TOE MAUTIN TIMES Correspondents' Weekly News Items , Tjrh Valley Doings The Tygh Valley basketball team plans to play the second team of The Dalles in the gymnasium at Tygh tomorrow evening at 7:30. After the game a dance will be given by the young people for the benefit of the gymnasium fund. Monday evening, March 12, the basketball team will play Mosier High school team at Mosier and the return game will be played at Tygh on Friday, March 16. This game also is called or 7:30 and a dance will follow. Friday evening, March 23, the reg ular annual basketball game be tween Maupin and Tygh will be played in the Maupiit gymnasium. Both the Junior and High school teams will participate. The pro ceeds will be divided equally between the two schools, as was done in the case of the football game and will be done in the case of the baseball game between the two school to be payed at Tygh. "When A Feller Needs A Friend" will be given at the I. 0. 0. F. hall on March 24, at 8 o'clock. This play abounds in ludicrous situations and will be enjoyed by those who may find it convenient to be present at that time. There will be a dance af ter the play. The dance will be giv en in the new High school gymna sium. Next week's Times will carry our ad and complete information. A good many Tygh people attend ed the Legion play given last Friday at Maupin. This play was brim full of action and thoroughly enjoyed by our people. Paul W. Light, athletic coach for Tygh Valley High school, took the junior basketball to Shaniko, this evening for their first game of the season. The return game will be played at Tygh one week later, March 15. At this time the games will be a double header, both Junior and Senior teams of Shaniko playing similar teams, of Tygh Valley. News Of Busy Shaniko Margaret Rees played for the as sembly singing Tuesday morning. Continuing the work of prepara tion for the basketball contest with Mosier this week Friday, L. V. Broughton and the Shaniko players drove to Antelope Monday afternoon for joint practice. The General Science class has be gun the study of plant life. We have a powerful compound micro scope, which adds reality to our work. During the last two week ends our school received a spring clean up. Clean windows, fresh curtains, new ly oiled floors together with this wonderful spring weather, makes us all happy. Mrs. Harris ha3 planted bulbs and is planning a window box of flowers in her room, while in dividual plants will furnish cheer in the other rooms. The pupil are taking advantage of the nice weather by making use of the see-saw, the swings, the bar, the ropes and the trapeze. Litte Opal Herman is staying with Mrs.. Guyton this week while her mother i8 at The Dalles, under the care of ear specialists. Mrs. Her man hag been troubled since late last fall with her organs of hearing. ,.The Freshmen are enjoying Scotts' "Lady of The Lake." Two basketball games between the light weights of Tygh . Valley and Shaniko schools were arranged for Tuesday noon by Coach Paul Light of Tygh and L. V. Broughton. The .':rst game will be played at Sh'ir.ikc this evening. The Shaniko youths have played four basketball games this season and are beginning to feel like veter ans. They are learning rapidly and should make a fair record next year. Doings at Pine Grove Joe A. Graham has made the rounds of the West Flat to get vol unteer fire fighters, who consent to respond to calls when emergency fires demand outside help. He has found the response good, as we all want our forests protected for use instead of a fire loss. Mr. Graham plans, to have fire fighting tools and equipment stored at Ben Richard ion's. He also plans to have a lot of line grub rations on hand so the ruen can get on the job when called witb the least possible loss of time. The snow in the timber and wa tershed is melting very slowly, due to the density of it. On that account the slashing of the new cattle lane will be Blow, W. W. Richmond and son, Ralph, have completed their wood cutting contract for Ted Endersy. Fred Hackler was out from his ranch on the Sun Flower Flat Sat urday night W. A. Doane spent Wednesday last in Maupin, looking up some paint jobs. W. A. Doans and Virgil Mayfield are putting up wood on Mr .Doane's land. Misa Overman is expecting her mother from Philomath this week. Mrs. Chas. Walker is taking care of George Beebe'a children. Reuben Walter's sprained ankle ia improving but he is unable to walk on it The Geological surveyors are boarding at the F. G. Laughlin ranch. Mrs. Maggie Ray, formerly of this place ia quite sick at Maupin. Linn & Sons are hard at work in the fuel woods on the Alexander land. Mr. Hull and Miss Meredith, the teachers in the Wapinitia Gram mar and High schools, made a week end trip to their homes at The Dalles. 0. Bonner has recently completed a water and drain system at his home on the Flat George Beebe spent several days at Maupin last week visiting his brother-in-law and folks. John Sinclair is continuing to drag the Clear Lake-Wapinitia high way as far aa the snow will permit. The Percy Driver road dragging for the county on market and side roads is again under way. Chas. Lewis and family have mov ed to the R. B. Driver ranch, re cently purchased by the late Delbert M. ccy. Mr. McCoy has leased the place to her brother. Julius Shepflin made a Monday trip to Maupin for the purpose of having his battery charged. Robert Shepflin spent the last week end at the Sanford Boycr ranch. The Pine Grove Athletic club met at Ben Richardson's place Saturday night, the principal occupation of the evening being that "of pushing leather." This elimination practice is designed to produce some good smoker material for coming boxing cards. Julius Shepflin is cutting wood on the old Brown ranch. Andy Booth has moved to the Ray If yon for pleasure litl R. J. Raraolds Tabaer Caaifur, WlufWa-Sslm, N. C Kaylor place, whero ho will work this spring. Pine Grove school is planning a St. Patrick social, whereat games and contests will fill the evening with merry making. Walter Sharp has gone to work for Harvey Morris. "INSIDE" INFORMATION Cabbage can always bo used for salad if lettuce is not available. Don't forget the salt in preparing the breakfast cereal. Very often a lasting dislike for cereal is due to lack of proper salting. A teaspoon to a quart of water is the usual amount needed. When you want to make a meat loaf, have the butcher cut off a fresh piece of meat and grind it while you look on, or take the meat home and grind it yourself. Uae the ground meat the day it is bought 'if possible. Early spring is the time to get ahead with hot weather clothing. Stores are full of attractive cotton fabrics. Invest in a few dress lengths and make them up in odd moments so you will be prepared when the first warm days4 arrive. Liver that has been fried with ba-' con and a little onion may be seal-' loped with rice in a baking dish. Salt pork may be used instead of bacon and raw potatoes thinly sliced, in stead of rice. Jam or jelly tarts made of lei over pie dough and left-over pre serves, will solve the question what to have for dessert, with very little, trouble. Pie trimmings can also be cut into cookie thn'?s, brushed with egg-yolk, sugar arv cinnamon, and used for cookies. THE PROPER FARM LEASE The following are important ques tions concerning any farm lease: (1) Is it in writing? (2) Do you under stand it before you sign? (3) Is it in writing so that the meaning will be clear at any time? (4) Ia it fair to you and to the other party? (5) Does it give the tenant a reasonable opportunity to make a living and get ahead? (6) Does it require proper and conservative care of the leased premises? (7) If there are reserva tions are they in writing? (8) Does the lease state what each party is to do and to contribute? (9) Does it de fine clearly the rights and privileges of each party? (10) Does it provide for a settlement of differences of opinion? (11) Does it provide for procedure when the tenancy is to be ended? (12)Does it contain the fol lowing essentials of a legally com plete lease? (a)the date; (b)signa tures of both parties; (c)definition moke then Camels are made for you. Mild, mellow, fra grantthere's a world of enjoy ment in smoking Today, as for many years, Camels lead by billions, and they continue to grow If you are building, use moderate priced flooring and cover with UNO 35 and if you need a new floor put down Linoleum and save work. Full line of r Balabon Gold Seal Nairn Hundreds of Designs to Choose From Bring in measurements and select yours now YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD 35 I J.T of the term; (d) description of the r.rnnortv. nH fMn OT0m.r, tn the amount of rent to be paid; the j time when and the place where it is to be paid. A good lease should per mit of an affirmative reply to each of these questions. mem E Armstrongs Linoleum, for vrry Floor in (lit Horn iliil Mmk y,,:.S7iaHyis?te 1 D'OCHERTY - POWERS Third and Washington Sts., The Dalles. Phone 300 Mark Stuart and John Confer! . WCnt l th Kl,lt th' "'"'"'"K after- WAPINfttu I. 0. 0. F. Lodgo No. 209, Maupin, Oregon meets every Saturday nijjht in I. 0. 0. F. hall. Visiting members alway welcome. 1 James Chalmers, N. G. O. F. Ramck, S.c'y. Dr. WM. KENNEDY DENTIST DENTAL X-RAY Fir.t National Bank Bldg. T.ha Dalles, Oregon Phone 391 "SUPREME AUTHORITY" WEBSTER'S KEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY -THE MEKKIAM WEBSTER Because Hundreds of Supreme Court Judges concur In highest prslsa of the work as their Authority. The Presidents of all leading Uni versities, Colleges, and Normal Schools give their hearty indorse ment. All Stores that have adopted a large dictionary as standard have selected Webster's New It.tema tlonal. The Schoolbooks of the Country adhere to the Merrlam-Webster system of diacritical marks. The Government Printing Office at Washington uses it as authority. WRITE for sample page of the Ntui Wonii, lutclmtn of Regular and India Papers, FREE. O.AC. M orris m r? v? ii i i ii Vii o Balabon 1 ruiri Col uiu uiai Nairn jj WE CHARCE NO INTEREST WERNMARK SHOE STORE Shoes and Repairing Wasco County ' Exclusive Shoe Store hiipn for fh Cniral Repairing Your Watch Haywire? If it is not doing its work brini? it to The Times and Mr. Semmes will send it to GUY A. POUND Mtui"turlni( Jeweler wil Vfnuhmakfr bucuMaavr to JJ. Lindquiiit TUB UAiJi KH . . OKhGON Suit 15-16 Voft Block T.lepon. lll.W Dr. Fred H. Pageler OPTOMETRIST Strictly Optical D.LAKHUE OPTICAL CO. Tl Dallas, . . . Oragoa THE BANK HOTEL Tha ona placa in Tha Dalles ! make tha rancher and out-of town fallow fael at home. CRANDALL UNDERTAKING CO. QUIET SERVICE LADY ASSITANT3 Tha Dalles, Oreion. Phone 35-J 0 w 11 i ? '," 7", n i: '.( !! il w ii ii IS I! 'A 5 ii 71