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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1928)
THE MAUPIN TIMES PpYfiminlitioa Hairy Lewis was in town Tuesday. -o Dr. Stovall was spraying hi trees Tuesday, Cecil Chnstaln wait buMinwMH on Tuesday. In Maupln on Miss Mamie Walker of Wapinitia wan in Maupln Friday. Dr. Klwood visited with friends on tht Flat Monday evening. Julius Shepflln wag down from the lunch Monday on business. W. S. Woodcock und family were In town on business Suturday. Georgo Caymler was down Wapinitia Plains on Monday. from Sam Drown of WaplnltU was Maupln on business Tuesday. In Juliu Shepflln, reports that there it still mow on tho timber line. suniihine huit dried uhly. it out c-oriHidcr- Dolph Goetjen wan In town on businiss from Tygh Valley Tuesday. Wm. Woodcock and wife were ov er from Wamic on business Monday. Vern Tunnison of Dukeoven wan a business visitor In Maupin Monday. Cus Derthirk and daughter, Fan ny, visited In Tygh Valley Monday. Leonard Chatitnin transacted busi ness with Maupln merchants Mon day. o A number of tourists passed thru Maupin Tuesday enroutc to Portland. Ollle Weberg was keeping himself busy on Tuesday spading up his car don patch. A. A. Derthick of Dufur was a business visitor in Maupin Saturduy and Sunday. o Many farmers on the Flat are (ret ting ready to do their spring plowing. To date the ground has been too wet to work, but the last few days of The firm of Duvldson-Mayhew are putting their trucks In shape for spring hauling. o Dr. F.lwood visited with Mrs. El wood und son, Darrul, at The Dalles on Sunday last. i H o Miss Fern Burllngume is visiting with the Misses Fanny and Edna Derthick for a few days, 0" Cyril and Orval Fraley hauled stind from the Deschutes river to their home Monday evening. Ctto Herrllng reports spring on the way at Criterion. He was down from his ranch on Monday. The local school board recently barred school boys up to 16 years of age from loitering in the pool room. o Deputy Came Warden E. Cramse was In Maupin Sunday night, and while here called on The Times man. o Bob Fortune has decided that the Huchler sheep needed his attention, therefore went to that ranch Mon day. , 0. Poquette and Sam Well were down from Waplnltla Friday and traded with Maupin merchant while S. A. (Brick) McLeod was over from Tygh Ridge Monday, visiting with relatives and transacting busi ness. , Clarence Zlggenhagen drove the Standard Oil truck to The Dalles Tuesday, going there after some re puirs. Theodore Rndtke went to Portand Monday morning, going down on buHiniss connected with the Maupin garage. o Mis Dorothy Harris, one of Mau pin's popular teachers, was registered Kt the Bnnk Hotel at The Dalles last Saturday. o Roy Crabtree and wife were in town In yesterday. Roy has begun his spring plowing and savs the ground is in fine condition for auch work. Ben Cook came up from Portland tho latter part of lust week, and spent severul days with relatives in this vicinity. L. C. Henneghnn, accompanied by hit wife and Mesdames Chalmers and Kramer, were visitors at The Dalles on Tuesday. o Charlie Redding gtartcd up his Ford car for the first time since last fall, und took a trip up town to lim ber "Betsy" up. Tho show and dance given by the Ladies Auxiliary of the local Ameri can Legion post last Friday night was well attended. Floyd Vanderpool and Mrs. Geo. Gill were guests at the Statts home in this city Sunday, the visitors com ing over from Dufur. Dee Talcott was "hauling lumber for his new house on Tuesday. Mr. Talcott recently had the misfortune of having his home burned down. Chester Crabtree, after spending I the greater part of the winter in j California, has gone to work on the ! ranch of his brother, Roy, on Juni per Flat. a r Patrick's fy St. Q .Day KEF George McDonald and wife were at the county seat Tuesday, they go ing there for the purpose of having a physician give Mrs. McDonald treatment. Miss Edna Derthick went to work as assistant to Miss Regina Muller, who has charge of the cook house at the Butler Canyon quarry, yester day morning. "Stub" Lister has decided to take his training for a while on the Lester Crabtree ranch. He will work out holding onto the handles of a footburner and direct a bunch of horses while plowing. Job and Earl Crabtree drove to The Dalles Sunday, going down for the purpose of visiting their sister, Mrs. John Donaldson, who is recov ering from a severe attack of pneu monia at a Dalles hospital. Spalding baseball supplies. Special rates for ball clubs and schoolr, ut the Maupin Drug Store. i i i i ' j ; 1 THm Given by the, Altar Society of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, on SATURDAY EV'NG, MARCH 17 Maupin Legion Hall Chicken Supper, 50c Plate Bigget arid Best Dance of Season Tickets $1. Everybody Come la Everybody living in Maupin and vicinity , is cordially invited to attend a Kimiejr Catches Beaer Mile Kimscy who has a beaver iarm on White River, hag augmented his stock by the addition of five fine beaver. He caught five of the rodents on Tygh Creek and there, with the one caught on Frog creek gives him a parent stock, of six fine animals. Ill TI i i Fi f!fi 8C I AT LEGION HALL, MAUPIN ( Shipped Hereford. Mark Stuart went to Wamic last riday and while there purchased 26 ine Hfreford beef cattle from John son Si Son. The cattle were brought to Maupni on Saturday and that ev ening were taken to Portland. They were the finest beeves seen here in many moons and elicited much com ment when on their way through town to the depot stockyards. Novel Mirrors Installed i i i i Saturday, March 10 This is designed as an introduction to the public of our new place of business, and also as an exhibition of the n.7. TTn About riCIl Upd Town Hillstrom Bros, will soon move one of their drilling outfits to Mau pin. ' While it is here it might be well for our county board to arrange, for gravel for the Bakeoven rpad. Jess Temple came out of the solo Dan rjibbs says there is no virtue tournament at the Rainbow Tuesday j an old deck of cards ne j, an night wearing the victor' crown. He J inveterate pinochle player and one duplicated his playing of a week ago ;iay recently made way with a deck, but had 15 more point8 to his credit anj just because there was nothing than at the last play, marking upidown wnen ne bid on his trumps. 850 to the good. Joe Higgles came in for his regular low man's trophy. Joe Kramer will not again try and find out the trouble with a motor when it is in motion. The loss of the end of a finger by so doing will serve as a reminder whenever he is tempted to do that trick in the future. The Modern Barber shop has recently purchased mirrors for use in the establishment conceded to be the most novel applianqe seen for shops of this type for some time. The mirrorg are invisible as installed on the rear of the barbers chair, but ' when brought into view can be used to allow the customer full view of any portion of his hend when the trim has been completed. Six angles can be used by the barber in adjust- tuste. Optimist i Newc Cars-Tractors The Show will be a five-reel showing of the makiag of the New Ford Car the Model A-and will depict each transac tion from the raw material to finished product. Everybody come; it's FREE! i Kramer Bros. Motor Co. Cleaning Up City Fiske Bothwell is busy these days hauling the winter's accumulation of garbage to the dump ground. Among other things he hauled away wasi the content" of that big box which Jias set on our front porch for lo, these many moons. This was done to sa tisfy the aesthetic idea;, of some who should have busied themselves in cleaning their own yards. D. L. Rutherford came down from Criterion on a business trip this morning. Ed. Steffan was hob-knobbing; with Munpinites thi mornine, coming over from his Shady Brook home. Tourists have begun to arrive and, of course, are tieing up at the Mau pin camp grounds. Johnny Williams reports several as having occupied his cabins during the past week. x Trout fishing promises to be good this season. The early appearance of trout flies is said to be a true in dex of good fishing, and some of those insects have already made their appearance, so says a prominent East side fisherman. Lew Kelly is said to be a 'candi date to' succeed himself as county commissioner. Well L. hi. has made good and there is no reason why he should not be continued in office. He has gotten used to the knocks of the public and can stand another term of such. x Charley Lake, the literary genius of Wamic was in Maupin Tuesday. The Wamic writer is hiding his light under a bushel, only allowing it to shine when there is a mail route con troversy in the air. At that Charley deals out some interesting reading. A new deck changed his luck. Candidates promise to be as thick as hair on a dog before long. Sever al already have their hat3 in the po litical ring and more are expected to be running around bereheaded be fore the campaign has fairly started. ELEVEN YEARS AGO Julius Shepflin had an interesting chase with a coyote, which had a trap and a chain fastened to one foot. He killed it on the barks of White River. The snow at Pine Grove is ported as being 13 inchs deep. re- A large cougar is said to be roam ing the Plains Rround Wopi iiui. Its tick measures 6 inches in danger Wm. Hunt returned from a trip to Portland yesterday. A nine-pound boy arrived at the Peter Kirsch home Wednesday even ing. Among the numerous advertise ments that appeared in this issue is one announcing that a stage will leave Maupin for Wapinitia at 8 a. m. and leave Wapinitia at 1 :30 p. ni. Bates Shattuck mnde a business trip to The Dalles the first of the week. A freph egg will sink rapidly when put in water while one that is stale has more tendency to float. Tomato juice from enn'nod toma toes may be substituted for orange juice when the latter cannot be ob tained. Children may be taught to drink it exactly like orange juice, for between -meal lunch in winter time tomato juice may be heated seasoned with a little butter, , salt and bay-leaf, and served as a warm drink with a cracker. ' O. P.RESH. MARK STUART IVUUPIN'S LEADING fooceiry mi, tail EMki t