tnt itxvm times v They're Coming to Maupin, and When They Arrive Something '11 Drop!" Who is this Bill Talking About? Why ' Jlinioge Dr-eadlM wm Who are coming at the behest of the Ladies Auxil iary and who will introduce them to Maupin people Friday, March 2 AT LEGION HALL, PAUPIM CAST. OF CHARACTERS- Josiah Brown (a deacon of our church) Deacon Whitbcck (of the game church) Sheriff O'Brien (one of the boys) ..... ...... Lester McCorkle ........ Floyd Kelly .... Ernest Confer Lynx (the detective, always on deck) Raymond Crabtree Johnny Brown (one of. the, twins) v Howard Nye Rastus (out of a job) Earl Crabtree Mrs. Josephine Brown (looking out for No. 1) Agnes Crabtree Josephine Brown Clifford (Josiah's daughter ;...t. Anna Kelly jBecky Green (an energetic member of our church ........ Ella Nye Fanny Brown (another one oMhe twins) Daphine Confer DNCE AFTER SHOW SUPPER SHOW TICKETS Adults 50 Cents , - Children 25 Cents ! i i i i I i i i i 25 Cents 1 Moved lata New Shop Mcwtr Temple and Ilaillke are now doijig work in ti.eir enlarged r-uto shop, having moved the ma chinery thereto the lnxt of lat wwk. They now have the largest auto shop in Maupin and art better than ever prepared to take care of all work in their line. They intend to add sev eral piece of machinery to the equipment, and thb will be done be fore spring i full upon us. . Legion Danes Saturday Don't forget the dance at Legion hall on Saturday night of thia week. The stage has been rearranged and the floor placed in better condition than ever, while the Troubadour Four have been rehearsing some new music for the occasion. Everyone knows the Legion- dances are pleasurable affairs and the coming one promises to be one of the best of the season Sappr Well Attended ' The chiekefi supper, given by the Ladies Aid at the Rainbow restau rant last evening was well attended by those to whom ehicken is a de lectable dish. Besides the chicken the tables contained many fine des serts, naiads and other delicacies, all of which met the- approval of the crowd. Old Timer Calls John V. Martin, at one time a prominent rancher on Juniper Flat, now living on a ranch near Boyd, 1 wa, a caller in Maupin last Saturday. Mr. Martin tin! wifi cnVnp nvpr tn ntu sitit their son, Percy, in getting set tled on their old ranch, now owned by Lester Kelly, and while here call ed on many old friends. Personalities:- The Stovall family were dinner guests at Hotel Kelly on Sunday lust. ' E. 0. Martin ' was down from Gateway on a bu: Iness trip on Mon- day. ' : ' Mose Webb, the snge of Tygh Val ley, was in Maupin Monday on bu 1 nessv , ' . ,. F. C.Butlur viuted. a day or two in Portland the, latter part of lust week, ' " ' ., ' '. ! ' J. S. Brown and wife were In Mnu pn Saturday for their weekly shop ping visit. n -o ; , W. Hunt took time out" of his farm, 'work and camo down Uty town Moiday, . ' " Wi B.' Sloan Jand wife were in MdTpln from the Mays ranch, Tygh Valley, last Sunday ' K j . t. ' uuo iierrung camu uuwn irum Criterion Mondny and transacted business .with Maupin merchants. "" ' " o ' , ' , f Theodore Radtke spent the" week end at Portland, going down on busi ness connected with the Maupin gar age. ' V- ' ':'""":'f --'.'. '.. ' ; Js8 Bleakney, formerly a sheep man, of this section, now living at Redmond, was in Maupin last Sun day. ,;.;.v; .' V-.' . '; t ' "..' ''" ' V 0 " .' John FitzpatricV was" V: Maupin .vldtor .Monday. He reports that in dications are for abumpcr lamb this ye". '. :,. -'-.h:; : Ed. Bothwell camo to Maupin on his regular semi-annual visit Mon day, coming down from the Juniper Flat ranch. Frank McCorkle camo over from Dufur Tuesday and while here at tended to matters connected with , his cottages in Maupin. ! Miss Ruby Powell returned from Portland Saturday. Ruby has been : employed In the 1 big Montgomery I Ward store and says that. Muupln is . more homelike. Bob Wilson, Dr. Stovall and II. R. Kaiser took the basketball team to The Dallci last Friday nighty do nating the use of their autos for the trip. lack Donaldsoname home from The Dalles last week, he having been there with his wife, who is re covering from an attack of pneu monia at The Dalles hospital. Ben fraley was in Portland : a couple of days the latter part of last week. On his, return he stopped at The Dulles and called on Mrs. Jack Donaldson at The Dulles hospital, finding that lady well on the way to w-ewvery. Newt Morria eame down from Millican Monday and while here took care of business interests. Newt is running a large number of sheep in the Millican section and says he will realize a big increa: e in the size of his flocks this season. - Oliver, Resh and wife and 0. J. Williams and wife took . a ride around the highway circle Sunday. They left via Bakeoven grade, thenoe to the Sherman and Columbia high ways to The Dalles, and came home over the Dalles California highway. t'his week and while here registered at Hotel Kelly. Johnny Williams has about com pleted one cabin and is at work a second one, the two being part of six new ones be will put up this spring. ' ' ( v -'t Emil Hackler was in East Maupin Thursday last while on his way home to the Flat from Portland, where he had been on business connected with his theep ranch. ' Lester Crabtree is registered at Hotel Kelly as coming from Tia Jauna, Mexico. Lester went couth curly in the winter to get away from the cold and blow of Eastern Ore gon. Three state highway trucks were here Monday, they being in charge of J. C. Shannon, Bob Painter and W. J. McGee. They were on their way to Redmond for work on the highway and came from Salem. EAST MAUPIN NEWS j. H. McMillan' came down from Connollys sheep ranch Monday. John is making arrangements to leave for Millican, where he will work in lamb ing for Newt Morris and may take J a band of sheep to the mountains for Morris. . . '-. i . -." Rented Kelly Ranch Percy Martin has leased the L. D. Kelly ranch on the highway and has moved thereto. Percy has been at Gateway for tome time", but the lure of Juniper Flat was too strong to re main away, hence his return. Shipped Two Cart Hog Leonard Weberg and O. ters, with other Flat hog shipped a couple carloads hogs to the Portland stockyards last Saturday night. Mr. Walters ac companied the shipment to Portland. S. Wal growers, of fat Stuart Took Hogs Down Mark Stuart went to Portland late la t week with a carload of fat hogs, which he gathered up around Red mond. Pork prices are looking up from what they have been for sev eral weeks past and Mark took ad vantage of the rise to get his porkers to market. Library Hoars Correction- We were misinformed last week regarding library hours in that we made mention of change from Mon days to Fridays. ' The only change made was that of closing Monday evenings and opening instead on Fri days from 3 to 5 p. m. The hours of opening will be the same as usual. The library received 46 new books Monday, and it is the intention to :e cure new reading matter as often as possible hereafter. 0 o o c o o p o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o PICKED UP ABOUT TOWN o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Je s Temple felt the urge of spring on his pitching arm Sunday. He lolled up his sleeves and proceeded to "shoot 'em ever" for some of the boys who have a predeliction for baseball. But, oh! how that arm did hurt the next day. Billy Heckman tried his -hand at pruning one day last week. He said he did not' know much about that work, but in feted that he got a big bunch of brush from the trees as a result of his labors with the pruning shears. "joe Kramer says that if all those who raid they wanted one of the new Ford cars would place their eiders now, the Ford factory would be com pelled to put on extra hands to tne orders out this season. Johnny Williams has already just about completed one of the contem plated six new auto park cabins. Tha weather the past few days gave him the needed impetus to get busy, and be improved the time as stated. x- , oen iticnaro on entertained a company of young people at his Pine Grove hall last Saturday night. Ben says that while bis hall is not as large a some others, ttill the fun and good times had therein compensate for lack of room,. He proposes to pull off other entertainments there as the weather becomes more favorable. New Hedin b one of the most am bitious men in this section. Wrhile in town one day last week he busted himself in clearing his lot from 1 stones, placing them in an old excava-1 tion, thus making a good draining place for, waste water from the bou;e. Dick Johnson is baching while his wife ia at Portland taking treatment Dick says he can bake griddle cakes all right and open a can of jam, but when it comes to preparing- a real meal, well then he comes down to Ben Fraley's and puts his feet under one of the restaurant tables. Dave Donaldson, while on the riv er last week, observed myrids of small fish heaving out of the water. They seemed to be headed for Bake oven, where the water was clearer, but our lucky fkherman was unable to determine the species of the fish; says they appeared to be about the size and color of smelt - ' Much speculation is being indulged in around town concerning the box nig match between 'Spin" McClasky of The Dalles and "Shorty" Behnke of Tygh Valley. Both boys have a following and it is expected boost ers for each will be at the ringside to "holler" for their favorites. The smoker promises to be a hummer and many from this tection will be at Tygh Valley tomorrow night. ELEVEN YEARS AGO E. A. Mayhew was. struck by Joe Ruggles car last Saturday. He had alighted from Joe Chastian's autc just as Ruggles drove up, but had presence of mind to jump on the running board and was thrown over, it to the ground. He walked with a cane several days after the coition. A lister of Mrs. Nora Philmafee, and Mrs. W. D. Roberts died at her home at Wakeeney, Kansas, on the 21st She was preparing to come to Oregon when heart failure over came her. John Foley and his young bride, formerly Misa Kate Murphy, are ex pected home from San Francisco in a day or two. They were married in the California metropolis recently and upon reaching Maupin will be at home in a neat cottage which 'Mr. Foley had prepared for his bride. John Anderson, teacher of the Hungry Ridge school, contemplates a trip to the Sandwich Islands when school here is over. He has received a good offer as teacher in that part of the world. ; Noah Flinn and wife went to Portland the first of the week. While there Noah will take up the matter of a broken Jeg, sustained 19 months ago, with he State Industrial Ac cident department. . Johnny Williams was splitting wood one day last week. In some unaccountable manner the axe de scended on John's thumb, almost severing the member from the hand. Anyone living west of the Des chutes Tiver an d south of Tygh is invited to become a member of the White River Federal Farm Loan as sociation, so says W. H. Mayfield, living on Route No. 1. Mrs. Donaldson Improving. Word from The Dalles relative to the condition of Mr:. John Donald- rson, who nas Decn Buiiering wnn pneumonia for some time, is to the effect that the lady is making rapid recovery. Mrs. Donaldson has been very ill and there havev been times when "hr life was de: paired of. That she is making a headway toward health is welcome news to all hep friends. . Registered In Portland ,An Hern in Friday's Oregonian told of Jim Woodcock and wife be ing registered at the Seward hotel in ' that city Thursday night. Jim went to the big town on business con nected with his interests - here, his wiaccompaifcang him. ';: Qfte Dulles Floral Co. FOR ALL OCCASIONS When you desire Flowers for a party, wedding, funeral or any other purpose, phone 710, The Dalles, or leave your order at The Maupin Times office and your order will be delivered on the Best mail or stage. " BULBS NOW IN BLOOM James Baxter , and E. Herman from Antelope were in East Maupin Saturday. ; --0 : Bob Fortune has returned from a visit with a cousin at Vancouver, Washington. , '., ' ' . 0 ' Arthur Philmaleo came over from The Dalles and is visiting with his cousin,, Marion Lister. Cliff Miller wai in East Maupin a short time Monday. Cliff Jias been ! wintering at The Dalles, , .. , , George Richardson has enlisted as section hand and la at work on the 0. W. road in East Maupin. : v .",'.'.' ; o ' Lester vCrofo0 returned "to his work at Two Springs after visiting a short time at the,Tunison ranch on Bakeoven. ' ( ' V , Fred. Miller and D, Falkenhngen, members of the Shaniko road crew, were working on the Criterion hill Scraped Sixth Street 1 Richmonds evidently grew jweary of tramping in the mud from, the ser vice station to their residence. On Monday Everett Richmond hitched up one of the big trucks and with a scraper in tow proceeded to lever the earth the length of a couple of blocks on thfft thoroughfare, making it like the highway. . Visited At Webergs v - Mrs. Leonard Weberg and little daughter were guests at the O. P. Weberg home in Maupin Levaral days last week. She returnd to her Juni or Flat home Sunday, eing taken up by Urandpa and uranama weDerg. Prof. Nagel III - ' - Trot. Nagel was taken with a se vere cold last Thursday and was com- reile.i to forego teaching froM that dny.VTitil this week. He laid off oh Monday," and :ay! ho was preparing t'B,h, off fto, nttatkiOf pneumonia, but the ailment failed to materialize. At that he was a very stfk man. Here From Fossil . ., Gordon Metteer, his brother, Carl and Emery Davis drove over from Fossil Tuesday and spent a day or! two at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Temple, they being father and mother of Gordon'o wife, - ' Confer Spotted Shi John Confer and wife were at the Fitzpatrick sheep ranch up the river several days last week. While there John assisted in marking a band of ewes for the Fitzpatricks, and pro phesies, a bumper lamb crop in that flock this season, . Kelly Beat The Flu Lester Kelly allowed himself a lit tle out side air Saturday, that being the first time he was out of the house last week. - Let ter had been fighting an attack of flu and at this writing says the ailment was almost too strong for him, ,but is improving. REDUCED PRICES ON , Winter Overhauling will continue through the month of FEBRUARY We are now also prepared to do all kinds of ACETYLENE .WELD-' ING. No job too small and none too large. We will give contract prices on all work we do, if you desire it. Our Motto: Honesty and Square Dealing With All. fflAllPlN GARAGE RADTKE & TEMPLE, Managers ALL WORK GUARANTED 0. P. RESH MARK STUART Kreso Dip, standardized strength. All sizes. 40 cents and 75 cents at the Maupin Drug Store. r.lAliPIN'S LEADING M n ft. Mar,