TllE MAUPIN' TIMES" ! -.'Personalities: Hurry T. Lewis wui In from Wapinltia ranch yestcrduy. hli J. II. Woodcock uml wife mndo a luMlni'itu trip to Madras yesterday. o A, Lincoln Hurtmnn wu in from Wapinltia Wcdnosduy after a load of freight. o Truffle Afc-cnt Wright of the 0. T. wan In Maupin on company bual ncss Tuesday. Wlllii Norvul accompanied Clyde T. Bonnoy from Tygh to Maupin on Tueduy afternoon. Clyde T. Bonney was over from Tygh Valley on buiineni with The Timet office Tuesday. Jack Morrow waa In from White River Monday after a list of jrro cedes with which to chase the wolf from the door. o Cus Dcrthlck and family .pent hint Sunday with Mr. Dcrthick'e parent, Mr. and Mm. C. L. Lofton, at Tyifh Valley. Mr;:. Goo. Gill came over from Pufur lust Sunday and when the re turned hud her mother, Mre. W. II. Btaats with her. Ivan Scheer and Guy Brittain vi ere In town from Tygh Valley Monday coming over to aee about having a truck repaired. "Bill" Cott and wife and their duughter, Mm. Fred Miller, were ov er from Shaniko and stopped in Maupin a short time on Monday. Dr. Short returned from a trip to Portland Tuesday afternoon, he hav lug gone to the big city to order a complete dental office equipment Howard Crawford and wife were Maupin from Wamic on Monday, ihey coming over for the purpore of taking advantage of the Shattuck sale. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Pugh return ed to their home at Tygh Ridge last S&turday they having fpent the week with their James Chalmers. , daughter, Mrs. Curl Prutt and wife and his sister, and futher, Mrs. B. W. Welch and C. F. Pratt, attended the funeral of Mrs. Pratt's mother, Mrs. Savage, at Wamic ye:,terday. EAST MAUPIN NEWS Joe Hamilton of Waplnitia was regii tered at Hotel Kelly lunt Thursday. Curl Head from in East Maupin a day. White River was ; hort time Mon- Johnny Williams will begin work on his new cabins just as soon as the snow goea off. Henry Cramer, the cigar man of The Dalles, called .on East Maupin customers on Thursday last John McMillan has gone to the Farghers', where he will take the (lace of Herder Murphy who is ill, for a short time. the home of his ncice, Mrs. Jo&a Williams, this week. George hw been at Pine Grove the past few months. o Rev, Everett Hazen has wrested the regained checker championship from "Dud" Coale, proving that championships are made only to be taken away. "Stub" Ll.ter has been working out with some our best boxers lately, getting into condition for the smoker to be pulled off at the Legion hall on February 3. Rev. S. S. Turley and wife, evan geliKts who are conducting a series of revival meetings at the Maupin 'church, are gue U at Hotel Kelly, having arrived Monday. The Altar society of the Catholic church entertained the choir mem bers and their families at a compli mentary dinner at Hotel Kelly Sun day. Plates were laid for 24 persons. George Richardson if visiting at Who Are You? We have received a couple pieces of what i supposed to 1 COME ON, PEOPLE! KEEP A COMING! We've Only Just Started! Greatest of All Wonderful Bargain Days Await You! Shattuck Bros. ENTIRE Stock On Sale for the First Time AT STORE-WIDE REDUCTIONS! A STUPENDOUS EVENT, right at the peak of the season, A sale such as Maupin has never seen before. An event so im mense that every family and person about Maupin and vicinity will find it more than worth their while to visit this store and buy while this gigantic store-wide sale offers them such an unprecedent opportunities to make HUGE SAVINGS. poetry and have been asked to pub lish them. Neither piece was accom panied by the name of the writer, therefore, following a rule establish ed by all newspapers, we must re frain from printing until we are ad vised who sent them to us. Don't be afraid to let us know your names; we will not publiuh them if you do not care to have us do so, but we must know who you are before we can give room to your effusions. Not Intentional. In our writeup of the Freshman play last week we inadvertantly omitted mention of the work of Glenn Alexander, who essayed the part of "Ben Craige," a young lover, who sought to imooth out the dilem ma of the promoter of Romeo. ' That young man carried himself like a veteran and added greatly to the con tinuity and happy ending of the story. We wrote according to our memory of the cut, and failed to recall the fine work of Glenn. Driving State Track. Earl Crabtree has succeeded Gus Derthick as driver of the state road truck. Earl is a good man and Fore man Addington is to be congratula ted on being able to secure his ser-ices. Important Wheat Shipping Point The little town of Condon, 40 mile3 south from the Columbia river n Gilliam county, claims to be one of the largest primary shipping points for wheat in the world. Dur ing the current shipping season 760 carloads, embracoing 1,070,000 bushels, went from there and about 600,000 bushels are still in storage, while considerable grain is yet to be hauled in from tributary farms. 7 is-'i SAT. PACKAGE SALE Many patrons 've been pleased with our Saturday package saU and on Saturday, tbe 28th, we will offar bigger and better packages, guaranteed values from all over the home, at 25c ELECTRICAL Have you electricity in your home? Do these price appeal to you? Electrie Percolators $2.95 Electric Heater $2.69 Electric Iron $3.90 Electrie Waffle Iron $6 37 Table Stove $1.69 PRESSURF COOKERS Wet Bend Heavy Aluminum Double Bottom Waterlessfprea ure) Cooker in 6-, 8-, and 10 quart ize, priced $5.50, $6.00 and $7.00, now 6-qt. $3.75, 8-10-qt $3.90 ALUMINUM PRESERVING KETTLES Heavy Aluminum Preserving Kettle in 16- and 20-quart sixes, complete with aluminum lid, In "Wearever" and "Groat Northern" quality, your last chance to buy at - $2.95 GROCERIES Many new specials have been added in our Grocery depart ment. INVESTIGATE! RANGES One only Bridge & Beach Full Cast Range, enameled front, ilighthly used. This originally told for $100, can be had for $55.00 ALUMINUM WARE Your choice of many fine uten sils still remaining on this table Value to $1.50, O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O 0 0 O o PICKED UP ABOUT TOWN o O O O 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 O Saturday's Big Special $100 Baking Dishes 25c! Saturday, January 25th. we will sell In MM., ing $2.00 or over in any department, except groceries, GLASS HEATPROOF BAKING DISHES and PIE PLATES, regular price $1.00, for LIMIT ONE TO A CUSTOMER Lowered Shoe Prices HIGH-TOP SHOES Men. Full High Top Shoes, Moccassin and Cap Toe, heavy ole, Peters' "Diamond Brand." Our regular price, $8.50 to $9.00, price (mashed to $6.95 WATERPOOF HIGHTOPS Men's 16-inch Buckingham & Hecht "Apache." full double ole, moccasin toe, a splendid value at $9.00 wo'll tell you a pair for $7.95 ROUNDUP BOOTS Buckingham A Hecht, IH-in heel. Cordovan fancy stitched Cowboy Boots, just the thing for you men who ride. A $12.. 50 to $15.00 value, for $7.95 BOYS' HIGH-TOP SHOES Sties 2!i to 5's Boys' 12-inch buckle top moccasin toe weath er proof shoes, just right for this kind of weather. Regu larl $5.00, now $3.95 LADIES' SHOES Ladies' Oxfords and Straps, patent, kid and chrome leath ers. All our new late numbers, priced regularly from $3.50 to $6.50; during this tale at $2.75 to $3.95 INFANTS' SHOES Sixe O to 5's. A rather large assortment , of infants' shoes of the better grades, reg ularly priced at $1.00 to $1.50, now sold at 69c IN THE MEN'S SECTION MEN'S DRESS TROUSERS II MEN'S HATS "Mayfield" brand guaran ted all wool trousers in a var iety of late fancy weave and patterns) new fall colors very reasonably priced at $5.50, now $3.67 MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS A big lot of Men' Fancy Mer cerised, Rayon Silk and French Flannel Shirt, to close out at price from 75c to $2.75 MEN'S SPORT HOSE Men, don't pas up our offer ing in fancy hose Rayon Silk and Cashmere, formerly priced from 75c to $1.50, now on sale at 49c Genuine Nutria (fur) Felt hat in plain and fancy bands, in cluding some velours, $4.50 to $5.50 regularly anywhere, but priced at our Store-Wide tale $3.00 DRESS GOODS "Sun-Tub" and "Indian Head" guaranteed fast color fabrics. Just the thing for early spring wear. Alway quoted near 50c, durjng our sale 39c SOISETTE Plain and Figured Soisette. This fabric it absolutely fast and makes up beautifully. It is priced regularly at 50c, it a real buy at 35c CORSETS We offer, you a clote-out on Cortett, such standard makes as "Warner" and "LaRose." Many numbers at $3.50 re duced to 95c It is reported that a prominent young sheepman of this section re- tntly came to town and procured a gallon of the stuf prohibited by the Volstad law. It waa during the re cent cold snap and when he got to his home and took hold of the Jug it came to pieces, the contents hav ing been frozen. It is possible the high proof of the staff was too much for the jug, and again it might Ire the manufacturer placed too gener ous a quantity oi aqua vitae in tne jug and it was overcome by the cold weather. x John Confer is enjoying(T) all the bleasings of bachelorhood there days, his wife being the presiding genius over the range at the Rainbow res taurant Monday morning John came down town prepared to sit In at a game of penuchle. He was rest ing in the restaurant when his better half reminded him that a pile of dishes required his attention at heme. Like a dutiful help-mate John ambled home and spent the better part of the forenoon "righting up' the sank and kitchen. To make things easier for his wile Lew Henneghan bought an electric washing machine. Being new the ad junct to the laundry hesitated to start. In order to make it turn Lew assisted the motor by applying a pipe wTench to the drive shaft, dl com bobolating a small connection. That was replaced and when Mrs. Henne ghan attempted to start the machine the pump started to work overtime. Instead of throwing a steady stream the pump blew out the governing plug and the water soon formed on the porch floor. That part was re placed and now Lew thinks his wife has become reconciled to the power laundry assistant.. x Parents have a right to know what is transpiring in our schools. We endeavor to get the news of school activities each week and publish them for the edification of those parents who have children in school. It is up to the teachers to supply the news. Prof. Nagel has religiously attended to that end of the matter, but he must have the cooperation of the other teachers. When a week is missed the parents are not informed what is going on at school. We ask that all teachers, if they care to have the activities of their departments published, supply such to Mr. Nagel to the end that due publicity may be given in The Time 'X That box social scheduled by the 'Maupin Community club promises something out of the ordinary. Each member of the club is out to outdo the others in the beauty of the boxes and the tempting contents thereof. It is likely that F. C. Butler and N. G. Hedin will be on hand and use their persuasive powers as auction eers and those who attend and do not buy a box will indeed be beyond the blandishments of those well known "criers." The social will oe held at Legion hall on Friday night, January 27, and all are expected to be there. x Several men of Maupin have already sent in their names as mem bers of the Community club, and several more are ready to become members if properly approached. The ladies need the assistance of every man in Maupin and by the men joining with them they will be able to do more good than if they were working alone. Membership fees are but 50 cents a year, so, you husxy males, dig up and thus help in a good cause. FINE GINGHAMS "Gilbrae," "Kalbournio" and Zephyr ginghams in some beau tiful plaidt. Regular 50c to 75c values 29c CRETONNES Soon be time to think of dra peries. We offer you our line of 35c and 40c Cretonnes at 27c MEN'S CAPS About 5 doxen men's and boys' caps, mostly dark shades, regu larly sold at $1.25 to $2.50, you'll have to hurry if you want 'em at 98c POCKET KNIVES Three doxen $1.00 to $2.00 pocket knives, 'Arrow,' Stillet o," "Keen Kutter," "Chal lenge" and other brands, staff and fancy J handles, a real cut in cutlery, i Each 75c RAYON UNDERWEAR A splendid range of tixet and colort in Rayon Bloomers and Vests. Priced especially for this sale at 98c LINOLEUMS AND RUGS All prices greatly reduced on yard goods and rugs, in such standard makes as "Gold Seal" "Armstrong," "Quaker Felt," etc. We also show the new round corner "Sandvralac" rug with the lacquer finish, very hard and glossy. Two drop patterns in felt base Lino leum at, per yard 39c ' SPECIAL OVERHAUL PRICES 'As this is the dull season of the year and we desire to keep our shop force busy, we have decided to of fer special inducements to car owners who want their cars overhauled and placed in shape for next year's use. Come In and let us tell you just what we will do the work for you. Remember our prices will be lower than those charged in the busy season. : O ACETYLENE WELDING BY AN EXPERT MAUPIN CARAGE RADTKE & TEMPLE, Managers .. ... o ALL WORK GUARANTED 1 IKI&T?UK mmm Maupin, Oregon SUTLERfi LJ)t 0. P. RESH MARK STUART MAL'PIN'S LEADING 1 M roeery ana it Msurkdt