TflE MAtJttW TIMES The Maupin Times C W. Smum. Editor C W. Sm mad . R. Semmn rmblisher Published vnrj Thursday at Maupin, Oregon cmbicripttoa: UM rear. $1.50; aix months, $1.00: three months, 50 cts. Entered aa second class mail mat r September 8, 1914, at the post Xc at Maupin, Oregon, under the Act of Marc S. 1879. All the processes of production, distribution and business in general would immediately be thrown intu chaos if the intsitution of insurance became suddenly nonexistent. Mora Beef To Portland Mark Stuart returned from a trip to Portland Monday night, he having taken a couple of carloads of cattle to the stockyards there. The cattle were procured at Gateway and con si. ted of one car of heifers and one of cows. Down From Smock. Henry Kramer was down from Smock yesterday. In speaking of the condition of the roads Henry in- . aisted that the only way a traveler has of telling where the roads are is to watch the fences on each side. ! of the road. ! Will Remodel Residence F. D. Stuart Stuart has completed arrangements for changes to his Maupin residence. Among other things he proposes to have done is the placing of new underpinning un der the house and the construction of a basement. Stovall's Cascara Tablets for con stipation. 25 cents at the Maupin Drug Store. PARLOR 1L ifrs Cascade Blend Coffee 51b s ....... $1.90 Parlor Blend Coffee, 51bs $2.15 Golden West Coffee, 5Ibs.. $2.65 Ghiardellis Chocolate, Sib tin $1.00 Tea, Green and Black, per lb.... 40c Elbo Macaroni, 13 lbs.... $1.00 Fancy Head Rice 13 lbs......... $1.00 Small White and Red Mexican beans, 13 lbs $1.00 Bulls Eye Peas, Extra Standard, per case $2.95 Tender Sweet Corn per case $2.95 Festival Golden Corn, per case $4.00 Waldorf String Beans, per case $3.35 Happyvale Alaska Salmon, per doz $1.95 Merrimac Salmon, per doz $3.25 Waldorf Apples, No. 10 tin ...50c Brookdale Pears, No. 10. tins 50c Blackberries, No.' 10 tin ..60c Brookdale Peaches. No. 10 tin 60c Silverdale Catsup., No. 10 tin 60c Libby Milk, large tins, per case, $4.75 Sperry White Down Flour, per bbl $7.23 White River Flour, per bbl $8.00 Best Grade Dane Sugar, per cwt $6.29 The cut below symbolizes the greatest Health Foods in the World, for which we are agents, carrying a full line of all kinds. Wfi?d. a tig VMM t4j mm v i .BATTLE ar lor Grocery 1 110 East Second Street. Went To Portland Mrs. R. E. Wilson left for Tort land Tuesday morning, going down for a visit with her daughter, Jean, and with other relatives, Mr. Wilson took her as far as The Dalles. Old-Timer Returns- A. S. Creightou, an old-time car outer of Maupin, but who for several years ha; been living at Portland, re turned to this city Monday and will work with Job Crabtree the coming season. Mr. Creighton's family will join him later. Passenger Agent Calls E. H. McAllen, traveling passenger and freight agent on thb branch of the 0. W. railway, was a welcome caller at The Times office Tuesday morning. Mr. McAUtn had been at The Dalles and stopped off here while on his way to Bend. Two Night Without Frost Since the lait chinook came nights have been rather frosty. Sunday and Monday nights, however, passed by without the usual white covering showing the following mornings. PAPER HANGING Those Maupin people who are con templating papering their homes this spring are notified that Wilson Paint Co., formerly Wilson & Miller, are at hand and are ready to do all such work. If you leave your orders at The Timer office they will have immediate attention. Little Girl Injures Ankle One day last week Irene Woodcock was engaged in play with a small companion and in jumping from a sidewalk sprained her left ankle. It was thought for a time that one of the ligaments of the ankle had been torn loose, but now Irene, although walking rather lamely, seems to be well on the road to recovery. PROCES i ftV&AWK: tmxm mmm CREEK A The Dalles, Oregon Visiting in Salem L. C. llenneghan and wife went to Salem hist week for the purpose of visiting with .Mrs. llennoghan'a mother and sister, Mrs. Mike Van Lnuneu. They got ahead of the snow : tonn,f but encountered quite n buneh'cf rain. Oh, How It Snowed Those people who thought we had seen the last snow of the season were previously disappointed last Friday when flakcj the sine of half dollars began to fall. The storm continued nearly all night and when it finally did let i:p several inches of the beautiful lay upon the ground. Our Pine Grove correspondent reported four inches on Wapinitia Plains and six inches at Tine Grove. Thanks For the Oranges Dan Gibbs h;u a son, Andrew Gibbs, who is working in an orange packing house at Corona, California. Last week Andrew set his father a nice box of some of the finest oranges that came to the packing house. As Dan is baching and really does not care for oranges, he handed the Times man a fair portion of the fruit in the box. The Times family are pnrticuarly partial to oranges and greatly appreciated Dan's gift. Repairing Harness Dan Gibbs has his shop full of harness and is busy as a mink repair ing :.ame. Recently Dan scoured several r?ts of six-horse lincV and has disposed of all of them to ranchers of this part. If my of our ranchers have harness or horse collars in need of attention, brinr them in to Dan and he will soon hav tlem a; good -s ne-.v. Mrs. Beckwith at Home. Wm. Beckwith went to The Dalles last Wednesday and when he re turned was accompanied by his wife, who had been in a hospital at the county seat for a couple of weeks While at the hospital, Mr:. Beck with was operated upon, that being found necessaary to correct an ail ment arising from a former afflic tion. Church Being Wired. J. W. Temple was busy a day or so this week wiring the Catholic church for electric lights. This im provement ha , long been needed by that congrecation and now the mem bers may hold night services with other than the old-fashioned oil lamps. Greene Fully Recovered. Morris Greene, who has been con fined to the house, and part of the time for the past three weeks in ted with an attack of ereysipelas, came down town yt3terday. Morrir. says his recant nmes3 was tne iirsi he has had in the past 26 years. Visited in Portland Earl Cunningham and wife went to Portland the first of the week and 'spent a few days there, transacting business and vLiting with friend School Board Entertains. The evening of Washington's Birthday will long be remembered by the teachers ' of Maupin who were in attendance at a party in honor by the members of the school j board, at the home of Mrs. II. F. Bothwell. Cards were the diver sion of the evening and were follow- SPRING At Shady - ON -MUSIC M This will be the opening dance of the season at Shady Brook and as the dances given there are al- s waays pleasing affairs, this one will not be different. Load up the family fliver and bring all the folks to jj Shady Brook on the above date and pass an evening E of unalloyed pleasure. ed by mo. t delightful refreshments. After this part of the program those who were musically inclined render ed songs and piano duets. Si.bbed For Richmond Rev. Everett Haien was substitute for the Richmond recently, he tak ing the job of dispensing motor pow er liquid 'and oita during the absence from the station of the proprietors. Directors Hold Meeting W. E. Hunt. Dr. L S. Stovall, Jess Fleming and J. S. Brown, directors of the Maupin State Bank, held a meeting lust week. Dee Woodside, member of tho Security examining board, was absent. Made Final Proof. James P. Abbott made final proof on his additional homestead j last Friday, proof being made be- j fore F. D. Stuart, U. S. commis sioner. Witnesses were Arthur L. 1 Pechette, Thomas Kienile, A. R. Wilcox and Frank McCoy, all of j Wapinitia. Temple Again Winner. Je.s Temple again came out high man at the solo tournament at the Rainbow 'Tuesday evening, ho hav ing a total of 835 beans to the good at the close of the games. Joe Hig gles, is the consistent winner of the ; booby prize, he being 325 points be i hind rchedulo, and received a can !of Tuxedo smoking tobacco as a token of his proficiency. Working at The Dalles. While at. The Dalles on Tuesday I The Times man was agreeably sur prised to tee the finiiliar face of IJack Morrow behind the counter at the Parlor Grocery of that place. Jack is a fine clerk, knows the gro cery game and no doubt will prove a valuable acquisition to the clerk force of that popular store. Erin's Day March 17. Saturday, March 17, is the one day set apart by all true Irishmen on which to commenmmorate the birth of the-patron saint of that country St. Patrick. Maupin peo ple of that nationality will not be behind those of other places in such observance, and to fittingly cele brate the event the Altar society of th local Catholic church have arrang ed to hold a dance and sunner at the Legon hall. Kemembor the date and arrange to attend, as the function promises to be one of the outstanding affairs of the season. He Reads The Adds A Chinese boy was asked to ex plain the difference between the pictures on a couple of signboards, one featuring Bull Durham, the other Carnation milk. "See," he told his young friends, "in America there are the She Cow and there are the He Cow, the She Cow, she give milk, and the He Cow he gives tobacco." Tarnished nickel cleans and polishes easily if rubbed with a paste of powdered pumice-stone and sweet or paraffine oil. Selected celery tops make a very ornamental garnish and the tender tips are delicious in salad. An apple or piece of bread in the cake box will prevent cake from dry ing. OPENING Brook Hall J - arch 3rd BY- dour Four i savin W m . . . J a no as an Investment Thoughtful placing of your funds in this bank means investment in something concrete, converts inactive savings into active investment, idle cash into new earning power. Then when a crash comes you are insured against a drain on your income. Come in and let us tell you about our saving plan. -x- Maupin State Bank (INCORPORATED) Tha Cow, Tha Pig and The Hen The Wa hington Grange News says that Cowlitz county has adopted the slogan "5,000 cows and 1,000,000 hens by IDoO" and that it i a good slogan or any firming country, with the further suggestion that it could be improved by adding at least 10, 000 hogs. Dairy cow;, poultry uud swine have saved thousands of farms end the logan adopted in Idaho h "The Cow, The Pig and the Hen," and every farm that has those in quantity and is giving them the proper care is "getting, by" while thousands of "one-crop" fumu are going behind each year. ELEVEN YEARS AGO From Tho Times March 2, 1917 Farlow brothers, shipped 'j' fat hogj from Wumic to the Portland market last Thursday. o Cattle growers held a meeting at Wamic last week to make plans for turning cattle into tho reservation. A. J. Coruoy's car went off the second brdgo from the top of IJake oven grade last Friday night. Tho car skidded and Mr. Conroy was unable to straighten it out before going over. Neither Mr. Conroy or his wife, who were the only oc cupants of the car, were injured. o John Foley returned from San Franelco, coming alone,, his wed ding having been postponed a year because of the death of his intend ed's sister. o Fourteen inches of mow fell at Wapinitia Saturday making the spring a thing of the past. Chester Paehette returned to his home at Wapinitia lust Friday after spending eight months on the Mexi can border. He was a member of Battery A, Oregon Artillery. The Hotel Kelly was formally opened to the public lust Friday evening. Mr. Kelly and wife hav ing invited a number of friend:) to the function. A fine banquet was spread and all enjoyed the evening in great shape. The patrons of the Criterion school have voted to erect a wind mill aand construct a concrete res ervoir at the school house. ' Some one slipped and fell thru one of the large windows of the Hotel Maupin during the ttorm Friday night. o Mr. Moore, who has been acting as agent at Sherars Bridge, has been transferred to Kennewick, a Mr. Buchanan taking his pluce at the bridge. CLASSIFIED LOCALS FOR SALE OR RENT Four-room bungalow, located on Grant street, HAVE BT DONE We mean that now is the time to have your Automobile Overhauled This is the place to bring it. We have the largest and best equipped machine shop in Wasco county. EAD ja QALLOWAY SUM fcuu '.. Ultnk pwi no Muupin. Cull Geo. Cunningham, phone 6-F-18. lfl-tf FOR SALE One Fordson tractor in fine condition. J. G, Kramer. Phone UF888 10-t4 SPRING SEED RYE FOR SALE -Those desiring seed rye for spring sowing call at the Hunts Ferry Warehouse. lOtf HORSES FOR SALE Ten head of broke horses for sale. Weight froml300 to 1500 pound. Phone VVi, D. B. Appling. 16-tf CREAM SEPARATOR Used but In A-l condition, 600 pound capacity, $27.60. Reason for selling, too smull for present user. Call or phone Shattuck Bros., Maupin, tf NOTICE TO CREDITORS Tho undersigned having been ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Wanco County, executor of the will and estate of Matthew O'Conaer, deceused, notice la hereby given to all persons having claims ogulnst snid deceased to prenent them, veri fied as required by law, six months after this notice to Gavin & Gavin, nt The Dalles, Oregon. James O'Conncr Executor of the will and estate of Matthew O'Connor, deceased. (10-ml5 U)c Dalles Floral Co. FOR ALL OCCASIONS When you desire Flower for a party, wadding, funeral or any other purpose, phone 710, Tha Dalles, or leave your order at The Maupin Times effice and your order will be delivered on the naxt mail or stag. BULBS NOW IN BLOOM ZELL'S FUNERAL SERVICE .Undertaking and Embalming AMBULANCE SERVICE Call Maupin Drug Store Phon.345 WhiteRestaurant Where the best 35 cent meal is served in , The Dalles Next The Dalles Creamery C. N. Sargent, - Prop. TIm Dallas, Onti PUm S83-J