball came. For a dance floor
Tvirh has a good recreation building,
but for basketball the boys did not
annreeiate the waxen floor. Tygh
got the long end of the score in the
laat few minutes of play. The game
was marked by rome unsportsman
like conduct on the part of some of
the spectators.
At n mpetinir of Shnniko and An
tflooe farmers on Saturday last, Mr.
Mallatt of Bakeoven was selected
to run for the position of road corn
mis, ioner of the 3rd district of Was-
co countv. His selection was unnni
!Mttk t
on 9
To avoid a confict in districts
where the schoolhouse will be ued
as a polling place on May 18th, the
date of the primary election, the
date of the eigth grade state examin
ation has been changed by the State
Superintendent to Wednesday and
Thursday, May lGth and l"th, in
stead of Thursday and Friday, May
17th and 18th, as formerly announc
ed. State examinations in all schools
of the county where there are appli
cants will therefore be held on Wed
nesday and Thursday May lGth and
17th. ,
Teachers having pupils to take the
state examinations on the above
mentioned date should report their
names within the next two weeks.
Renick Buyi Chevrolet Truck
Oscar Renick went to Madras
Tue.'day and when he returned to
Maupin was at the helm of a new
Chevrolet truck, which he acquired
at the up-river town. He was busy
a day or so fitting the vehicle with
a truck body and now that it is in
shape' for hauling will make his own
deliveries of fuel and lumber with
the new vehicle.
Spring Work Started
Signs of spring are all about u:,
the surest indication that the vernal
season is at hand beinsr the village
blacksmith shop. James Chalmers
has been kept busy for several days
repairing machinery and building
new parts, as well as fitting
with new shoes.
Next week we are going to send a statement of
subscription to each of our subscribers who is de
linquent on our books. We do not like to do this,
but there is a limit to all things and we have about
reached the limit of carrying a list of people on
our cards who make no effort to come in and pay
up. ..It takes money to run a newspaper, and that
is what we are in business for.
One delinquent does not cut much figure, but
when there are numbers who are in arrears the
aggregate amounts to quite a snug sum. ..There
are several hundreds of dolars owing to us and we
shall now insist that they be paid. You take the
paper and enjoy reading it, otherwist you would
order it discontinued. We ask that , you be as
square with us as you are with your grocer. All
we watn is an even break will you do your part
in seeing that we get it?
mpwn nm
l I 111 sf
Jill, I'd,
On the old John Fowler Ranch, eight miles south
west of Wamic, on
aturday, March 31 ,
we will sell following property, consisting of Live
Stock, Farm Machinery, Poultry, Household Goods
and miscellaneous articles:
u 17?
Head Good Work Horses.
Saddle Pony.
Head Fresh Cows.
Head of Geese.
Dozen White Leghorn Chickens.
3'2 Winona Wagon.
312 Peter Schuttler Wagon.
3'2 Mitchell Hay Wagon.
11-iMoe Empire Drill.
Benicia Hancock Double Disk
New Dcering Mower Feet.
New Dcering Rake 7 Feet.
Two-Section Deering Harrow.
1 1 t-in. Steel Walking Plow.
2 50-GalIon Gas Drums.
2 15-Gal!on Oil forums.
1 New Sattley Cream Separator.
1 Good Vaughn Wood Saw.
Harness, Saddles and Many other
Things too Numerous to Mention.
Household Goods and Furniture,
Beds and Springs, Stoves, Chairs,
Tables, Cupbords, Cabinets, Dresser
TERMS OF SALE: All sums under $10.00 cash;
all sums over $10.00 a bankable r.ote, drawing 8
interest, due Opt. 1, 1828. 3 discount for cash.
S. J. CERVIN, Owner
Bring Your Own Cups.
F. C. BUTLER, Auctioneer
F.D. STUART, Clerk.
mimmiiiimiiiH!! i ' i
nil. i : i . ; 1 1 1 : i 1 1 j c : i i : . 1 1 Miimi;.Miiii. . i
. ,,,,, , tjri r AfTtON SALE!
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., iMiiimimiiiimill
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Bought New Truck
Richmond & Son brought home a
new one-ton Chevrolet truck last Sat
urday, getting it at The Dalles. The
new wagon means that that firm
has not abandoned the work of
trucking and that they will be in
line for considrerable wheat hauling
this season.
Trucks Took Loads
Booby Davidson and Lovis 'lay
hew each loaded with hmifchould
go'd belonging U Tlu-o. Itadtke
nnd yesteday. rwmwc .". O'.it for
Moilala, where the lis lUs family
r:n'f. I' leav:n;' Mi Ra
t!tke sold his track to lev O.T.noll?
.therefore was compel!':! to hire
Bobby and Lmc to take h;s sood.
to his new home.
When a Feller Needs a Friend
I. 0. 0. F. Hall, Tygh Valley, Oregon,
Given by the Freshman Class of Tygh Valley Hi School
Drs. Woolheim and Brandt of Ber
lin have successfully reduced high
blood pressures by the injection of
water into the veins of patients.
yon smoke
for pi
J. Cerrin of Wamic to Srll off
His Holdings at Public Sale
S. J. Cervin ha advertised a public
sale of his personal belongings, th.'
sale to be held at his place, known
as the old. John Farlow ranch,, on
Saturday, March 31. French liutl.T
will cry th( sale and F. l. Stuart will
rcrve a clerk. The list includes
farm machinery, some : tock, chickens
household goodH and nmny other
things, all uuscful and worth while
bidding on.
The Farlow place is eight miles
routhwest'of Wamic, and is will
known to many in this part of the
country. The sale will bet-in at 10;
00 o'clock sharp, in the forenoon. A
free lunch will be served at noon.
Heating muffin hatter very little
will prevent tunnels.
Lodgn No. 209, Maupin, Oregon
meets every Saturday night in I. O.
O. F. hnll. Visiting members alwayi
James Chalmers, N. G.
O. F. Renick, See'jr.
Electrically heated foot plates for
traffic policemen to stend on in cold
weather have been installed in Riga.
Tons of earth dumped into its
crater have practically extinguished
the Santiago volcano in Nicaragua,
the sulphur fumes of which formerly
ruined much of that country's coffee
Preparing skins- of crocodiles for
use in bookbinding and other leather
work has become an important in
dustry in Madagascar.
The United States signal corps has
invented a dial radiophone which fa
cilitates aviators: in talking with per
sons on the ground.
For treating miners' ailments a
special violet-ray clinic has been es
tablished at Sherwood colliery, near
Mansfield, England.
Gold Hill Ludlum Engineering
Co. will start building gold dredge
on Foot Creek.
Dufur Pacific Power & Light
surveys, for power line in Fifteen
Mile .Valley.
First National Bank Bldg.
The Dalles, Oregon
Phone 391
Shoes and Repairing
Wasco County's Exclusive
Shoe Store
y-hrag for tH Onttral Repairing
VhoUi !m Ttw liftlles, Ur.
you have the right
idea. Enjoyment in
smoking is the thing
that counts and you
get it full measure in
i i
"ft walk a mile for a Camel
1928, R. J. Reynold! Tofctee
Compear Wlntoii-Slem( N. C
Hundreds of Supreme Court
"b" ... ...S..--..v ......
of the work as their Authority,
The Presidents of all lending Uni
versities, Colleges, and Normal
Schools give their hearty (ndorw
ment. All States that have adopted a
larps dictionary a standard have
elected Webster's Ntl Interna
tional. TheSchoolboolcaofthe Country
adhere to the Merrlam-Webster
fystem of diacritical marks.
The Government Trintlng Office
at Washington uses It as authority.
Wordi, tperlmen of Regular and India H
P ,.r. I-BEE m
Your Watch Haywire?
If it is not doins; its work
brinsr it to The Times office
and Mr. Semmes will send
it to
MMui'rpettirlng Jeweler
sn.d Wiilahmuker
bucowsmw to JJ. Llndquiet
Suite 15-16 Vogt Block
Telepons 111-W
Dr. Fred H. Pageler
Strictly Optical
Tl Dalits, . . . Oragoa
The Dalles, Oregen. Phene 35-J
! "I , i .J