The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, March 01, 1928, Image 3

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Frank Fleming wus a business
visitor ut The Dallcn on Tuesday.
James, Woodcock n turned Sunday
from a business trip to .Sum Fran
' cisco'.
George Mngill of Wlimir was
transacting business ih Maupin on
John Eubunks and son, Vivian,
were In Muupin from Wamic on
Floyd John on, postmaster at
Sherars Uridge, wan Maupin trad
er on Monduy.
Guy Harvey was another resident
of Wuinlc who transacted buidncss
in Maupin on Monday.
Oscar Henick accompanied Dob
Wil on to Thu Dalle Tuesday, go
ing to the county neat on business
Callic Duncan came over from
Wamic on Monday and while here
laid in a supply a household nuces
ities. . o-
F. C. Butler and wife spent the
better part of hint week at Mm.
Butler' parents' homo at White
George Tillotson and wife went
to I'ortlund yesterday morning.
George going down on buniites;
connected with his garage.
Mm. Lloyd Woudtiide Hpent la;;t
week at thu home of her parent:),
l)r. and Mm. Stovnll, returning to
her Wapinitia homo on Saturday.
Job Crabtree and father, Andrew
Crabtree, went to the homo of the
latter' daughter, Mr, Iec Talcott,
Sunday, going to thu Flat on a short
Mm. Gordon Meteer and children
arrived from Fossil Monday and will
remain in Maupin with Mr. Meteer.
They have been in Fo; nil nearly all
in Fast Maupin
a few days of thin
Hurxtcl Ilotlin has been sojourning
Jim Runic U having his residence
wired for electricity this week.
"Dud" Conic is again baching in
one of the camp ground cabin.
Mr. Andrew Cunningham la at
home again after a viitit with her
folks at Fairview.
Bob Fortune la showing hb ability
as a painter by touching up several
rooms at Hotel Hotel Kelly thin week.
John Williams officiated as referee
in seven of the bout pulled off at
the Tygh Valley smoker last Friday
Billy Flwher and wife were supper
gue.ts at the home of his uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Fischer,
last Friday.
Mrs. Clark Richardson has return
ed to Maupin from Brady, Washing
ton, where ihe spent the past four
months with her sister.
Mrs. Maggie Wray and Frank
Richardson came down from Pine
Grove Sunday and visited that even
ing with 0. J. Williams and wife.
Billy McClure is a;sisting In the
e rection of tourist cabins at the East
Maupin grounds. Billy has been in
California nearly all winter, and re
tured to Maupin late last week.
Johnny Williams has five of his
new tourist cabins up and will soon
begin finishing them. Two were
built on the south tide of the camp
ground and there pn the north side.
Painter Wilson and son-in-law
were visitors) among Fast Maupin
friends on Monday,. Mr. Wil.on is
living at Wamic this winter and is
coming back to Maupin in the spring,
having several painting contracts on
Wamic it Crowing.
You cannot keep a hustling com
munity down and this was proven
Kuturduy when Dr. Klwood unhcred
into the world a husky youngster at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. A.
"Bud" Harvey. The boy was a big
fellow tipping the beam at 10 pounds.
Mothi r and son doing the best ever.
They live neaar Wamic.
Mrs. H.d.n III
Mrs. N. (J, Hedin was confined to
her bed a few day.i last week. Mrs.
Hedin bus not fully recovered from
her recent illness, and the butt spell
was a sort of follow-up from the
former spell.
New Phone Boob Out.
The new telephone directory of
the Maupin Telephone exchange waa
Issued today. It contains many new
numes and b gotten up in such shape
thut there need e no trouble in lo
cating any subcriber to the ex
change. Th e book contaains the
advertisements of many enterpris
ing business men of Maupin, and is
the first one to be ksued since Feb
ruary 1, 1920.
Plaitered at Shattuck't.
Frank Lb ter donned his working
togs the flrnt of the week and pro
ceeded to spread mud in the holes
left by the removal of the parti
tion at the Shattuck store; Frank'a
trude is plastering and what he
does not know about such work is
not worth anyone ebe's time to try
and learn. He is the" first man of
that trade to spread plaster with a
paint brush we have ever seen at
Now We Can Show You the"!
NEW McCormick-Deeiing
Cream Separator
Cuasti Wine Tonic, the great
system builder can be round at ine
Maupin Drug Store.
at all
' so b
V ILTi Capacities:
:. ! " ' ' n j i 350 to 1500 lbs, of
; fl fti H rnilk per hour
?i ' I Hand,
;A I a f'3 Belted, or
.? mctric
Pick Ups itn
1 li
Took Son to Doctor
Joe Kramer, wife and children,
went to Dufur Sunday morning, go
ing there for the purpose of taking
their son, Herbert, for an examina
tion by Dr. Chrbtensen. Herbert hns
been in frail health for some time
and the parents, becoming alarmed
at his condition, sought the Dufur
physician's) advice regarding him.
Nick Karolus has changed hki
mind regarding frost breaking up the
lurge rocks. He is digging a cess
pool and now employs dynamite in
reducing the big one to little.ones.
Jess Temple i3 a happy man once
more.' He has been in the dumps
about moving into the Maupin gar
age new tvhop, but on Sunday his
daughter arrived from Foasil and of
Everybody living in Maupin .and vicinity
is cordially invited to attend a
OU may have seen the Harvester
Company s announcement of their New
McCormick-Deering Cream Separators. We
now have the first of them in our store.
The New McCormick-Deering has many
remarkable improvements. The machine now
has high-grade ball-bearing equipment
at all high-speed points. Its operation is the
last word in light-running ease and durability.
A completely new bowl of skillful design,
with a sldrn'milkTegulating screw controling
the cream density, combines with other
features to produce what we believe to be
the cleanest-skimming machine on the market.
Splash lubrication that completely lubricates.'
A supply can with outside faucet Every .
provision for sanitation and easy cleaning. "
The six sizes of the New McCormick
Deering fit every need "from one cow to a
hundred." You are bound to like thi3new "
machine. We will demonstrate hen cr pa
your form with no obligation to you, , . r
I Saturday, March 10
This is designed as an introduction to
the public of our new place of business,
and also as an exhibition of the
Newi Cars-Tractors
The Show will be a five-reel showing of
the making of the New Ford Car the
Model A and will depict each transac
tion from the raw material to finished
product. A most interesting story.
r?. n i?
E.veryone tome; it r ree i
course, brought her new baby girl
with her, which made Grandad's
heart swell up and nearly burst with
Ollie Weberg made the mistake of
his life when he informed the gath
ering at Odd Fellows hall that the
next day was the anniversary of his
birth. Several husky ladies present
grabbed the janitor and proceeded
to each give him a corresponding
number of tlaps on the back accord
ing to the years he had met with. We
will bet his bed felt rather hard that
Kramer Bros, will give a free show
and dance at Legion hall on the ev.
ening of Saturday March 10. They
do this in order to acquaint our peo
ple with their new business a? weli
us lo show one of the new Ford car ,
which will be on exhibit at th hall.
Cud music will be on hand and a
iib 01 papuajxa bj uorp?uAut
attend, free.
There are things that upscc the
usual urbanity of even a newspaper
man disposition. About three months
ago we ordered a part for our news
paper press from a Michigan con
cern. They wrote asking the she,
when we had expained ail in our let
ter. Then they wrote saying they
would have to send to New York for
the part Later they sent a part, but
for a larger press. Then they wrote
asking the size of our pre:s and later
wrote regarding price of part. All
this time we have had to impose on
the good nature of our neighboring
printers, Messrs. Bliem and Evans,
for the use of their pre:s. Yes, we're
plenty sore.
Johnny Williams is taking advan
tage of the weather and is building
more of those fine summer cottages
on his camp ground at East Maupin.
When he has completed all the new
buildings he will have sufficient to
contain all the tourists who care to
stop here. Those tourists will be
privileged to use a rhower bath, laun
dry and kitchen. The cottages, like
those built last season, will each con
tain lights, water and an electric
plate"." 0 - .
Some of the "Maupjnites . who'a at
tended the smoker at Tygh Valley;
lact Friday night seem several years
younger than before that event. No
doubt some of their younhful scrim
mages came back to their minds, and
made them doubt they had reached
years that precluded indulgence to
scraps such as they had when boyo.
Bobby Davidson has several rela
tions with garage work and now is
devoting his attention to trucking.
He has been hauling a bunch of hay
from the Flat and has taken a con
tract to deliver several cords of wood
from the timber. The last job will
have to wait on the weather, as roads
up above are rather soft, even for a
Ford truck.
We met Dee Talcott one day last
week. Instead of wearing a long face
and deploring his luck, Dee had his
usua smile on and said that while his
recent fire destroyed the efforts of
23 years, he would not give up. Thus
is verified the old saw that "You
can't keep a good man down.'
Jass Dcrthick was overtaken with
misfortune while on the way to Tygh
last Friday night. He had reached
a point nearly to Shearer's when his
trusty flivver went haywire. Tom
Henneghan and the' writer were tak
en aboard a Ford roadster, Tom in
the seat, the writer in the cubby hole
at the rear, and carried to Tygh.
Jass in the meantime, had flagged a
passing auto, the driver of which fix
ed up the ailing timer and sent
Friend Derthick on his way rejoicing.
Winter Overhauling
will continue through the month of
We r now alio prepared to do all kinds of ACETYLENE WELD
ING. No job too small and none too large. We will give contract
prices on all work we do, if you desire it.
Our Metto: , Honesty and Square Dealing With All.
o '
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