nit! MAiww mm The Maupin Times ill 'yjJjlljJ, R'sCinine! nhi.. tiflAlsflVltn' J"' Publiiftfd fry Thursday at Maupin, Oregon Subscription: One year, $1.60; tlx months, $1.00; three months, 60cts. Tntered as second class mail mat ter September 8, 1914, at the post office at Maupin, Creon, undr the Act of March8, 1879. NO TAX IN 13 STATES Thirteen states do not tax the auto mobile as personal property, accord ing to the Creon State Motor As sociation. These states are Dcla ware, Idaho, Iowa, Michigan, Minne sota, New Mamp hire, New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, For.nsylvsnia, South Dakota find Ver mont. The South Dakota exemption an 'lies only to motor vehicles regis tered before May 1st of the current registration year. Vote against the $3.00 license fee or pay fuel taxes ou your auto. The "off horse" controversy being aired in the Portland Oregonian will have no bearing on the riders at the Pendleton roundup. There buckaroos generally are off the horse, and which side they get off is not a topic for argument. Cyrus Whoopfall saya the idea of a $3.00 auto licence fee tends to cheapen all good machines. Cy. claims the fee applicable to Fords of ancient vintage, but late model cars should be allowed to throw all the "dog" possible, even to the extent of an $100.00 license tag. The poet wro wrote "The Mel ancholy Days Are Here," evidently never experienced a Wapinitia Plainu of Criterion March wind. Otherwise he would have had had cause to change his mind. News Of Busy Shaniko County Nurse, Miss Sena Peterson spent Tuesday afternoon examining the pupils of the Shaniko schools. The Tygh Valley Juniors played our quintet here last Thursday night in one of the fastest and best matched games played this season. In weight, size and ability the boys were equals.. The Tygh group started scoring, but the Shaniko Juniors rapidly caught up. When the whistle blew ending the last quarter the score stood 18 18. After a two-minute re6t playing was resumed for a five-minute per iod. The only foul called during the entire' game enabled the visitors to win the needed point Thereafter each side scored a basket, the game ending 21-20 in favor of Tygh Valley. Coach, Paul Light of Tygh Valley refereed the game. Several rooters for thir team were present from Tygh. The Shaniko Juniors played Tygh Valley at that place on Wedesday, March 14. A new swing was put up this weej and the old one repaired. Roardmastter Young graded the street in front o the school house on Tuesday. Mrs. Cuyton went to The Dalles on Tuesday or the purpose of consult ing an eye specialist. Rev. Creasey of The Dalles con ducted services in the school house Monday night. An appreciative cowd attended, enjoying the Binging and taking part in the services. Mrs. Werner and Mrs. Bickle sang a duet. The Mosier boys and girls won both games in the championship series against the Shaniko-Antelope aggregations Friday night last. As visitorg at Mocier we were royally entertained, given lodging and Sat urday morning breakfast Probably the new acquaintances formed will be the greatest acset of the trip. Jack and Jimmie Rees, Raymond Olsen and Principal Broughton at tended from Shaniko. Tygh Valley Doings The Junior basketball team of Tygh met and defated the corres ponding team of Shaniko-Antelope in the hall at Shaniko on last Thurs day, March 8, with a 6core of 21-20. The game was hard fought from the very start At the end of the first quarter the score was 6 to 0 in the favor of Tygh. By a most deter mined effort the Shaniko boys tied the score at the end of the fourth quarter, and it was necessary for an extra period to be played to deter mine the winner. The members of the Tygh junior team are: Kenneth Webb, center, guards: Wilbur Math ews, and uarrei wing; iorwarus: Arthur LuCore and Raymond Sta cey, the latter being also captain. The return game was played in the Tygh gymnasium on Wednesday the 14th. The regular fl'tri school team vent to Mosier on Monday everinf 12th, and played their delayed gnmo of basketball v.ith the Moer team. These teams were evenly matched. It was a case of nip and tuck from the start The final score was 20 to 17 in favor of the Tygh Valley boys. The return game is to be played at Tygh Friday evening, the 16th. at this time the Tygh juniors will play the Boy Scout team of Dufur making two games for the one evening. The High school dance given on last Friday night was an enjoyable affair. The crowd was not large compared to our former crowds, but was composed of folks, who know how to enjoy themcelves and we are pretty certain' everybody had a good time. It might be interesting to the pub lic to know that since the High school has taken over and remodled the old barn, now known as their "gym," the cash receipts have been $919.26. Only just a few steps more and we will be entirely out of the woods, which means that the property will be entirely paid for. We appreciate the support and encourgement we have had from our own community and those communities adjoining Tygh. We are trying to make our dance floor, our orchestra,, our plays, and everything connected with the school the very best, to the end that the people who so loyally sup ported us may have value received for their money. The Freshman play, as announced in this issue of The Times, will be given Saturday evening, March 24, m the I. V. V. f . nan. me aance to be given immediately after the play, will be in the new gymnacium. Remember the big basketball game of the season in the Maupin gymnasium Friday evening the 24th, the junior ad senior team of Tygh playing the corresponding teams of Maupin. McCubbins Gultih, bus joined with tho Powell-Heisler outfit to assist in lambing. Julius Shepflin suffered the loss of quite a bunch of heifers and steers by ooisoin at the ranch of Sanford & Boyer, lint week. Tough luck, after wintering the stock. George Beebe haa gone to work for Chas. Walker. He has taken his small children with him. OREGON NEWS NOTES Alva Hammer George Claymeir. is working for Ranchers on tho west end of Wap initia Plains are busy building and re pairing fences. O. Bronner got busy and dragged the south lane one day lust week. Rev. Hazen and family and Miis Flossie B. Overman and mother, were guests at the lWin home Sun day and partook of a chicken din ner there. Mrs. Flossie B. Overman's mother from Philomath, 1$ visiting with her daughter this week at Pine Grove. Mrs. Hedin and daughter, Nova, spent the week end at their Pine Grove home. It is expected that work will be re sumed on the Wapin'tia cut-off in Klamath Falls Great Northern and Southern Pacific buy individual Mites. Vale On April 0, contract will be let for 10 milua Valo canal. Vale contracts for curb lighting system. Condon Klnxua Pine Mills will be opened by August, to employ 200 men. Condon gets city mail carrier ser vice. Klamath Falls Shaw-Bertrsn saw mills install $50,000 automatic fire extinguishers. Joseph Road crews start spring work on county highways. Baker Electric line is built into Pleasant Valley. Wroeler Steel arrives for 260 foot span over South fork. Wheeler 200 men FoSf logging camps. working at Klamath Falls Great Northern will build industrial spur on Lake !.hore. La Grande Oregon Hardware A An Interest Account OPENS the way to opportunity and sucess GIVES you protection and the good things of life. MAKES you independent and thrift. ADDS to you income, standing and self-respect, Wc welcome your Interest Account w .1. Maupin State Bank (INCORPORATED) Hood River 1600-case crop of as paragus is predicted this year. the near future, as the snow is rap-J ImpU,ment company ,nd yiy Hard idly disappearing from the timber, Pine Grove Sabbath school took action at the last Sunday meeting to express sympathy with relatives of the late Carrie Weberg in the death of that estimable women. Mrs, We berg lived here for 40 years and was known to one or two generations hereabouts. She was an attendant at the Pine Grove Sabbath school whenever she was able to get out Neighbors will recall her resourceful ness and industry during time3 of great strets. Her neighbor, Mrs. Ralph Woodside, told of how her friend was accustomed, in an early day, to take wool from the backs of cheep, wash and urd it and then spun the yarn and knitted fabric for clothing. Her hand-knitted socks were of special worth to those for tunate to secure a pair. Rev. Everett Hazen was especially com mended on his choice of a text for his funeral sermon. The special music supplied by Wapintia, Pine Grove and Maupin singers was as beautiful as any rendred here for any such occasion. Doings at Pine Grove Ben Richardson gave a dance last Friday night About 30 restlefs toe shufflers attended. Mrs. Anna Smith of Portland, daughter of the late Mrs. Carrie We berg, attended the funeral of her mother at Wapinitia last Saturday. She is spending a few day1! at Pine I Grove with relatives and friends be i fore returning to her Portland home. J. S. Brown has been confined to j his home with what seems to be isome kind of skin affection. Sam does not mind the ailment, ju::t so it will not interfere with the spring fishing. W. A. Dane has negotiated the sale of a 40 -acre tract of land adjoin ing the forest reserve, to Joe A. Gra ham. Fred Lyons of Wilsonville has re turned to Pine Grove to resume his wood cutting job on the Ault tract Tim Linn & Son have joined with a Tygh Valley man and have gone into the beaver culture game. They already have several fine beaver as a nucleus stock for their fur farm.' Wm. Moore, the "onion king," of To correct curdled mayonnaise, add slowly the curdled mixture to a well beaten egg or yolk and slowly add oil. Cranberry sauce is best the day after cooking. ware company, merge. Hood River Columbia forest will have 73 miles new trail built this year. Redmond Contract let on $2,260, 000 for 1928 improvements. Ontario Elbert Butler sells 3600 yearling ews at $13.50 a head. Klamath Falls 150 cars of pota toes .'tored in and at Redmond sell in one lot uovernment opens ziou acres homestead land near Paisley, with prference to World War veterans. Sutherlin Leeper Dome oil well is progressing with double shifts. Quartzville W. R. Mealy will use airplanes to carry ore from North Santiam mines. Milton Contract let for $45,727 steel pipes for waterworkes. Klnmath Falls Shasta View saw mill modernized for capacity produc tion. Klamath Falls Willard Hotel will put up $30,000 addition. Chiloquin Klamath Ice & Stor age company will put up 13,000 of fice building. HOME REMINDERS From School of Homo Economics O. A. C. Tomato roup will not curdle if the hot strained, thickened and seasoned tomstoe liquid is added to cold milk. Custard will not become watery if the dishes surrounded with hot wuter and baked in a hot oven. To correct a curdled soft or stirred cu. tard, chill and beat it with a dover beater. Charter No. 224 Reserve District No. 12 REPORT OF CONDITION OF The Maupin State Bank AT MAUPIN, IN THE STATE OF OREGON, at close of business February 28, 1928 RESOUURCES 11. Loans and discounts, including rediscounts, acceptances or bills of exchange, sold with endorsement of the bank (including items shown in 29, 30 and 32, if any) $148,172.68 Overdrafts feurcd and un: ecured...., 47.89 U. S. government securities owned, including those shown in items 30 and 35, if any. 8,650.00 Other bonds, warrant, and securities, including foreign government, state, municipal, corporation, etc., includ ing those shown in items 30 and 35, if any 12,233.50 Banking house, $5,200; furniture-and fixtures, $2,200 7,400.00 Real estate owned other than banking "house 5,673.61 (ab) Cash on hand in vault and due from banks, bankers and trust companies designated and approved reserve agents of this bank 37,822.81 Checks on banks outside city or town of reporting bank and other cash items 31.62 Water when used in cooking onions if boiled down, will make soup or stew flavoring. Since browning tho flour causes some loss of its thickening qualities, double the quunity in making brown auce. Deep browing fat may be clarified by cooking a dozen slices of rnw par ed potatoes in it until brown and straining the fat through double cheese cloth. Wilson Painting Co. House and Sign P-A-I-N-T-E-R-S-! PAPER HANGERS and DECORATORS CREAM SEPARATOR Used but In A-l condition, 500 pound capacity. $27.50. Reason for selling, too small for present user. Call or phone Shattuck Bros., Maupin. tf NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that Harry S. Woolitcy, Administrator of the estate of Fannie G. Woolsey, deceased, hus filed in the County Court of Wasco County, State of Oregon, his final account as such Administrator, and that Monday, the IHh day of April, 1928, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m., has been fixed by said Court as the time for hearing objections to suid report and tho settlement thereof. Harry S. Woojsey, Administrator. Gavin & Gavin, Attorneys for hstate. m0-A5 NOTICE TO CREDITORS The undesigned having been up pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Ws co County, executor nf tho will and estate of Matthew O'Conner, deceased, notice is hereby given to nil persons having claims against said deceased to preont them, veri fied as required by Inw, six months after this notice to Gavin & Gavin, at The Dalles, Oregon. James O'Connor Executer of the will and estate of Matthew O'Connor, deceased. ,fl6-ml6 Call, Write or phone, Times Office. Maupin, Oregon. CLASSIFIED LOCALS PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING Wilson Paint Company. Call, write or phone The Maupin Times when in need of above work. Prices reasonable. 19-tf FARM FOR RENT 300 acres, fifty acres in cultivation, one half in wheat one half in stubbie, rc- . mainder in brush and pasture. Seven miles fron Wapinitia. Suit ed for goats or sheep. W. A. Dane. 19-t2 FRESH COWS FOR SALE L MorriB. Phone 3-F-81. -See II, 18-t2 r BERT THOMAS The Dalles, Oregon CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY CORONER AT THE PRIMARIES MAY 18, 1928 Connected with the Crandall Undertaking Co. 15 years. 16. 17. 23. 25. 27. 28. Total $220,032.11 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in.. $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund ... 4,000.00 (a) Undivided profits $6,350.66 (b) Less current expenses, interest and taxes paid 980.82 6,369.73 DEMAND DEPOSITS, other than banks subject to reserve: Individual deposits subject to check, including deposits due State of Oregon, county, cities or other public funds 134,792.84 Cashier's check3 outstanding : 427.17 Total of demand deposits other than bank deposits sub ject to reserve items 23, 24, 25, 26 $135,220.01 TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS, subject to reserve and payable on demand or subject to notice: Time certificates of deposit outstanding 60,442.37 Total of time and savings deposits payable on demand or subject to notice, items 27 and 28 $50,442.37 Total . $220,032.11 STATE OF OREGON, County of Wasco ss. I, F. D. Stuart, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that tha above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. F. D. STUART, Cashier. CORRECT Attest: LAWRENCE S. STOVALL, L. C. HENNEGHAN, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of March, 1928. GEORGE McDONALD, Notary Public. My commiffiion expires January 1, 1932. FOR SALE One 16-inch Oliver gang plow. Guaranteed. John Ayers. 18-t3 FOR SALE One Duroc boar, two years old. John Ayros, Wamic, Oregon. 18t3 FOR SALE One Fordson tractor In fine condition. J. G. Kramer. Phone 9F888 1644 HORSES FOR SALE Ten head of broke horses for sale. Weight froml300 to 1500 pounds. Phone 9F4, D. B. Appling. 15-tf U)c Dalles Floral Co. FOR ALL OCCASIONS When you desire Flowers for a party, wedding, funeral or any other purpoie, phone 710, The Dalles, or leave your order at The Maupin Timet effice end your order will be delivered on the next mail or stage, BULBS NOW IN BLOOM ZELL'S FUNERAL SERVICE Undertaking: and Embalming: AMBULANCE SERVICE Call Maupin Drug Store Phone-345 White Restaurant Where the best 35 cent meal is served in The Dalles Next The Dalles Creamery C. N. Sargent, - - Prop. HAVE IT DONE NOW! We mean that now is the time to have your Automobile Overhauled This is the place to bring it. We have the largest and best equipped machine shop in Wasco county. MEADa galloway SttMt 4S0 Tke Dalle. Oreiea PVrM 3SS-J